Taglia gli alimenti ricchi di calorie e trasformati

Abbiamo una straordinaria capacità di individuare le sottili distinzioni nella densità calorica degli alimenti, ma solo all'interno della gamma naturale. Gli alimenti trasformati interferiscono con questa capacità, favorendo l'aumento di peso.

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A intuizione chiave che voglio sottolineare qui è il concetto di prodotti animali come l'ultimo alimento trasformato. Fondamentalmente, tutta la nutrizione cresce dalla terra: semi, luce solare e terreno. Ecco da dove provengono tutte le nostre vitamine, tutti i nostri minerali, tutte le proteine ​​(tutti gli amminoacidi essenziali). L'unico motivo per cui ci sono aminoacidi essenziali in una bistecca è perché la mucca li ha mangiati tutti dalle piante. Sono essenziali: non possiamo farli noi, e nemmeno gli animali possono farli. Devono mangiare le piante per ottenerle. Ma possiamo eliminare il middlemoo e ottenere nutrimento direttamente dalla Terra, e così facendo ottenere tutti i fitonutrienti e le fibre che si perdono quando le piante vengono trasformate attraverso gli animali. Anche i cibi spazzatura ultraelaborati possono avere ancora un po' di fibra rimasta, ma tutto è perso quando le piante vengono ultra-ultraprocessate attraverso gli animali. <br/>
Detto questo, c'è stato anche un grande salto in ciò che tradizionalmente si potrebbe pensare come alimenti trasformati, ed è il video a cui ci rivolgiamo dopo: Il ruolo degli alimenti trasformati Alimenti nell'epidemia di obesità (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-role-of-processed-foods-in-the-obesity-epidemic).

Ci stiamo facendo strada attraverso una serie sulla causa dell'epidemia di obesità. Finora, abbiamo esaminato l'esercizio (The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-role-of- diet-vs-exercise-in-the-obesity-epidemic)) e geni (The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic ( https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/the-role-of-genes-in-the-obesity-epidemic), The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest(http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-thrifty-gene-theory-survival-of-the-fattest)). Ma in realtà, è il cibo.

Se hai familiarità con il mio lavoro, sai che ti consiglio di mangiare una varietà di cibi vegetali integrali, il più vicino al modo in cui la natura intendeva. Lo catturo nella mia lista di controllo della dozzina quotidiana, che puoi scaricare gratuitamente qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen-challenge/) o scarica l'app gratuita su iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dr.-gregers -dozzina-giornaliera/id380?mt=8) e Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.nutritionfacts.dailydozen). Vedrai che c'è anche un'opzione per chi cerca di perdere peso: il mio nuovo 21 Ritocchi. Ma prima di controllarli, assicurati di leggere la scienza dietro la lista di controllo in How Not to Diet (https://nutritionfacts.org/ come-non-fare-dieta/). Ricevilo GRATIS presso la tua biblioteca pubblica locale (ma se scegli di acquistarlo, tieni presente che tutti i proventi di tutti i miei libri vanno in beneficenza.)

2022 Aggiornamento – Potrebbe interessarti il ​​mio nuovo video Cibo spazzatura ultra processato messo alla prova. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ultra-processed-junk-food-put-to-the-test/

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cut-the-calorie-rich-and-processed-foods e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di link a tutti i fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cut-the-calorie-rich-and-processed-foods. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “Taglia gli alimenti ricchi di calorie e trasformati”

  1. At this point it is lazy journalism to just be reporting cases and deaths. What does this tell us? Close to nothing. I can look this up myself so why should I come here to have you tell me this? How about have your reporters look into WHO is dieing and why they are dieing.

  2. took a break watching these – still eating his way – and ya – glad i am back – reminds me why I need to eat this way – scary food out there – ty sir.

  3. Not everyone is fat, though. I do not think everyone has 'fat food addiction'.

    Also wild game in general is 'lean meat' that is low calorie. Why would cavemen have factory farmed meat? 'Meat craving' is wrong. It is 'fatty meat craving' and modern.

  4. The other reason CRAP food is so attractive is that its 50/50 balance of fats/sugars matches that of human breast milk. Infants naturally crave that combination, and some of that craving persists throughout adulthood.

  5. Like the new format. I’ll buy copies of new book as usual to give away/donate to local library and women’s shelters to help those who really need it but truly can’t afford the book…esp now w/massive lineups at food banks. Many are just surviving and need practical reliable help now more then ever not special diets/acronyms marketed to sell brands, supplements, expensive health prgm etc. Buying Dr G’s goes to NFO and helps fund more free videos like this. Also donating my and spouse’s older smart phones to shelter for women/kids who need it and plan to coord w/friend/biz owner to donate coverage for few mths. Also giving $$ to local food banks/animal shelters. Just ideas for those who can do similar but I get it’s hard for many. Stay safe and well.🌱🙏

  6. If you’re familiar with my work, you know that I recommend eating a variety of whole plant foods, as close to the way nature intended. I capture this in my Daily Dozen Checklist, which you can download for free at https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen-challenge, or get the free app on iTunes and Android (Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen). You will see that there’s also an option for those looking to lose weight: my new 21 Tweaks. But before you go checking them off, be sure to read about the science behind the checklist in How Not to Diet. Get it for FREE at your local public library (but if you do choose to purchase it, note that all proceeds from all of my books go to charity.)

  7. Amazing science backed video, So agree over consumption of food is by far the biggest contributor to the obesity worldwide so much of tax payers money is spent on cardiovascular disease cancer and tumours and vascular dementia which is of 90% a food borne illness. And all the lives destroyed by eating poison and the death of unnecessary lives of animals for human gluttony.

  8. So our dna encoding for intellectual adaptation does not match our dna encoding for eating. It sounds like we are grossly out of ballance

  9. thank you, now your accent and tone clearer and I can understand you better and clearer as non-native speaker of English Language. Thank you again.

  10. Before WFPB became my way of life I might eat a salad twice a month. NOW I crave greens and will have some twice or more every single day. Love the new life and health!

  11. I couldn't agree more. It's by going back to a whole food diet that is helping to restore my health. Unfortunately eating this way is a challenge because eating this way is more expensive and I have to travel to farmer's markets and Amish markets to eat this way.

  12. NO! High calorie foods aren't necessarily the problem, it's high CARBS!
    E.g. Avocados are high calorie but still very healthy.

    So you can eat high calorie and still be healthy. Blame CARBS instead and especially sugar! Carb Rich Processed Foods.

    Follow the KETO diet!

  13. I'm 6'45, 165 pounds guy. My maintenance caloric intake is around 2500 kcal. I want to put on weight. How the hell do I consume 3000 kcal in healthy, time-efficient and cost-efficient way without calorie-rich food?

  14. Worth looking at last citation in context: "Six million years ago, human primate ancestors lived in the woods of Eastern Africa and their diet was comprised of leaves, roots, fruits, and nuts[14,15].The main macronu-trients consumed were carbohydrates having low glycemic index and individuals exerted high physical activity. The climate became dyer and colder and the forests in which our ancestors lived disappeared and were replaced by arid grassland. This change forced the human ancestors to move to the coastlines. The human diet changed to low carbohydrate,high-protein and became rich in micronutrients such as iron, retinol, zinc, vitamin B12, and unsaturated fatty acids from fish (with a balance of fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6,ratio 1 : 1), as hunted large predators became part of the diet. These new components of the diet provided enough fuel and building blocks to facilitate encephalization and the development of intellectual capacity.

    Complete article here: https://sci-hub.tw/10.1155/2015/179791

    I'm a vegan, but this supports a no junk-food meat-heavy paleo diet.

    Not a fan of the new format. Videos like Sal Khan's work for me: information; no distractinga talking head.

  15. Duh. We all want to do this. Thought you’d have suggestions for how? I eat a pretty healthy diet, but I’d like to do better. I want not to crave chocolate and chips. How do I do that?

  16. DOCTOR G ! Please revisit kimchi. I want to know if you still believe it is harmful. Your last video on it was 9 years ago and less than a minute long

  17. Good concept, but Greger's vegan bias distorts the findings. He neglects to say that whole organic free range wild caught meat is very a NUTRIENT dense food and when eaten responsibly has no known detrimental effects. To the contrary, 4 of the 5 Blue Zones (regions of the world where people live the longest) consume a moderate amount of animal products.
    P.S. don't waste our time citing the many studies that supposedly show a link between meat eating and heart disease, etc… as those studies are based on over consumption of meat and/or processed meats and/or the S.A.D. diet as a whole, etc…

  18. easy to say. food addiction is almost impossible to beat. it was easier for me to quit smoking and drinking alcohol than to follow proper nutrition now.

  19. i love that this video finally has his face on it hahaha i always wondered what he looked while narrating!

  20. You would think modern man would be so sophisticated at this stage that they would have figured out the optimum foods to stay healthy and strong.

    Instead, we’ve gone backwards with eating so much CRAP which just boggles the mind.

  21. I am addicted to beans (azuki) with a little salt & olive oil and could easily over-eat. how do you explain that?

  22. Calorie rich foods are usually healthier than plant fluff. Your plan made me fat, Greger! I was stuffed but still hungry on all of those beans and veggies. Now that I eat calorie AND nutrient rich animal foods I can keep my weight down and build muscle by being satiated. Meat heals.

  23. Merely saying, "just cut out the CRAP," is just like saying, "just cut out the cocaine!" to an addict to use his comparison. How do we get people to successfully convert from CRAP to whole foods easily? That's the video we need!

  24. I always try and give my friends and loved ones extra positive reinforcement by telling them that if they adopted something like the ‘daily dozen’ routine, they can continue to be a dum dum in their daily choices, at least knowing they have done SOMETHING positive and loving for themselves each day.

    After a while, it becomes to painful to make poor decisions for yourself 🙂

  25. We are a tropical island species and lived off of mainly fruit at the very beginning. And if your body is clean and working properly you dont have to eat much at all . Just some fruit. But the fruit was packed with all the good stuff back then not like today . Your body is after nutrients and if you eaten plenty you will not get hungry. And back then you would not have to eat much fruit to get plenty of nutrients

  26. I'd love a video that compares the economics of whole foods to processed foods, often the argument is that processed food is cheaper but I'm not sure sure. Deffinately not if you factor in health consequences as a result of CRAP.

  27. First of all I love Dr. Greger's vast knowledge and presentation skills of said knowledge. Brilliant man! Love How Not to Die! I can't help but think though (especially after watching Michael Moore's new documentary entitled "Planet of the Humans") that with the global population rate being such an issue already, Dr. Greger's quest to save the lives of millions of people may have the unintended effect of hastening the planet's demise entirely! Being healthy IS important, but saving the Earth has to be the focus first. Historically what kept human populations down were major wars and diseases. If we have no wars and we're surviving viruses/plagues, we will absolutely destroy the planet within a few hundred years. It will literally rain acid and the environment will no longer be fit for human life. Sorry for the human self-hatred, but I'm sure that fans of Dr. Greger understand the importance of facts, and it has been proven that humans will destroy Earth in no time at all if we keep going up in numbers!

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