Test dell'olfatto del burro di arachidi per l'Alzheimer

Un test rapido, non invasivo e poco costoso per la diagnosi precoce del morbo di Alzheimer viene sviluppato utilizzando solo un righello e del burro di arachidi.

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Okay, quanto è strano!?

Ovviamente meglio prevenirlo in primo luogo:
• Prevenire l'Alzheimer con i cambiamenti dello stile di vita (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-alzheimers-with-lifestyle-changes)
• Prevenire il morbo di Alzheimer con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-alzheimers-disease-with-diet)
• Prevenzione Il morbo di Alzheimer con le piante (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Preventing-Alzheimers-Disease-With-Plants/)
• Ridurre l'assunzione di glicotossina per prevenire l'Alzheimer (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Reducing-Glycotoxin-Intake-to-Prevent-Alzheimers )

E se invece lo mangiassi? Vedi, ad esempio, noci o arachidi per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/tree-nuts-or-peanuts-for-breast-cancer-prevention/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ e proverà a rispondere it!

Credito immagine: Chabacano tramite Wikimedia Commons e Infant and Child Attention Lab.

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50 Risposte a “Test dell'olfatto del burro di arachidi per l'Alzheimer”

  1. The smell test is a great way to diag-nose 🐽 Alzheimer's. Sorry I couldn't resist dropping in that one. Very stupid.

  2. Aluminum. It is in the air, water and soil. People argue about why it is there, some say from foundries, others say SRM… I do not claim to know why but I know it is there.

  3. Looks like doc is back from his vacation. The problem here is what about treating the unfortunate Alzheimer patient after they fall victims to this disease? I heard a good source for brain illness like Alzheimer / Dementia is coconut oil and Turmeric. Turmeric can help to slow down the condition and coconut oil helps to repair cells in the brains including neuron damage.

  4. Informative, and yet terrifying at the same time.  Hope I and my loved ones continue to be able to detect peanut butter at ten paces for decades to come!  Thanks for posting.

  5. ALUMINIUM DUST sprayed in the atmosphere for CLIMATE ENGINEERING may be contributing to higher levels of aluminium in water and air!

  6. nano particles of aluminum from geoengineering bypassing the blood brain barrier from the mucus lining in the nose

  7. Hi, Mr Greger. Maybe you will find a sec to share your opinion on bariatric surgery which …surges now? I am a vegan, healthy weight, no need for this type of medical service, but I cannot help seeing that the procedure becomes more and more popular both sides of the Athlantic ocean. My guess is that it disables a person forever by making them unable to eat normal food like a huge bowl of veggies or a normal-sized portion of cooked grains, or fruits…(for me a meal can well be abt a litre..). Also, the post-op patients seem have to follow a high protein (though often junky) Atkins-style diet. What do you think about the trend? Do you think that switching to a plant-based diet could be an alternative even in worst cases when it comes to a life and death situation? Thx).

  8. Very interesting. If this method is really this good, why don't hospitals use this method to detect Alzheimer's? They should inform the doctors and governments round the world.

  9. Thanks for the interesting information!
    I wonder what or if the researchers considered other odors to test with that have a similar intensity as peanut butter? Has any research been done with the sense of taste?
    Since the sense of smell is related to the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour or bitter is it possible the lack of ability to detect them by either smell or taste something that can give clues to Alzheimer's and other medical conditions?

  10. What's this ??
    Peanut butter can cure Alzheimerer's?
    Does one stick it up one's nose?

    'Flight Commander Percival Peabody (retired)'

  11. How about feeding the brain all those good fats that it needs to funktion properly and prevent alz n di altogether….all this mumbo jumbo but he never mentiones once how to prevent it because it's not in the medical stablishment best interest to….whats the bottom line here?….MONEY!!!!

  12. Very interesting and could be helpful.  Question:  My dad is 91 and has not been able to smell anything at all for many years.  His mind is super-sharp — absolutely no hint of any cognitive decline.  But what about people like him who have lost their sense of smell for some reason?  Guess that the PB test would not be something they could utilize.

  13. Well, at least they tried. That's what science is all about. Testing an hypothesis and either accepting it or rejecting it. At this point, I'm not accepting this hypothesis.

  14. My father is in the final stages of Alzheimer's I don't know if I could have even got him to try this test as he stayed in denial till all became lost but it's a interesting theory and yes I totally believe haarp or whatever the fuck the acronym is was partly responsible

  15. Are governments fucked look up Jim stone, loose change2, Larry king and boystown, pizzagate, mk ultra, Antarctica, why we don't go to the moon anymore we'll will see on that

  16. Don't freak out if you tried this and didn't smell the PB. Here is what I found on the Cleveland Clinic website:

    "However, a follow-up study in 2014 at the University of Pennsylvania could not replicate their results. The second research team found no difference in the ability of 15 patients with Alzheimer’s to smell peanut butter in their left versus their right nostrils.

    “This highlights the scientific importance of studies being repeated and refined by other researchers in different patient populations,” Dr. Wint says."

    Bottom line: one study does not a consensus make.

  17. Who else actually did the peanut butter test?
    I had no idea peanut butter smelled so much.

    I wonder if the fact that I used all natural peanut butter made it smell more?

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