The Exercise “Myth” for Weight Loss

Why is it so hard to outrun a bad diet? You can burn off 350 calories an hour while exercising, but most drinks, snacks, and other processed junk foods are consumed at a rate of about 70 calories a minute.

Stay tuned for the next video: The Secret to Weight Loss Through Exercise (

My previous videos on diet versus exercise are The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic ( and Diet vs. Exercise for Weight Loss (<br />
How Much Should You Exercise? ( Check out the video.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “The Exercise “Myth” for Weight Loss”

  1. Another myth that is extremely pervasive is that carbs in general are the enemy. People believing that carb rich foods like whole grains, legumes and fruit play a significant role in the obesity epidemic and the public health crisis is not only false, but colossally false!

  2. Before watching: diet is so important, exercise only help with not getting fat or getting muscles etc, but not „losing weight“ in terms of burning unhealthy fat stored inside our body

  3. After a heavy workout or even just 3 miles of brisk walking (walking to work), I am ravenous. It's like my body knows it needs extra energy. It's not a simple task to avoid my impulses. So I eat more. At least after a heavy leg day, it probably helps with gainz.

  4. 0:44 It’s debatable which of the two is more under our control. All you can say is that it is much easier to consume calories than to burn them off with exercise.

  5. Weight is potentially such a crude and misleading metric. I exercise a lot (2+ hours per day, mix of sports, strength training and cardio). If I stop exercising, I normally LOSE about 10kg over the following month (from a body weight of 63kg)… but the loss is all muscle mass. Weight measurement is a very crude metric and needs context, but even then is of limited use without other measurements (body fat, muscle mass, etc). My point is, exercise can make you gain weight, but that is not necessarily a bad thing if you’re gaining muscle mass and losing fat. It’s more nuanced than just”weight”.

  6. This is such an important video. Almost everyone I know over-estimates the importance of exercise and underestimates the importance of diet.
    Gyms are very good at marketing themselves. As are junk food and drink companies.

  7. "Exercise" works for "weight loss" if you are doing the right things which most people don't do. All calories aren't the same. Calories from fat or protein does nothing to increase your muscle glycogen which means you need carbs. Proper eating isn't done, most of the times

    You want to lose fat, and increase metabolism. Most people workout in ways that make them lose more glycogen then fat, and slower their metabolism

    You want to lift heavy with only 1-2 reps, and only do a slow jog for 30 seconds to 3 minutes when you wake up to start your metabolism. It's doing these things daily that causes fat loss which ultimately leads to weight loss

  8. It doesn't help when every single show on weight loss involves bringing in a personal trainer and pairing them up in the gym with the person who is trying to lose weight. The trainer then becomes a main character in the show, where if they even have a dietician, that person is featured only briefly. Shows like the Biggest Loser try to teach us that we need to quit our jobs and live in the gym 10 hours a day for 6 months. I can see where the myth comes from.

  9. I think you need to look at whether having higher muscle mass burns more calories while resting, rather than just saying 'exercise'. Therefore you can't just count the exercise itself in terms of losing weight (or specifically fat) disappointed that this was oversimplified

  10. Weight loss is not the goal! As this video says, you are not fully in control of your weight loss. The goal is to ‘look good and feel good’. The is a very different intention. Your body will go into your ‘natural state’ when you exercise and eat healthy. As a mind body coach, I spend time explaining to clients that you shouldn’t be focusing on weight loss because you will be demotivated very quickly. There are other things you can measure such as hip to weight ratio, RPE scale, 0-10 happiness, distance, time exerted, intensity, VO2 Max, Resting heart rate, etc. I especially focus on how a person feels because people will do things that make them feel good and the aim is to have people adhere to the healthy behaviours for the rest of their lives.

  11. I try everyday to get as much exercise as possible as a rule. I also eat as much whole vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans as possible. I’ve lost weight while not starving. In fact I think I eat more in weight but less in calories yet my performance never took a hit. When I was allowing vegan cookies and the like on days I skipped buying fruits I weighed more and it was fat not water sadly. So, my anecdote that proves Dr. Gregor right on this report. Eating habits over exercise is the easiest thing to do for real changes.

  12. The exercise programs people do to lose weight typically aren't sustainable either. Not that they can't physically continue, but life gets in the way as well as boredom.
    I've had people say to me "you must exercise a lot" because I'm not overweight. I don't exercise anymore than they do though I'm probably on my feet more. And I've had lots of overweight people tell me they are overweight because they haven't been exercising. They completely dismiss my comment that we are what we eat.

  13. #1: "Losing Weight" and "Improving Health" are different goals. These goals have much in common for many individuals but are incompatible for some individuals.

    #2: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR, 60% of caloric expenditure per citation @1:03) can be increased slightly by increasing muscle mass. The other 40% can be increased slightly by exercising more. Both of these may be difficult, as desk jobs are too sedentary and manual labor jobs are prone to chronic injury due to repetitive motion, which eventually leads to a sedentary lifestyle.

    This video has great information and I support the overall message. Just want to add some nuance.

  14. I ate quite a bit of processed food on my whole-food plant-based diet until I added intense group fitness classes. I found that I felt sick and could not recover properly unless I ate a clean diet with very minimal processed food.

    Diet is more important, but I find exercise is critical for me to stay compliant.

  15. Not fighting the main message here, it's obviously true, and important to let people know about before they loose all hope by doing the wrong thing. However, I find considering just "weight" is some of the discussion a bit misleading. For example the discussion about the "poor" improvement of adding exercise to just diet (even if poor adherence was a factor)… Ideally I'd like to loose 30 lbs, but I would be perfectly happy to loose quite a bit less and replace the difference with muscle mass. I am not sure most people actually want to loose "weight", I think they mostly want to loose (some) fat (in the right places). I love the pictograms on the food items at the end, wish we had those everywhere !

  16. Most people I know they exercise so they can give them an excuse to eat. No one really wants to lose weight…we all just want to eat.😂

  17. Couldn't the minimal weight loss also be influenced by muscle growth? Muscles are heavier than fat, so even when the people would've "burnt" more fat with physical excercise than the group not exercising you wouldn't see it on the scale; I've not read the studies myself, but I think a body fat percentage measurement could be interesting in this case.

  18. Exercise increases metabolism which is vital, especially as we age and our natural metabolism slows down. I find this video very misleading. Exercise is vital to losing or maintaining weight.

  19. Most can’t exercise at a significant level for more than 1 hour.
    They then have 23 hours to sabotage that with choices made about food.
    Abs built in the gym, revealed by what you do in the kitchen.
    Diet-long term health is Not managed by diets.
    It’s managed by long term Nutrition plan.

  20. Stress in childhood got me running 🏃‍♀️ long distance for the time I was there , after hs I got a bicycle & stress kept me on it & fear of being to heavy , it works if u use it to keep fit , but once u blow yourself up , u complicate the whole system, drown your organs in inner stuff, makes exercise a whole new fight , y it's easier to keep it off , loss of our mom did that fir me , heart ach like woah ! 💝🚴‍♀️ hey parents pic your life mates carefully & children's Father needs to not be a threat to them , if u a foster kid , we understand, u don't know, but seriously people's, 💝🚴‍♀️

  21. Scientific truth based on facts. Philosophy, religion, feelings, and prejudice have nothing to do with science. Only facts matter. Verified, reproducible facts are the bedrock of scientific truth. thank you for the video

  22. How 'calories in, calories out' if even just the thermic effect of foods, of the different macro nutrients, is vastly different?!

  23. Lots of videos try to explain how focusing on calories ONLY is inacurrate and they try to carefully show its really a delicate balance of multiple risk factors.
    But most viewes of those videos will walk away thinking that calories NEVER matter.
    Because that's what their cravings want them to justify.

  24. Controlling the inputs is the short term way to lose weight.
    Increasing outputs is the long term way to lose weight.
    Diet is how to start. But for health (which should be why you are dieting), exercise is vital.

  25. Exercise has always been a great way to gain weight.

    The fact people have been brainwashed into believing the opposite is remarkable.

    Also the insane idea you have to "burn" calories is like saying you have to drive your car around in circles to "burn" off the gasoline you filled the tank with – why fill the tank at all in that case?

    Thank you Dr Greger!

  26. The chicken salad over the plain salad was most interesting. food labels like This could potentially cause people to skip nutritious foods are become anorexic altogether, Delicate balance..

  27. For some reason for me is confusing because I stopped doing exercise every day and start to gain fat weight again I even eat less food to compensate the lack of exercise. I did this because I watched videos saying that eating less calories is the main reason to loose weight but now I don't know if that works for everyone.

  28. using the 'weight management' lens to evaluate the efficacy of exercise is obnoxiously simplistic.
    exercise is much more fundamental to health than the antiquated obsession with body fat.
    the obvious point that is being left out: obsession with short term weight loss hardly leads to sustained results and will not make you healthy.

  29. Correct diet is more important for weight loss and there is manipulation shift the blame on sedentary lifestyle but lets not go overboard underestimate exercise.

    Strength training is important because end result in lean body mass is quite different. That's not something we can solve with correct diet by itself.

  30. The most common symptom I get with colds and flu is loss of appetite. I’m more likely to loose a pound or two while feverish and vomiting than chopping wood and eating from the garden in the summer. I’ve also noticed ditching a coat in the winter can shave off a pound. Because you’re body has to burn extra energy to keep you 98 degrees

  31. I've tried everything and every diet. Nothing works. You have to pay attention to what you are eating AND have some physical movement.

  32. tip: make it as spicy as tolerable. to get more “experience” out of the food. like the carbonation of mineral water, it’s more satisfying.

  33. The importance of exercise is not just for weight loss, though. It is also for improvement of cardiovascular health (which diet also has a massive impact upon). Additionally, exercise is a keystone habit, which tends to increase your discipline in many other areas of your life. This psychological effect is also very important for weight loss, since it can help you not eat junk. I know when I am exercising, I don't eat as much junk, just because I don't want to spend all that time exercising, just to counter it with an oreo cookie.

  34. To me, the only way to GAIN weight has been exercising… it seems to me that strength or resistance training helps me grow muscles but not fat. I was too skinny. My diet is good, no junk and mainly plants.

  35. exercise doesn't help w weight loss of fat, so its not about calories in and calories out…..but helps keep muscle mass that comes w lowering caloric intake. so yes, exercise is important bc you don't want to lose muscle mass which lowers your resting metabolic rate.

  36. I find flu is great for losing weight. My recent 5 day flu helped me lose 3kg! And yet the 20 hours a week gardening only helps lose 1kg. And I'm on a vegan wfpb diet!

  37. No seriously active person is getting in two hours a week with a hundred calories a day burned. Your studies must have specialized in nursing-home settings. If you have ever seen the sheer volume of food intake by serious athletes or smokejumpers / wildland firefighters without gaining weight from it, you would be a lot more suspicious about some of your “research” conclusions. Exercise by itself is insufficient, but real activity plays a very significant role in energy balance. Diet-war channels are hubs of overstatement and misinformation.

  38. When someone has gastric bypass surgery or starts on ozempic type drugs to curb their appetite, what number of calories do they end up eating? I can eat 1300 to 1500 calories for weeks with no weight change. And yes I am active. How low in calories should I have to go?

  39. I think this could send out a dangerous message, although I suspect that these studies are aimed at people trying to use excessive exercise to offset binge eating.

    First of all exercise a very broad term for so many studies and a lot of low impact cardio exercises (which are preferred for weight loss) are overestimated by the amount of calories you can burn in an hour. Even so the two hours per week mentioned in one study just isn't that much.

    Then there are forms of exercise one can easily implement in day to day life like walking or cycling to work and that way you can easily gather 400-500 active calories per day which is a lot.

    And this is just looking at caloric output, neglecting other exercise induced physical and psychological benefits.

    But I agree that not eating that one cookie you eat every day for breakfast could save you 30 minutes of exercise in the first place. In general, curbing our consumption as a society might be a better idea than consuming so many unnecessary resources on a daily basis just to have to use more resources (like driving to the gym) to burn them off again.

  40. always struggled with weight and struggled at the gym. Got on a WFPB diet in November last year and lost about 10kgs since then. Also gave up counting calories too. I simply eat as much as I want now.

  41. Exercise is not just for burning calories. It also elevates the metabolism. Strength training is extremely beneficial in middle years when our muscles tend to waste. Balance cardio and strength training. You don't need to run marathons, but don't deny the importance of strenuous exercise.

  42. Interestingly a recent study by Prof. Luigi Fontana has found that diet has a greater impact on overall weight, subcutaneous fat, and waist circumference than exercise. However, the study revealed that diet reduced subcutaneous fat to visceral fat in the ratio of 75% to 25% but exercise had the opposite effect and reduced Visceral fat by 75% and subcutaneous fat by 25%.
    So yes, the study confirms that it is important to do both, calorie restriction for general health, overall weight, and appearance, and exercise for superior inner health and metabolic benefits.

  43. Mein Hoffnung ist verloren, ich nehme einfach nicht ab, auch nicht mit WFPB SOS finde auch nicht mein Grundumsatz, ich nehme nicht ab mit 1000 und 1200, nicht mit 1350 und nicht mit 1500 kcal, nehme aber auch nicht zu. Benutze elektrischen Rollstuhl. Habe schon viele Ernährungsberater gehabt, keiner konnte mir helfen.

  44. It is hard to exercise enough to overcome a bad diet for weight loss. However it is not possible to get the benefits of resistance training and cardiovascular conditioning from a "good diet".

  45. From my experience there is zero comparison. When diet is right, no pounds gained. When I eat a little too much "normal" my scales show it quickly. Keep on and I'll feel crappy. Nine years running, stabilized weight since going WFPB. I'm 57.

  46. For those who work out religiously that do have a bad diet, usually go by OMAD (one meal a day) and calories in calories out. If they are within deficit they can maintain or lose weight with unhealthy/bad foods. Just what I've observed.

  47. We've seen signs like this in Europe in the malls. For example, we saw one on the staircase next to the elevator comparing how many calories you would burn in terms of a food by taking the stairs. While it is an innovative way to teach about food, it certainly comes with its own set of problems, including encouraging disordered eating.
    We always have to think about the unintended consequences of new approaches!

  48. Well if your diet is completely ridiculous, of course you cannot get rid of that with 30 minutes in the gym. Don't think anyone ever claimed that. Still, I see very few long distance runners that are morbidly obese so let's not pretend exercise was useless either. And if you look at overall health, it's not just no comparison at all. Also, if you have to plan a workout into your day it becomes much easier to also plan food. If I know that later today I'm going to be running 6k, I don't want to gorge myself on food because I couldn't even get through the run without puking.

  49. How amazing is that!! Just can't believe I'm watching and facing this TODAY, knowing how this particular information will have a huge ripple effect in the next couple of months. It will be discussed everywhere; true myth-debunking in action. Also, love this short, informative, one research question-focused format.

  50. Its not a myth. Exercise helps regulate hunger as well. When I am playing lots of racquetball my eating and interest in food declines automatically.

  51. Losing weight to be a 98 pound weakling does not appeal to me. Nor does it sound healthy.
    "Muscle tissue burns more calories — even when you're at rest — than body fat. According to Wharton, 10 pounds of muscle would burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories."
    To be healthy, you need to exercise and watch what you eat. That and be lucky enough to have the right genes.

  52. Walking or other low intensity activities are probably best for weight loss. Walking burns a greater percentage of calories from fat, and it also is less likely to stimulate hunger. However, no amount of walking is going to make up for a poor diet.

  53. My weight stays close to the same from healthy eating alone. It's only when I add exercise that I can lose weight. I simply don't have the self discipline to restrict calories. I can however make myself do an hour per day of cardio. Which for makes me lose about a pound per week.

  54. I eat mostly plant based and pbwf. When I stopped going for walks every day even though I went to the gym a few days per week, I gained many kilos of fat. It definitely matters how much you move.

  55. For me, all this is the most non-confusing aspect of diet, health and fitness.

    I also believe that many people feel about this like I do.

    But it is, nevertheless, a very good video – as always 😅
    And for anyone who is helped by this information, also important. 😊

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