The man who started the Lectin Antinutrient Phytate madness

People are scared to eat plants now because of this guy and his fear mongering of lectins, antinutrients and phytates while making millions. Here’s a glimpse into the man who started that madness. Enjoy! debunking Plant Paradox
Plant based science London lectins

100 Risposte a “The man who started the Lectin Antinutrient Phytate madness”

  1. I listened to Gundry for awhile and found his information ridiculous and false!!!! I dropped his YT channel, and turned to other more sane people, such as Markus in The Healthy Life, God gave us a variety of foods on this earth to LIVE on them! Gundry is interested on selling his formulations, which I bought and was not satisfied with his products in the least. I am Happy that someone is having a "discussion" with Gundry on the topic of "health". Markus walks the talk and I LOVE his products that I have been taking for the last (about) 6 years, great products!!! Besides, Gundry sure does NOT look like a 'picture of health".

  2. This guy is a nut ball. I’ve seen him go by on YouTube saying bananas are bad for you. Who believes this crapola? Very impressionable people desperately looking for answers. Shame on him. Thanks for sharing, Markus ♥️👍🏻👍🏻

  3. WOW! Thank you for posting this Markus!❤ This Gundry guy continuously shows up on all my feeds so I listened to him for a few minutes once and thought… What a crazy person! 😂 Thank you for confirming. 😊

  4. Thank you for sharing this. While you did not judge or give your insight, I hear you loud and clear. I'm happy to stay the course with your proven natural eating plan. My body responds well and that is what matters to me. I would never start smoking and give up apples or beans because a small group of male doctors in Greece happened to live a long life while smoking. That's asinine.

  5. This guy knows what he's doing. He wants to be controversial to make money whilst not giving a s*it that there are people out there who are gullible enough to listen to his advice.

  6. Also when he takes a bottle of olive oil and starts drinking it like it’s juice, so unhealthy, in nature you don’t have buckets of olive oil just laying around for species to drink, it’s just not natural. I believe in Whole Foods, beans are healthy, my body doesn’t lie, they villainize carbs and “anti nutrients”..I’m very slim and my blood work is great. Anti nutrients and natures carbs aren’t harming me. ☺️♥️

  7. I would really love to find out what you think of the carnivore diet. My daughters been on it for a month and has had great success. I have bad kidneys not for sure if I should do a lot all proteins I’ve done green juice and Raffi diet and that seems to work for me the best. thank you Markus and Carol. I love you both.❤

  8. I don’t agree with this guy on many things, but it is true that people with autoimmune diseases feel better on a low fruit, low sugar diet. I am one of those people. I’m not denying that fruit has benefits, but most people with autoimmune diseases have blood sugar balancing issues. I however have been eating apples every day for a few weeks now. I feel great and energized after I eat them. I eat a maximum of two a day.

  9. OMG! He’s clearly off his rocker with profit and power, behind his claim of renowned cardio doctor. So misguided. That last quip, “…makes me very happy”. Ugh… 😢

  10. I fell for his BS, I suffered terrible gut issues and horrible peri-menopause symptoms, stopped all the "lectin" foods and I was worse. I watched this channel and a few others, took the advice, fasted and cut all the rubbish out of my diet and now for nearly a year, I have never had any issues and feel amazing. Thank heaven for both yourself & Cara. xx

  11. More videos like these please. People like Gundry are stuck like glue to advertisements and recommendation feeds. It's bascially impossible to not have heard of Gundry. So many people convince themselves that he's legit via the placebo and nocebo effects of trying some of his recommendations. They think he's ultra credible because he represented as such and plastered all over the internet in ways impossible to avoid. He basically is the internet. You can't escape him. There has to be some pushback. I hope this video goes viral. Who's next?

  12. This crazy shit is what confuses average people from figuring out what to do to be healthy now!!!! The more you look the more confused you will be!!! Don't eat veg and fruit cause it has coatings and chemicals! Don't eat beans cause they have bad stuff! Milk bad! Nuts and seeds have too much fat! Organic beef too dangerous! At this point it appears nothing is safe to eat or drink ever!!! So tired of the non sense!

  13. I’m so glad you made this video. My friend really got into this. She did lose weight. But, it seemed crazy to be afraid of some of the healthy foods he warns about.

  14. better stay out of the drama markus, u r not made for that sorta stuff
    gundry is a bit of a doofus, and it seems like on occasion just says random things (which he…does! 😂)
    but hes got a point to some extend… i mean if u eat lots of wheat soy dairy or peanut butter ur belly hurts too right? that in fact is lectins (or hyper allergenic protein compounds if u wanna call it that) that do that, so even tho hes all over the place hes got a points sorta. a true master can see a dewdrop of water in the driest desert if there is one

  15. btw, i think he promotes a plant based vegetarian diet with lots of olive oil actually
    his books titles r intentionally misleading to sound all controversial and stuff 😂
    didnt read them either tho, not worth my time :S but i once watched like some odd 2h30min vid of his, it wasnt that bad actually, hes literally super hit and super miss, really odd person 😂

  16. I saw the actual video n listened and shut it off because I'm tired of Gundry but I was curious because I never saw him talking to another person. Shut it off cuz I remember your video Markus on lectins.

  17. Funnily enough I've been a raw vegan for 10 years and apples and legumes are the two foods I can't stand. But yeah I agree Gundry is just making up stuff for attention and money.

  18. I think Dr. Gundry loves plants, and in his latest book is really telling people to get away from animal protein all together. Most novices do not know how to get lectins out of plants, and some people are more sensitive than others. In fairness to Dr. Gundry, I don’t think that’s a very fair clip to show your audience.

  19. I eat lectin-free tomato sauce from Pomi and it’s DELICIOUS. It just means they don’t use the skins or seeds. No idea what the deal really is with lectins, but I’ve been vegan 9 years and eat apples almost every day.

  20. Sensationalism is his motto , it’s how he gains an audience & sells his books . It’s not being smug that draws ppl in ☺️😉

    All the while if you pay attention he says he eats plant based basically vegan & rarely eats animal flesh & doesn’t smoke ect…

  21. There are Lots of Sleeping (brainwashed/MK Ultra) People in this world.. hoping and praying they start to awaken soon or it may be too late for them🙏🙏❤️🌿🌿🌿Time to shut of the ‘Tell- Lie-Vision’ and the ‘Program’🥹🥹🥹
    P.S. my veggie garden looks amazing this winter here in FL. 🌴😉

  22. I am so glad to see this post and hear you say this markus. I've always thought this guy was a whack job! Thanks for confirming the thoughts that have been running around in my mind on his bullshit that he spouts out. I completely agree with you 100%.

  23. This guy Makes me sick, I’ve felt this way for a long time. Thank you for calling him out. I can’t believe celebrities follow this guy, he’s such a quack. Thank you for EVERYTHING that you do for us 🙏💘Thank GOD for you, Markus🙏

  24. There's  A LOT of money to be made telling people what they want to hear, instead of what is actually true;  You can tell them that all of the destructive habits and harmful addictions that are hurting their body and causing disease are actually great for them.  – That way you get a big paycheck and they don't ever have to change;  They can stay comfortably uncomfortable in the knowledge that a doctor approves of their method of slow suicide. Many people hate the truth and many people don't want to change.  –  Tell them they don't have to change and, apparently, they will hand over their cash to you and you can be popular and have quite a following.   I am glad he is being exposed for what he really is.  Thank you for posting this video.

  25. Is he the same guy who started the fear campaign on Oxalates too? As in, I know people who avoid eating any spinach because they're scared of oxalates and the off chance of they're the root cause of a kidney stone that they've never actually had…

  26. I have been saying this for years!! Thank you for showing this!!

    I then met a fellow medical student of his and he said in medical school his only goal was money and to find something that he could latch on as a Dr to make money at any cost 🤔 he succeeded because we are so gullible in the United States!

  27. He is just telling people what they want to hear,that they can still eat crap & be ok.but then.. not live a long life ..then making up health claims to feed the BS..meanwhile he is cashing in on the lies & madness with a smug look on his face because he knows there are people out there that will fall for his BS because they don't want to change their bad habits or eat their fruit or veg like disobedient little children.

  28. our elders in India ate grains, legumes for millennia,

    That was until we started to mimic American lifestyle of chips, fried foods, sugar and all and most of our grandparents would live until 90s

    These days out lifespan is barely 50.

    We "abandoned" our native veggies and grains, and I have turned the tide and my life has changed so gas that for my Dad.

    Don't listen to Gundry, he is a fear monger.

    Plus, all lectins are destroyed if you soak them well and then pressure cook.

    It's so illogical that Gundry sells supplements and makes profits, he is not even a nutritionist.

    If Apple and Apricot have cyanide, does that mean we should stop eating them? Since it's only the seeds that carries that?

    He is a joke for us in Asia.

  29. Gawd I hate this guy so much! He is the worst at misleading people to not eat healthfully. Dr.Fakery is simply what we call a “disruptor” in the industry. He’s just making mulah on ignorant people saying something different from the rest. That doesn’t make “new” info correct. However what mystifies me is the crap he spiels goes against all common sense and it blows my mind when anyone believes anything he says. Thank you for posting this Markus! 😎👍🏻

  30. someone put a comment on Dr G's channel, and said "what can I eat, there's nothing left!" !! he said oats are bad !! @Peter Rogers, Dr McDougall say oats are fine !! people can get confused unless they stay alert !! 💟💯

  31. I have never finished watching any of his hour long ad “lectures”. I guess maybe that is because a part of me has always gone 🤔something doesn’t add up here. Talking about not eating certain foods that science has proven over and over that have all these benefits and he’s saying, it was all wrong? Yeah, glad I never bought into any of the little bit that I had heard….and now this short video, with him saying that smoking prolongs life??? All I can say is “wow!” Thanks Markus! (Sorry if I misspelled your name, I think that is the correct way.. but if not, my apologies!)

  32. I think people should look more into Germanische Heilkunde also known as "5 biologische Naturgesetze", so that the picture becomes clear.

    We are individuals and know what stress does to us as well as our believe system is capable of.

    If someone is in general anxious a cigarette of natural tabaco or sage and other herbs could calm the mind and there for be a good thing for the nerve system.

    We should look holisticly instead of dogmatic and play this devision game of you wrong I'm right and this is healthy and this is not.

    Only collective minds need those structures but this behaviour is really poor in soul and spirit.

  33. I’ve recognized him as a charlatan from the first time I herd his awful advice. He’s only in it to make money by selling a line of BS supplements. That I pray people don’t fall for because they are just throwing their money out the window. When I see any of my channels endorse him I automatically unsubscribe!

  34. My mom suffered a stroke years ago and they were told to stop eating oranges. She barely eats them, but I was told to stay out of it as they drank McDonalds coffee and ate dunkin donuts. Doctors are f**king idiots.

  35. I know people that fell for his BS. Fortunately, I didn't… I did try to warn them. I did like however what he said about the naked mole rat, eating roots and mushrooms. But that's about it

  36. Lotta out of context stuff here put together by someone attempting to make him look bad. Nevermind the multitude of vids out there on Dr Gundry that sound nothing like this one. I Love your stuff Markus and have defended Your name when others have done these same kind of videos about You, sad to see You doing the same thing to him

  37. Who’s that guy? I mean I’ve heard of him and tried watching some of his long form videos but they just …. I never bought into it.

  38. Dr. Gundry does not tell people to avoid beans like Dr. Kahn says. Dr. Gundry tells people to pressure cook the beans before eating them.
    Please can you give me the link of the first interview where he talks about smoking?

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