The Safety of Tarragon

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DESCRIPTION: Long-standing concerns about certain isolated components of the spice tarragon have broadened into questions about the safety of even the leaves themselves. For those scratching their heads over the significance of that red smudge, see my explanation of the comet tail test in Cancer, Interrupted: Garlic & Flavonoids (

For those that missed my last two videos on the safety of common spices, see Update on Cinnamon for Blood Sugar Control ( and Don’t Eat Too Much Nutmeg (<br />
This new tarragon finding reminds me a bit about the in vitro data raising questions about the safety of avocados (Are Avocados Bad for You? that thankfully appeared to not translate ( out into population studies. I’ll keep an eye for new data and post to the Facebook page ( if I find anything. In the meanwhile, there are a bunch of other reasons to avoid canned fish:
· Amalgam Fillings vs. Canned Tuna (
· Carcinogenic Putrescine (
· Which Brand of Tuna Has the Most Mercury? (
· The Effect of Canned Tuna on Future Wages (
Research Into Reversing Aging (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Dominikmatus and Petr Filippov via Wikimedia Commons.
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19 Risposte a “The Safety of Tarragon”

  1. ya you said it man. he's trying to destroy the incredibly profitable nutmeg and tarragon industry… what the hell are you talking about. he's just presenting relevant information and interpreting it objectively for his audience.

  2. Please be more precise. To give your statement of the video being "laced full of doubt and indecision" some credibility, at least give an example of what you're referring to.

  3. It's a delicate green herb, smells really delicious. I like tarragon salad dressing. You can buy tarragon infused vinegar.

  4. This is a good video. Sometimes its just best to err on the side of caution until more evidence clarifies the issue. Fennel is a very nice replacement.

  5. Even though i like tarragon, i am happy to know about potentially dangerous properties of foods, and avoid them, especially because of the many toxic assaults to health that we're probably unaware of, and these being accumulative. So, thank-you, once again, Dr. Greger.

  6. SERIOUS DISINFORMATION SPREAD HERE. I juice for people who have various stages of cancer, and this herb is quite healing and regenerating. In France it is know as "The King of Herbs" This info is cherry picked from one single component taken out of the tarragon and using it in an unnatural way as to flavor preservative laden items( alcoholic beverages, and canned tuna???? I mean are you kidding me with this. He also promotes caffeine? No. Obvious Agenda here with him. Tarragon is divine for all it stands for. This study was based on taking ONE isolated compound out (Unnaturally mind you), modifying it for it to be used as a flavoring agent,  in canned foods laden w preservatives, and then you spout it causes cancer.  NO. We need to look at the whole herb here.  The ORAC value of this herb is OFF the charts, It is divine healing in every single way, when consumed raw and included in juices. We  are consuming the whole herb, just as it grows and just as nature intended. Tarragon helps many, many w cancer. And certainly DOES NOT CAUSE IT, as it is a very POTENT FREE RADICAL SCAVENGER. And that second study (that prompted you to"look into the case again") from 2013 was funded by whom? Of course they will spread this agenda. Plants and Essential oils of plants resonate in vibrations of approx 52Hz- 450 Hz. This is AC vibrations/frequencies, not DC like the dirty electricity that is harmful EMF pollution. Plants and Essential oils have the ability to cross the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER, and they stimulate APOPTOSIS, which is the cell death of cancerous cells. THIS VIDEO NEEDS TO BE REMOVED. Wake up to this, and this nonsense. So frustrating to me, bc this herb provides healing on all levels for cancer victims, is wonderful for diabetics to regulate blood sugar, boost the immune, aids in digestion, acts as a natural sedative, stimulates appetite, rids gas/bloating,  etc.  I will stop now, haha, stuff like this just gets me all worked up so sorry for rambling, but thanks for reading. I wish everyone a glorious vibratory day, BUT do not listen to this regarding this ONE herb, he may have other great videos in which do not have an agenda and are not cherry picked, but based off of this ONE video I would unsub if I were you. Thank you all!!! Peace to you all!!!

  7. I found your channel ten minutes ago and this is the second of your videos i've watched. This video and the one you did on Nutmeg were very good, thank you. I'm sorry if this is random but your voice is very clear and enjoyable. You should pursue reading audio books for extra cash, you'd be great.

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