Topical Retinoids to Reverse Skin Aging

Tretinoin, also known as all-trans retinoic acid (sold under a variety of brands including Retin-A), can reverse the signs of aging skin, but at what cost?

What Is the Most Important Anti-Aging Cream Ingredient? ( That was the question posed and answered in my previous video. In the next two videos, I look at the benefits of topical niacinamide ( and topical vitamin C ( <br />
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53 Risposte a “Topical Retinoids to Reverse Skin Aging”

  1. I'm Indian, I use Tretinoin 0.01% gel every night, then slug.
    Use sunscreen everyday!
    Wear UV 400 glasses.

    Most people think I'm in my 20s, meanwhile I'm approaching 35😂

  2. CeraVe has a great easy non irritating retinol…. By the way I bought Treninoin gel in Greece recently ,Corfu exactly at the pharmacy .. So becoming less available but still there … Also Thailand has it ..

  3. The chemoprevention trial was a small group, and the control group was 40+% smaller than the treatment group. given that 14% of control group died….and we don't know the causes of death, or how the candidate selection was made…its not enough to convince me to stop using tretinoin.

  4. I am a fan of mechanical exfoliation for getting rid of fine lines. It takes time but in the long run it is safe and effective. I was able to remove my crow's feet over a few months of once a week exfoliation. Too many things can go wrong with chemical-based products because everyone's skin is different. I use moisturizers and sunscreen but that is where I draw the line and go no further.

  5. Clearly a dietary suggestion or two, or a DIY whole food extract or two, plus backing science… needs to be next in this series.

    Slapping products on my face has zero appeal, especially with the price tags associated with most of them. You've helped me look and feel younger with what I put in my body, continue in that vein and leave the cosmetics to the charlatans.

  6. When, when, will we just accept aging? It's OK to grow old and, indeed, living a long life is the goal of most people, cross-culturally, and world-wide. Embrace you aging self – and embrace (hug) your friends and relatives. With care, proper diet, and good sleeping patterns – you too could be old someday.

  7. Tretinoin is great! I get it from Agency Skincare online dermatology. I used it as a teenager for acne and it worked well, but have now been using it again for many years. It’s the best thing for beautiful skin, in addition to eating plants.

  8. Also zero long term studies exist. It accelerates aging via increased cellular turnover rate, leading to cellular senescence faster.

  9. It's very disappointing that you mislead the viewer about tretinoin. By saying it's banned in cosmetic products, you make it seems as if tretinoin is seen as more dangerous in Europe — but it's not, you have to buy it with a prescription, just like in the US. Tretinoin has been studied and used for decades safely and effectively for acne and photoaging. A 2023 systematic review said "All studies indicated topical tretinoin to be safe and well tolerated in all patients, even with high-dose tretinoin 5% as a peeling agent." Why not quote that?

    The one study about increasing mortality was done on veterans (ie, people who may have been exposed to trauma and chemicals), average age 71, all male, who had at least 2 carcinomas recently. I don't think that's sufficient proof to steer clear.

    PSA for anyone starting or considering tretinoin: you can pretty much eliminate irritation if you:
    1. Gradually ramp up frequency over 1-2 months starting with the lowest dose
    2. Combine it with a very good moisturizer for sensitive dry skin
    3. Don't use it with other things that irritate the skin like vitamin C and exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs and don't scrub your skin
    4. Treat it very gently and protect with sunscreen every day even on cloudy days (UVA can penetrate through clouds and windows)

  10. Irónico, la primera vez que use un ácido hialurónico me irritó la piel, pero cuando usé por primera vez la tretinoina la irritación fue cero XD. Aunque la muerte no suena tan mal.

  11. General rule of thumb; if it burns your skin for a few weeks and there's acid being leeched in to your blood, pretty sure it's not safe. Doesn't matter what the science says yet, it's clearly not good for our bodies. I'd much rather have wrinkles.

  12. Could you elaborate further about that study about all cause mortality higher in long term tretinoin use? I've been using tretinoin for a year and wondering if I should stop

  13. 3:57 I don't think the study tells us much. Here are my reasons: tldr below

    For the study, people who were diagnosed with skin cancer within 5 years before the study were specifically recruited. The more time you spend outside without proper uv protection, the higher your dna damage and subsequent risk of skin cancer. We weren't told how old the participants of this late 90s to early 2000s study were, but I would at least wonder how much time these participants spent outside without proper uv clothing and sunscreen during their youth. After all, us sunscreen was pasty af in the 80s and many sunscreens that are allowed in the us today are still not very comfortable. Also a skin cancer diagnosis a few years back is at least an indicator that your chance is generally higher now. What does this twll us about people who have been and are regularly using sunscreen? The proper thing to do to avoid skin cancer, whether you also use topixal retinoids or not, is to protect yourself from uva and uvb rays. The study does not indicate sunscreen was used at all. I am more interested in the results of correct (!) use of sunscreen and retinol in healthy adults and in participants with prior skin cancer diagnoses. And I haven't even touched on the small sample size yet (but to be fair, Dr Greger mentioned this too).

    TL;DR: This study does not record prior (especially during childhood) and current use of uv protection, but instead recruited few subjects that were all diagnosed with a form of skin cancer in the 5 years prior to the study. I wonder what this tells us about healthy individuals who use (or have used and use) sunscreens and retinol/retinal/retinoids regularly… not much, I suppose.

  14. I’ve been using tretinon sparingly for 20 years due to acne. What has caused such deaths in those clinical trials? Should I use differen or another retinoid?

  15. For anyone interested, Dr Dray (a board certified Dermatologist) has a detailed video called 'Tretinoin dangers? VA study explained' about the tretinoin study mentioned in this video.

  16. wasnt the deaths becuase using tretinoin or retinol in the daytime causes teh sun to react with it increasing cancer risk or something?

  17. Can’t give up my retinoids! I’m plant-based, oil-free/sugar-free, low salt. I’ll be happy enjoying the longevity of this healthy lifestyle plus daily exercise and add retain-a as my “vice”. At 50, the benefits are definitely worth the risk to me.

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