Trattamento del diabete di tipo 1: una dieta a base vegetale

È possibile invertire il diabete di tipo 1 se preso abbastanza presto? Il ruolo della dieta nel diabete autoimmune.

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• La paratubercolosi nella carne provoca il diabete di tipo 1? (
• La paratubercolosi nel latte provoca il diabete di tipo 1? (
• Consumo di carne e sviluppo del diabete di tipo 1 ( Consumo-e-sviluppo-del-diabete-di-tipo-1)

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54 Risposte a “Trattamento del diabete di tipo 1: una dieta a base vegetale”

  1. Tell the truth, you POS. T1 diabetes was treated via zero carb, high-fat + high protein diets before the discovery of insulin. The only purpose of plants is to feed gut buddies to needed to help humans fully digest the necessary/mandatory nutrients from FAT and ANIMAL PROTEIN, not available in plants. UGH

  2. maybe could and should is what hucksters rely on… stick to science please! Shame on you for basing assumptions on one or 2 cases. You are losing all credibility with this unfounded goop!

  3. quick edit: Do these studies show whole foods help prevent diabetes or does the elimination of sugar extracts (A healthy diet) cause this?

    Yeah, dude, eat more carbs, will totally help blood sugar control, won't make you fat at all.
    Did you know a vegan keto diet gives you Hemroids? Honestly, the vegan lifestyle was the worst I ever adopted, I got so fat and unhealthy from all the whole grain bread and beans, so many phytoestrogens, the best diet I have adopted has been keto with high animal protein, leafy greens, lots of mushrooms & good fiber with Chinese herbal medicines.

  4. Thank you so much for thinking of people with T1D. I have a son who has it and it is frustrating that most information is regarding T2D or they refer to both of them as the same thing.

  5. Though I do think it's great news about the IJDRP and the fact that some 3-year old was saved from N-stage type 1. I'm just not sure it's a study, more of a case report. And how practical is this finding? We can't be preemptively screening kids for these anti-bodies, we could of course try convincing kids to preventively eat their veggies, which they'll probably hate us for but hey if it saves them from diabetes and CVD then it's worth a try and for their own good.

  6. Since I started eating a healthy plant-based diet I had to reduce my insulin intake because I was getting too much hypoglycemias. My diabetologist is always amazed at how my glycated hemoglobin levels are so near to a non-diabetic person levels, exercise might do its part too. Thanks for the video

  7. Thanks, Dr. Greger!
    Type 1 Diabetic here. A low-fat, whole foods plant-based diet allowed me to cut my insulin in half, while maintaining better glycemic control. I have a 5.3 A1c and I eat 550g of carbs every day (bananas!) 🍌🍌🍌
    Check out the Mastering Diabetes channel on here or on Instagram for all the diabetic science and proof. They adapt Greger's diet for all types of diabetes.

  8. Youtube channel, Beat diabetes, has dozens of fantastic reversals of serious type 2 diabetics by just eating what the glucose monitor shows as low spiked meals. None of it's plant based fut keto based. When I eat whole grains my sugar spikes.

  9. Gregor you do great work but please stop saying theres evidence of reversing CAD. We both know that hasnt been proven yet. Each time you say that you're making yourself less credible

  10. Great news that evidenced based research is coming out! I’ve had t1d for 11 years and recently began eating plant based and my blood sugar levels have never been better. Definitely something to this.

  11. Just another dr claiming to be able to reverse type1. What he isn’t telling you is that this is a way to extend the “honeymoon phase” which is nice but it is just a phase. But that doesn’t help his narrative. If you don’t know what the honeymoon phase is then you should look it up. Many YouTube doctors even on the keto side claim they can cure type 1 when really what they are referring to is only temporary. This diet will improve your A1C from being on the Standard American Diet but to claim it could reverse type 1 is just sleazy. This guy has lost all credibility. But if you have limited knowledge of type1 diabetes you could be easily fooled by him.

  12. T1 since 1981 and happy to hear this report. However, my inbox is about to be flooded by people asking why I still have diabetes despite being vegetarian for 22 years and vegan for 11 years. Yes, I do take (relatively) small doses of insulin but there is (still) no cure for (long term) type 1. Of note is that my retinopathy vanished once I was 3 years on to being vegan….but this report has set me up for "sugar-splaining" stuff to a whole new group of 'helpful' loved ones and strangers.

  13. I have derm urticaria, lichen planus, arthritis in hands & feet especially – when the sores on my hands & legs were so unbearable that I was willing to try anything, I went on a super crazy strict whole plant food diet with ZERO processed foods for 3 months. In 2 weeks I saw a big difference. By the end of 3 months not only were my diseases nonexistent, but my allergy to my cat was gone. I now eat small amounts of processed foods with no recurrence of my symptoms. However, at the end of a big vacation where I'm eating terrible and drinking cocktails, I will see some pustules from lichen planus come back, and the aching in my joints and the hives from the derm urticaria come back too. But I'm able to drive them out in a few days of getting back to a strict diet for a few days. Then I go back to my loose version of 90% unprocessed. I lost 30 lbs too – and I eat as much as I want 🙂

  14. i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 52, my doctor at the time(no longer) told me to stop eating all carbs…take metphormin…i did this, went back after 3 months, she said great, now we can get you on statins, asprin, blah blah, i was like what? having been athletic all my life i did not want to become a pill popping feeble geriatric. well, you could go vegan, ha ha, she laughed. so i did. was doing great, then i ate turkey thanks giving dinner, and after that was unable to bring my blood sugar down, went into diabetic keto-acidosis, spent 3 months in bed feeling like death. now i am insulin dependent type 1. still on a WFPB diet. and doing my best, but i wish i had been warned/made aware of the likely progression of type 1 diabetes and could have arrested it completely and avoided insulin dependence.

  15. As a type 1 it really pains me when I see other types 1s promoting low carb or keto diets when we're so susceptible to CVD. I try to educate but it seems the dogma of carbs being bad has really taken them down a very resistant path.

    I know myself that when I switched to a more wfpb diet my insulin requirements went right down. Even now, if I stray to more processed stuff for a few days my insulin requirements shot up again even if I'm not eating anymore overall calories.

    I try telling type 2s this but they think I'm lying. Bit insulting really but hey they just want to believe cheese and eggs are good for them and anything with carbs must be the devil.

  16. Dang, Dr. Gregor just putting the smack down on dietary associative atrocities. Straightening out falsified food facts with an attitude of snap, crackle, and pop. And then he hits you with that peer review and a mic drop. God bless you Dr. Gregor.

  17. I have the site censored here in the UK. Can you please let me know an email way I can get access to this information for my son who was diagnosed 2 years ago, 🙏

  18. Hello Mr Greger. I am very interested in one question. I now know that type 2 diabetes is curable. Can type 1 diabetes be cured with a vegan diet?

  19. Hello Mr Greger. I am very interested in one question. I now know that type 2 diabetes is curable. Can type 1 diabetes be cured with a vegan diet?

  20. Let me take this moment to share with you all how I cured my types two diabetes disease with the herbs supplements I got from Dr Igudia on YouTube after so many years of suffering from diabetes

  21. I have a type 1 diabetes and i can live without insulin easy. I follow a Whole food plant-based diet, but i eat more fruits than anything else. Never be scared of fruits, they will surely make your blood sugar go up at the beginning, but little by little you will see the difference. You have first to get rid of your insulin resistance caused by fat, even if you are thin… Furthermore, it's a mistake to only tell people it is just the diet. Exercise, grounding, sunbathing, breathing, meditation, good relation with people, fasting, sleep well, wake up early and go to bed early…. needs to be implemented to every person who wants to reverse a condition. (in my opinion)

    Thanks to Dr.Greger for the hope he gives when 99% of Dr doesn't give any.

  22. Thanks Doctor Greger 😊. My 15 year old son was diagnosed with the autoimmune markers and poor BG control last year. We were denied entry into two clinical trials for immune modulators, anyway I have been battling narrow minded Drs for 12 months. They wanted to put him on insulin 12 months ago. We have a A1C of 6.1 nmol/L for the last 12 months and remained off insulin. I would love to push off insulin use for as long as possible. He cheats often as his 15 but if he eats small amounts of meat, large amounts veg and legumes and fruits, with negligible processed food, he has really good blood glucose control.
    I want total remission from his disease 🤞🏻, you give me hope.
    Thanks 🙏🏻

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