Aceto e funzione delle arterie

Cospargere di aceto sulle verdure può aumentare la loro capacità di migliorare la funzione endoteliale.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo è il secondo video della mia serie sull'aceto. Se ti sei perso il precedente, è qui: L'aceto di mele aiuta a dimagrire? (

Ci sono ancora:
• L'aceto può aiutare con il controllo della glicemia? (
• Dose ottimale di aceto (<br/> • Meccanismi ed effetti collaterali dell'aceto (

Siamo sani quanto le nostre arterie. Per altri video su cose che possono aiutare o ferire, vedere:
• Diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/low-carb-diets-and-coronary-blood-flow/)
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (
• Noci e Funzione dell'arteria (
• Cioccolato fondente e funzione dell'arteria ( function/)
• Funzione caffè e arteria (http://
• Perché le malattie cardiache erano rare nel Mediterraneo? (
• I pasti grassi possono compromettere la funzione delle arterie (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/fatty-meals-may-impair-artery-function)
• Funzione olio d'oliva e arteria (
• Dieta Mediterranea e Aterosclerosi (
• Diete vegetali e funzione arteriosa (

Si noti che c'è un livello di assunzione di zucchero che può influire negativamente sulla funzione dell'arteria (come dettagliato nel mio prossimo video: resta sintonizzato!).

Sorpreso per i dati sull'alcol? Per ulteriori informazioni sul vino, vedere:
• Cosa spiega il paradosso francese? (
• Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? ( -safe/)
• Rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso contro vino bianco (
• Il resveratrolo compromette i benefici dell'esercizio ( il resveratrolo altera i benefici dell'esercizio)

Qualcuno è stato in grado di trovare l'aceto di riso proibito? Fammi sapere: mi piacerebbe provarlo! Ecco un video recente su come il riso pigmentato può battere il nostro marrone: marrone, nero, viola e rosso a differenza del bianco sul riso (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -function e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: katyjay via RF.
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83 Risposte a “Aceto e funzione delle arterie”

  1. On your last video on apple cider vinegar: Last year I put apple cider vinegar on my potatoes (I know, sounds gross), but now I just put Annie's ketchup on them and feel more bloated than when I just used the ACV.

  2. I don't know what this idiot presenter just rambled on about for the last 6 min…
    clearly a SHILL channel to confuse the masses on health…
    the vinegar MUST contain the " mother " ( cloudiness in the vinegar ) for it to be beneficial … nothing else will do.

  3. Great, I can blunt the deleterious endothelial effects and enjoy a modicum of olive oil with fruits and veggies.

  4. finally an argumant against my fathers opinion that italiens are heart healthy because of olive oil 😛 thank you!

  5. See? Eat walnuts. They're god to us, and help with arterial function.  EDIT – oops typo. I don't think we ought to go so far as to worship and praise our nuts, or walnuts in this case, as some sort of deity. With as good to us as they may be…

  6. I did buy your book "How Not to Die." My total cholesterol now is, 138. Blood pressure like 114/70. Gone is the fat, salt, and sugar. My wife is adjusting.

  7. Does anyone know if a plant based vegan diet helps with rosacea? There was a recent study that linked rosacea with Alzheimer's and I was just wondering if there was anything in the medical literature about it?

  8. So oil is detrimental to arterial function? I thought plant oils that are unsaturated didn't clog arteries?

  9. please find studies on the effects of vinegar on the liver…. I'm questioning it's 'pickling' effect and the liver treating it like a toxin such as alcohol.

  10. 1000mg vitamin C + 800 of vitamin E before a high fat meal works, UC Davis medical students tried it on some pizza loving student body, the professor overseeing concluded a profound physiological effect, ultrasound monitor of blood flow thru brachial artery was observed, they ate the same meat laced combinations, those without the C and E were thick on slow, those with were faster

  11. What about the effects of other acids like citric? A squeeze of lemon juice makes almost everything taste bettwr, but does it have similar therapeutic effect?

  12. As I transition to a vegan diet from an Australian Sad diet….I'll remember to eat some grapes and non alcoholic wine with my breakfast deluxe burger

  13. Anything on potential levels of heavy metals in balsamic vinegar?
    And any comparison with the god old Apple Cider Vinegar (raw and unfiltered)?

  14. This is interesting research; however, there's also considered to be an increased risk of developing stomach cancer with too much consumption of vinegar products (such as pickled vegetables).

  15. Mosquitos are attracted to the smell of vinegar, and other fermented/dead/rotting food … such as meat. It's a proven fact that meat eaters and beer/wine drinkers get more mosquito bites than vegans.  My kids have been vegan for over 5 years … drink zero beer or wine, eat zero vinegar … and they have not gotten a single mosquito bite in all that time … and they never use any bug repellants.  The only few times I got bitten was right after I ate some vinegar.

  16. The narrowing of arteries after a high fat meal doesn't mean damage to those arteries. The narrowing after a high fat meal is simply the physiologic response to eating fat. The body takes longer to process fat into the cells and since fat floating around in the blood for longer periods unlike glucose isn't dangerous the body permits it to do so. Sugar or refined carbs on the other hand OPEN arteries above baseline. This in turn turns into an improved brachial artery result. Does this mean that eating refined carbs and sugar is good for arterial function? The answer is obviously NO.

  17. All the newest study says that it's inflammation that causes problems in the arteries. Not cholesterol and fat. The inflammation is what causes the cholesterol to clog the arteries deal with the inflammation and you won't have clogged arteries. That's why apple cider vinegar works prevent inflammation

  18. I take freeze dried extracts of berries, tart cherry, pomegranate, strawberry. No fructose, no inflammation. Protecting endothelial cells is of most importance. If you don’t you get atherosclerosis, CVD, brain problems, liver and kidney problems, etc. if you do the research on tart cherry it will blow your mind how powerful this stuff is.

  19. i dont think this artery function is as important as preventing constant high insulin. So who cares if the arteries are less stretchable. Its still beneficial to do low or ultra low carb diets every once in a while. i agree with the plant rich diet though

  20. Who dips bread in oil anymore? It was a restaurant gad for a while in the 90s but who else besides a gourmand really does that?

  21. It does say in the bible that Everyone was vegan up until the coming of the Great Flood, after which God permitted meat consumption because the plant life had been covered by the flood and was recuperating. Also: the bible recorded the longest human life spans while mankind was vegan. Before the flood mankind lived up to 900 yrs of age. Vegan diet = longevity. God made us to specifically thrive on a vegan diet☺️☺️☺️☺️.

  22. Please do a video on how to boost the immune system. Centenarians often mention they never got sick throughout their lives, or needed to visit the doctor.
    Use it or lose it! Keep up the healthy diet/ active lifestyle/ healthy brain working activities/ positivity/ social networks/ what you have a Passion for/ and keep God in your life ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️🙏

  23. Added to diet: positivity/ spirituality (God), forgiveness, gratitude, humour, social network, having a pet animal, exercise, brain boosting activities, having a passion for something in life, all these things are needed too ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

  24. It seems that our ordinary culture has chosen many bad habits as our favorite food intakte – one High fat meal can cripple our arteries – all kinds of oil – whau that does not sound as something you would like to do.
    But interesting that nuts do not have this crippling effect on our artery function – and Black Rice vinegar, balsamico vinegar and non alcoholic vinegar and grapes were all good for the artery function – so conclusion is avoid all oils and alcohol and eat lot of vegetables and fruits

  25. Balsamic vinigar is derived from white grapes that changes colour to red during the fermentation process! It's is not derived from red wine or red grapes you ignorant fool

  26. In CA we have Prop 65. Where balsamic vinegar is sold we are warned about toxic substances it contains that might cause birth defects etc. I believe it is lead. So should we really use balsamic vinegar? The toxin is supposed to come from process involving the grape skins.

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