Trattare Lp(a) alto: un fattore di rischio per l'aterosclerosi

Cos'è questa lipoproteina(a) e cosa possiamo fare per prevenire l'aterosclerosi?

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Volevo fare video su Lp(a), ma non c'era molto che potessimo fare al riguardo… fino ad ora! Ok, quindi come abbassiamo Lp(a) con la dieta? Restate sintonizzati per l'emozionante conclusione nel mio prossimo video (

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39 Risposte a “Trattare Lp(a) alto: un fattore di rischio per l'aterosclerosi”

  1. Would love to see more research on blood transfusions from the blood of someone who eats a plant based diet! Great content, as always. Thanks to you I no longer have hypertension or PCOS

  2. Literally JUST what I needed! The last (online) lecture I had in med school was about cholesterol and lipoproteins, and the guy said Lp(a) is genetically determined and not changeable with lifestyle. Thank god for modern medecine, where most doctors have no idea how to actually heal their patients and just repeat what Big Pharma and Big Ag is telling them!

  3. Oh my God, had been searching for a solution on this gene expression.
    I just like most South Asians have inherited this gene. We don't have anti-sense medications in India.

    For those who don't know, this gene can give you clogged arteries even if have the least LDL cholesterol.
    Most doctors say it's not treatable and would send you home. But don't stop there.

    I've been on Aspirin and Niacin(which is not prescribed by doctors in India thanks to Big Pharma) for its reduction, thankfully it's just 65 mg/dL unlike Africans where it can exceed 300 mg/dL im many cases and Caucasians where it can be over 200 mg/dL. I might sound scary as I put this text. I'm not here to scare you, it's for your own benefit, these figures are what I've heard/ read online.

    It's assumed ⅓ of all Americans(irrespective of their race) have this gene.
    There's this amazing lady I came across over YouTube by the name Pamela McDonald (not Anderson, haha) who talks about Apo E diet and I'd suggest whoever is watching this to watch atleast 5 of her videos, you'd be amazed.
    Also, there's this channel "Lipoprotein A Foundation" which did help me a little.

    My Lp(a) is close to 30 mg/dL now. It's said anything above it makes us twice as likely to have heart attacks before we turn 40 .

    Get over with the simple Lipid Profile and ask your doctor to test this out.

    There's not much research on it yet, but I'm looking for Doctor Greger's part 2 on this !
    Edit : I'm underweight with just 11% bodyfat. So, LP(a) has nothing to do with body fats.
    Stay safe y'all.

  4. Make a video on benefits of vegan vs vegetarian 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 How does a vegetarian do well, compared to meat-arians, and compared to vegans 🙂🙂🙂🙂

  5. Dr Greger could you please look into histamine intolerance and what to do about it? Couldn't find anything about it here.

  6. Mine is over 200 and I’m mostly WFPB vegan with occasional vegan junk food. Niacin flushing is too much for me. Is there another solution?

  7. 🌎 !!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!! 🌎 





    (New World Revolution info TV.) Channel photo writing is in green NWR with New World Revolution info TV written below

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    31:27 ⬅⬆Start video & watch 5 minutes, Then watch the first 5 minutes of this ⬇ you will SEE! the Correlation/importance! ⬇.

    Then watch this ⬇

    I Strongly advise you to watch them right through afterwards, lots of information. You Will Assimilate.

       !!!Look up (Event 201)!!!

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    Time to Wake!!! Up!💓

    We Must get this information out to as many as possible.

    Problem is they Control Google Facebook YouTube and All of it. Everything is being censored and controlled to the Extreme to keep the Truth! from the public, Comments and videos Removed/Deleted, Channels Deleted Ect, I can attest to this.

    Trust me, I hope I am wrong. Although I Fortunately/Unfortunately I know I AM Not.

    The Truth is Learned! Not told⬇.


    More proof⬇ this is all a front it is the 5G Radiation that will kill millions/billions they plan to vaccinate everyone as well which will kill many more. think about it don't you find it a little odd that 5G is being installed with all of this Happening¿ over 20 man teams for some installations, (Not wearing masks Working Together) while you are locked in your homes not able to work. It is the 5G. They know this, do some Research you Will too this is a Massive Culling/Population Control.

    Go to (bitchute) search 5G coronavirus. For Uncensored information.

    More proof ⬇


    Covid 5G reporting 5G benefits⬇

    Nothing is as it seems.

    Part 2⬇

    Coronavirus test centre Ireland,YouTube Deleted  for Revealing Empty covid-19 test centre⬇.

    Agenda 21 Bill Gates,

    Listen closely to what he's saying ⬇

    Respiratory doctor blows whistle on fake pandemic

    AIDS was created and given through hepatitis vaccines⬇

    Out Of Shadows

    This is Crazy⬇

    Part 5 ⬇

    5G effects on oxygen start video at 1:20:00

  8. I just posted a response video to former world's strongest man Eddie Hall's recent blood test vid where his small LDL particles are through the roof and he's totally in denial about the risks. Dr Greger please reach out to him. Would be AMAZING to get him on board if he's willing to listen!

  9. My lp(a) above 240 ml/dl. My lipid specialist says the test doesn't show higher so my levels are likely higher. I had a 398 cholesterol levels age 17 and my first stent age 31. I am 46 yrs old with 3 stents now. Scary stuff.

  10. Thanks for not being a doctor (human being) who writes these things off as 'nothing can be done anyway, so why bother' ❤️

  11. Interesting content! Had a dream last night of me explaining to DrG my favorite no milk chocolate oatmeal hack so maybe I should share here?! First I mash a banana with a fork, stir in some peanut butter until thick (budget tight so using natural brand with palm oil but recommend peanut-salt only pb), add flax/cocao/salt, stir, add a little more water, stir, add 1/2C. rolled oats, stir, add 1/4C. rolled oats, stir, add pecans & diced strawberry, add a little water, stir .. chase that down with a warm cup of green tea .. amazing 😀

  12. I wanted to share these videos with my mother, but Dr Greger speaks so quickly, slurring his words, she just couldn't understand him. He ought to get someone else like an actor who can speak clearly to get the message across more effectively to a wider audience.

  13. This might explain why I developed heart arrythmia and got a stroke after 2,5 of a meat heavy keto diet at the age of 45. The recklessness of keto / carnivore promoters is criminal. There should come a time where we can sue those who poison us with their devilish meat/ high fat diets. It should be classified as deliberate or negligent bodily harm with the sole aim to make money.
    If I hadn't found 4 years ago, and would have continued with that toxic keto/meat diet, I would be dead by now. Luckily, whole foods plant based has saved my life. Today, I am almost fully recovered but am still reminded by my body of the idiotic diet I was foolishly following. It will take me a few more years until most damages are self repaired again.

  14. Wow this is really interesting. I hope I have low levels but I've never gotten tested… I'm excited to know the role of diet in this phenomenon

  15. I was a seemingly healthy, active guy who had the "Widow Maker" attack at the age of 47. I'd been getting annual check-ups and was told everything was fine. After the attack, I was treated by two cardiologists who never mentioned Lipoprotein (a). I began having my blood tested on my own and the tests I bought included Lp(a). Mine was off the chart! My current cardiologist told me it (high Lp(a)) is my biggest problem. We've attacked it using REPATHA twice per month for about one year. The number has dropped by around 50%. I have been living a Whole Food Plant-Based life for almost four years, lost a lot of weight and I use my treadmill daily.

  16. in 1992 Dr linus Pauling with a young dr mathais Rath did a whole lecture on this with findings that vitamin C along with L Lysine significantly reduces the production of lipoprotein small (a).
    When I asked to have mine checked my doctor looked at me like I was nuts. The lecture is still on youtube Pauling at stanford.

  17. Lp(a) is body's response to endothelial damage, not a cause of it. It will form a plaque, but only in response to injury. It was proven long time ago (unfortunately only on rodents, but mechanism is the same). The problem is that, as it was proven in rats, when they had gene, which was responsible for producing Lp(a) knocked out, they didn't develop plaque, but lived shorter than rats, which developed plaque in response to endothelial injury. Another words, if you get rid of lp(a) you will not develop plaque, but can end up with shorter life. You have to stop injuring your arteries to avoid plaque formation, but please remember, that lp(a) is there to heal, not to cause damage. The higher level of lp(a), the higher body's ability to form the plaque/scub/crust.

  18. As I suspected, in the first case study the cholesterol may have been normal but it certainly was not optimal:
    "His low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was elevated at 176 mg/

    dL and his high-density lipoprotein was low at 38 mg/dL 4 months before his acute presentation…"
    As the best studies show, those who have cholesterol under 150, without drugs, have an extremely low cardiovascular risk.

    Similar to type 2 diabetes the best way to have a healthy cholesterol level (and glucose level etc): lose weight. If that doesn't work? lose more weight. Once your BMI is 19 or lower then come back to me. And yes, I know you have very big bones, you're very muscular, and/or you have slow metabolism etc.
    I'm not saying it's easy and I'm not saying to beat yourself up, but first thing to do is stop lying to yourself.
    Also the patient was Asian and they are more susceptible to bad LDL cholesterol and excess weight.

  19. Please, pay attention to this trial, might help you, I hope. Best.
    Currently, the most important management strategy for people with high levels of LP(a) is to optimise/treat all other risk factors, in particular LDL cholesterol. The best treatment for LP(a) is to reduce the cholesterol burden of the particle with a statin which will shrink the particle size. A new injectable treatment known as an anti-sense therapy which stops LP(a) being made is currently due to start phase 3 clinical research trials. Work so far has shown this treatment can reduce LP(a) levels by up to 90%.
    Other treatments shown to help lower Lp(a) levels include PCSK9 inhibitors (reduce levels by 25%) and lipoprotein apheresis,
    a weekly-fortnightly invasive treatment similar to renal dialysis, which can reduce levels by up to 75%. This treatment should only be considered in those with recurrent CVD despite optimal control of other risk factors.

  20. Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) is very effective at lowering it. A more recent study in 2020 said Statins increase Lp(a). PCSK9 inhibition works but again fairly expensive

  21. Hi I'm 61 years old and have gene determined high Lp(a). It was 403mg/l in 2012 and 400mg/l this summer. Yesterday I had a scan and feared a dead sentence. However the outcome was quite positive. I have very litle to no plaque. Only 3% at my age have less plaque I was told. My cardio age was judged to 34-39 years! I'm quite healthy and my triglyceride have been low the few times measured, which should hint I'm metabolic healthy. Maybe that's what matters? Not the level of cholesterol or Lp(a)? Why not investigate why oldies like me with elevated Lp(a) are perfectly healthy? I will not take any drug to lover Lp(a). The body makes it for some reason. Later knowledge in general point out that. Forget about colesterol alone. Check triglyserine HDL ratio. If low you will most likely be fine (I am) and even with high LDL. High or Bad ratio can not be corrected with drugs. KETO works perfect for this if a problem.

  22. Just had my LPa levels and Lipid levels checked. I was in the healthy green range for all my cholesterol but very high on my LPa (139). Just scheduled an appointment with a MD that specializes in Interventional Cardiology.

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