Podcast: Serie COVID-19: le mascherine funzionano?

Oggi esaminiamo se il tuo animale domestico è un vettore di malattie e determiniamo se la maschera che hai appena comprato funziona davvero.

Questo episodio presenta l'audio di Cosa fare se vieni giù con COVID-19 ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-to-do-if-you-come-down-with-covid-19/) e La migliore maschera o copertura per il viso fai-da-te per COVID- (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-mask-or-diy-face-covering-for-covid-19/). Visita le pagine dei video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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91 Risposte a “Podcast: Serie COVID-19: le mascherine funzionano?”

  1. In INDIA, our GILOY Mix CONCOCTIONS are working just fine…The west shud Also further explore India's AYURVED + YOG LIFESTYLE Approach….
    I think Darwin's Theory of Survival of the Fittest is back…Those who have low immunity, are living in Controlled Environments..need to try and expose themselves to SUNLIGHT more often,lead a Simple Vegetarian Life…

  2. Explain how Sweden, who instituted NO mitigation efforts has managed to weather the pandemic with better morbidity stats than the U.S. The WHO just hired Sweden's expert to provide a more successful analysis to base their recommendations on.

  3. Wearing a mask has now become like wearing my shoes, if I don't have it on, I immediately feel undressed, lol! In other words, I have no problem wearing one!! But I REALLY want this virus to go tf away!!!

  4. Error on the side of caution? How far would any reasonable individual take that directive. Drive only 55 mph for the rest of your life and I will believe you live what you preach. You will also save more lives than any covid precaution ever could. How about never climbing a ladder, traveling outside your home town, going out after 7:00 pm, and the scariest of all- stepping out from a bathtub. Then you can be really really really safe.

  5. I can't believe people actually listened to this administration about not wearing masks initially. Give me a break, we've been using N95's for droplet precautions for a very long time. What BS! People still don't believe that masks provide a benefit….Crazy! I think our stable genius in chief has played a role in deceiving the public. In a way he is helping those of us with common sense. In January when people over in China were falling over left and right I bought my parents N95's, hand sanitizer, gloves, and face shields. Doing it again now! Incredibly supplies are still available!!! I even bought myself a PAPR for intubations. This president is insane! I would suggest people get their masks now while they are still available. Just know that your chances of getting sick from Covid-19 is fairly low and your risk of dying can be as low as 1-3%. Having said that, a 1% chance of dying is not a lottery I wish to win. You can easily fit test yourself for an N95, just make sure you have a good seal and don't touch your face. Bottom line: Stay away from people ( the 6 foot social distance rule only works if you can control the air and wind flow. Obviously if the AC is blowing the virus toward your eyes…6 feet is not enough), wash AND sanitize your hands, wear an N95, wear eye protection, gloves if you have them (FYI a study done in 2017 shows that contrary to popular belief, and what is taught you can sanitize your gloves up to 25 times before you have to worry about degradation. It's actually easier to kill pathogens on the smooth surface than on you continually drying hands), clean your phone, watch, and shoes, and don't walk around the house in your dirty shoes, take a bath when you get home, try a zinc lozenge if you think you've had exposure, and stay away from those at higher risk (if you love them). That's it! You don't have to be scared or worried because most likely nothing will happen to you. Just protect yourself and your family, DON'T listen to the government and live your life….

  6. Firstly even a paw paw tested positive for covid 19. So do not worry about your pets. Secondly the tests themselves are scientifically meaningless being run at 45 cycles. And thirdly, why didn't you cover all the ill effects from masks and the fact that you may increase your chances of a positive test or a cold due to rebreathing waste products that the body is trying to expel? I will not wear a mask and although I do not find evidence of this supposed novel virus due to no virus ever being isolated, and as well as reading many studies detailing their health implications I do not see evidence of people being more aware due to their mask or gloves. Quite the opposite. I see people constantly touching the top part. Pushing them back up on the nose. The last study I read found distribution of virus most likely in the top right hand , middle and left hand corners of the mask. I also see people pulling them out of dirty handbags to put over their faces. I see them worn wrong. I see them worn for extended periods and not washed between use. I see packs of them open on shop counters. I see them taken on and off and just left on desks and surfaces.
    Its utterly stupid to assume that everyday folk, not used to working inside a sterile environment and trained in working with ppe will carry this out successfully, and as many studies state, doing it wrong can in fact increase your chances of becoming ill. Plus people hold too much stock on the mask and cram together with them on, so to my mind they are a bad idea all round.

  7. Sorry Doc, some audio issues with the setup. You don't sound like yourself. It's a bit thick with some fuzzyness (distortion) as I hear it. And the music muddles it further. Now that the music has stopped–it's just terribly thick, all mid-range, no treble, no bass. Hope your tech team can work it out. Proximity to the microphone could be part of it.

    Thanks for your work all the same. I may have to wait for the transcript on this one.

    Edit: I had to utilize an equalizer program to pull out the middle tones and restore intelligibility to your audio. (Pulse Effects/Linux).

  8. Just wait a fking second. Why would you put that question in your title? There are ppl who will interpret the question as NO, not listen to the video and go out and spread the word – NO.

  9. Reading all of these comments makes me realize just how selfish a lot of us actually are. This is not and has never been about you, people. If you refuse to wear a mask, you are endangering a lot of people that might just be a lot more fragile than you are and this might just have some devastating consequences on their lives. I get it, you might think that you'll be fine and you just want to skip the mask, great for you, but how would you feel if you knew that YOU were responsible for destroying a life because you foolishly went out without wearing a mask and contaminated somebody who isn't as tough as you are?

    – Wear a mask and you MIGHT save a life.
    – Don't wear one and you MIGHT ruin a life.

    You just MIGHT. Which one do you chose? How hard is it to just wear a darn piece of cloth on your face when you are already covered from head to toes to begin with. Now, please, don't be selfish and try to think a little bit about other people… Because if nobody cared there would be a LOT more consequences to all of this. If a person in your family or one of your friends died or suffered consequences from COVID and you found out that it was your fault, how would you feel? Apply that to everybody else and maybe, just maybe, you might make a difference in this world.

  10. Not very convincing. The states that have made the wearing of masks mandatory are those with the most patients.
    How can we justify wearing a mask, knowing that it makes us breathe the carbon dioxide that our lungs reject, and that it deprives us of 20 to 30% of oxygen. Masks weaken our immune system, while we must, on the contrary, do everything we can to strengthen it.
    Masks are portable gas chambers that sooner or later will develop their deleterious effects.
    At home, in France, the wearing of masks is mandatory, outdoors, in public places, in the workplace, and in schools from the age of 6 years from tomorrow. Moreover, we are once again in confinement. There is no health justification for such measures taken arbitrarily, without consulting the population.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  11. half the info is dated and is a rerun for the fail….masks are easily bought now. Sometimes bad info is worse than no info….shame on you for this slop!

  12. nobody wore masks for flu or tb on this scale.. there is also a link in the number of covid deaths vs the lack of heart disease or cancer deaths this year vs the last few years.. this is a political agenda

  13. My wife does covid testing and every nurse thinks this entire plandemic is too extreme
    Time to live free again Americans!
    Follow the $, they are stretching this out until the elite have a vaccine to sell u!

    Everyone stay inside and stay away from eachother there is invisible organism around that can't survive on a hard surface or temperatures reaching over 75 F AND HAS A 99.8% SURVIVAL RATE!. WHAT A JOKE

  14. Those that wear masks will contract even more respiratory issues and they will call it covid increasing the cases so they can take away more of your freedoms. Like breathing fresh air.

  15. Dr. Greger, we believe in you, and we know that you can do better!
    Information is good, but partial information can also be very bad! (Especially if it is done negligently or on purpose)
    I believe in taking better informed and rounded decisions, while respecting OUR liberty.

  16. absolutely do not clean your nostrils, stomach, and mouth with toothpaste, as soap kills the virus only on the hands. Avoid using mouth wash despite last week's study out of U of PA that certain mouth washes and inhalers kill the virus, and, they figured this out in Japan from the get go–check Japan stats. If u feel u have virus in lung do not use any type of microbial inhaler, or breathe in hot air. Q–is listening to Dr. Gregor starting to become a hazard to one's health?

  17. You should refrain from speaking about this scamdemic, your really losing credibility. Stick to debunking meat, dairy and eggs!

  18. I am appalled and extremely dissapointed by the amount of COVID-19 denial/skepticism comments on this video. I had hoped that a channel dedicated to presenting the best available scientific data wholesale would have a community more willing to see reason.

  19. Herd Immunity is not a myth.. Vulnerable should protect themselves and ENCOURAGE the healthy to get this and build antibodies. (IF it even exists aside from common cold which it doesn't meet any virology standards according to cdc and coincidentally who charts show flu vanishing off the face of the planet when testing started)

  20. So what's the actual answer, Doc? I really need to know because I am a stage 4 lung cancer patient living in a town full of anti-maskers who equate wearing a mask with communism. I don't have any family or friends to help me out so that I can stay out of the public, but anyway, whatever time I have left is precious and it's not fair that I have to spend it locked up with no human contact just because selfish people are whining so much about such a small simple thing as wearing a mask. How do I protect myself?

    I'm considering buying some masks from a company that makes the air purifier that I use. It's made of the same ultra-HEPA material, is FDA approved to be at the KN-95 standard, to "provide 95% protection against particles that are greater than 0.3 μm in diameter." Would these protect me from others' potential "cooties", or would they still just be protecting others from mine?

  21. Masks filter and shorten the projection of exhaled vapour and coughing. To test this, try to fog up a mirror/glass two inches in front of your face, with a couple of "hhhhhh"s, with and without a mask. See the difference.

  22. So, more confusion about the efficacy of wearing masks to mitigate transmission. I was hoping for a clear answer, but it seems there is yet to be one. I'm still erring on the side of not restricting my breathing. I love your work on evidence based nutrition Dr. G.

  23. THANK YOU so much Dr. Greger. This was a great comprehensive recap about what is known and not known about the Covid virus regarding the wearing of face masks. Since science has never done the necessary research to determine the full transmission routes of viruses…thank you for highlighting that it is still not possible to know everything about protecting ourselves.

  24. Wow.. this touched a lot of uneducated nerves 😂 check out the covid19 conspiracists Pavlovian responses.
    The TLDR is yes, masks work, mostly in protection of others .. that’s why they’ve been in constant medical use for over a century.

  25. Some information from the video "The Great American Mask Rip Off". You'll have to search for it on bitchute, although it's on youtube I'm not seeing it come up in the search results… interesting.

    The virus is actually spread by fine aerosol droplets (not the large ones the mask can catch), to a distance of about 27-30 feet (not 6 feet). Particles can last suspended in the air for hours, some studies say indefinitely.

    To their surprise they found the mass majority of droplets in an infected person have no virus at all (about 70%).
    In a number of infected people there's no viable virus at all, only a few were expelling live virus to any great extent (0%-30%).

    Reduces oxygen levels with a cumulative effect. Can lead to HYPOXIA/HYPERCAPNIA
    Hypoxia consequences:
    *causes accelerated ATHEROSCLEROSIS – especially if worn daily
    *can activate MICROGLIA – leading to neurodegeneration, especially in elderly
    *Increases release of hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) which impairs immunity and stimulates cancer growth
    *Triggers inflammation
    *Can possibly lead to worsening of shortness of breath and precipitate hospital admission in moderately symptomatic patients

    Infection of the brain worsened by masks
    *Viruses temporarily trapped beneath the mask in the exhaled breath are inhaled into the nose and can travel via the olfactory nerve directly into the brain
    *studies have shown that these viruses travel along the nerve fibers, directly entering the brain at the site of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus (memory and learning), prefrontal cortex (behavior control) and amygdala (anxiety and panic attacks)

    Main form of spreading – AEROSOL
    Solution – HI-TECH VENTILATION SYSTEMS (not masks)

    Other interesting information I found in various videos that you also won't find easily:
    *The virus particles are so small they could enter your system through the eyes and skin (a mask won't stop it)
    *UV Rays kill virus particles (to all you people with your masks on outside)

    By the way, you can't go with the "official statistics" on covid cases as a basis for anything because they've fudged the numbers so badly. Besides the fact that the tests are inaccurate, they're attributing unrelated deaths to the virus. Test positive and die in a car accident some amount of time later and they'll add you into the statistic as a covid death.

    In conclusion, be intelligent about the virus, not fearful and ignorant. Do your own research on sites that allow alternative news. Ask yourself why these people are being banned on social media and ridiculed without any real scientific backing. Follow the $$$. The mainstream media does not care about your well being, in case that's news to anyone.

  26. If this is a pandemic why is total death toll of US about the same as the last 2 years? Why is Influenza almost non existent this year? 99.9% recovery rate from covid.
    Is this about the virus or the election?

  27. Very disappointed, you just lost all your credit to my eyes. You probably not did big research. We have 10 year of clinical studies showing that it is absolutely useless in cases of virus!! I do sell and manufacture mask, I can tell you mask have utility for some activities but absolutely not against virus! I invite you go to an laboratory level 3 with just your mask if you dare! Also isolation is stupid, the solution is natural immunity. Just check all the countries vs the longest lock down and isolation vs country same Sweden without and and you will see the results!!of even you spread ließ…

  28. Stay safe, wear a quality mask, keep social distance, wash your hands.
    Take personal responsibility for your health and the health of your family and friends.
    Wearing a mask is like having insurance. If you get in an accident or get the virus you will wish you had it.
    Early voting has started. Go VOTE. Vote for leaders that respect science and scientists.

  29. So you´re saying that besides social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing I also need to be shaving on a daily basis? What´s next no farting in public? Thanks anyway, doc!

  30. The CDC really screwed up recommending against masks in the beginning. Not only did it allow easier transmission, but once they backtracked, it made it hard for people to trust hem. Mask wearing is common in other parts of the world and many of these places did(and do) so much better than us.
    Even now there is still confusion over what the best mask, materials, and ways to get a sealed fit. There's also confusion whether it helps the wearer, or just protects everyone else FROM the wearer.
    The CDC has lost a little of my and others respect. They need to work hard to earn it back, as well as our trust.

  31. He explains all of the dangers of the coronavirus, and all the elaborate measures needed to protect us against it, and then he says:

    3:30 “Most people who contract COVID-19 spontaneously recover, without the need for medical intervention.”

    If MOST people spontaneously recover, then what’s the big deal? Why take any extreme measures at all, for a disease that most people spontaneously recover from? Also how do you define the word “most” in the phrase “most people?” “Most people” is not a very accurate mathematical quantity. Dr. Gregor, as much as I love him, still follows the main stream narrative on the coronavirus. I expected him to challenge the norm.

  32. What makes this virus so dangerous, is it’s unpredictability. Why did it kill a healthy active 38 year old guy, but a 102 yr old women survived? Why are some people not affected by it, while some can’t breathe, others are getting blood clots that are causing strokes, heart attacks and loss of limbs, in young and old people? Some people are having cognitive problems, others are having long term issues. This is not a virus that we want circulating year after year! Doctors wear mask, because mask do protect against contagious viruses. We don’t have strong therapeutics, and a large stretch of people don’t trust the political influence on a vaccine… a couple few months of wearing a mask and sanitizing, we could have gotten out in front of this virus months ago! But now, millions of people infected, hundreds of thousands dead, and a lot of sick people is a bad place to be!

  33. Everything I learned at the Francis J Curry National Tuberculosis Center in San Francisco years ago leads me to believe that masks do not significantly reduce Covid transmission, especially as currently witnessed. When the CDC advocates the public use common masks simply as a way to reserve the really efficient masks for frontline workers, few understand just how cynical this really is. They are not advocating this position out of genuine concern for the health of the public but by giving false hope they are saving real masks for those who know how to use them, even though I have seen little evidence that most healthcare frontline workers have been well trained enough to really use them effectively in most cases. The whole thing is a farce.

  34. Dr Gregor, I have been vegan for 7 years now and your information over the years has been fantastic. But I've learnt over the last few months that you are just a mainstream shill. You are protecting your wealth rather than acting with integrity. You are either corrupt or willfully ignorant. Dr Pam Popper is someone to follow.

  35. I like greger but with masks why doesnt he Put it to the test like with every other video he does. It dissapoints me that he does not mention the randomized control trials on mask use and instead just looks at the bad quality studies which measure the quantity of viral particles instead of measuring actual infection rates just like the rct studies i mentioned. Is it because in those rct studies 0 effect was found on infection rates from masks and he is worried about being censored? You cant just cherry pick the scientific studies which show a positive light on the matter and ignore thsoe which show none.

  36. Why did the WHO and the CDC originally say that mask use by the entire population would not be effective? Are they that scientifically inept? Back to this later.

    There are countless videos demonstrating how masks prevent the spread of the virus by inhibiting projection of vapor particles from your breath. I have no argument with the physics, but, still these videos do not prove that masks are effective in preventing spread in the general population and in actual real life situations. There are two key issues here 1. assumptions about how the virus spreads; and 2.actual human behavior in a population. Any pronouncements about “masks definitely work” would have to deal with these two issues. From testing drugs to testing prophylactics studies with test groups and control groups in actual populations are done to verify effectiveness. Such a test was done in Denmark with masks. The "Dan Mask" study had 6000 participants with a test group that wore masks and a control group that did not. The results of the study showed "no statistically significant" difference in the spread of the virus between the test group (masks) vs. control (no masks) among the 6000 participants in the study. The conclusion is that wearing a mask does not provide significant protection against an infected person. This does not mean that a mask may not inhibit an infected person from giving the virus to others, but it’s clear that masks offer (only partial at best) inadequate protection to the uninfected wearer. Dan Mask Study

    The Dan Mask study accounts for the human behavior and spread assumption aspect that the unrealistic mask videos and articles have missed.

    In Vietnam where I live I will often see people alone in their cars or walking alone down the street with a mask on while the cafe near my home is crowded with people socializing in close quarters not wearing masks. The guy walking down the street wearing a mask is in a low spread potential situation ,while the students crowded together and talking in the café are in a high spread potential situation and not wearing masks. Yet every one of these students will don a mask when they step outside the café. Now you can be critical and say these people should be wearing masks in the cafe; but it is a moot point. This is real life and humans are not going to behave like programmed automatons. From observation Vietnamese are far more compliant on wearing masks compared to people in the West. There are many other examples such as this, but the conclusion is the same: people are wearing masks in mostly low risk situations and sometimes not wearing them in higher risk situations. Also, people wearing masks they are still getting the virus anyway.

    It is absolutely required for airport personnel to wear masks. Yet, at two different airports in Vietnam many of the personnel in specific departments not dealing with passengers (cargo in HCMC), were infected. Clearly, there are many ways the virus can spread and wearing a mask may only partially inhibit one pathway (at best). The WHO said as much a while ago. . https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/07/face-masks-cannot-stop-healthy-people-getting-covid-19

    A spokesperson from WHO comments “masks could create a false sense of security that could end up putting people at greater risk.” And one final word, why was the original position of the CDC and WHO that mask wearing in the general population would not be effective in stopping the spread? Because earlier studies on masks (lack of) efficacy on inhibiting spread of flu.

    And something else to think about – repeated close exposure to an infected person increases the risk Even if a mask cuts down probability of infection from 30% to 5% for each 5 minutes of exposure after repeated exposures (8 hours cumulative) you would have a 97.5% chance of contracting the virus. This may explain why airport personnel wearing masks got the virus in spite of wearing masks.

    In over 94% of the deaths from Covid-19 (according to the CDC) the deceased had a known chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, cancer. And what is the major cause of these chronic diseases — animal products. This is why Asian people have had lower mortality and Americans. are dropping like flies. Asians generally get less of their diet from animal products and processed foods.
    Here is a question? What do you think would be more effective — if 100% of the population wore masks at all times, or if 100% of the population ate a whole food plant based and scrapped the mask?

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