Come non morire di diabete

Il diabete di tipo 2 può essere prevenuto, arrestato e persino invertito con una dieta sufficientemente sana.

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Se ti sei perso Come non morire di malattie cardiache ( o Come non morire di cancro (

100 Risposte a “Come non morire di diabete”

  1. Both of my parents suffer from type 2 diabetes, and it is so incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking to watch them struggle with a preventable condition. Sometimes we can only lead by example…

  2. These studies are astoundingly true! I myself dropped from an ha1c of 9.9 to a 7.9 in just 60 days on the plant based starch based diet. My cholesterol dropped from 238 to 173. I also lost 32 pounds! I ended up losing a total of 50 pounds and never went hungry! This is for real people.

  3. Hi and thanks for what you do Dr , I have question .?!
    My mother went days on whithout any food and she had to take 32 – 34 units because she had like 20 + Morning evening.
    INFLUENCE diabetes ???

  4. New video looks great.
    My father has nickle poisoning from his stint and has mild reactions to about 80% of all plants. He says it could be from the mineral content of the plants. He normally eats mostly meat. Pound for pound do you think plants have more heavy metals or minerals then meat?

  5. Can you do a video on water? pH, minerals, salts…I still have no idea if it's a problem drinking acidic water or beneficial to drink basic water.

  6. my father has type 2 diabetes, but he was never really a "fat guy", something like 170 for 5'10 height, but now he is lean like a
    teenager, he's like only 130, diabetes turned his body into this ketosis mode, he still eats like a normal person, and taking his diabetes drug after each meal i think. doctor suggested him to just switch to insulin altogether, but he is quite resist on that injection method. it's so sad to watch him lost some much weight, he's eating a healthy diet, lean meat and eggs, almost no animal fat, lots of veges, normal carbohydrates, limited fruits, no alcohol, no cigarettes. his blood sugar condition is not getting any better (or worse).

  7. WHY IS THERE NEVER INFORMATION ON TYPE 1 DIABETES?! I can never find any and have messaged you and other professionals for help and have yet to receive a single reply! PLEASE DO TYPE 1 DIABETES

  8. These latest "How not to die from" videos covering major health conditions are pure gold, brilliant resources for those needing the info quickly and to the point 😉

  9. The study states that results was from "eliminating meat, eggs, dairy, and junk" — how do we know it wasn't just the elimination of "junk" that was than main factor?
    How do we know that a whole foods diet of primarily fresh whole raw fruits, vegetables, whole unprocessed grains, legumes, raw nuts, with a 2-3 servings per week of lean organic locally raised animal products would not get the same result?

  10. I wish I could subscribe Dr.Greger channel twice. Once is not enough for showing my appreciation and enthusiasm. A "fortified" subscribe needed

  11. That's enough to make any diabetic really fucking upset with their doctor for not being told about being able to reverse their diabetes with plants. I know I was fucking pissed, And I have type 1.

  12. It's weird seeing you seated! I'm used to seeing you on the treadmill desk haha! maybe next video a stroll in the park?

  13. Wow. I'm having a lot of trouble to get this information through to my dad, who has been diabetic for almost thirty years, and even did one of those stomach operations to loose weight (he still has his weight down after five years), so I want to thank you Dr Greger for always making your videos so short and to the point. It makes them very easy to share and hopefully more people will watch through the end.
    I've been doing the daily dozen for almost two months now (switching from an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet full of junk food), and I have noticed a huge improvement on my life, from less mental health issues, less constipation, better sleeping patterns and just a better feeling about food in general.

  14. Can anybody tell me if there are any large studies showing 100% or close success rate in reversing Diabetes.
    To my knowledge the success is good but not certain.
    I open to be wrong so thanks in advance.

  15. Sample size for those 73 and 23 fold figures was n=1. Oh my god, where do you start with this BS again… sure plant based diets are not unhealthy… but this whack job is is presenting the data like if you only do a plant based diet in moderation you still have a 23 fold chance of dying of diabetes…. absolute bullshit… not what the study concludes at all… the study was authored by someone who manufactures plant based foods. The confidence interval on the 73 fold figure is between 4 and 1200… the sample size of the diabetes mortality in the low group was n=1. Even the paper states it as inconclusive and suggests that the high protein diet could be a result of the diabetes diagnoses… the paper also says high protein in older age has protective qualities…

    stop spruking numbers without qualitication which were a bi-line reference in a study with no bearing on the paper's conclusion.

  16. I have reactive hypoglycemia. Anytime I eat potatoes or rice my B.S. dips into the low 20s leaving my extremely disoriented. I like being vegan but I'm having a hard time finding a staple I can feed my family on the regular. Any thoughts?

  17. Hi there, this is an unrelated post to the video in question but it seems the best way to contact is through a message below a video. My question: is there any science on whether there is a risk to children raised vegan from birth of developing egg allergies?

  18. Now we need a video on type 1 diabetes. I've heard that a JW Anderson did some research with a high carb, high fiber diet and had excellent results.

  19. Yeah, you don't have to turn into a dogmatic, militant, angry health nut to get healthy.
    Just adapt to a few better eating habits. Cut way down on meat, dairy, and processed junk.
    Reach for more fruits, veggies, seeds & nuts. Oh, and beans!

  20. Excellent video 🙂 I was Type 2 diabetic… When I was diagnosed I looked at my diet and found that I was still eating all of the foods that I grew up with… All of the sugar, meats and crap… I decided to throw out my Mother's and Grandmother's Cookbook and build my own… I have been slowly writing my own book… "Change the Menu and Change your Life"… Now I am no longer Diabetic but I still have the odd craving for meats… Being that a purely vegetarian diet lacks some elements my body still craves their sources… Meat… So, what to do…??? We cannot get everything we need from one source… There are some things we can get only from meat sources… That's why, as a bit of a "Prepper", I make and store "Pemmican"… I am turned onto a High Fat Diet, Low carbs and moderate Proteins… Even my Pemmican is an example of that… I do not use the traditional recipe, but adjust it to my current diet… Instead or 50/50 meat to fat, I use 25/75 meat to fat and about 15% Berries and additions… I dunno… Maybe you could do some research into my recipe… 🙂

  21. i was 600lbs morbidly obese then I listened to durianrider's advice and drank 3 liters of sprite a day to lose weight. 6 weeks later I am now 170lbs weight at 9%bodyfat! I am competing in my first natural physique contest this weekend.

  22. Dr Greger – can you look into modern day wheat – and discuss the big controversy about how there is really no organic wheat anymore – (they say)- and uncover lies and truths on this subject please?

  23. finally I have the cure for diabetes. it is simple but you need to adjust your body to accept the cure. it work in 3 days time.after 30 years of searching n suffering. now I m cured.
    God taught me…..thanks
    remember there is no one thing that will cure your diabetes. you have to do many thingssss.

  24. Dr Greger. In 2008 the NEJM studies reported that they know the components that cause type 1 diabetes.
    1) genetic predisposition (you cannot get an auto-immune condition that isn't in your genes)
    2) intestinal permeability (causes of: gliadin from barley wheat and rye, glyphosate and all grains etc…)
    3) Bovine protein introduced before the first 3 years of age. (the antigen that gets into the blood that engages the immune system, collateral damage occurs when the immune system mistakes your beta cells instead of the bovine) Bovine and Beta Cells are structurally similar on a molecular level and that is why your immune system cannot tell the difference and attacks you instead of the antigen.
    4) chromium/vanadium deficiencies
    And reports multiple studies that link the MMR vaccine to the onset of type 1 (auto-immune) diabetes.
    Thank you for finally announcing this 2008 information. No other doctors will even talk about the cause. So it is no wonder that eliminating the cause will reverse disease in some patients. (cause being Dairy and all grains and avoiding vaccines that engage your immune system.
    Thanks for finally bringing this to light.

  25. Is Hybetez Remedy useful to cures your hypertension naturally? I have read a lot of good stuff about this Hybetez Remedy (look on google search engine).

  26. This guy doesn't know what he is talking about–I am someone who had been eating VERY CLEAN OVER THE PAST 12 YEARS (like paleo–no processed foods, only complex carbs, good quality meats and healthy fats). I then became hypothyroid and TRIED the vegan diet, only to discover that on top of this, I ended up with SO many health issues over time, with that diet (IT WAS A CLEAN VEGAN DIET) that I BECAME a Type 2 over the course of 3 years (I only know this as was having ongoing bloodwork done because I was hypothyroid)!! I went on the Ketogenic diet and my blood sugar came down tremendously within 3 weeks and I lost 30 pounds over 5 months!!!

    PEOPLE, NONE OF THESE"EXPERTS" KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!! Now, after being on the Keto Diet for 18 months, am having some issues as a woman with sleep and anxiety.

    I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE LONG TERM ANSWER IS BUT I DO KNOW THAT ALL OF THESE "EXPERTS" ARE ANNOYING — AS THEY ARE ALMOST ALWAYS MEN–they simply seem to be unable to acknowledge the physiological difference between men and women … and how these various type diets work DIFFERENTLY on men and women…and probably SO many other factors involved!!!!

  27. I’m vegan – and now at 55 I’m becoming insulin resistant! I’m 5’5” and 125lbs. Exercise every day! Active! Don’t eat processed or fried foods. So your theory here doesn’t work for all!

  28. I don't think it's a good idea to present the video "how not to die from diabetes" with that sarcastic tone. It's a sensitive issue, so that telemarketing attitude is a bit inappropriate, in my opinion.

  29. Gen. 1: 29 Yahweh wrote in the scripture the CURE for every disease known to mankind. Apricot kernels 100 % cure and prevent cancer. Science proves this. Bless you.

  30. I was pre-diabetics the doctors had my blood tested and recommended I gave up carbs(btw I wasn't on the s.a.d I was on the Latin American diet, mostly beef and corn). Not being one to take things at face value I did some research. I decided to try the rice diet. I know it's basically all carbs and the doctor told me to cut down on carbs but, based on the data it made the most sense. I'm down 70lbs I'ma get my blood work done again and see if I'm diabetic or not

  31. Thank you for the resources. I just got diagnosed and it has been a struggle. My Grandma passed because of mishandling her diabetes. So I am trying to take this seriously. I downloaded this ebook and it helped me. I wish everyone good luck and well wishes.

  32. Yeah right! If all you had to do was stop eating meat and dairy for 16 days to not have diabetes then no one would have it. Stop with the pseudo science.

  33. Are there any trials / tests that show Type2 diabetes reversal on Amputees? Can they stop their diabetes and live long lives after surgery if they follow a PBD?

  34. I was excited about the second study, the one that showed people with diabetes could get off insulin with a vegan diet. So I read the full text and it turns out the patients were following a mostly but not exclusively plant-based diet. Nowhere in the text is it mentioned that the patients weren't eating animal products and in table 2 we can see they were consuming 65 mg of cholesterol a day which is equivalent to about 80g of chicken breast or 70g of cheddar. I'm disappointed that Dr Greger failed to mention this. Another detail that was omitted is that the study was done on lean people which is very important considering we're talking about diabetes. The study is still a strong piece of evidence for the power of vegan diets but let's be honest when we present data. Eating small amounts of animal products most likely does not hurt our health but it's wrong for moral reasons.

  35. I have been really frustrated that my weight didnt go down after making significant dietary changes (even tho I did see symptoms disappear, aka cured!). Its nice to know that weight is not always directly a measure of health. I dont advocate obesity but the journey for a cure is long and Im glad to know Im on the right track. Ppl can be so mean …

  36. could you please include their meal plan? I am trying plant based for my dad for last 3 months, sometimes it goes down and sometimes it goes up. I think the food selection is vital if you want to reduce diabetes.

  37. Your contributions, all backed up with scientific evidence, to global human health cant be praised enough. How can mankind ever thank you?

  38. NONE of this helps Type 2 from genetics. You got Diabetes because of genetics so it won't go away. This is pushing a silly diet agenda.

  39. So true that Dr Ogoh on YouTube cures Diabetic completely. My friends and I are living testimony to his Herbal medication after taking the Medication. Reach out to him if infected by the sickness . He deserves a great respect ✊

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