Tutto con moderazione? Anche le malattie cardiache?

Le autorità sanitarie sembrano aver assunto l'opinione condiscendente che il pubblico non può gestire la verità e preferirebbe che la scienza fosse annacquata.

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Vale la pena rivedere e soffermarsi sui dati di Framingham, il grafico con le curve a campana. Questo è un concetto molto importante da capire. A prima vista sembra che quelli che hanno malattie cardiache e quelli che non hanno livelli di colesterolo molto simili, ma questo è solo a livelli “normali”. Per ottenere un livello ottimale di colesterolo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-cholesterol-level/), bisogna mangiare una dieta estremamente sana. Ne vale la pena, però, dal momento che non stiamo parlando solo di vita e morte con malattie cardiache, ma di vita e della prima causa di morte. <br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni su questo concetto di essere a rischio normale e morire per tutte le malattie normali, guarda Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (

E continuo questa serie di domande sul paternalismo condiscendente delle autorità nel prossimo video, Dieta ottimale: dammelo dritto, dottore (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-diet-just-give-it-to-me-straight-doc). Stay tuned!

Cosa c'è di male ad avere il colesterolo alto? Non è solo coinvolto nella formazione della placca aterosclerotica. I cristalli di colesterolo possono lacerare il rivestimento delle nostre arterie ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cholesterol-crystals-may-tear-though-our-artery-lining/) .

Ma aspetta un secondo, che ne dici di colesterolo soffice contro denso? Vedi La dimensione del colesterolo è importante? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Cholesterol-Size-Matter)

Non puoi semplicemente prendere le statine che abbassano il colesterolo? Dai un'occhiata a The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Actual-Benefit-of-Diet-vs-Drugs ).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/everything-in-moderation-even-heart-disease e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Nathan Adams via Flickr.

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• Negozio: https://drgreger.org

44 Risposte a “Tutto con moderazione? Anche le malattie cardiache?”

  1. I get angry watching your uploads. Pisses me off as to how unscientifically based our doctors recommend dietry measures and there it is… as raw as it can get in the English language nutrition journal and find the information. Thank you for finding it, I can imagine to some extent you get angry having to repeat the same information.

  2. diet can only do so much to lower cholesterol. In my case my cholesterol was 230 so i went vegan, regiously! After 3 months and going from 165 pounds to 135 my cholesterol was still 180!!! So, now I just do my best to eat right and that heart disease is present in my family tree and high cholesterol levels are inherently present…. life! it'll kill ya'!!!

  3. my cholesterol is under 100, HDL is 53. they were not able to calculate my ldl because it was too low for the machine. been vagan for over a year. 🙂

  4. The question is if moderation kills then how sparingly can one partake in richer foods i.e. meat, butter fat, sugar, etc.? Total abstinence is for aesthetic nutcases unless you're a heart patient. 😉

  5. Dr. Greger unfortunately still promotes the false idea of cholesterol being a deadly substance, whose only role in the body is to cause us artherosclerosis. Never mind the fact that we need cholesterol to synthesize all of our sex hormones, it has immune functions, and has absolutely no role in heart disease. Heart disease is caused by inflammation, namely oxidative stress from the rancid vegetable oils people are consuming, as well as endotoxemia and low thyroid function, which are all caused by the PUFA rich inflammatory vegetable oils. If you lower your cholesterol by either statins or by a plant based diet, you will be susceptible to infections, cancer, have low libido and be depressed all the time.

  6. I'm 21, plant-based vegan, and have a cholesterol of 260. Apparently it can be a genetic thing 🙁 is this true? I've also read that there's a link between the contraceptive pill and high cholesterol. Is this true?

  7. http://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015-scientific-report/PDFs/Scientific-Report-of-the-2015-Dietary-Guidelines-Advisory-Committee.pdf

    "642 Cholesterol. Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake
    643 be limited to no more than 300 mg/day. The 2015 DGAC will not bring forward this recommendation
    644 because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary
    cholesterol and serum cholesterol, consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report.
    2, 35 645
    646 Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.

    The system is in denial, turning their back on the problem. This is the "bottom-line" being disseminated to health clinics across the USA today. WFPB diet is being dismissed as quack science, Just one more dietary fad. Critics are even trying to write off Caldwell Esselstyn by amending irrelevant, unschooled opinions to his Wikipedia biography. "

    "Dietary work[edit]
    Esselstyn has conducted research into diet and heart disease and – in common with his contempories Dean Ornish and T. Colin Campbell – has devised a dietary program which he claims can prevent heart disease. Commenting on the diet, Harriet A. Hall has written that the claims made for it are misleading and that the evidence on which it is based is "pretty skimpy".[7]"

  8. total cholesterol mediates the effect of ABO blood group on coronary heart disease. Around 10.5% of the effect of the A blood group on CAD is mediated by TC levels therefore if you're Type A go 70% vegetarian

  9. all well and good, but could you not try to use more up to date research for the current population? 1998 and 2000 is a little dated… it would be good to see this in recent papers, if there are any.

  10. Cholesterol only goes up because of inflammation in the body, not necessarily because of animal products. Many animal food are pro-inflammatory, like red meat, but salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. We should not focus on "numbers" but on eating an anti-inflammatory diet. With inflammation, the arteries become damaged with little "sores" or "holes" and in order to repair those holes, the body produces cholesterol to fix them, like using plaster to fix a hole in drywall. So a high cholesterol level is the bodys way of healing itself. Our bodies are so smart! Bring down the inflammation, the cholesterol naturally goes down because it is no longer needed to repair the holes in the arteries.

  11. Is that a pic of some doughnuts made into burgers? If only all that were vegan. Well, certainly got my attention and the message of this video certainly kept my attention. Thanks for the info.

  12. Dr Greger. I had the privilege of hearing your lecture in Portland, OR.
    My question to you is, As a Raw-Vegan for 4.5 years, My cholesterol is still elevated, what do i do to keep my cholesterol down below 150? Statins are linked to dementia and Alzheimer disease. Statins scare me because so many studies show they only stop production of HDL, and do not address/affect the LDL. I want my brain to function when I'm older. My understanding is that meat and dairy are the primary causes of high cholesterol. I have taken the dietary steps to lower it, please advise us on the safest route to lowering it if diet is not working.

  13. In addition, besides the health aspect of veganism, there is also the moral aspect. If sound science shows (and Dr. Greger provides us with good science) that we humans can have long, healthy lives without consuming any animal products, why contribute to animal suffering? Long live veganism ! And thank you Dr.Greger for everything.

  14. This is a public service announcement:
    The poster "Futurevideo10" is a Paleo goon, and/or a shill for meat producers, and/or has an untreated eating disorder and/or has a sociopath inclination to suppress the truth. I once (and only once) provided a thoughtful answer to his misinformation with links to corroborate. I got more propaganda back. Don't waste your time . . . unless you like arguing with someone who is intellectually dishonest.

  15. Can't argue with the truth, but it seems most try anyway..
    Can't handle the truth? Gtfo, or better yet! Grow up, take your wellbeing into your own hands and improve your life! Go Vegan.

  16. the only cholesterol that should be branded as bad is oxidized cholesterol which we get from processed foods, denatured proteins, rancid fats, trans fats, margarine. once we consume clean cholesterol, healthy fats like ghee, raw butter, coconut fat, the cholesterol in our body would play its multi function role without a hitch and we wouldn't have to worry about cholesterol levels per se. this is the chief difference between Mediterranean diet and American Heart Association Diet. the latter is full of inflammatory omega-6 fats which are known to oxidize cholesterol as against only olive oil in Mediterranean diet which is okay in moderation. many vegans avoid ghee but indulge in disgusting cholesterol oxidizing hydrogenated fats and trans fats which may explain their problems with heart disease. vegans should say NO to all processed oils/fats

  17. Stop ingesting canola oil, vegetable oils, and all that hydrogenated crap food.  That's the good start right there.  Eat healthy fats like animal, avocado, coconut, etc. along with meat, fish, chicken, & plenty of fresh veggies and fruit.  Cut out the sugar also.  It's a killer.

  18. Great video. I think a huge part of this was the private/public organizations making recommendations that guarantee(if followed) millions of people will die from the diseases they are trying to prevent.
    This is huge.
    Thanks for the video.

  19. I love this guy but surely eating some grilled chicken cant kill you. The problem is that most Americans eat fat soaked meat at every meal in addition to all of the sugar and salt. Moderation is bs for things like alcohol, but you can in fact eat lean meats once in a while with without illness.

  20. When my family says everything in moderation, i sometimes say we dont know what in moderation really means. Its better to be safe than sorry. But hey, the choice is yours.

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