Uova, colina e cancro

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DESCRIZIONE: Colina potrebbe essere il motivo per cui il consumo di uova è associato alla progressione e alla morte del cancro alla prostata.

Se sei un seguace di lunga data e alcuni di questi suonano familiari , è perché ho dovuto accelerare alcune di queste informazioni sulla colina per offrire uno sfondo per la mia apparizione al Dr. Oz Show. Un video più lungo che copre questo può essere trovato in Carnitine, Choline, Cancer and Cholesterol: The TMAO Connection ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/carnitine-choline-cancer-and -colesterolo-la-connessione-tmao/). Nel mio ultimo video, Eggs and Choline: Something Fishy (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-choline-something-fishy), ho parlato di cosa potrebbe fare la trimetilammina al proprio odore corporeo.<br/>
Per quanto riguarda la prevenzione della progressione del cancro alla prostata, pollo e uova possono essere il cibo peggiore da mangiare, ma quale potrebbe essere il migliore? Guarda il mio recente video Prostate Cancer Survival: The A/V Ratio (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate-cancer-survival-the-av-ratio).
Maggiori informazioni sulle ammine eterocicliche nel pollo e nelle uova in:

• Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e creatina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heterocyclic-amines-in-eggs-cheese-and-creatine/)
• Carcinogeni estrogenici per la carne cotta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/estrogenic-cooked-meat-carcinogens/)
• PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Cancerogeno (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/phip-the-three-strikes-breast-cancerogeno/)

Per prevenire il cancro alla prostata in in primo luogo, guarda video come:

• Ridurre il rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-cancer-risk-in-meateaters/)
• Cancerogeni industriali nel grasso animale ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/industrial-carcinogens-in-animal-fat-2/)
• È la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-it-the-diet-the-exercise-or-both/)

Che ne dici di invertire la progressione del cancro? Vedi il lavoro del Dr. Ornish Cancer Reversal Through Diet? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-reversal-through-diet/), seguito dalla Fondazione Pritikin: Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/developing-an-ex- test biologico sulla proliferazione del cancro in vivo/). Anche il lino può aiutare (Semi di lino vs. cancro alla prostata, http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flaxseed-vs-prostate- cancer/).

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-choline-and-cancer/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: MrX via Wikimedia.

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• Negozio: https:/ /drgreger.org

100 Risposte a “Uova, colina e cancro”

  1. You do not adapt to a thing you don't use regularly and which is not important for survival, even if it is over a prolonged time, unless it has strong effects that are deleterious/beneficial and a vicious/virtuous circle happens.

    For example, people have not really adapted to heavy metals, despite it being relatively common (contaminated water supplies) and toxic – but didn't put strong enough reproductive pressure.
    I'm quite certain modern humans aren't better at handling them than ancients.

  2. This is true if the noxious stimuli acts detrimentally, and relatively strongly, before the end of reproductive age. Weak or late pressure will not have any effect, positive selection is yet rarer, then there's genetic drift.

    That's partly why genetic degenerative diseases (or susceptibility) are quite common now – we live long enough.

    About water contamination, hard to find sources older than about 2000 BC. So let's leave it there. Yes, it has worsened much since industrial revolution.

  3. Are you a poultry and egg farmer or something who is desperate to find someone to buy your eggs or something? You are starting to sound like a desperate salesperson anxious to make a sale. I've been down that road before and am not interested in going back to it again. I get everything I need nutritionally without eggs and you should respect that and leave it be as you are barking up the wrong tree here. Do kindly respect and remember that everyone is different and has different needs.

  4. You dumb SOB. Show us some SCIENCE. A study is just that, a study, not subjected to any hypotheses, nor tests, PROPAGANDA. You mentioned the choline oxidizes. You said nothing about ANTIOXIDANT consumption.

    Eggs have nothing to do with prostate cancer. Any study about any cancer needs to be compared to Thailand. They eat just about as much eggs as Americans, and yet prostate cancer (and breast cancer) is next to non-existent there.

    Your study is FALSE. Please take this channel DOWN.

  5. Hi , I have 2 questions please , is the choline present in organic eggs as well ?! Or just in the industrial ones ! Second question, is it present in the egg white or the yolk ?! Thxxx

  6. It is sad to see so many believe this propaganda. You often see many nutritionists come at the cholesterol in eggs(which eggs actually contain good cholesterol that can help move out the bad) but now you're coming at the best thing about eggs? You keep saying you "think" or "it could also" but there is absolutely no supported research directly against choline. HOWEVER, if you believe this crap maybe you should also avoid salmon, shrimp, beef, chicken, cauliflower and many other healthy foods rich in choline. Do some research people and don't let this guy think for you..

  7. A lot of talk about eggs. Not so much about all the veg that contains high choline. 

    The last number is choline content [from wikipedia]

    Broccoli 1 pound 454g 182
    Cauliflower 1 pound 454g 177
    Firm tofu 2 cups 470mL (2 cups) 142
    Uncooked quinoa 1 cup 1 cup 119
    Soybeans dry 100g 116
    Large hardboiled egg 1 1 113
    Spinach 1 pound 454g 113
    Cooked kidney beans 2 cups 2 cups 108

    typical greger.

  8. Im 1.33 in and wandering if there will be an explanation of both: who determines the risk factors of these high risk cases, and on the mechanism, hmm lets see….

  9. Don't believe these studies. Eggs probably prevent prostate cancer. Just like the study that says flax oil causes prostate cancer, really? Eat a well balanced whole foods diet with low meat intake and call it a day. These studies will drive you nuts. Coffee was the devil yesterday and now its a phytonutrient all star. These urologists need prostate cancer. Just think if you put twenty men in a room up to the age of 50 even 70 99% of them would be able to impregnate a female with no issues and we as a species need to see the prick doctor on a regular basis because of issues we may have or have the potential get? Use the internet as a tool for health and you will get healthy if you listen to men like Dr. Mercola , Dr. Coldwell, and Dr. Udo Erasmus, etc As the mad cowboy would say " stop following nose to tail"

  10. just searched ,broccoli and Cauliflower has more Choline than eggs and chicken. of course higher amount in grams comparison but a vegetarian easily eats 3-400g a of these veggies a day. there is study shows that pescetarians have lower prostate cancer rate than others and fish is high in choline too. this is prob more cholesterol related.

  11. This is another bullshit video courtesy of Dr. Greger.  Thanks for the "maybe and probably and speculative" studies.  I'll keep that in mind when I'm having my wonderfully nutritious breakfast every morning.

  12. I don't get it at 1 minute 10 seconds this guy is saying how less eggs causes prostate cancer and then 10 seconds later he was reading from a study that says more eggs cause prostate cancer what are we trying to do here confuse the listener and the reader this is some crazy flip flop wordsmithing

  13. Dude, choline is an essential nutrient; it's not some toxin that must at all costs be avoided. I'm not saying a person should eat a three egg omelet every morning or even every week, but people need to get choline somehow. What kind of a doctor are you anyhow?

  14. I wander about alfresco eggs. I eat them once or twice a week for natural b12 and other nutrients. They are organic and true free roaming.

  15. My grandmother eat 1 egg everyday day well she is 86 in a month time…. and perfectly healthy…. well she drinks whisky too lol once a week …
    anything these doctors to say??? Why she is not dead of choline overtake some decades ago???

  16. This research was done using hard boiled eggs. Hard boiled eggs are not good for you. Try lightly cooked or raw, free range, organically produced eggs.

    The association between the consumption of eggs and progression of a certain type of cancer is just that – an association. You have to prove cause and effect. You have to prove it is the choline that's doing some sort of damage – which I find hard to believe.

  17. If our high consumption of the foods we eat (meat, eggs, dairy, poultry, refined carbohydrates,etc) are not the cause of skyrocketing cancer deaths in first world countries, what is the likely cause? How do you propose we decrease the incidence to that of countries with low cancer rates? l am interested in helpful, non-provacative answers.

  18. Apparently Dr. Greger hit a few nerves. Whatever. I don’t think eating vegan will harm me. For now I think I’ll err on the side of caution with Dr. G. What probably did do significant damage to me a was living on sugar for decades. I’m i’ll check back in 30 years and see how the debate is going.

  19. I'd say it's the growth hormone in the yolk that may have an effect on cancer cell replication. Choline solely helps metabolize fat in the liver

  20. This videos is brought to you by ——-not a optimistic pensioner do good in my spare time savvy but ——Maybe it’s funded by someone else——who could that be ——-mmm—-going against poultry here——hmmm———-that’s right GMO GRAIN SUPPLIERS—-😝

  21. Ridiculous! Happy-healthy chicken eggs are fine!! My grandparents ate eggs every single day and lived cancer free until they were in their late 90s!

  22. I ate 2 eggs (choline in yokes) a day plus Lecithin (choline) pill for Dementia prevention. Instead i got Prostate Cancer at 65, Stage 3. My PSA was 78. No tumors in my bones yet. My Urologist put my on Estrogen to remove all Testosterone–this will kill the micro-cancer cells that passed my Lymph nodes and also still in the Prostate gland. A high vegetable diet low sugar intake will also help fight the disease. Guess I'll be a Queen for a year. Help! Need Viagra.

  23. Choline is also found in foods such as liver, meats, fish, nuts, beans, peas, spinach, and wheat germ. So don't eat food anymore. Okay got it.

  24. i wonder if this is the same for chicken of the industry and the country chicken, the ones who lives freely, without stress and hormones, among other things.

  25. Does association equal,causation here? Last study it was insulin. This is speculation… tMAO risk factors are more to do with insulin spikes, correct. I believe this is even described in this very study,

  26. Just saw a mayo clinic vid. They injects a choline-11 isotope into men with prostate cancer and they can detect where it has spread in the body. "The prostate cancer cells instantly absorb Choline from the blood. It's their building block." So there….

  27. BS reporting that’s stating only partial story on poor studies with no controls. It’s the Yellow yokes that cause cancer lol. The white ones prevent it according to the same studies lol. This channel’s owned by drug company me thinks.

  28. what a bull shit video…
    watch Dr Berg video on Choline… Choline is actually good for you and prevents you from getting fatty liver and it even may help reverse a fatty liver.

  29. Just like any other food eat boiled eggs preferably half boiled eggs, yes frying omelettes maybe a danger but boiled eggs arer just fine

  30. Cabbages and cauliflower also are not good for your thyroid as many studies say but we still eat cabbage and cauliflower, or for example Almonds contain cyanide wheat contain gluten and so forth but we still eat them because I guess the benefit far outweigh the negativity

  31. From the NHS…..the number of deaths and cases of lethal prostate cancer were small (only 199 out of 27,607 men in the whole cohort, and 123 out of 3,127 in the case-only cohort [those who initially developed localised disease]). This small number increases the likelihood that the results are due to chance. Second, the researchers say that the group of men included in the study generally ate low amounts of the foods of interest, which limits the "power" (or ability to detect a difference) of the analysis. Furthermore, while the researchers controlled statistically for a number of possible confounders, it is difficult to say whether other factors could account for this relationship. The researchers say that men in the study who consumed more red meat or eggs tended to have a higher BMI, exercise less and were more likely to smoke and have a family history of prostate cancer. Additionally, it is probably difficult to control completely for other dietary effects and focus the analysis on a single component of a person’s diet. This study points to possible associations between diet and risk of prostate cancer. The aforementioned limitations, however, weaken the strength of these conclusions, along with the fact that previous research has looked at this question and found no association.

  32. ?? First of all, the fact that a given compound co-occurs with a sickness does not automatically mean that it causes it. So perhaps prostate cancer feeds on choline when it's already there but it is quite farfetched conclusion to say it is CAUSING it. I would have though that the health authorities had learned their lesson with cholesterol buzz, but apparently not. Secondly, as far as I know, flaxseed contains large amounts of choline and yet it is used in anti-cancer treatment (like Budwig diet). Something doesn't add up here….

  33. Choline is also present in breast milk. So are you saying that all humans mothers in the world are destroying the lives of their babies ? Well I find kind strange that mother nature would make a decision so dumb. Besides I have never seen a youngling with cancer

  34. It also makes a difference of eating healthy eggs or unhealthy eggs. Have free range grass fed with bugs and insects available from country manure piles and vegetable scraps <-> GOOD) – (BAD <-> or eggs from grain and fish meal fed commercial hens. If it is the later these eggs have a ratio of Omega3 at about 1% and Omega6 at 19%. So its the Omega6 that is the culprit, and not Choline. The Omega oils should be as close as possible to a 1% to 1% ratio.

    If hens are free range the eggs have equal Omega3 and 6. If you put a prostate patient on Omega6 vegtable oils bought at the store they will quickly get worse. But if they consume high fats of Butter and Lard and Omega3's they usually do better. IMO

    Remember if hens are on bugs and insects and vegetable scraps (& not grains & fish meal) and are allowed to free range the eggs will have an equal amount of 3 and 6 Omega oils and will be amazing to consume and good for the prostate.

    But if you keep the hens in unsanitary commercial pens and only feed them Fish Meals and grains, then you will have an unhealthy egg that will be hazardous to all that eat them.

    So i doubt it is the Choline but rather these people are consuming eggs that are devastating, by consumption & giving the person eating them an unhealthy amount of Omega6 oils. Omega 6 is the problem, not Choline. This is all in my opinion. IMO But ask a health minded Doctor before taking my advice. Thanks

    Bottom link Eggs should have an equal amount of 3 and 6 ratio. Anything less than equal amounts is probably not good for you over the long run. IMO

    I could eat 18 eggs now after watching this video. I am talking about eating 8 eggs coming from free ranged hens only. I would never eat an egg bought from unhealthy sources. They would defiantly be a bad thing to eat. IMO

  35. At 3:50 pause and read the “internal memo” acquired by the Freedom of Information Act. The study is acknowledged by the RESEARCHERS to be flawed. But, let’s promote this as a smoking gun for your choline arguments.


    Our results suggest that the postdiagnostic consumption of processed or unprocessed red meat, fish, or skinless poultry is not associated with prostate cancer recurrence or progression, whereas consumption of eggs and poultry with skin may increase the risk. from the same article

  37. You have eaten the worst carcinogenic food KFC and McDonald's and drinks Sweetened soda drinks and telling egg is bad for us. it contains many good things selenium antioxidant that prevents cancer,Vitamin A another antioxidant,choline is good for preventing fatty liver.Fatty liver can cause hepatic cancer.I'm almost around 30years .I have been eating eggs ever since I was months old.I didn't see anything wrong happened to myself.Thanks to not falling for fast foods.

  38. What about comparison of organic with inorganic eggs, and those that come from free range farm chickens, as opposed to those that are trapped in cages and their eggs are broiler eggs that make hormonal imbalances and much more problems..did anyone do research regarding this matter organic free range chicken eggs as opposed to the other living, raising conditions the chickens are subjected to.

  39. This is one of NutritionFact's worst videos. Every other sentence says "may", might" or "could". Which is exactly the same thing as saying "may not" and "might not". Not a whole lot of facts from NutritionFacts on this one.

  40. A large serving of broccoli has nearly as much choline as an average size egg. If you cut out eggs and started increasing your broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts etc, you can expect to increase your choline intake by 30-40%.

  41. I have two things to say about this.
    1) The liver produces some choline but most of it we get from food. Choline is a vital nutrient that helps your liver and brain to function, and it's also present in a number of vegetables as well. So I don't think choline itself is the cause of prostate cancer, possibly the growth hormones in the egg are doing that.
    2) One half cup of chopped broccoli= 31mg of choline. One hard boiled egg=147mg of choline. So there is a difference. If you are waking up and eating 2/3 eggs every day, it might be getting way more choline than you need. But I think one or two eggs a week won't hurt you, especially if you are already eating a vegan/plant based diet.

  42. Other foods I enjoy contain as much choline as eggs, such as tuna fish and sardines.
    1 cup, pecans has 44mg of choline,1 cup of pistachios contains 88mg of choline
    chicken and turkey are a good source of choline, with both providing 72 mg per 3-ounce (85-gram) serving

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