Vale la pena passare dal riso bianco al marrone?

Cosa succede quando il riso integrale viene messo alla prova in uno studio incrociato randomizzato e controllato?

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Ecco il link al video che ho citato: Se il riso bianco è legato al diabete, che dire della Cina? (

Altro sulla paella speziata allo zafferano:
• Zafferano vs. Prozac (
• Zafferano per il trattamento della sindrome premestruale (<br/> • Zafferano per il trattamento dell'Alzheimer (

Se il marrone va bene, che dire di tutte le varietà ancora più colorate? Vedi Marrone, Nero, Viola e Rosso A differenza di Bianco su Riso ( white-on-rice).

Per un'altra prova interventistica con cereali integrali, dai un'occhiata a quelli integrali possono funzionare altrettanto bene Droghe (

E la cosiddetta “dieta del riso”? Vedi:
• Dieta del riso Kempner: come montarci in forma ( -diet-whipping-us-in-shape/)
• Droghe e scomparsa della dieta del riso (
• È possibile invertire la retinopatia diabetica? (
• L'ipertensione può essere una scelta ( pressione sanguigna-può-essere-una-scelta/)

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100 Risposte a “Vale la pena passare dal riso bianco al marrone?”

  1. Of all the healthy food changes I've made, switching to brown rice and whole wheat pasta were some of the easiest.  I honestly can't even tell the difference!

  2. I currently consume red-pigmented rice. The cover picture of this video is a picture of neither brown or white rice. That cover picture is of red-pigmented rice.
    This article helped me out, regarding white or brown rice:

    summary – Eat rice in moderation if you choose to eat it. If you are bulking up intentionally, rice can be a great part of your diet. Trying to lose weight? Consider minimizing rice consumption. If you’re gonna eat rice regularly, white rice is probably healthy for you in the long run. If you are a type-2 diabetic (or at risk), minimize consumption of grains and carbs, but IF you do eat rice, go for brown rice.

  3. The fact that Dr. Greger didn't talk about Brown rice double content of inorganic arsenic, means that it's not really an issue right? Don't know if I should fear it

  4. Well you kinda forgot an important thing about Rice in general. Rice contains high amount of Arsenic(thanks to us humans) and brown rice have a higher amount of Arsenic than white rice.
    So if you are a rice lover, then stick with white rice. Also by washing the rice before cooking you can reduce the arsenic amount by about 50%.

  5. Diabetes is due to gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO. Gluten may hurt intestines so less nutrients like Cr/Mg absorb which help blood sugar. Oregon grape root and alpha lipoic acid may help blood sugar. Brown rice may have more nutrients, but also more gluten /arsenic. I take LDN and a gluten enyzme. Gluten may hurt all glands..thyroid/pancreas/liver etc…Brown rice hurts my Hmong friends…so they eat white rice….less gluten. Gluten can be in wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn and small amount in rice.

  6. Magnesium, zinc, fibre. You dont get that from white rice. Your brain get smarter and body gets more nutrients. So you can overall eat less and choose better foods when you eat brown rice.

  7. The reason why we don't eat brown rice three times a day instead of white is that our energy levels are way lower than on white rice. We feel more tired and get less stuff done.

  8. The thing about brown rice that I find troubling is that it takes over 2 times longer to cook. It's taste and texture are wonderful, and the proven health benefits seem incontrovertible, but are the increased benefits for individuals worth the trade off in extra carbon emissions produced in their preparation, the which negatively impact us all?

  9. Some tips I have learned with Brown Rice. "Yoga" is the best brand. And when you cook brown rice squeeze the juice of one lime into the water before cooking. It is wonderful. Softer, fluffier with wonderful favor. The juice of one lime to two cups uncooked rice and I use just a pinch of pink salt. Another wonderful flavor.

  10. Interestingly enough rice bran (what they remove to make brown rice white) is an addictive substance to some wildlife, once they try it they keep coming back to it over and over again, maybe they know something that we don't.

  11. Ate nothing but brown rice for a month and a half, I was in the best health of my life and looked amazing. Tried the same experiment with white rice and didn't look as great, but still felt awesome.

  12. I've been eating a cup of white rice 3 times a day for 3 months (basmati). I think i'm going to go get a blood test to test my insulin resistene risk, and then switch to brown. I have a blend of brown rice, quinoa, lentils and beans..

  13. There's nothing wrong with how brown rice tastes, it's quite good. But let me tell you I hate it when I have to cook something for an hour before eating it. If brown rice cooked as fast as white I'd eat it all the time.

  14. White rice tastes bland and useless to me. I can't figure out why anyone would want it in their mouth voluntarily. Brown rice is a lot better, but I still don't jump up in the morning thinking 'yum, rice'.

  15. What about reversal of kidney disease ,heart disease,malignant hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity in patients put on the Walter Kempner diet primarily made up of white rice and white sugar. ..?

  16. No study, it's no surprise, factors that brown rice, including organic, is high in arsenic in the US. In China brown rice is high in cadmium. White rice is mostly free of these toxins. Another factor, eating tepid, barely warm, white rice (lightly re-heated after it has cooled completely) lowers it's glycemic index, because the starch in cooled foods become "resistant" (to digestion). True also of potatos. (potatoes)

  17. i have tried eating brown rice many times but always find it taste plain and offsetting, the reason is i eat rice with all my cooking i don't eat rice by itself so i think thats the reason why i dislike brown rice, it just doesn't go well with any cooking like eggs or stir fried veggie chicken for example.

  18. I always eat brown rice. I prefer the Japanese medium grain organic brown rice the most. I cook it in a pressure cooker with whole turmeric roots and powder, garlic, and a couple pinches of salt and it tastes amazing. A couple weeks ago I made my typical rice/tofu/vegetable lunch for my work supervisor and he liked it a lot. He told me that he always disliked eating brown rice in the past but it was really good this time. Learn to cook people and try various varieties of brown rice until you find the one you like the most! Brown rice is quite variable in taste and some are definitely better than others.

  19. beans anti diabetic properties haha i see you getting good money from FDA for your mis info you spreading

  20. Are the arsenic in rice videos coming soon?I am hoping for a recommendation on what rice has the lowest amount of arsenic! Thanks so much for what you do 🙂

  21. We all know brown is more chewy and mealy. Here's what you do – use half brown and half white. Soak the brown in the total water required for 4 hours cold or 30 min. warm, then add the white and cook for the shorter period white requires. I have never rinsed my rice in the last 30 years. I am so happy with pressure cooker for rice, takes only 5 minutes and saves energy. If you are impatient try the 10 minute brown rice in perforated bags. Super convenient.

  22. You go ahead and eat some Tilda Basmati next to whatever brown rice you want, and you tell me which one tastes better. I'll eat brown rice for my health sometimes, but ain't nothing like some good white rice.

  23. I can't believe people prefer white rice to brown. I loved brown rice so much from the second I tried it as a kid, and it didn't have anything to do w/ my knowing that it's supposed to be healthier (there was no health bias there): I'm speaking purely in terms of my taste buds- they find it much more palatable. Organic brown basmati rice is such a daily staple that I find it difficult to cut my usual portions down due to the recent discovery of it containing arsenic levels that exceed general guidelines.

  24. Coloured rice is where it's at too! It's strange that people dislike brown rice without even trying it, I much prefer it now I've had it in a few dinners.

  25. After knowing all the health benefits of brown over white rice, I switched. It's well worth the slight sacrifice in taste IMHO.

  26. I've eaten lots of brown rice, as an Asian, to me, white rice is superior in texture and taste. I wish I could love brown rice. So I continue to eat white rice, but I've cut down on the amount and I've diversified my grain intake and included a lot more pulses and legumes.  

    Traditional Chinese diets are high in fiber, meats and fish is eaten in much smaller quantities and often steamed –at home. Unfortunately upon emigration and more wealth and appliances, we've changed to more restaurant style meals and incorporated a LOT more sugar (british style tea, bubble tea, baked goods) and a lot more inflammatory foods by stir-frying more, deep frying.

    My Cantonese grandmother raised me and there was ALWAYS a meat brothy soup often incorporating watercress, lotus root, carrot-tomato-potato, corn, or dried green veg. We'd have a stir-fried green veg, also often accompanied w either mung bean sprouts, or soy bean sprouts, sometimes we'd have tofu, or steamed eggs, and then a steamed protein, (fish, pork or beef, or liver). Pls note that a half of a pound of meat would feed a family of 4.  

    Funny enough chicken was only eaten as a whole bird poached and it was only on special occasions or the clan family gathering with extended family members. Otherwise we never had chicken in the house (which must be purchased freshly killed from the market whole).

    It's been 35 years since I've eaten my grandmother's food. I must say that the diet my family consumes is much more varied, but not healthier from an inflammation pov. Now I'm trying to learn to steam and poach foods again and eating more plant foods. These videos are helping me move in a better direction.

  27. what If your eating the white rice with vegetables and on a plant based diet no junk food or chemical based food you eat beans with it most of the time or chickpeas and you drink herbal teas would you be ok to eat white rice after all white rice is a grain it doesnt have much fiber but brown rice is even worse because of the arsenic problem and arsenic is a carcinogen somebody may eat it and get cancer because of what somebody on the internet said.

  28. I love takeout Chinese food. You have to search for those cafes that offer brown rice ….😄😄🎵🎶

  29. When I switched our family to brown rice I made no mention of it and slowly added in brown rice as I cut back on the white. It was painless.💚

  30. For Asians who eat rice everyday, it is well known that brown rice cannot be stable food for you to eat for every meal.
    Why? "Brown rice has 80 percent more inorganic arsenic on average than white rice of the same type. Arsenic accumulates in the grain’s outer layers, which are removed to make white rice. Brown has more nutrients, though, so you shouldn’t switch entirely to white. Brown basmati from California, India, or Pakistan is the best choice; it has about a third less inorganic arsenic than other brown rices.

    Rice that’s grown organically takes up arsenic the same way conventional rice does, so don’t rely on organic to have less arsenic."

    Are you the typical Asian who would eat rice for lunch and dinner every day? if not brown rice is fine. But it s not ok to accumulate arsenic everyday if you have rice daily. If you have diabetes, you shouldn't even be eating rice in the 1st place

  31. I thought I didn't like brown rice, until I tried preparing it myself when I grew up and started cooking for myself. My mom always cooked it a bit crunchy, so when I tried to make it myself I just added more water than she would and cooked it longer, and now I like it significantly better than white rice. With more water than usually recommended it has just the perfect texture, not mushy like white rice can get, but the bite is softer than brown rice is usually prepared.

  32. If you aren't used to a high fiber diet, increase your fiber consumption slowly. Start out eating half your grains as whole grains, but the rest should be refined. After you eat that way for several months, you can try increasing your fiber intake. And for Pete's sake don't eat something like All-Bran. Otherwise, you are risking some major GI pain. Most Americans or Europeans don't have the microbiome of an African villager.

  33. A whole lot of Americans eat white rice with butter on it, my Father used to. A common meal was salmon that he caught, and rice with butter on it. Absolutely hated it! Doing great on a high-fruit hclf plant-based diet, trying to get the rest of my family on it.

  34. Brown rice is also a lot easier to cook than white rice. You can cook it like pasta, just toss it in a pot with a lot of water and leave it there for 20 minutes or so. No need for careful water to rice ratios or rigid timing

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