Preferiti del venerdì: le donne con fibromi dovrebbero evitare la soia?

Quando si tratta di fibromi uterini, la soia è dannosa, innocua o utile?

Dopo aver ricevuto tante domande sui fibromi, ho prodotto tutta una serie di video su di essi, tra cui:
• La dieta migliore per i fibromi (https: //
• Il miglior cibo per i fibromi (
• Talco in polvere e fibromi (

E l'effetto della soia sul cancro al seno e sulla menopausa? Vedi:
• BRCA Geni del cancro al seno e soia ( -soy/)<br/> • Soia OGM e cancro al seno ( /video/ogm-soia-e-cancro-al-seno/)
• Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia? (
• La soia è salutare per i sopravvissuti al cancro al seno? (
• Come bloccare gli enzimi produttori di estrogeni del cancro al seno ( -Blocco-Tumore al Seno-Enzimi Produttori di Estrogeni)
• Fitoestrogeni di Soia per le Vampate di Calore della Menopausa (
• Come Converti in un produttore di equazioni (
• Approccio dietetico al trattamento naturale dei sintomi della menopausa (https://

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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16 Risposte a “Preferiti del venerdì: le donne con fibromi dovrebbero evitare la soia?”

  1. It's always so mind-blowing to me, the beverage containing the most phytoestrogens — beer — is considered the most manly thing to drink. Like banging your head against the wall would be a proof of your intelligence.

  2. And indeed the cure of hysterectomy can lead to MANY MANY more problems both functional, supportive AND Chronic Pelvic pain. If you study the ONLY theory that has PROVEN & EXPLAINED how indeed does the female pelvis function called The Integral Theory by Prof Peter Petros he has proven this beyond an >80% doubt. This cure for fibroids can lead statistically to an INCREASED CHANCE of developing symptoms such as incontinence both ends; both obstructed defection & urinary symptoms; over-active and underactive bladder syndromes; some forms of volvodynia or aka tethered vagina syndrome; dyspareunia; all forms of prolapse including descending perineal syndrome; nocturnal; and chronic pelvic pain. The cure can often be WORSE than the fibroids itself as Prof Petros has only recommended hysterectomy in EXTREME, if it is the ONLY way to SAVE the life of the female patient. Prof Petros is also a recipient of a rare academic award where at the time only 25 researchers have been awarded! In my opinion Pr Peter Petros should have been a Nobel Peace prize recipient for his Integral Theory which has UNLOCKED the last unchartered area of the human body … How does the female pelvis function?

  3. Thank you so much for this. I am a black woman that had a hysterectomy because of fibroids. Every woman in my family had the same thing. My mother, aunts, cousins. Im trying to save my daughter from the same ending.

  4. I avoid soy like the plague; I've tried to eat it in ALL forms..but nope, my body goes HAYWIRE everytime. When I was obsessed with soy milk lattes, it caused fibroid flare so bad, I had to have emergency surgery, and have fibroids removed. Listen to your body ( first) ladies.

  5. I have an acquaintance who drank only coca-cola throughout the day and developed a large fibroid that almost cost her her uterus. Might the link be soft drinks?

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