Vantaggi dell'estrazione dell'olio per placca e gengivite

L'estrazione dell'olio viene testata testa a testa contro il collutorio alla clorexidina per misure di salute orale e dentale.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questa è la seconda di una serie in 4 parti sull'estrazione dell'olio. Se ti sei perso il primo, guardalo qui: L'estrazione dell'olio aiuta contro il cancro? (

Resta sintonizzato per l'estrazione dell'olio per lo sbiancamento dei denti e per l'alitosi ( of-oil-pulling) next.<br/>
Nota: sconsiglio l'estrazione dell'olio. Spiego perché nel mio prossimo video finale della serie: The Risks of Oil Pulling ( .

Ecco alcuni altri consigli sulla salute orale e dentale:
• Non Usa colluttorio antisettico (C:UsersbradPicturesnfvol 39nutritionfacts .orgvideodont-use-antiseptic-mouthwash)
• Diete a base vegetale: salute orale( /video/diete-vegetali-salute-orale/)
• Diete vegetali: salute dentale (
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune Freddo? (
• Qual è il miglior colluttorio? (
• Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco (
• Il sodio lauril solfato è sicuro? (
• Il CABP nel dentifricio senza SLS è migliore? (

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54 Risposte a “Vantaggi dell'estrazione dell'olio per placca e gengivite”

  1. Brilliant! Happy to see some evidence, finally. Oil pulling actually helps put a layer of lipids on the enamel for protection against corrosive substances (any acids such as those in lemon, hibiscus tea, etc.). Perhaps you should do a study of long-tern oil pulling versus brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride possibly destroys the healthful microbiome in our mouths.

  2. I won upped the oil pulling method by using black seed oil which has known antibacterial properties, I have a very bad periodontal condition in which a calcium web ( honeycomb shaped) grows on the roots of my teeth so bacteria shelter in it, I have regularly had it removed resulting in a lot of pain as the dentist cuts my gums to get at it to try and remove it, the pain killer they use does not work properly because of inflammation. After oil pulling black seed oil twice a week for a month I have had no recurrence.

  3. I have been eagerly awaiting this video after the last "cliff-hanger" video.
    I use virgin coconut oil, despite it having expired OVER one year ago. 🙂

    As a sidenote, the good doctor said in another video that coconut oil is WORST for cooking so does anyone recall which oil he recommends for frying my veggie burger patties?

  4. How does oil pulling compare to flossing and water pick in addition to brushing? Is oil pulling supposed to be an alternative practice to basic dental hygiene?

  5. i always had several cavities every single checkup at the dentist (once in a half year) but then i found out my thyroid went underactive and i decided on my own to drink lugols solution (iodine) i put 1 drop of lugols solution in my glass of water every morning and evening (and thus also swishing my mouth with it) the 2 check ups since i started that i didn't have any cavities, now i've not been drinking it anymore but just put a drop in a bit of water and swish my mouth with it, if you intent the rest of the water with iodine later on the day make sure you cover it, which i found out after months that probably in the evening i was just swishing with plain water cause the iodine escapes.
    also if you have hashimoto's or something it's probably not wise to do.

  6. I'm convinced,time to stock up on coco,and oil. Another punch against White Greed, and corrupt Capitalism. no more toothpaste for me,no more harmful drugs in my mouth wash. I get get coconut oil 214 ml for about a dollar. Frugal,and saving money life,anti capitalism. Eve ginger is great for dental hygiene. I grow my own ginger,more than ,what I need for dental and cooking. I'm keeping my money away from White greed as much as possible. Stonelightning Kappa PJSalt

  7. Hello and Good morning, can you please make a video about gray hair, how we can it, at what age, what foods we can eat to help our hair etc. I just got my first gray hair and I never thought about it until now. Thank you Cla cla

  8. Really? I tried coconut oil pulling for a few days and my teeth started hurting like crazy and it took forever to go away. My dentist thought I was nuts when I told him. I am not trying this again

  9. How do u oil pull? Just swish in mouth for a few seconds or something? And when exactly do u do this…morning and night? Before meals?

  10. I drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning and 1-2 cups of green tea in the afternoon and evening. I often swish with the green tea. I've heard green tea is helpful for reducing bacteria that causes plaque and cavities. My dental hygienist has been saying for years to keep doing whatever I'm doing because my gums and teeth are doing great.

  11. According to Dr. Esselstyn mouthwash kills the good bacteria in the mouth which when combined with certain foods during the process of chewing creates nitric oxide which is essential to the health of the endothelial lining of our blood vessels and to heart health.

  12. 2 years ago felt cavity pain. Then coconut oil with Cloves and Ginger, swish swish. It worked better then I expected. The dentist's over 65 y's drill a bigger and bigger hole in that tooth and osteo bones. So the tooth fell apart. Then took Cilantro and other herbs to get rid of Mercury. Have not seen a dentist in 3 year's. Do Oil Ginger Cloves pulling research.

  13. Notice in the study that sesame oil was used. From an ayurvedic perspective, the correctly selected oil will help balance doshas. Coconut oil or sunflower oil is suitable for pitta types; sesame oil for vata and kapha types.

  14. For healthy, strong and lighter teeth and gums, you must get rid of excess "bad" bacteriae and nourish yourself sufficiently. TURMERIC is a very effective antibacterial and will get you rid of the problems linked to bacteriae in your mouth. WHEAT GRASS is an excellent source of nutrients to make your body, teeth and gums way healthier and to help you heal all type of injuries you may have in your mouth. Just do a mouth wash a few times a week at least if possible and ideally up to a few times a day and see and feel dramatic improvements!
    Finally, tea tree essential oil and green tea both as mouth washes are two high quality, highly effective ways to balance your bacterial mouth flora to your advantage 😊
    Peace 💮

  15. Turmeric, Tea tree essential oil and Wheat grass as well as Green tea are effective choices when used as mouth washes to balance your mouth bacterial flora and heal both teeth and gums!
    An Essential ingredient to your teeth and skeleton's health also is Vitamin K2. Which you can find mostly in fermented foods. It is a very rare and important vitamin you can get noticeably by having a portion of Japanese Natto, which you can do yourself by-the-way. A few times a month might already be plenty enough, even with pretty bad deficiencies at start.
    Love 💐 ~

  16. I agree that it could be useful, but just kind of disgusting. Swishing oil for 10-15 minutes seems pretty damn boring. I'd go for a green tea mouthwash instead of oil. Super cheap and not disgusting at all.

  17. OIL pulling? Gag me. I just realized I have truly conquered the desire to pass oil across my lips. Sugar is next on my list … Just because Dr. Greger objectively reviews a topic doesn't mean I need to consider it.

  18. So interesting and glad to have seen this. I hate the oil pulling process and didn't think it was doing any good. Recently I have seen a new claim/fad about "pulling" with wheat grass juice. Would love to know if it's any different/better then oil.

  19. Oil pulling cured my purple lined gums and gingivitis…helps my sinuses drain properly… has saved 3 of my dad's teeth that were falling out… and healed an abscess on my friends gums… this didn't happen in case study… but it did happen… no one can tell me oil pulling. I respect and like Dr. Greger but I believe my eyes more. 😛

  20. I have seen so many recipes for homemade toothpaste with the prime ingredient being coconut oil. I need help finding a truly helpful homemade toothpaste, that isn't potentially dangerous. Do you have any ideas for me and my family?

  21. I use oil pulling for my gums. I just brush with a mixture of salt and essential oils for my teeth. Thank you for this video. I knew there was something to this.

  22. Can someone help me please. Coconut oil is hard like lard or butter, do you melt it by heat first before use it for oil pulling?

  23. I've heard coconut oil has antibacterial properties so maybe that is one of the reasons it's better than water. I still will try to use oils of any type because my cholesterol goes up even when I eat too many nuts. See "the fruit doctor" regarding this if you have high cholesterol.

  24. I've been oil pulling 2times everyday for 1 yr and my oral health has improved so much it's crazy its healed my bleeding gums reduced swelling got rid of my tooth pain helped my sinuses I cant go a day without oil pulling love it and it has made my teeth gums pink and healthy looking again

  25. I’m confused. A previous oil puling video stated that oil pulling thins out the pellicle and more erosion occurs and this video stated that oil pulling is beneficial.

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