Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi?

Come possiamo spiegare il calo del rischio di ictus quando la dieta giapponese si è occidentalizzata mangiando più carne e latticini?

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Ma aspetta, non ci sono studi che suggeriscono che i grassi saturi non siano così male come si pensava? Scopri:
• Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire ( -set-up-to-fail/)
• Gli studi sui grassi saturi: imburrare il pubblico (<br/> • È davvero il burro Di ritorno? Cosa dice la scienza (

Proprio come la dieta tradizionale giapponese aveva molte cose utili ma aveva l'alto contenuto di sodio come difetto fatale, quello che potrebbe essere il tallone d'Achille di diete a base vegetale quando si tratta di rischio di ictus?

Questo è il settimo video di questa serie di colpi. Finora abbiamo trattato:
• Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus ( -mangiare per prevenire l'ictus)
• Cosa non mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (
• I vegetariani hanno davvero un ictus più elevato Rischio? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Omega 3? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: cibo spazzatura vegano? (

Resta sintonizzato per:
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: proteine ​​animali? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B & Omocisteina? (
• Come testare la carenza di vitamina B funzionale 12 (
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (
• L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina (

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100 Risposte a “Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi?”

  1. Blood too thin from excess of flax and chia??
    I have had to stick with 1 tablespoon, otherwise had repeated bleeding into my eyes.. This also happened to a girlfriend.
    Esp when you add vitamin D and fish oil supplements.

  2. I’m beginning to think whole food plant based with the addition of a few organic pasteurized eggs and a serving or two of wild caught salmon per week may be the most sensible way to go.

  3. The longer you keep this suspense up Doc, the longer meat eaters will refrain from going vegan!!!
    Love the content! <3

  4. The meat industry is always on the lookout for cherry-picking the data, so it may seem it's beneficial to eat meat. But if you look at all the facts instead of the screaming headlines it's clear once again.
    Thanks for that doctor Greger.

  5. Even if saturated fat would have a protective effect than just add a little coconut oil to one meal. That would still be better than animal products.

  6. I'm really glad that wasn't the final stroke comment because it was bewildering. And the implication was the next one will also NOT be the final statement.

  7. B12 ladies and gents. He has done videos on this before, I would be surprised if it is anything else.

    The B12 found in meet will inhibit the blood toxin that can cause artery damage, but due to the excess fat it likely still lands you up in the danger zone. Vegans/etc who don’t eat animal products have low fat, but lacking B12, still land them up in the danger zone.

    Solution: plant based with a b12 supp

  8. Although the newest format with Dr. Greger in-screen talking is visually interesting, it is not good for trying to read the text shown in the video. Dr. Greger is too animated which distracts from fully grasping the usefulness of the data shown. If the goal is to show the data… why distract attention with Dr. Greger on the screen?

  9. This time, I read the comments first before watching to see if it's another cliffhanger or if we'll have the answer lolll. I am pretty sure the conclusion is that WFPB vegan>Junk food vegan> meat eater

  10. Thanks Dr Greger. I love these videos! Could you please turn down the volume on the intro music? Or maybe change it back to the previous one? Thanks.

  11. From the layout of the covered stroke risks I am guessing there is one more cliff hanger and then the final answer…..hope I don't have a stroke waiting to see the answer!

  12. Doctor, I think you need to up your game to something a little more sophisticated than age old marketing tactics. I here that genetics is all the new rage. Just think of all those "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP)" out there just waiting to be explained. I'm curious as to what the data is saying about your YouTube viewership at this point.

  13. I knew Japanese ate a lot of salt but I didn't think they ate THAT much salt before being Westernized in their diet. Interesting. The effects of cholesterol on ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke also seems interesting. Can't wait for the next video for mention of a very important factor.

  14. Can someone Please do a TL;DR for me? Can't stand these videos anymore and Dr G's unnecessary distracting presence. Liked them when they were just charts and graphics. Love what you do Dr. G, but you're meant for the theatre with your on screen presence, and not for educational nutrition videos. Producers…Please, for the love of all that is good and decent…fix this format and revert to previous one.

  15. Japan did not westernised in 50,60 and started eating western diet, they were recovering from ww2 bombings and all destruction with it and just started eating morelike they eated before. Western diets realy kicked off in the 80s and all the shit that come with it.

  16. This is just more association as causation and is total junk science at its most egregious. I had two cardiovascular events and a stroke under the regime of low salt and a low saturated fat diet.
    Now I am a high fate carnivore and make sure to consume copious amounts of good salt (Himalayan Pink salt). Seat salt used to be viable but now our oceans are polluted with microplastic. Was the pollution with nuclear waste by Fukushima or urban toxic air ever considered in any of these questionable associative studies? Were any controls used? Were results replicated?

  17. These videos are tedious and not well done. I appreciate Dr. Greger's support for plant-based diets but he has lost credibility with me by touting plant-based diets as the answer to every malady. I have some chronic issues and reading Dr. Greger's articles on them was disappointing, he was simplistic and uninformed.

  18. Where and when did you dig up these papers you're producing from 1960 all over the place with backing at all?

  19. Strange, If you read on you find a completely different story and nothing to do with any Asian country. Nothing to do with fats at all. He's pulling it out of the air.

  20. Sooo… basically don't eat pre-packaged foods and you'll be fine. We're all gonna die eventually anyway. The trick is to not let your food choices be the one that does you in…. sounds more painful.

  21. Yea! Salt is delicious. I can't eat my vegetables without it, so yes, get the salt. Morton Iodized salt, Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt, salt and more salt. Sodium is an essential "nootrient" after all. Doctors keep prescribing blood thinners and people keep getting brain bleeds from that, and yet they keep on prescribing them. I just drink water. It's delicious. I can't have my salt without it. Filtered water, bottled water, tap water, water, water more water. Some people eat cheese and marshmallows and don't drink water, then they go to the doctor and get drugs for constipation. People are so lazy and stupid. You wanna poop? Grind some magnesium up into a powder with mortar and pestle and mix it in a glass of hot prune juice. I just saved you time, money and didn't get paid a thing. You're welcome!

  22. I used to eat no fat in a diet recommended to marathoners. But then, my doctor told me that my good cholesterol (HDL) is too low (about 20); not good for cardiovascular health. I resumed eating fat, and my HDL came back up and reached 40. Is it possible that when the Japanese ate more fat, their good cholesterol increased helping reduce their stroke risk? What is the relation of HDL and stroke risk? Thanks in advance Dr Greger!

  23. I don't think so that opting for veganism or vegetarianism can keep you healthy and strong. Just choose a balanced diet with lots of fluids, fruits, vegetables, pulses, and do simple exercises for your body and mind. Happiness is a strong factor for being healthy and active. Nothing will bring happiness if you are starving or not eating what you like. Always remember that everyone's body is not the same, so go with the choices of your body.

  24. Just so everyone knows, the study that shows hazards ratios showing plant eaters have higher rates of certain strokes were not statistically sginificant in th table near the end. The conifdence intervals crossed 1.0. That table essentially says they didnt detect a different in stroke between dietary groups. Im surprised Dr G didnt mention this.

  25. vegetarians still eat animal products like eggs, cheese and dairy all high in saturated fat …so these studies would have to use vegans in a seperate group from vegetarians to make it more accurate… I would think.

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