What Causes Wrinkles?

Over time, the skin folding caused by everyday facial expressions etches once-temporary grooves into permanent wrinkles, but only in the context of underlying structural damage. Can light emitted from smartphone screens cause premature aging and wrinkles?

I covered some popular wrinkle-reducers in The Efficacy, Safety, and Side Effects of Botox and Facelifts (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-safety-and-side-effects-of-botox-and-facelifts/) and The Efficacy and Safety of Fillers, Chemical Peels, and Laser Skin Resurfacing (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/efficacy-and-safety-of-fillers-chemical-peels-and-laser-skin-resurfacing/).<br />
See also How to Naturally Reduce Wrinkles with Food (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-naturally-reduce-wrinkles-with-food).

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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76 Risposte a “What Causes Wrinkles?”

  1. LOTS of fair skinned people have wrinkles on their arms. UV induced skin damage is by far the most important prerequisite for skin wrinkling. All other factors are just marginal.

  2. My mother has been going on about the adverse effects of UV (sunlight, tanning lamps) for years. Nice to have confirmation that she was right about this all this time.

  3. i have deep lines above my right eyebrow but i cant actually raise that eyebrow on its own so i just figured it was either a lack of muscle and blood flow on that side, i do sleep mostly on that side, also the room light is on that side i wonder if thats caused it.. i also used to stand in the sun for hours trying to get tanned as possible every day and have smoked sinse i was 14 yet luckily everyone cant beleive my age presumably because ive been a strict vegan for 10 years, those lines do make that side of my face look alot older tho, my fully white friends who arent vegan and dont go in the sun much at all have those lines going across there whole forehead, im getting there but im about to buy some retinol and vitamin c creams to try stop it lol, my biggest worry at the moment is this alopecia in my beard tho, using topical steroids but the spot just seems to get bigger and bigger, pretty much ruining my life as its still obvious when clean shaved as i have thick dark beard hair, its possible stress has caused it but after some googling i fear i could have thyroid problems maybe from smoking, it came on right after i quit weed and still smoked tobacco, im slowly quitting tobacco now, also eating 2 sheets of nori a day but that hasnt seemed to help either, they say the people with the most blessings have the most curses and thats me right now

  4. I use Dr Greger's suggestions and also use Frownies paper face adhesives as well. Re the time period for the study, daily use 30 days is what you start with and then every other day use. Using them the right way and consistently produces results. How deep the wrinkles are to begin with also makes a difference. Frownies help me reduce forehead furrowing and help me be more aware in general of my facial expressions. You notice the softening of the wrinkles immediately after you take them off, and as you make more facial movements during the day, you can get some wrinkling again. I find it is most effective on forehead lines and 11 lines between the eyebrows, and you can use it around the mouth if you use the right configuration.

    I also use an LED/RFD face wand, LED mask, Retin A, and castor oil. Castor oil has been touted as nature's botox and I have seen a real difference in the softening of my laugh lines with its use. Added to helichrysum oil, in two weeks I saw angry red spider veins in my legs fade to pink, although I haven't seen a big reduction in the bluer/purplish varicose veins. YMMV.

  5. can you please touch on alopecia in the beard, i wrote a list of what could be causing mine and i had moisuturizer (dht blockers), fragrances (edc disruptors), hay fever (alergies), lost a pet and quit weed (stress) smoking tobacco (since young, mixed with weed but now on its own till i quit that 2) daily workouts (physical stress) caffeine, kale, soy protein isolate, sunscreen, and maybe a lack of zinc and iodine (now eating 2 sheets of nori most days and have started eating walnuts) i just hope so bad its just stress and i havent developed hashimotos or something cause i aint taking no thyroid medication for the rest of my life lol the alopecia patch is still spreading and ive been using topical steroids for a month, its near half my beard at this point

  6. No, no, no. Those references shown at the end of that video are junk. The first one was focusing on "digital camera photoflashes." It wasn't focused on just passively sitting and reading a screen. The second study used a "monolayer of AG13145 fibroblast cells." This was not in a human being. I just fired up an iPad and had it display a white image. I took my Apogee Quantum Light Sensor and placed it right up against the display. At 1 cm. Also 0 cm. The screen was emitting <1 umol/m2/s of light. The photon emission was so low that it registered as 0 umols.

    You'll get way more blue photons shining on your skin just by sitting next to a lamp. I turned on a reading lamp and measured the photon flux shining on my chair. It was 17.7 umols. Compare that to ZERO from a white iPad display at point blank range. This is a joke! A complete lacking of understanding about light science.

  7. Sleep position isn't a major contributor to wrinkle formation, that award goes to Sun exposure, smoking, alcohol use, and poor diet.

    But it is a minor player. Wrinkles from sleep position form over decades, on the same principle that expression wrinkles do … repeated folding of skin. In addition to the face, they also can form on the cleavage of side sleepers with ample breast tissue.

    Just sleep on your back, no $200 pillow necessary. 😊

  8. Wrinkles form because the body's not reproducing DNA in new cells which only come from animal products which is the way God made your body clean grass fed and finished red meat and liver is the best.

    Plants cannot rebuild the brain cells spinal cord brain stem muscles nerves are tendons because they cannot make vitamin B12 it only comes from animal products God gave us the food laws in Leviticus 11 of the clean and unclean Meats follow God not man !

    It's better to put your trust in the Lord then your confidence in man Psalms 118:8

  9. Would be great if you could do a video on lectins. Guys like Dr Steven Gundry claim they are highly inflammatory, and highly destructive to gut linings. You recommend some high lectin foods in your content and books (like wheat germ for instance.) Is it potentially harmful? Does cooking it neutralize lectins but keep the spermidine in tact? What are your thoughts? Cheers.

  10. well, I'm going to address the elephant in the room you all masterfully pretend not to see. the way of eating, of which the vegan eating pattern is one in the front rows, where proteins are often ridiculously insufficiently abundant and of profoundly poor quality, certainly contribute to the rapid deterioration of the skin and thus the conspicuous appearance of wrinkles.

    it's no wonder that wrinkles appear at a time when the need for proteins increases, especially in old age, that we are unable to provide them due to an insufficiently efficient and worn out digestive system, or — decisions that are not based on the imperatives of the human metabolism. you can pick between wrinkles and an ideology, but you can't have a cake and eat it too; the choice is entirely yours.

  11. Always important to mention the huge caveat of when results are in vitro (such as the phone screen example) as opposed to in vivo….

  12. Eat more raw plant foods rich in vitamin C (to make more collagen) and water and drink more water to hydrate your body and your skin best from the inside.

  13. Limit exposure to the sun, drink plenty of liquids, eat lots of veggies, shower every 2-3 days in not-so-hot water with less soap, smoke less, use a good quality moisturizer, and when sleeping on your side rest your head at the back when against the pillow (5-8 hours per night for decades–the face has to conform) and if you wish, do facial exercises. This is what works for me.

  14. Good video, but it's missing several important details regarding the underlying physiological changes, such as oxidative stress, loss of collagen, etc

  15. Perform “facial yoga” every day. This stretches and tones the skin in every direction, and so discourages the skin from forming grooves that are caused by stretching in the same direction repeatedly.

  16. Anecdotal, but still – I used to sleep on my left side and did develop a long wringkle down my left side which was very pronounced in the morning. Switching few years back to the right side (for all the digestive reasons :-)) I started to develop one on the right too.

  17. I started getting vertical wrinkles on my forehead on only one side and didn’t know where they were coming from. I finally realized that I sleep on that side every night and the wrinkles match exactly the impression the pillow makes when it scrunches my face.

  18. How about a review on facial skin sagging vs wrinkles?

    I used to sleep on the left side of my face. It would be buffy/swelled when I woke up (especially after using tretinoin). That side sags more. I'm 60 and if my left side looked like my right side, I would look in my 40s. I have no wrinkles and people even notice and comment that I have no wrinkles. Now I use a special pillow and my face no longer swells up.

  19. Wear sunscreen and keeping your skin moisturized 24/7 is the best we can do for now, other than sleep, not smiling or frowning too much, and a good diet and less stress (where we can control it).

  20. "…partly caused by genetics…" snake oil solution is to denounce your parents , book coming soon.

    As for living in a household without social interaction, I'll trade a smooth skin for a wrinkly neocortex.

  21. Just discovered my blood pressure medicine I started after a bout of covid (AmloDipine) depletes Collagen! So disappointed I could tell I was having my skin age rapidly! Thought it was just covid, I had no skin ageing till I started that medication!
    Got me wondering about other prescriptions, Metformin, that blocks B12 absorption! Wow and I did take B12 being vegan but minimal dose, been vegan 6 years and guess what am getting nerve damage issue despite keeping sugar down! Gonna stop Metformin felt better off it, than boost my B12 for a while!

  22. As much as i find this stuff interesting… there is nothing wrong with aging and looking like you have lived a life. I dont want people to obsess over their wrinkles or feel bad.

  23. People need to understand that if you don’t exercise, drink enough water, eat a good diet, get enough sleep, manage your stress, and if drink too much alcohol. Then it literally doesn’t matter what you do to your skin it will never look good.

  24. I'll just take a wild guess, how about getting older? Oh no, that couldn't possibly be, it must be everything we do wrong and of course eating the wrong dangerous foods, because nobody has to age if they don't want to right?

  25. BS – the way you sleep does cause wrinkles. Same as smiling, frowning, if you crease your face over and over, LIKE A LEATHER GLOVE, YOU GET WRINKLES. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHO SAY SLEEPING ON YOUR SIDE DOESN'T CAUSE WRINKLES – ARE THEY BACK SLEEPERS WHO HAVE NO IDEA. You don't need science to know this FACT.

  26. I was having a cluster of dropped (and broken) dishware. I mentioned it to my brother who is a Dermatologist. He suggested that I stop using Botox. I did, and the cluster ended. Now, I'm going to try some safer alternatives to Botox: Angeline, Leuphasyl and GHK-Cu. I'd also like to try a high-quality castor oil.

  27. Thank you so much. Like Dr. John McDougall, who is constantly educating women about the futility of modern healthcare, Dr. Greger is also educating women to make the right choices about everything. God bless!

  28. Thank you so much. No repetitious facial expression. Maybe facial expression exercises? Or live alone? Or try to control facial expressions. Be mindful of facial expressions. God bless!

  29. Interesting to know, but why do we want to prevent wrinkles? Like would we care that as our dogs age, their muzzles get grey? I enjoy the science, but wonder at the underlying idea that wrinkles are somehow something to be avoided. Good luck with that.

  30. your skin has a program to contract when periodically stretched, but it grows when constantly pulled. So exercise helps if done correctly. As you might surmise, if you have fat under the skin this will result in a constant pull.

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