What Explains the French Paradox?

Why do heart attack rates appear lower than expected in France given their saturated fat and cholesterol intake? Is it their red wine, their vegetable consumption, or something else?

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But what about those meta-analyses that show saturated fat is not associated with disease? I thought “butter was back.” You guessed it—I’ve got videos on that too: The Saturated Fat Studies: Set Up to Fail (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-saturated-fat-studies-set-up-to-fail/) and The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-saturated-fat-studies-buttering-up-the-public/).<br />
What about the egg industry studies claiming dietary cholesterol is benign? See my video Does Cholesterol Size Matter? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Cholesterol-Size-Matter) and How the Egg Board Designs Misleading Studies (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-egg-board-designs-misleading-studies).

For those who were hoping it was the red wine, what about that resveratrol compound in grape skins? That’s the subject of my next video, Resveratrol Impairs Exercise Benefits (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/resveratrol-impairs-exercise-benefits).

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-explains-the-french-paradox and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Ross Websdale via Flickr.

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95 Risposte a “What Explains the French Paradox?”

  1. I just wonder if some of the great health in Africa is not only case of underreporting.
    I still would be vegan and plant based, but it would make sense for my pessimistic and paranoid nature.

  2. Your videos never take into account epigenetics/emotional and psychological factors. That is massively suspect. You must be blind. Or have absolutely be not endowed with INTUITION!!

    Intuition: The knowledge that does not rely upon simple reason.

  3. sounds like a conspiracy, are they purposely not reporting heart disease?  There is just no getting around it, no matter how many veggies you eat, if you eat animals, you most likely will get heart disease.

  4. i lived in a small French Village for a while about 35 years ago
    they always eat a salad before their Meal, and the portions used to be very small especially the Meat
    also i was seeing People as old as 95 riding a Bike as form of daily transportation, and we walked almost every where
    plus the Fridge was so small you had no choice then to go to the Market every day …by foot or Bike

  5. Thank you, I had no doubt (since all other countries lie near the line) that animal foods caused heart disease and that whole plants (vegetables) protect against it, but I always see someone with an agenda spouting something about the so called French Paradox. Nice video.

  6. Thanks Doc! I'm loving your book (just started it, 50 pages in) but I'm a bit confused about antioxidants & free radicals. I'm subscribed to Nature journal and just read about 'the free radical/antioxidant myth.'

  7. Wait, one thing isn't very clear: isn't the traditional French diet rich in cholesterol and animal fat? I mean, there was butter, cream and fois gras on every meal in the 19th century too, right? How do we know that they have started eating poorly recently?

  8. I'm french. This video is bullshit. All my relatives eat a lot of everything (and when I say everything it's EVERY FUCKING THINGS) and not in moderation. No one is fat. And those things that we eat are coming from centuries of culture, not yesterday. Keep searching.

  9. the funny thing about silly animal eating americans who cling to the french "Paradox" as justification is they will blindly overlook 99% of the cases and data to justify their stupid deathstyles.

  10. No need to pick up bad american eating habits to get chronic disease in France… sure most old french people never had a Burger in their lives, eat exclusively home cooked food and a lot of home grown fruit and vegetables, but they also eat a LOT of meat and dairy. I'm french and none of my grandparents are obese but they're far from fit. And none of them can tell you what their parents died from.

  11. As a former Professional Chef in 5 Star Hotels and Resorts, I can tell you that the French have been eating nutrient dense high fat foods for at least 75 years! Their world famous cuisine has always employed lots of butter, cream, eggs, cheese as well as generous amounts of liver pate!

  12. This is silly. So basically we can eat animal fat as long as we eat veggies the bad saturated fats have no effect… I don't buy it. Maybe the other explanation is that fat doesn't cause heart disease, and what does is sugar. Finnish diet is 90% based on carbs. Another thing: French have been eating like this for a longer time than 40 years, Sir. Cheese and meat are part of the French diet from the beginning of times.

  13. Are you this level of liar? The fact people consume high meat, don't mean they have heath habit, they may only be eating from fast food all day, don't doing exercises and eating no organic food. And where are the links for the research you shared? Are you trying to deceive people? Are you being paid by the carb and vegan lobby? Curious that only after the diet-heart hypotesis Americans started to get fat and have high heart attack rate.

  14. It's a wide spread wine lobby bullshit marketing to force more wine sales down non-french populations' throats and make them believe that consumption of alcohol is cool, fashionable and healthy! I've always hated those stupid anecdotes about the French supposedly drinking wine since the age of 13 and also consuming it at breakfast! Such utter BS and lie!!! And they still persist into this modern day and age!!!

  15. thanx. my famili r french islander idiots. veri fat unhealthi, unintelligent, ignorant, hot-headed, mentalli weak & spiritualli stupid peopl….that hav dishonored me 4 being an awakening human 2 this eternal philosophi……….THEY LOVE KILLING THEMSELVZ…I DON'T THINK THEY R STRONG ENUF NOT 2…….

  16. Finland and France has similar animal food intake, yet Finns die 5 times more from heart disease. How can you infer causality from this data? There is no causality at all, because, well, saturated fat does not cause heart disease.

  17. And your explanation for Finland? You had two severe outliers, remember? Mind you, the original claim sounds very much like a sales pitch. And there are various groups that want people in general to go vegetarian.

  18. On 28.11.17 a documentry came out in German/French Television "Cholesterol the big fraud" just watch 15 min and this fallacy came up. Do we know why Finnland is doing so bad?

  19. It’s not what they eat-it’s how they eat it. They don’t have a cultural habit of binge eating. Case in point-they drink more alcohol by volume than the US but have lower rates of liver disease and alcohol related deaths. Because they drink virtually every day as part of regular meals rather than binging on it purely for the sake of getting drunk. Higher alcohol consumption-but lower alcohol abuse.

  20. Ah, that makes sense. I assumed it was their intake of plant foods was higher (you see so many pics of French farmer's markets ) plus a lot more walking and less obesity. But this clears up the matter.

  21. Well the frensh have always had cheeses , croissants and cream in their diet. But have only recently bein introduced to the healthy american way of diet . So yeah, im sure we will see a decline in their health

  22. We French, we are generally in better health than the other nation (scientific fact) Why?

    Because we drink a glass of wine per meal. Our traditional food is excellent and natural. And above all, we do a lot more love than others.

  23. FRENCH PARADOX my asshole… pseudo Dr greger…. TMAO is lowered because of OLIVE OIL , BALSEMIC VINEGAR ….. and you fucking MORON do not even know that basic shit, you vegan NAZI promoter

  24. You sound stupid AF, We have been eating Cheese and Animal products for hundreds of years. And been consuming the same amount of saturated fats. We just don't eat trashy food like the standard american diet. In france we actually care about the quality of food that we eat.
    No Shitty American fast food.

  25. The Chinese Paradox. Dr. Greger always preaches the benefits of greens. Yet the Chinese diet includes no salads, greens,etc. But Chinese-Americans live on average 7 MORE years than white Americans. Why?

  26. I think the more sat-fat the richer the country and the higher quality of living, less stress maybe equals less heart disease. Edit: oh nevermind

  27. You don’t still believe saturated fat is bad for you? Read The Big Fat Surprise. France especially historically ate and do eat rich real filling food. Americans eat processed crap that half the time leaves you hungry for more an hour later, that’s why you’re all fat 😂. Your idea of health food is a Subway: a sugary bread loaf pumped with air and yeast, spread over with sugary dressing, two lettuce leaves and two thin slices of the poorest quality meat imaginable. I remember our skinny Irish arses first experienced Subway in Boston in the summer of 2002 thinking it was great, but we quickly noticed a pattern of feeling hungry an hour after we’d eaten a foot-long, so we gave up going there. No offence but by and large the quality of food we encountered in The States was abysmal! Everything was processed. We were not used to eating such weak sauce. Real food leaves you feeling satisfied and happy with energy to spend many hours following not even thinking of food. Real food helps regulate your mood, your appetite, your hormones, your metabolism, your body and your mind. Real food, eating slowly, more walking, less junk, smaller portions different culture and lifestyle. That’s the french paradox. As a culture the French also like to cook, and people who cook on the average eat much better. It’s not the fat. Real food is good for you. Cut out the junk.

  28. The “French paradox” is such nonsense. I’ve heard from several French people that they (in particular women) are dieting all the time. They are more active as they use public transport and walk much more than the average American or Canadian whom are far more likely to be car dependent.

  29. The situation is … when people eat food with full fat and not as many carbs they don’t get as fat usually. If anyone still remembers. Once upon a time in America people.. especially women were not as overweight there was not so much diabetes going around. From the late 1970’s and onward it started getting worse and worse and that is when the whole low fat nonsense started going around and whole wonderful grains are so good for you and so on. Saturated fat has gotten a bad wrap and the obesity epidemic is the result. Thing is when you consume a lot of fat (just like the French) you will not be hungry as often.. will stay full for longer. It’s not a miracle it’s just they still are eating the old fashioned way. Low fat dairy products by the way are pumped full of sugar to make them taste better. the west has been neglected of fat especially animal fat has been villainized but the real bad stuff besides sugar and carb abuse is vegetable oils. They are a real killer.

  30. Oy, so much bunk. The French have eaten cheeses, meats and decadent desserts for ages. It's not a mystery. They take time to eat slowly, lunch is the main meal and takes hours. They eat what they genuinely enjoy, slowly, and only enough to feel sated, not full. They don't chug sodas, snack or rush through food. They walk everywhere, many also ride bikes. Food quality is extremely high, and most have tiny fridges because it's normal to buy fresh food every couple of days. It's a cultural and lifestyle shift from the way Americans live and eat, and view food. And it works.

  31. +NutritionFacts.org; this HAS a very interesting topic, bit I was unable to watch more than about 45 seconds of this because whoever's doing the VO (narration) had a very odd – highly irritating habit of ending almost every word, and every sentence by so slurring their speech (or, more accurately, ssssssoooooo ssssssslllluuuirrrriiing…. well, you get it), I couldn't pay attention.

    I'm sure some people reading this will say (yawn) how; 1) rude, 2) insensitive I am (NO, I'm not. Your e to immature to understand what crucial is).

    If sssppoeeeakinbg like one's constantly falling asleep was a 'good' thing, you'd great a lot more professional voice over artists losing work to a person who sounds like they're contently Ankur to drop off.

    But, that's not the case.

    How about you write it a script, and rehearse it, if needed, use a sounding board – sometime who can give honest feedback.

    Otherwise ('otherwissssssseeee😫') this is unlistenable.

  32. 2:01 Looking at the paper "Explaining the French Paradox" the full quotes contradict the message you're conveying.

    "Three areas of France that participated in the study appeared to have very low IHD death rates, but on investigation it transpired that some deaths that else-where would be attributed to IHD were in France described in some other (usually vaguer) way. This appears to contribute to the French paradox, but it does not wholly explain it, since even when the French death rates were cor-rected for this low bias they still remained relatively low (WHO Monica Project, 1994).

    Is it the wine?
    It seems, then, that the French really do have lower IHD death rates than might be expected from their fat in-take, serum cholesterol levels, blood pressures and smoking habits. Something about the French way of life must give them some protection from this disease."

    And from the second quote, What can we conclude: "The French paradox is exaggerated by under-reporting of IHD deaths but not entirely explained by it. Something about the French (and southern Euro-pean) lifestyle seems to protect against IHD, despite unfavourable factors such as fat intake, blood cholesterol, blood pressure and smoking habit."

  33. There is no paradox. Fat is not bad for you, industrial food is bad for you. French, Italian, Spanish or other people that consume industrial food suffer from the same problems as Americans who eat industrial food.

  34. Did you cite any source for your assertions, or did I perhaps miss it? Also what explains the Finnish experience? Ms. Nestle's comment actually supports the French paradox, i.e., the traditional French diet is much more heart healthy than the typical American diet.

  35. It’s only a paradox to people who believe the nonsensical associational “studies” that Dr. Gregor based his entire fraudulent worldview on. Anyone else would realize that the French are just eating a more healthful diet. It’s such a disingenuous thing to call everything that disproves your preconceived notions a “paradox,” when it’s actually just evidence that you’re wrong.

  36. Alcohol is a poison. Don't get fooled by fake scientists and false data.
    Sobriety is a natural state of a person that is free from alcohol, nicotine and any other poisonous substances.

    Live Soberly, my friends!

  37. However chronic diabetes is creeping up in France and has one of the highest rates amongst EU members. Maybe a little moderation in the carbs is needed.

  38. Which doesn't explain why the French remain so slim, in spite of the fact they eat a lot of fats, desserts and breads. Additionally, wine is known to be good for keeping the arteries clear, even a couple of drinks a day will do that. They also eat in smaller quantities, and rarely "snack" or go through drive-throughs for junk food. The combination of sane and moderate eating make all the difference. But the fast food industry has recently been making the French fat, just like America, and it is alarming to them.

  39. It’s the Raw cheeses and dairy! Pasteurization kills the miraculous properties of dairy and raw milk! The French Paradox is eating RAW dairy and cheeses!

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