What Is the Most Important Anti-Aging Cream Ingredient?

Most anti-aging creams may work no better than typical moisturizers. The daily application of sunscreen is considered to be the single most important thing to maintaining youthful skin.

This is the first in a four-part series on so-called anti-aging skin products. Stay tuned for:
• Topical Retinoids to Reverse Skin Aging (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/topical-retinoids-to-reverse-skin-aging)
• The Benefits of Topical Niacinamide for Reversing Skin Aging (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-topical-niacinamide-for-reversing-skin-aging)
• The Benefits of Topical Vitamin C for Reversing Skin Aging (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-benefits-of-topical-vitamin-c-for-reversing-skin-aging)<br />
For more on how to live your longest, healthiest life, preorder my new book How Not to Age (https://nutritionfacts.org/book/how-not-to-age/). (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books (https://nutritionfacts.org/books/) are donated to charity.)

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59 Risposte a “What Is the Most Important Anti-Aging Cream Ingredient?”

  1. I've been an esthetician for a long time, so I have seen many faces. I always recommend vitamin c serum and/or hyaluronic acid with spf in the daytime and a retinol at night if tolerated. Otherwise a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid at night. The hyaluronic absolutely makes the skin look more plump and hydrated. I also take hyaluronic acid internally as per Dr Brad Stanfield's information. Retinols make a big difference. They need to be used carefully and allow the skin to build a tolerance. Inflammation is what causes visible skin aging, thus protection from the sun and not using products that are too strong for one's skin. A gentle routine is best. But really, eating a healthy diet, getting sleep, exercise and dealing positively with stress are all important for aging – of the whole body as well as the skin.

  2. At 25 I was fortunate to have a dermatologist tell me to protect my skin. At 61 I'm glad I listened.

    I'm interested to hear your thoughts on trans retinoic acid/Tretinoin given the ban in the EU.

    Thank you for all you do. 🙏🕉

  3. I've used sunscreen daily since end of 2020/beginning of 2021 and I have been told I look younger than before. I love sunscreen. The brand "BLACK GIRL SUNSCREEN" is my favorite. I use the kids version because it's the same as the adult one but cheaper.

  4. Солнце всего-лишь выжигает мёртвое. Если ваше клетки мертвы, то причём здесь 🌞

  5. i have my daily route planned out. if it is cloudy, and i wont be walking more than 15-20 minutes, is it still necessary to apply sunscreen? I work from home and only walk to the gym which takes 15 minutes. if I'm running any other errands, or its sunny, then i put on sunscreen.

  6. Use coconut oil, it has UV protective oxalate, and 3 times a day gives you a similar protection as SPF 15, without artificial preservatives. Also ASTAXANTHIN on a night cream works as the strongest antioxidant so far known.

  7. Thanks for the information! I have used sunscrean every day since I was 23, also on cloudy days. Recently I started using moisturizer as well. I have 'normal' skin (not dry, not oily), so I never thought I needed it. But I read it helps to prevent wrinkles.

  8. Years ago, a dermatologist prescribed retinol and unfortunately my face suffered the consequences. To this day, my facial skin is highly reactive to sunlight thanks to retinol. Considering the amount of melanin in my skin it shouldn't be that way.

  9. Does sunscreen effect vitamin d production? How much longer do i need to expose my skin to the sun if using sunscreen? Especially in winter Ive always avoided sunscreen just to be be safe but now I'm worried, and what spf.. and what sunscreens are safe? what a rabbit hole how stressful i dont wanna be a pale deficient weakling waaah

  10. Hi Michael! I'm a doctor in Brazil, I've been vegetarian for 24 years. Congratulations for your work. I would like to suggest you read the toxic effects of sunscreen on the development of cancer, melasma, autoimmune diseases. A hug!

  11. I'd like to see a 3rd video in this series discussing the chemicals in sunscreen. Is the health risk associated with those chemicals worth it to save your skin from some wrinkles?

  12. Doc must be high or on something. "What Is the Most Important Anti-Aging Cream Ingredient?"
    Doc never answered the question, of what is the ingredient. LOL. Only fools would use SPF sunscreen lotion or whatever. That stuff is poison. It blocks the Sun's natural vitamin D and the ingredients in Sunscreen reads like a notebook of a chemistry teacher. These ingredients are what you'll find in Sunscreen – Tinosorb S, Mexoryl SX, Oxybenzone, Octinoxate, Avobenzone, Titanium dioxide and this list of poisons goes on and on….
    If you're worry about sun ageing, wear a hat, long sleeve shirts, cover up, but don't poison your skin. BTW a little Sun on your skin and eyes is actually healthy for you. IMHO.

  13. I avoid the sun like the plague. My mother does as well and at 89 years old, NOBODY can come even close to estimating her age as she has few wrinkles and virtually no damage to her skin. She has been strictly plant-based for over 60 years as well.

  14. I dislike sunscreen, both the way it feels on my skin and the times it's let me down and I got a bad sunburn. So I wear a large hat now and stay out of the sun as much as I can, even standing outside in shade or shoving my hands in my pockets. I also take a pill each day called polypodium leucotomos, which according to the national library of medicine, prevents sunburn and other skin problems.

  15. I love the Sun and never use Sunscreen. With healthy eating the body adapts and protects itself. Of course I don't stay at high noon for 4 hours in direct sun but without the Sun we would not be able to live and our body makes Vitamin D from it. So for me it makes more sense to live naturally and listen to the body instead of the Industry

  16. OK. we are in agreement here. Sun is the problem.
    But what about Vitamin-D?
    Are there vegan, organic sunscreens which do NOT block Vitamin-D production?

  17. Richard Weller a dermatologist claims that Australians live longer than Brits. Basically the further north you go the sooner you die. He claims that it indicates that sunlight exposure (UVA in particular) helps increase NO which moves blood around easier. So if you wear an anti-aging cream that makes your skin look younger and blocks UVA, does it actually make you die sooner because it interfers with NO generation?

  18. I'm old enough to remember tanning was cool and sunscreen was only used by lifeguards and skiers…in the form of diaper ointment. my skin shows it now sadly.

  19. Just make sure your sunscreen offers sufficient UVA protection. UVA is mainly what ages us whereas UVB rays mostly ‘burn’ us. Many US sunscreens only offer good UVB protection but not good UVA protection. An SPF of 50 should be bare minimum as well since most ppl don’t apply it thick enough the first time. Look for a sunscreen with the newer generation of filters for good UVA protection.

  20. Interested to see if you'll cover red light therapy. I've been using a strong body red light therapy device with Near Infra Red as well as Infra Red and its been a game changer for my skin, after about 4 months of consistent daily 10 minute sessions.

    I've tried all the potions and lotions and stuck to the routine of gentle cleansing, spf50+ daily and retinaldehyde 3 – 4 times per week and covering up in the sun for years. I've never had the results I do with red light therapy, when I used retinaldehyde (retinoid). Fine lines have literally disappeared when they used to be etched into my neck and forehead, my skin is so bright now like I'm using a potent vitamin C serum. No irritation, flaking, redness and tolerance needing to be built up like with retinoids. Its also great for healing tendonitis, skin irritations, when I'm feeling sick and also my hair is super thick now. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it goes years from now.

    Current routine: spf50+ with protective clothing in the day, gentle double cleanse at night, 10 minutes overall red light therapy and a basic moisturiser.

    I've also read that adding peptides or an anti oxidant such as astaxanthin (from green rooibos tea), upgrades red light therapy for skincare in a major way. So conservatively, I'll be wetting my skin with simple organic green rooibos tea and letting it dry, just before doing my red light therapy for the day. Wash it off and apply my basic moisturiser.

  21. Im curious to know.. which product you used and where it cane from.
    I used to buy tubes of Trenatonin (sp)
    (which have to be prescribed here in the US) from Mexico.

    At the time they were $6 a tube but there was a flat $25 shipping fee for your entire order..So of course I bought half dozen tubes, lol.
    At the time, the benefits of Retinol
    usage was spreading like wildfire.
    Mexico caught on and last i knew each tube was $25..
    I forget the website now…
    Anyway, I have read that first a "buffer* serum can be applied to the area, followed by the retinol to avoid any harsh consequences .

  22. I have a dark skin in my mid 40´s and I feel like this doesn’t apply to me. I have never worn sunscreen and only use jojoba oil on my skin once a day… I love the sun and I don’t have any wrinkles… it seems that its all about my diet… when its great I look like a 20 years old and as soon as I am not as consistent it looks crap 😂….

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