Why Vegans Shouldn’t Hate Meat Eaters

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The video: Why vegans shouldn’t hate meat eaters

@ed.winters exposing meat industry propaganda: https://youtu.be/CkD3aeO6gL0?si=5RLPmTK8as4is57M />@JoeyCarbstrong investigation: https://youtu.be/Jrc0GN1Ujys?si=5rAmzEGosAsnMMrE />
Watch Pignorant, the new documentary exposing horrors of the pork industry:

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————-Videos and resources to learn about veganism————-

Dominion: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
Land Of Hope And Glory (UK): https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8
Unholy Cattle (India): https://youtu.be/30bCIsh3oh8
Cowspiracy: https://youtu.be/dSjE8xw_-Dg
The Game Changers (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives (Netflix)
Nutritional Resources: https://nutritionfacts.org/

Edited with Gling AI: https://bit.ly/46bGeYv

#vegan #meateaters #DavidRamms

100 Risposte a “Why Vegans Shouldn’t Hate Meat Eaters”

  1. David Ramms, look at animal sanctuaries like 'gentle barn'. They bring in 4,000,000 a year mainly from meat eaters.
    They don't mention veganism very deliberately because they know their income will stop if they offend meat eaters.
    Meat eaters provide the vast majority of their income.

  2. I hear what you are saying. But it seems so unlikely that they are ignorant of what is going on, with all the documentaries that are now available and the coverage animal rights get in the media. (Though sadly the media isn't always the best and most reliable spokesperson for animals of course….)

  3. How do you feel about people who are fully aware of the suffering they are causing but continue to participate because they like eating the corpses of tortured animals ?

  4. Caveat: Some meat eaters are in fact fully aware of what they are doing, and proud of the suffering that they inflict.

    But you're right, I don't hate most meat eaters. I simply am disgusted with them, as I am with my past behaviour. The hate is purely reserved for those special meatflakes that actively take a stance against animal rights and go and troll the vegan movement or try to undermine the vegan message, as you said about that conman that tricks people for a living.

  5. I thought like a meat eater. Until one night I watched local news and a local dairy farmer got charged. It’s not easy i know . My husband eats meat. I’m the only vegan in my my husbands family and at work.

  6. Well said, David. This is an important message and I hope it will reach a lot of people who are vegan in their hearts and values (which are most unless they're psycho).

  7. I love this compassionate approach! Props to you! 💪💚
    The only difference between vegans and meat-eaters – seeking and accepting the truth. It's really hard to do and especially if you come from a point of "we are different" instead of "look how many common things we share".
    Sure, there may be those, that are irredeemable people but I refuse to believe that they are the majority

  8. That is all nice and well, but there are many many meat eaters that even if they are being told the truth, they just don't give a fuck and continue their ways. That is my own family, friends and even my partner.

    It is very hard to not hate that at times.

  9. Such a passionate speech, David. All you stated was so true. So many people experience the ostrich effect. Veganism is growing, the lies from the meat, egg, and dairy industry are growing. We as vegans need to stand strong and call out the BS

  10. No problem at all with people who have cognitive dissonance, or who do it out of true necessity (but truly honor the animal…)
    I have a huge problem with people who act high and mighty, proud, and righteous about it. The people who smile and laugh knowingly at the pain and suffering of animals, who say they don't care because it's delicious. Huge issue with that

  11. I mean you can hate me. It doesn't affect my day to day basic. As long as I can wake up everyday and be with my family. I don't care about dogs or cats or any other animal.

  12. Imagine how amazing it would be to wake up tomorrow morning and find out that animal agriculture is being abolished and phased out. It could happen if the government stopped the subsidies 😔

  13. Fair enough don’t get annoyed with and hate on people who are unaware of the abuse and or the fact they don’t need to eat meat… what about those people in my life, and I’m sure in many other vegan’s lives, who through association, are now fully aware of the abuse, nutrition facts and their own cognitive dissonance continue to support animal abusers… what about those guys?

  14. what is all this focus on meat eaters? we want ppl to get it thru their heads that veganism is not a diet, and the vegetarians are rarely targeted in the titles. plus there are countless ways we exploit animals.

  15. I’m with you on this David. Many still are stuck in a cognitive dissonance realm. Their actions aren’t in alignment. Filling the cup planting seeds is the way, otherwise division continues why else would we be advocating in the streets.

  16. Just a headsup because Rick Berman, the PR guy being the "Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)" that David, is talking about is slowing down and others are taking over. A new public information campaign was launched in 2023 by Jack Hubbard, who is also a partner at public relations firm Berman and Company, targetting lab meats and others. It's now called, 'the Center for the Environment and Welfare (CEW). This is also something they do, keep reinventing themselves under new names every time the old one is burned out. Berman and CCF was behind campaigns/website/orgs like PETAKillsAnimals, ActivistCash, BigGreenRadicals to. They are funded by big right wing billionaires like Bradley Foundation.

    Others have included stuff like, Animal-Scam, FishScam, ObesityMyths etc. He's support vivisections labs, fought for puppy mill owners rights etc.

    The devil is going have to dig a new basement out for him when he dies just so he has a hell deep enough for Berman to go into.

  17. Nobody in my life that I talked with changed their ways. They do not care, and it left me defeated and severely depressed. I was so frustrated with people and got so bad that I was prescribed antidepressants. All because I wanted people to open their hearts and be kind to animals. It lasted for a very long time but thankfully I started feeling better. Having to live with 3 meat eaters is still anything but fun but I recently met a few activist and I don't feel so alone anymore


    Animal flesh consumption is only one of many forms of animal exploitation. Why do vegans keep saying things like "I wasn't vegan then, I still ate meat", "As soon as I mentioned veganism, all the meat-flakes came out of the woods", or "I'm vegan, I don't eat animals", etc? And yet, whenever non-vegan mistakes us for vegetarians, we get furious about the comparison because we know vegetarians are still part of the problem and still exploit animals in some of the most horrible ways.

    Then why do we keep adding to the confusion?

    We have to stop treating "meat" (animal flesh, we shouldn't even pander to that euphemism) as if it was worse than any other animal product or form of exploitation. We're not only against flesh consumption. we're against all kinds of animal use and exploitation.

    David C. Arenas
    IG @davidc.arenas
    YT @davidc.arenas7032

  19. David, please… PLEASE STOP using the word "meat"! Speak the truth and call it what it is — i.e. a rotting corpse or murdered animal flesh. The word "meat" erases the victim who fought for their life at the slaughterhouse.

    Using the correct words while advocating for animals IS powerful and helps break the indoctrination spell that rotting corpse eaters are under. Try doing that… and see what a difference it makes.

  20. Maybe people won't like this comparison but hear me out. Imagine being against nazism but because you're white and blue eyed you can fit in and even befriend nazis. would you want to? when they go against everything you stand for?

    We're human so we can befriend and "get along" with people that pay for animal abuse, they won't do to us what they do to animals because we're "superior" in their eyes. But why would we want to?

  21. Maybe these kinds of excuses could be given for dairy and eggs but not for meat. Meat eaters are not so stupid as to think meat grows on trees. Even if animals were painlessly put to sleep, that is still murder. That is what we do to criminals in the U.S.

    No one is entitled to being liked. Everyone has a right to his/her emotions. What you should have said is, “Vegans should not express hatred towards meat eaters”. Then I would agree.

  22. David that livestream was awesome this morning. I hope you do more. And your sentiment is SPOT ON. As vegans let's not aim the intensity/disdain at the person but aim it at the big money who laughs their way to the bank as people naively pay for violent systems and diminish their health…

  23. You're so delusional. Its not animal abuse to kill them for a necessity. Your completety flawed in your argument. Also grains kill animals youre not even a real vegan anyways.

  24. But a lot of people know that animals are murdered they still eat meat people do know this I think you are vegan are desperate to convince the people it is sad I don't understand the vegan movement has failed and now the vegan movement

  25. No matter how many times you tell someone that they're paying for the slaughtering of innocent animals in the most horrific ways they still don't care so it is hard at times to respect someone who has the mentality that they don't care about anyone but themselves. I personally am angry at the meat and dairy Industries for lying to people for so long. You're right in the fact that both meat eaters and non meat eaters need to stand up for the animals and not put up with the lies and greedy corporations anymore.

  26. That's a wishful thinking, David. The reality is, that you can't BS people, who doesn't BS themselves. The majority of humans are evil. They derive pleasure from others suffering, and that what's making their little miserable lives feel less miserable. They know animals are killed, and they know that vegans exist. It just takes basic decency to find out the details…but they don't want to….and when they see the truth In front of their eyes, they decide not to change anyway. The people that you are taking about, David, is probably just around good if 30%

  27. I am not saying that animals are not abused however how many pesticides are sprayed on crops killing other vegetation, birds, bees, and other creatures and fouling water sources and the soil We should all stand together and improve farming practices and stop the animal abuse, together.

  28. How about people who rescue a dog from an animal shelter? This is great, happy people rescue the dog and give it a happy life, but what about the animals that are being eaten that are disregarded. Dogs that are euthanized in shelter seem to undergo a much more "humane" death as opposed to whats happening in animal agriculture. Also what about feeding animals like dogs and cats? Just makes you think more in depth about whats happening when you ask questions like the similar to topic of the video. Keep it up with the thought provoking ideas and messages.

  29. everyone i know claims to love and care about animals and are aware of the the atrocities to animals. they still aren’t vegan. i’ve just come to the conclusion that they, and the vast majority of people out there, simply don’t give a flying fuxk. they just don’t. sux

  30. Of course I'm aware that most of those defending animals probably eat meat, as a vegan it's the wanton cognitive dissonance that gets me. And the fact that when anyone brings up veganism they're there with their stupid ridicule instead of just scrolling past. So my point on cd is moot.

  31. As a meat eater you had my attention for that first minute. I was thinking well maybe we can find some common ground, then you leaned into how we only eat meat because we are manipulated idiots. Swing and a miss, thanks to vegan content I definitely know allot more about animal agriculture practices. Though being in FFA as a kid with the option to raise a pig for a highschool project. I had a fair amount of knowledge already, and though I may want some farming practices to change, I still believe it's morally fine to eat animals.

    I'm actually looking to date a woman, that's family has raised cows for decades. I like the idea of managing my own livestock, that way I'm not founding those evil rich guys.

  32. In my case there were no vegans when l grew up. I didn't know about vegetarians either. I remember seeing photos of beagles used in tobacco experiments. There was a lot of outrage about that because they were dogs. I don't think it would have been the same if rats were used instead. I believe l knew deep down animals suffered for me to have meat and l remember the smell of blood at the butchers. But everyone l knew ate meat no one questioned it. So why would l? Personally l went vegan for laboratory animals whose suffering is in my opinion worse. I still remember seeing slides of monkeys with electrodes in their heads, kittens with their eyes stiched up, rabbits with red raw eyes. Lab animals are kept alive while being tortured maybe for weeks. Most of what goes on is hidden from our eyes. Were as we know far more about what happens inisde slaughter houses and the death is no postponed. People defend the use of animal's to cure sickness the way they still defend eating animals. Both are equally wrong and both cause immense suffering. These days people know more ignorance cannot be an excuse anymore.

  33. how about the medicine us vegans consum? i take a pill daily for my thyroid (i’m a vegan of 6 years btw). for sure that medication was tested and experimented on animals at some point.

  34. Obviously, I don't hate meat-eaters – just a few years ago I was one myself. But let's acknowledge that getting mad about a cat being kicked while defending the slaughter of other animals is peak hypocrisy, absolute clown behavior!!! It deserves to be mocked! 😂

  35. I don’t think vegans hate meat eaters. We’re just infuriated by their not giving a shit about animals. Calling themselves animal lovers yet eat them daily. Literally have a chicken at home as a pet and then eat fried chicken. Fuck those people.

  36. Its sad that despite living the way vegans want themselves to live, they're still unhappy with their life because other humans dont live it the way they do

  37. You people are missing the point of the video.
    Of course there are people who don't care about animals.
    David just says that most of them care about dogs and cats, so he is suggesting to not hate all of them because they're just trapped in a matrix made from the propaganda.
    We need to drag them out of that matrix with calm and polite speech. That's all.

  38. I was in the livestream you had and I felt like I should've asked about your thoughts on meat eating in the early 1900s or late 1800s. There was no modern industry propaganda and factory farming in that time period.

  39. So let's all become apologists? I don't think so, veganism is not about keeping non-vegans happy and to be liked by them but about justice for the animals.

  40. That is one of the most stupid videos, I've ever seen. You either manipulate meat eaters – and that would be a good thing, OR you are talking the most idiotic things ever!

    Meat eaters knows enough! They know what is a Slaughterhouse and the Bloodshed happening there. NOBODY can fool them about that.
    Some meat eaters can defend Cats and Dogs (not animals as a whole), because they are furry pets and because they have no Benefit from abusing them. And actually because in western Europe you are indoctrinated to "care" about pets.

    People know what is happening. In most of the world – Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, South America – Humans are Slaughtering their own animals… With their own hands and knives! So, explain to me how they care about animals and the bad industry is fooling them!

    And what about when we are showing the screens in the street? Do they care even when they see the Torture with their own eyes? Do they become vegans – "NO, Meat is Tasty".
    It is actually very rare somebody to say: "well, without meat, I will be unhealthy and/or die".
    The Vast Majority of people are like this: "it would be good to treat them a little better, but I will eat meat anyway, even if we Torture them". That is the Ugly truth about humans. You can Not Manipulate me! I meet people, I see people.

    Most of the world doesn't care even for cats and dogs, like some westerners, and it's 100% sure humans don't care about pigs, cows, sheeps, goats, chickens, fishes etc.

    The real propaganda is coming from this video. You ignore the truth!
    And again, if you did this to psychologically manipulate Western meat eaters, then Good for you. Otherwise you are just fooling yourself.
    And if some meat eaters are also fooled, that's Great!

    But you don't know what you are talking about. This is Not the Reality for Human beings! You just live in your western Pink Fantasy Bubble. Pop the Bubble, then it would be easier for you to Change the World!

  41. Abuse and killing are different. Abusing and animal is awful. Killing an animal to eat, survive, is not inherently bad. Big animal agriculture is not good amd those animals are abused before they are killed but the killing is not inherently bad. Just don’t buy from these companies

  42. You were great in this video at meeting them where they are at. Keep this tool as a skill for future approaches. Even anyways if you work in the animal farm in industry you truly were lied to as well of course in all of the same and other ways. Be scientifically true and accurate to what wisdom you should acknowledge through the dragons of experience that you jump through knowing the energies in the slaughter are horrendous and that each animal lives as an individual.

  43. It's an industry and the CEOs that are the enemy but don't forget the animal farmers (the ones that own the farm). They lie to the public about their farms knowing full well how cruel they are. They pay for RSPCA assured labels to trick us. They should use their land to help feed us and look after nature but instead abuse and murder animals for profit, as well as giving their workers (the ones that don't want to be there but can't find other work) PTSD. Supporting animal farmers is like supporting child-slave factory owners. However, it's never too late to change: animal farmers can transition to plant-based work, re-wild nature and support animal sanctuaries. Or just retire comfortably with their assets and sit out the impending climate/food crisis.

  44. Absolutely brilliant points, David, I agree 100% – these people go nuts against animal abusers – cats, dogs, raccoons, dolphins, just name the animal!!!! — all except for the poor cows, chickens, pigs, lambs, fish and turkeys. The dots need to be connected & personal responsibility acknowledged…. we'll get there one day!

  45. Of course we love the meat eaters, the typical question is, if you see a meat eater and a piggy in the ocean who would you save first? This is the question that exposes you as a vegan! While you waiting for the answer to the question are u a meat eater? I bet you're already cuddling the piggy. Goes without saying the water is'infested' with sharks too

  46. Digression: I watched 'Zone of Interest' and read 'Eternal Treblinka' and was actually at Auschwitz-Birkenhau earlier this year… We are all capable of immense evil through inaction. Evil can look like a flower and a calm day in this place.

  47. Why are we calling animal abusers "meat eaters"? What does eating meat have to do with riding horses, macerating baby chicks, paying for cows to be forcibly inseminated, wearing skin and fur, animal testing…???

  48. Meat consumers are nowhere near as ignorant as you make us out to be. We don't like factory farming either, we are aware of the brutalities involved, and we want it to stop too.

    As a meat eater talking to a vegan: YOU are being lied to constantly, and you are being convinced in the mist manipulative manner imaginable that basic realites don't exist.

    The one major thing thay separates meat eaters from vegetarians and vegans is that meat eaters know that you will not survive and continue to exist if you don't consume life. You can also respect what you are about to eat and treat it well and dispatch it as quickly and humanely as possible. This holds true for plants or animals.

    That's why it makes mest eaters angry when they see animal abuse. There's no reason for it and it's still life. Same reason many meat eaters get angry when a forest burns down. It's a needless destructive and unproductive waste of life.

    Where vegans and vegetarians start to appear like crazy people is when they deny that fact, ignore the overwhelming mountain of evidence that plants are alive too, experience pain, can problem solve, react to threats, work in collaboration, are aware of their surroundings, have memory, can be trained, produce sound, make decisions, etc. (hence the whole point of fruititarians and their worldview which does entieely ignored). They fight against the overwhelming amount of research and data that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt something doesn't need a spinal column or organs to demonstrate higher functions in our universe. It's annoying and comes across as delusional.

    Add to that the self professed self righteousness that vegetarians and vegans attack meat eaters over and the vegetarians and vegans have willfully, and energetically, created an opponent that doesn't care what they say, care what they think, care how they feel, or consider their worldview at all and may even go out of their way to make life more difficult for them because they don't find them rational, reasonable, or respectable. At that point it's just obnoxious.

    It gets even worse when the vegan camp tries to "reach across the aisle" by being wholly condescending, demeaning, and riding the highest fictional horse one could think up in a backwards atrempt to show good faith and decent intentions that bounce off deaf ears because nobody else wants to put up with the delusion. You did that here, man. Come on.

    It'll get better when vegans and vegetarians understand plant intelligence, recognize it too, realize our worldviews aren't much different, they're mistreating too life by their own standards they try to place on everyone else while pretending they're not (because plant life), and get some intellectual honesty into the argument.

    Only then meat eaters like me will go to bat for you, stick up for you, and fight the good fight with you because we'll all be on the same team with mutual respect and understanding and the only difference between us will be dietary preference.

    Until then? Nothing changes and vegetarians and vegans come off to meat eaters as a delusional and irrational cult. I know of exactly one vegan that's on the same page as me, and that's far too few.

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