Acqua di cocco per prestazioni atletiche vs bevande sportive

L'acqua di cocco viene testata testa a testa contro l'acqua naturale e le bevande sportive negli atleti.

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Ecco i video a cui ho accennato sull'olio di cocco nel video:
• Olio di cocco e Aumenta il colesterolo “buono” HDL (
• Che dire degli MCT di cocco, latte di cocco e olio di cocco? (

Altri video sull'olio di cocco includono: <br/> • L'olio di cocco cura l'Alzheimer? (
• L'olio di cocco ostruisce le arterie? (
• Olio di cocco e grasso addominale (

E se lo mettessi solo sulla tua pelle? Vedi Eczema Treatment with Coconut Oil, Mineral Oil, vs. Vaseline ( Mineral-Oil-vs-Vaseline).

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Quanti bicchieri d'acqua dovremmo bere al giorno? ( . Ne ho uno anche su quello!

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100 Risposte a “Acqua di cocco per prestazioni atletiche vs bevande sportive”

  1. Hey! Great video! Wanted to share my personal experience… I'm used to heavy workouts (1k+ calorie burn) and long workouts and for most of the time, water does the trick!
    When I use sports drinks is when I'm doing workouts longer than 1 hour per day (high intensity) bc the sugar / vitamins helps me push through my workout. I also use it when I've had just a long workout day. For example, if I do 2-3 sessions of hot yoga that day and I've lost a lot of water, even though I drink 1-2 liters during the workout of water, after I always need something else. I 've tried juice, plain water, coconut water, smoothies and nothing works as good as sports drinks for me. I will get very nauseous if i dont put something in my dystem except water and food/ coconut water only make it worse for me. However, I do drink coconut water just never immeduately and after workouts. I believe that sports drinks are mostly created for high intensity workouts and long duration… coconut water for me serves an entirely different purpose which is to hydrate you throughout your day when your salt needs are low and your potassium needs higher.
    The way I understand it is this… not sure if it's right…But after heavy water loss, your body is looking to push water back into your cells, so salt helps with this. However, during the day, your body needs more potassium than sodium about 2-3 to 1 so eating foods high in potassium low in salt helps maintain a good balance for your body.

  2. 5secs in a 10km TT is a big difference for a professional cyclist….it can be the difference between winning or not. Some Tours de France were won by just a few secs (after some 2000km of racing)!

  3. I get the feeling there's more to it than this, at least for ellete athletes. Marathoners claim it reduces cramping better than just water. But not unlike most things in the human body, it's complicated. For most of us, probably not.

  4. Those tests were done using processed coconut water, as it was done by the same companies that sells them. Need to do tests using freshly picked coconuts. Fresh fresh fresh!

  5. Okay if the next episode doesn’t take into account loosing electrolytes or even mentioning cramping that takes place during intense exercise(CrossFit, gymnastics, marathon running, exc.) then I’ll still believe coconut water would be better for you. Also coconut water has sugars (not as much as sports drinks) which is needed especially when your glycogen stores are running low

  6. I don't understand how does coconut water have too much potassium? If 1 cup has 600mg of potassium and for an adult we are supposed to receive 4,700mg daily.

  7. Flaw in the reports! Should use real young coconut instead, not the pasteurised prepreprocessed life-less stale coconut water packaged in plastic film carton.

  8. stating that coconut water has too much potassium and will overflow the body is simply nonsense! potassium is water soluble in the body will excrete what it doesn't use. Also potassium is the key element in the sodium potassium pump in each muscle cell. Most people that get cramps are lacking the one to 2% potassium needed in the cell to perform at a high level. therefore potassium is extremely important in aerobic and anaerobic activities.

  9. Lol the whole point of sports drinks is to be used as an excuse for high performance to cover up the fact that they’ve been doping ……..but no matter how good your pharmaceuticals are you still need carbs 😉🌶🌶

  10. The MDR for potassium is so high and coconut water is a good source of potassium. I can appreciate not drinking too much, but it is low sugar, and high potassium – seems like it can be valuable to drink for nutrients and a glucose boost. I would not expect it to be better than water or worse. I did not expect the potassium to be a problem. How much coconut water would you have to drink to be in the danger zone? Should there not be some kind of warning on the bottles? I don't drink a lot of coconut water, but I do drink it fairly regularly. How much is too much?

  11. Coconut water has always struck me as being glorified sugar water. The sugar content in some of them is crazy. You may as well be drinking soda for what it's worth. I've heard people claim it's more hydrating than water, to which I just roll my eyes and think, "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works."

  12. Tastes good after a workout! But why pick, drink some coconut water, eat some fruits… during exercise I like just water.

  13. I can't stand the taste of coconut water for some reason. I like the taste of coconut cream & the oil for cooking & baking. Unfortunately I have always used it sparingly because I never read that it was a truly healthy alternative.

  14. I don't drink coconut water (too expensive !) but if I was, it would not be for better hydration or performance, it would be for better *recovery*: what about cramps for ex., and "next day" heavy legs/sore muscles ?

  15. Well, I love coconuts and they seem like such a natural food source, and I live on an island! Hopefully the next vid can say that it has some nutritional value

  16. Everyone know that Sport Drinks for short sessions or competitions are useless. Its only after 1+ hours of strenuous exercise that it matters.

  17. I seem to remember Dr Greger saying that coconut water could used invasively as a substitute for human plasma, is that still true?

  18. OMG I am so in love with Coconut anything….I buy fresh baby coconut all the time…Coconut water is my second favorite drink!

  19. Stomach upset aside, what about all the electrolytes in coconut water that plain water doesn't have? Are they useless? Do they take longer to take effect and therefore not present their presence in the study? Is it a myth that they're even there? I don't get it. Something's still amiss here. Maybe it's placebo but Vita coco seems to quench my thirst better than water and the first time I drank it the difference seemed immediate and dramatic.

  20. Curious if you have seen the YouTube video released today called FoodGate: The Break-in, the Cover-up, & the Aftermath from University of California Television (UCTV) which makes many claims of the cause of obesity and diabetes. Most claims were not in line with Nutrition Facts videos.

  21. I live in Taiwan, where I lose lots of water due to dehydration…I can buy coconut water straight from a coconut lady who chops off the top in front of me and pours out the fresh juice…since drinking it on a regular basis dehydration and subsequently headaches have decreased…I have also recently started eating a plant based diet so this could also have had some effect

    Were these particular studies carried on fresh coconut water or the processed ones? Could be a factor!

  22. For your English language videos, please give your measurements in metric. The vast majority of English speakers use metric and don't know imperial; it's 2018 after all. The studies are clearly in metric. It makes it very confusing for English speakers watching your video if you give measurements in a foreign system like imperial. Use metric.

  23. Coconut water keepsmy relative out of the hospital. Living in Phoenix, we have dry, HOT summers. He ended up in hospital twice for dehydration. C20 & Harmless Coconut Water brands are our Fav. for taste. HIGH in potassium! Healthier than junk sports drinks, which ha artificial colors& flavors & synthetic vitamins, Gmo sugar.

  24. These studies don't make any sense at all. They're seriously comparing the beverages by telling people to drink it and then run. I can think of at least one thousand factors to impact their running performance other than the beverages. What should have been said it's that coconut water has much higher nutrients density it's not like it has only potassium in its composition. It's ridiculous to compare with a processed drink.

  25. Thank you, this topic is just what I needed! I hope you can expand upon ways to fix electrolytes depletion/imbalance during long distance running (20k, marathon).

  26. Please Dr. Greger! I have a burning question about a recently discovered ANIMAL BASED superfood, the human sperm. I feel so energized eating it and it would make an awful lot of sense for it to be high in nutrients.

  27. If its man made dont eat or drink it.these tests are on processed coconut water and should be of no interest to anybody.crap report.,,,!!!!

  28. Well my delusion is crushed. I still love coconut water tho, and will continue to drink it. Thanks for the facts tho! I still think it’s great to rehydrate and get some cahbs in ya. Peace!

  29. Hi! I remember Dr. Greger mentioning, in one of his Q&A videos, about 2 or 3 good books about raising vegan children. I forget what books those were and find myself pregnant now! I’ll take any suggestions he might have.. thank you in advance!!

  30. did you know only 20 percent of medical research is available to the public? the corps that fund these studies classify it and throw it away if it disrupts their buisnesses ect. so, even with research its really hard to come to a conclusion with many things.

  31. Sports drinks contain artificial colors and often fructose and have little to no potassium. Pure coconut water is way better for restoring potassium. Also, who the hell drinks 1 or 2 QUARTS?! A pint is plenty for me.

  32. Personally my best pre workout for a bike ride is just either fruit punch and/or some coffee. Don't even suggest the coffee though because over the long term it will just rob you of sleep.

  33. This video is pretty irrelevant for the vast majority of us, who do not have kidney disease and are not athletes. At the very least, I didn't hear any evidence that coconut water is bad for us. On the other hand, it is true that industry pushes things on us that we don't really need, plus we should eat mostly local foods that do not require vast amounts of fossil fuels to travel into our mouths.

  34. Wow I’m actually angry now. We’re being scammed daily and people die from misinformation.
    Thanks for the science.

  35. People, drink water. No body needs cocowater, gatorades, etc… unless You do not run marathon twice a week or bike every day. All is just money & trash maker … drink water!

  36. So easy to make a good test. During a 50 mile marathon, give 1/3 sports drinks, 1/3 water, and 1/3 coconut water then see how their times compared. Add research money to the prize pool. Or even a marathon.

  37. Come on dr. Greger it's coconut water we're talking about here this is water that is found in a coconut how can It possibly be bad for you that's completely natural and one of the most electrifying drinks you can consume I mean it's better than soda and I don't drink coconut water every single day but I do occasionally drink coconut water I am from the Caribbean and we Caribbean people have to have our fresh coconut water my dad who is very trim drinks coconut water he seems to be okay when he drinks coconut water. You think that coconut milk is unhealthy but I don't think so one person uses coconut milk to make some good old-fashioned beans and rice or even in a nice chickpea Curry with some salad greens on the side and a nice cup of water to wash it down with is always going to be healthier than somebody sitting down consuming a burger and french fries and animal products and dairy products that is a home cooked meal with some veggies maybe some fruit and some nice homemade chickpea Curry and it makes it so creamy a little bit indulgent but if you eaten chocolate then why would you bash something like coconut milk here you are recommending a bunk of nuts to people as if that can't be a big issue as well but when it comes to something natural like a coconut which is a fruit created you paint it like if its junk food and toxic but its better than candy and chips and brandy its water in a coconut that you are meant to drink I believe that coconut milk and coconut water can be included in a healthy balance meal plan of fruits vegetables and legumes once in awhile having a little bit of coconut-based things like maybe some coconut milk in a curry dish or some coconut water re-hydrate yourself when you're thirsty a lot of people drink coconut water in Jamaica they drink coconut water and it keeps them healthy! And that is because they drink coconut water which keeps their body alkaline. Coconut water is an electric food and one of the best things to drink it's healthy and has many benefits I remember hearing fully raw Kristina recommending coconut water because she said it's being used as a blood cleanser you know or transfusion it's used as a blood transfusion

  38. coconut has to be healthy because its a fruit after all and all fruits are healthy no matter what kind you eat a pineapple a banana a peach plum or grape their all healthy fruits coconut is no different you recommend nuts to people and you don't bash that and your even recommending people to sit here and eat avocados but here you are basically telling people that coconut is bad and its pure junk if something like a natural fresh coconut cant be consumed coconut is healthy better than soda and sprite
    you suppose to be talking about the benefits not telling people its bad coconut is high in fiber and antioxidants. high in magnesium rich in copper and iron and selenium which helps with red blood cells it also has a fatty acids that aids in weight loss mct

  39. However, I wonder if it's not a bad idea to drink some coconut water for older people on blood pressure meds who work outside in hot weather and sweat alot? Hypokelmia can be deadly and cause arrhythmias. Another option is low sodium V-8 which has plenty of potassium but not too much. These are much better I am told then a low potassium banana.

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