Quali sono gli effetti dei fitoestrogeni del luppolo nella birra?

Quando si tratta di rischio di cancro al seno, i fitoestrogeni nella birra agiscono più come gli estrogeni animali nel Premarin oi fitoestrogeni protettivi nella soia?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter elettronica ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Un fitoestrogeno nella birra? Maggiori informazioni sullo sfondo nel prequel: The Most Potent Phytoestrogen is in Beer ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-most-potent-phytoestrogen-is-in-beer )

Altri video sugli effetti della dieta sul testosterone includono:
• Alchilfenolo Disturbi endocrini e allergie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/alkylphenol-endocrine-disruptors-and-allergie/)<br/> • Migliorare le prestazioni atletiche con Peppermint (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/enhancing-athletic-performance-with-peppermint/)
• Gli inquinanti alimentari possono influenzare i livelli di testosterone (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-pollutants-may-affect -livelli-di-testosterone/)
• Evitare l'esposizione degli adulti agli ftalati (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/avoiding-adult-exposure-phthalates/)

E gli ormoni “naturali” per la menopausa? Vedere Ormoni bioidentici a base vegetale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/plant-based-bioidentical-hormones/).

Per ulteriori informazioni sui rischi dell'alcol in termini di rischio di cancro al seno, vedere Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-and-alcohol-what-much-is-safe/) e rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso vs. vino bianco (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-risk -red-wine-vs-white-wine/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-are-the-effects-of-the-hops- fitoestrogeni-nella-birra
e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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51 Risposte a “Quali sono gli effetti dei fitoestrogeni del luppolo nella birra?”

  1. The Dr. Greger buzzkill keeps rolling on. Increasingly from this guy anything one can derive sensory pleasure from is bad for you. I can't wait for his video on how deleterious to health basket weaving may turn out to be.

  2. Facts I've learned so far that society has totally backwards:

    1. A plant based diet actually makes you stronger and can increase testosterone for men.

    2. A plant based diet can help men with erectile dysfunction.

    3. Soy does not affect your hormone levels in any significant way.

    4. Beer will increase the amount of estrogen in your body.. Totally not manly at all.

    People need to stop being a slave to society, going along like herds of sheep, regurgitating mindless nonsense because they are too afraid to change and open their God damned eyes!

  3. Keep up the good work!!!! Would there be a possible link to prostate cancer?? and could there be coming a video on what risks Phytoestrogen and other endocrine disruptors play in mens health???

  4. well I Love soy and I hate beer,…. I hate all Alcohol aka the product  of decay…..I don't understand how anyone would ever even consider drinking this disgusting and toxic pee pee water….YUK!

  5. I think viewers are forgetting that these estrogenic effects are being seen in chronic beer consumers. I doubt drinking a couple of beers with some friends once in a while will actually do much :/

  6. Thank you for the information about what this means for women, but what does it mean for men? Obviously, estrogen for men is probably not a good thing – but are there any studies that show evidence of any particular effects on men from hops in beer?

  7. The Dairy industry tells the public that soy causes early sexual effects in children. Yet that age group ingests mostly cow milk which is loaded with animal estrogen – the real culprit.

  8. Good bye Beer! My one true love, you will be missed dearly, I will think of the many great times we had together!

  9. how about men then? there was barely any information about that, even though you said that would come in the next video. disappointed :/

  10. does that paper discuss the signal strength once phytoestrogen binds to estrogen receptor alpha? just because it binds to estrogen receptor alpha with greater affinity than estrogen receptor beta doesn't prove that "preference" for receptor alpha (how ever strong that affinity might be) actually sends a strong signal, right?

  11. The studies you show are focused on 8-PN's effect on cells, but the studies I found show that 6-PN is the most relevant compound found in hops and has beneficial effects. Though it still may produce beer tits! I am a heavy IPA (high hop beer), Ive been for about 6 years, though I don't carry them nice titties yet. Cheers!

  12. No. There are health benefits to beer. If a male or female wants to counteract such affects. There's gyms and work out stuff that has counteracting affect. I reap health benefits from beer when I'm on my own. Hops are actually healthy.

  13. So… I drink a 355ml beer on weekday evenings and about 710ml on weekend evenings. De-alcoholized.

    I read through the all the comments and watched both videos but I didn't see any info about how much beer is associated with increased risk of cancer. 🙁 He mentioned moderate consumption and in increase of 2.44 fold in breast cancer?
    Is there a ball park figure on the risk out there?

    Sorry if I missed something.

  14. The study should have controlled for the brand and specific kind of beer. I say this because beer varies a lot in hoppiness, so it might confound the results.

  15. Hi Dr. Greger, thank you so much for your time and effort, for your great videos and book, I’m looking forward for the cookbook to arrive and I’m really grateful, you’ve helped me change my life!

    Can you provide more information on hops, malt and non alcoholic beer? I’m trying to understand if it’s healthy for me or not and I didn’t find enough information on that except from this video.


  16. "I wonder how bad beer is for me, I'll check that nutrition channel on youtube"
    Dr Greger: "Here's how horse piss causes breast cancer"

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