Alimenti che causano infiammazione

I marcatori infiammatori possono raddoppiare entro sei ore dal consumo di un pasto pro-infiammatorio. Quali alimenti sono i peggiori per l'infiammazione?

Resta sintonizzato per quali alimenti sono antinfiammatori? (, il prossimo passo.

Per ulteriori informazioni su dieta e infiammazione, vedere:
• Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione (https://
• Accelerare il recupero dall'intervento chirurgico con la curcuma (
• Quali spezie combattono Infiammazione? (<br/> • Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi (
• Gli effetti di avocado e vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti ( /video/effetti-di-avocado-e-infiammazione-indotta-da-vino-rosso-sul-pasto/)
• Il miglior cibo per contrastare gli effetti di Inquinamento atmosferico (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Alimenti che causano infiammazione”

  1. Is this transient inflammation really damaging or is it only inflammation being always elevated that's detrimental? Do we have studies on this?

  2. One-sided. The true test comes when we observe people who consume a well-balanced diet (or even plant-based diet for that matter) in the LONG term and not just obsessing over short-term results and certain 'inflammatory markers', for all you know inflammation is simply an acute response to what we've ingested. Look at long-term results, don't just hype over your agenda.

  3. Why do people with their hobbyist nutrition study think they know more than this man? His experience, determination and work ethic far exceed any of you. And he’s open minded to changing his conclusions if new data suggests or requires it. The key word is “data”. We’ve known for 30 years that animal products cause all manner of atherosclerosis (and related diseases): the number one killer in the US. Plenty of thin people die of heart attacks, or suffer from strokes or vascular dementia.

  4. This is pretty simple, you eat animal products and refined crap like white flour then chemicals like sugar, salt we don't need to live by and you get inflammation along with a myriad of other problems that come along. Keep a healthy and happy heart by eating plants, try to carefully connect to your body… try to listen how it feels after a meal and think about it rather than let your brain addictions take control over your life

  5. The most confusing thing is that there are two groups pro meat and anti that state same thing. And in this time it is very hard to belive in anything. I agree that processed food, grains are, sugar and all products that are changes so much are bad but really about meat both sides states there are studies. Both veggie and keto parties states its best its natural and its antiinflamatory. I wont do studies myself and as a person working for big farma I also dont belive much in those studies. So when you see this high amount of strict rules you can get crazy 🙂

  6. I want to know if coconut oil really cures athletes foot and other fungal infections. I’ve poked around online but haven’t come across any convincing studies. If it works, why do antifungal creams even exist?

  7. I heard nuts cause inflammation for ppl with hashimotos. I'm so confused on what to eat now.. eat sugar fruit spreads but don't eat any sugar;; eat meat, don't eat meat… Help

  8. in resume:
    -meals highly based on refined sugar, refined oils, and refined flours (or flour at all) can lead to inflammation
    -1 unhealthy meal is enough to provoke inflammation on the body
    -meals highly processed and filled with refined fat (or fat from animal protein) are even worse, even without carbs, sugar or flours
    -"whole" fats can be beneficial (e.g. eating nuts or avocado)

  9. Watching this after eating a treat made from refined flour which I know increases inflammation
    Should probably cut down on those further considering I already am dealing with inflammation issues.

  10. You're dreaming doc. Even wagyu beef (that's about as fatty as meats get) show an increase in IL-6 to 1.7 and maybe a bit higher before it turns down. The body needs to mount an inflammatory response pretty much to all protein as it is the standard way for your body to access the protein in the food. Agree high levels of continuous inflammatory markers are bad for you but things like quality meat only give a temporary spike. Look to these highly processed foods including the so-called meat substitutes to find where extended levels of inflammation comes from!

  11. Dr Greger, in the future, it would be helpful if you could explain, in layman's terms, what inflammation actually is.

  12. so…it seems that animal protein and animal fat causes inflammation….as does refined sugar….no, does eating baked potato chips from brand name Ruffles cause inflammation? It appears that nut oil doesn't cause inflammation, but what about olive oil?? and finally, does animal fat/protein from say…salmon cause inflammation?….I see the red meat seems to be particularly inflammatory based on this vid's references…..

  13. Real life goes against this. As a bodybuilder I recover massively faster and get massively stronger eating animal fats and proteins ONLY – compared to being on a vegetarian low fat high protein diet.

    If I'm recovering faster my body is working better. Less inflammation in someone who doesn't eat food that allow the body to work optimally (recover quickly) can be worse than higher inflammation in someone whose body is working massively better and recovering much faster.

    I think these studies can be extremely misleading, humans are still in very primitive stages of actually understanding the body.

  14. Dr Greger,

    I have to say you’re either misleading your audience or you’re quite naive when it comes to analyzing the studies you quote from.

    @1:13 You state that cream without sugar shows spike in inflammation.
    The study used Land O Lakes gourmet heavy whipping cream.
    That type of dairy is low quality dairy that would DEFINITELY increase inflammation.

    Have you seen the ingredients on the label!?

    Mono & Diglycerides-
    these are basically TRANS FATS in small enough amounts where the FDA doesn’t have to include trans fat warning on the label.

    Polysorbate 80-
    polysorbates are chemical emulsifiers that have a WIDE RANGE of toxicity such as- allergic reactions, infertility,
    systemic inflammation, cancer etc etc

    banned in Europe as it
    It’s even used in studies to induce inflammation in animals🙄


    Using this product as the “dairy example” is possibly the dumbest & most biased way to say that dairy promotes inflammation.

    The best example of dairy to be tested would have been a organic grass fed A2/A2 PURE dairy cream
    WITHOUT ANY 💩 additives or processing.

    Until then Dr Greger, you have not proven anything regarding inflammation after dairy consumption.
    You’ve just misled your audience and convinced the naive ones something that
    is just not true!

  15. As far as I could understand watching the video all food is inflammatory. it would have been useful to make some examples of some not inflammatory foods, at least to prove that not every food cause a spike of the stated compound allegedly associated with inflammation. Thanks for the content anyway!

  16. People should declare their bias , in this case Vegan, before presenting studies demonizing any food group, in this case meats.

    "Michael Herschel Greger (born 25 October 1972)[1][2] is an American physician, author, and professional speaker on public health issues, best known for his advocacy of a whole-food, plant-based diet, and his opposition to animal-derived food products."

  17. How is it possible that a ketogenic diet, high in fat and low in carbs, reduce inflamation? Or a low carb diet? Other people, a lot of people eat only meat, eggs, butter and cheese. They decrease there health problems within a few days. Can you explain this?

  18. Wheat (esp. wholegrain), canola/cottonseed/etc. oil, some nightshades like eggplant, and sugar are real sources of inflammation for me.

    I find that meat, fruit, and most veg has no correlation.

  19. Wrong. Every citation is his website. While there is an issue with saturated fats, not meat, the real problem is carbs. I avoid almost all meats prefering fish & green vegetables lettuce, cauliflower and absolutely no grains. Fat produces satiety, not grains & sugar ( which is addictive). Use My acronym BURPS. NO: BREAD, UNKNOWNI CARBS, RICE PASTA & SUGARS. I'm in my 70's, lost 60 pounds in under 4 months following this routine. All this low fat-especially in dairy is just axway for big food (like General Foods-bought up by BIG TOBACCO) is produced (highly processed) so the comoanies can add the fats to chocolate, sour cream whatever. Before this low fat nonsense started only very few Americans were obese, now it's an epidemic I am no longer part of 220 down to 160's. Eggs are good for you. Don't eat lots but 2 every other dat fried in butter, not vegetable oils-they are not vegetables, they are seeds or grains like corn. Poison to your body. Check dr. Eckberg or Dr. Berg' websites.

  20. And again showing the audience highlighted cherrypicked sentences and omitting other.

    In the presented study called:

    Meat, eggs, full-fat dairy, and nutritional

    boogeymen: Does the way in which animals are raised affect health differently in humans?

    We can read:

    "Conjugated Linoleic Acid:

    CLAs are 18-carbon fatty acids converted from linoleic acids in foliage and conjugated by bacteria in the gut of ruminant animals. Preclinical data reveal CLA as a potential effector in multiple physiologic processes including fat metabolism, atherosclerosis, cholesterol, blood pressure, carcinogenesis, and immunomodulation….Multiple in vitro studies suggest anticarcinogenic properties of CLAs, through their effect on cell-cycle control, apoptosis, hormone levels, cellular proliferation, and angiogenesis.

    Animal studies reveal potent anti-tumor effects of CLA, particularly in breast cancer.

    CLA isomers have differing effects on tumorigenesis, suggesting the ratio of CLA isomers is critical in supplements.

    Other studies point to both CLA isomers as having anticarcinogenic properties.

    Supplementing foods augmented with CLA, like enriched butter, decreases tumorigenesis, tumor volume, and metastasis from breast cancer in rat studies.Data suggest CLA mixtures originating from ruminant products have higher antiproliferative potency towards

    tumor cells than pure synthetic preparations.

    Data in humans is limited. Serum levels of CLA are inversely related to breast cancer

    risk, and dietary consumption of CLA is associated with lower rates of breast cancer. A population study of over 60,000 Swedish women associated higher intakes of high-fat dairy food – naturally containing high levels of CLA – with a reduced risk for colorectal cancer. For every two additional servings of high-fat dairy, the risk of colorectal cancer fell by 13%. However, the same database provided no evidence of reduced risk of breast cancer. A study in Finnish

    women revealed that serum CLA was associated with a significantly decreased risk of breast cancer.
    Sofi et al. used a crossover design randomizing 10 subjects to the consumption of weekly 200g of pecorino cheese versus a commercially available cow cheese for 10 weeks each. A traditional Italian cheese, pecorino is naturally rich in CLA and produced from the milk of sheep

    fed on grass. Study participants that consumed the CLA-rich cheese for ten weeks experienced significant decreases in the inflammatory factors IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, and vascular endothelial factor (VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor linking inflammation and cancer, and whose

    overexpression is key in cancer initiation and progression……Furthermore, many plant oils contain high amounts of linoleic acid, which, while data varies, may result in a pro-inflammatory effect. Ruminants conjugate linoleic acids into a molecule that appears to be anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and may reduce body

    mass. Indeed, the varying physiological effects of the same sources of food depending on their diets, as shown above, may account for the drastically different results from similar epidemiologic studies.

    Such concerning oversimplification of food sources may be one of the myriad reasons why studies have revealed, for instance, that dietary consumption of fat is not associated with breast cancer occurrence and may actually be protective. These findings may

    collaborate with preclinical data in mice, revealing a benefit of CLA-dense dietary fat sources including those from dairy sources and even beef fat from grass-fed cows. Additionally, recent population studies support the protective link of CLA-rich dairy from cancer."

  21. Look at the blood work of people on the carnivore diet. Only meat and they have the lowest inflammation markers, how is this possible? 😅

  22. this video is oddly flawed to fit your narrative it appears.all of the evidence against meat is never distinguished and only correlative from food survey studies, not from RCTs or even mice studies. The mice studies that are done to show carcinogenic effects were with hem iron at multitudes of 1000x with no other nutrients for absorption or processing. The epidemiological studies are so flawed to associate meat as the culprit when discounting the other foods also consumed. For those that don’t understand how nutritional epidemiology is done it is so misleading to put correlative studies as fact, when those of us who understand know the constraints on the science and the conclusions that are sought and arrived at. It’s Ancel Keys all over with this stuff. No meat and high saturated fats from clean sources do not cause inflammation, it would go against every piece of science of our anthropological history as a species. You think we evolved by eating meat in abundance and at times it was all we could consume and evolved to do so, and somehow now we can’t eat it? Where is the logic? Fake, overly processed meat is not great for you, but eating a cheeseburger and blaming the meat is hysterical when the bun is composed of 60g of highly processed altered short chain carbohydrates devoid of fiber, full of chemicals and 10g of added sugar. Please provide context and insight to your claims, as meat on its on has never been shown to cause inflammation or illness. It only been shown in flawed survey studies where respondents ate multitudes of things and correlatively meat was blamed because of terrible assumptions like the heart health hypnosis and discounting the various other lifestyle factors people did and what they consumed.

  23. When I was younger, I could eat anything in any amount and not feel a thing. Now I am old & notice if I eat alot of junk food in a span of one day, I feel so sick for a couple of days later. Lethargic, brain fog, bloated, stomach ache, blurry vision, etc from inflammation & insulin resistance. The temptation to eat unhealthy food is always.there. But so is the knowledge that I won't feel good after. Its a constant struggle. We truly are what we eat.

  24. Inflammation is actually triggered by refined sugars but not dairy…in fact certain dairy products actually reduce inflammation, read this study "Intestinal Anti-Inflammatory Effect of a Peptide Derived from Gastrointestinal Digestion of Buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis) Mozzarella Cheese"

  25. Actually fruits and vegetables and nuts, seeds, legumes are pro-inflammatory. I can’t tell you why though, because to do so would throw a wrench in their fairytale.

  26. Dr. Greger is probably the most deliberately dishonest vegan expert I track. He cites numerous studies to seemingly support his narrative (all roads lead to animal based food is bad for you). But if you think about the leaps of logic as he weaves thru the different studies, you realize they don't. For example, can you really jump from a study on postprandial 1-3 hour effect to a study on the elderly with chronic high levels of inflammatory markers?

    And here's a good example of his deception. Look at the graph at the 1:24 mark. Now look at the original chart from his 2nd reference. Notice a difference? Dr. Greger has deliberately used a very light color for "glucose" to fool the viewer into focusing on the "cream" at 3 hours. Shouldn't the spike at 1 hour also be of interest?

    Title you can search on: Differential effects of cream, glucose, and orange juice on inflammation, endotoxin, and the expression of Toll-like receptor-4 and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3

    It should be noted that the biases of the researchers themselves can be seen in the construction of their experiments. Why only HCHF which we know is unhealthy? Their experiments would be more interesting if they explored LCHF and HCLF. Like most research on diabetes, industry compromised researchers conduct studies that demonize fat and hide the true culprit which is sugar.

  27. The German title of this video is false. Is YouTube doing this? For some reason some titles are translated & others are not. It's annoying I don't want german titles on english videos… especially if the translation is wrong…

  28. My favorite meal used to be a beefsteak with the fat, fried in butter, and white bread dipped in the fried butter! Not any more. BUT, I had my first steak with butter, a once a month thing for me now. This time I added some garlic, turmeric and pepper to it.

  29. I love the videos but it would be most helpful if he says "in this video and the next" to provide a link or at least the name of the next video so that we could go onto the next video. I have no idea what the next video in this series is. That's frustrating. Keep up the good work guys. Richard Norris MD

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