Quanti broccoli sono troppi?

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DESCRIZIONE: Quattro tazze di germogli di broccoli al giorno possono superare la dose di sicurezza del fitonutriente sulforafano delle crocifere. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/how-much-broccoli-is-too-much/ e cercherò di rispondere! Questo video fa seguito al video di ieri Tossicità epatica dovuta al succo di broccoli? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/liver-toxicity-due-to-broccoli-juice/) ed è il video #7 della mia serie -parte sull'ultima scienza sulle verdure crocifere. Vedi Kale & Immune System (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/kale-and-the-immune-system/), Fumo contro cavolo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/smoking-versus-kale-juice/), DNA e Broccoli (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dna-protection-from-broccoli/), Broccoli vs. seno Cancro (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-versus-breast-cancer-stem-cells/) , Sulforaphane (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/sulforaphane-from-broccoli-to-breast/) e centinaia di altri miei video su più di mille argomenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/).
Inoltre, controlla il mio post sul blog associato: http://nutritionfacts.org/blog/2012/04/ /la-migliore-disintossicazione/!

Immagine di credito: adactio / Flickr

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50 Risposte a “Quanti broccoli sono troppi?”

  1. How many grams is 4 cups of broccoli sprouts? I eat two ounces or roughly 50 grams of broccoli sprouts per day. Also, are the same compounds present in radish sprouts? Thanks!

  2. i just looked this up because i've been trying to eat better, and pretty much all my veggies have been broccoli i've had it somewhere in every meal, and i had to look up if i could die from too much. but i guess not, now i can sleep at night knowing i can eat 3 heads of broccoli a day without dying of broccoli over dose.

  3. anybody with breast cancer or that know some body with breast cancer that have tried the broccoli sprouts? I Will be happy to contact to see the experience, since is no clinical trials on this. i have a familiar with and she is going to start eating among many other beautifull food recomended in this site and by science

  4. I'm literally building my muscles on and fueling the workouts by… broccoli and beans! I could never imagine one day I'd be broccoli-addict, ever! Eat the raw stem, lightly steam the flower with whole grain pasta and and black/red beans and garlic..holy shit I could eat this for breakfast everyday!

  5. I came here after eating one head of broccoli by myself and then immediately feeling sick. Not sure what's going on, but now my fear of death has been reinforced. Amen my broccoli brothers

  6. Greger claims in another video that 1lb of seeds produces 75 cups of sprouts. Therefore, 6 g of seeds are required to produce one cup. Here, he claims that four cups exceed the safe dose. Therefore, you should not eat more sprouts every day than was produced from 24 g upwards of seeds. Is this assessment correct? Doesn't seem that much. I am not familiar with cup measurements unfortunately.

  7. Hi. What is the recommended dosage for broccoli powder? Or does it not have the same health benefits in powdered form (even with using mustard seed powder)? I'd like to know the same about kale as well. Thanks.

  8. On another level, surely there's your sulphur/iodine ratio to consider.
    Indeed, I love my Brussel sprouts and brocolli. But mindfully, I use a dropper of sublingual iodine as I'm lightly cooking those same said ingredients.
    In short, Mount Tambora is consigned to 1815 and not 2015, or anytime thereafter. Just as well too.

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