39 Risposte a “Il tè Kombucha fa bene?”

  1. Mistakes in this video:
    1. Kombucha is not a mushroom. It's not even really a fungus. It's yeast and bacteria. (yes yeast are fungal, but they are not generally considered fungus)
    2. Kombucha raises the pH of the body, it does not lower it. It is an alkalizer.
    3. The case quoted says "suspected link" – there was no link demonstrated, doctors were stumped, took a wild guess.
    4. There is no "long line of cases" – there are none. How many people die from prescription drugs every year?

    Fear loses.

  2. @kombuchakamp Please tell me how does a fermented liquid turn alkaline when rotting cause acid?
    Doesn't the tart taste come from an acid?

  3. @12quillemall5321 there is a difference between acid foods and acid-FORMING foods – for example, lemon juice is another acid food that leaves alkaline ash behind, Kombucha has the same effect. They are not acid-forming but alkaline-forming foods.

  4. It'd be wonderful if you could post it to this specific video on nutritionfacts. org. This way more people benefit from the response, and I can actually provide you with links (which I can't do on Youtube). Thanks!

  5. The narrator sounds constipated – he needs Kombucha
    I have a serious problem with people who read verbatim from 'journals of science' in their best alarmist tone – when they themselves have no idea what 'lactic acidosis' is – youre acting like a politican of sorts – fack off

  6. Haters gonna hate….We're here to educate!
    If you haven't even tried it and know nothing about it, what are you doing here commenting? Get to the store, give it a try, do a little reading and find out for yourself. Kombucha is not a cure all and if you visit my site you will see that's EXACTLY WHAT WE SAY. You are angry but it's misplaced, you should be angry with all the misinformation you are getting when it comes to diet and health. Check out Kombucha, you'll see what we're talking about.

  7. You keep saying "spiked" which is weird. Kombucha is fermented tea, you don't add it to coffee or tea and it doesn't "spike" anything. Educate yourself at our site FOR FREE (so angry that people sell things they believe in? strange). Kombucha is a FOOD. Just like other foods such as probiotic foods or things like turmeric, they are very healthy for a body in good shape. If your body is broken, make sure you can eat certain foods. I don't hear you ranting against turmeric or sauerkraut! Relax.

  8. I love some of the Kombucha flavors like Trilogy and Gingerade but the floating yeast chunks creep me out. Brian Clement thinks it's a big scam too. I'll stick with water.

  9. Kombucha is as harmful as sushi… If it's prepared wrong or dirty it will in fact harm you.. If it's prepared well, in a clean place, with the exact speficications given in the recepie then… Bon Appettit… 🙂

  10. I'm convinced that kombucha is unhealthy on the basis of personal experience. In the late 70's it became the rage and many of my griends were making it. Each mushroom makes anther mushroom wvery day, so it's very easy to make plenty of the carbonated "tea." So all my friends were drinking it, then we all started feeling weird, decided there was something not so great about the stuff and all abandoned it. People are making millions of dollars selling kombucha on the basis of dubious claims.

  11. I guess if you drink a gallon or two per day, you might have problems. Or if you drink less but it's been fermenting for a couple of months and is mostly vinegar.

  12. That's one case. There needs to be more research done on it. I started drinking kombucha over a year ago but not regularly. Now I drink it about 3-4 times a week. It's good sh*t, except for the sugar content, but it's a helluva lot less than soda. Water (mostly), kefir, kombucha and regular tea…works for me.

  13. this is a really bad video. Problems with health food stores? What about physicians using their clout to manipulate others. and he has a .ORG, this guy must be legit, probably advises the FDA.

  14. I know you're trying to keep people safe from dubious substances, but this video seems a little fear-based. I'd like to know more about the acid blood case, but I'd also like to see more studies about kombucha. It obviously isn't going to extend human life to ridiculous lengths, but it seems like a good non-dairy probiotic. How is it different from eating sauerkraut?

  15. Usually you give more data. I wish you had because so many lay people shout its benefits. Many make it themselves. Is it like Hibiscus episodes it depends on how much and how often you drink ig?

  16. Well I've been drinking the staff for almost all my life and never had any problem, as a matter of fact I don't even have a so called Dr as I'm generally never sick… I'm extremely active, fly paragliding, run marathons and triathlon, climb mountains, do scuba diving, do martial arts and pretty much everything that most of the people at my age is avoiding as I'm a 52 years old guy. If this is true what this study said in this video, the Chinese and the Japanese community would disappear from this planet as they drink this tea all their lives… Commonsense tells me if the longest living humans on this planet are living healthy lives for so long, and if me at my age don't even remember when I've paid a visit to the doctors, it must be because they a I must be doing something right! I'm also a vegan and I do believe this is part of my healthy life style… Is this medical report financed by any pepsico companies or the corrupt FDA? Is this study done independently? Where can I find this report Dr Greger? Thanks

  17. I also vote for another video about Kombucha. I've been hearing lots of good things about it and it seems like an easy way to get some more probiotics. Would you say the risks outweigh the benefits or what?

  18. Dr. Greger,

    please, could you update the information about kombucha, there is lot of people believing in the fermented drinks are good for us, so would be great to have a new uptake on the topic from you.

  19. Seems some folks really have bad reactions to Kombucha. Similar to say any allergy – peanut allergy for example. There's still studies coming out with the same results, here is one that came out just before the start of 2018: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29197835

    Just need to be aware and be sure your not one of the few that don't take well to it. It could even be a mix of what your diet is that causes the increase in lactic acidosis (which is quite likely the more predominate cause).

  20. This badly needs an update. Citing one case of homemade kombucha is really inadequate. There’s commercially available kombucha that tastes great, low in calories and has all sorts of probiotics associated with a healthy fit. Please update.

  21. “Turns your blood to acid” is a little vague, not to mention fear mongering. I’m not a fan of the stuff but I am a fan of objective commentary

  22. Another video going more indepth on if the probiotics work.

    Also when I drink my homemade kombucha it supresses my hunger and have lost a fair bit of weight. I was wondering if it was just the caffeine from the tea or something else

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