Amido resistente e cancro al colon

La fibra non è l'unica cosa che i nostri batteri intestinali buoni possono mangiare; l'amido può anche fungere da prebiotico.

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Questo è il seguito del mio video Is the Fiber Theory Wrong?(

Cos'è questo butirrato roba di cui parlo? Vedi:
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato ( vs-butirrato/)
• Prebiotici: curare il nostro giardino interno (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden)<br/> • Trattare la colite ulcerosa con la dieta (

Per video sull'ottimizzazione della flora intestinale, vedere:
• Microbiome: The Inside Story ( -the-inside-story)
• Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale?http: //
• Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo (

Ulteriori informazioni sulla prevenzione del cancro al colon in:
• Cancro affamato con metionina Restrizione (
• pH delle feci e cancro al colon ( -colon-cancer/)
• Risolvere un mistero sul cancro al colon (

Se tu stai mangiando sano hai bisogno di una colonscopia? Scoprilo in Dovremmo tutti ottenere colonscopie a partire dall'età 50? (

Quando gli amidi normali vengono cotti e poi raffreddati, parte dell'amido si ricristallizza in amido resistente. Per questo motivo, l'insalata di pasta può essere più salutare della pasta calda e l'insalata di patate più sana di una patata al forno. Scopri di più nel mio prossimo video Come ottenere l'amido per prendere la via della maggior resistenza ( -amido-per-prendere-il-percorso-della-maggiore-resistenza).

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100 Risposte a “Amido resistente e cancro al colon”

  1. I stopped eating meat early this year but read that zinc is hard to get in diet without meat. What is a good source of zinc or what type is best when buying a supplement?

  2. I want to thank you for all the work you do for people. I look up to doctors that stand up against this corrupted system and genuinely try their best to help people. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort and creating all these videos.
    I am not yet done with all the videos but I am definitely planning in watching all of them.
    I wonder if you could also make a video about raw vegan diet and how different it is from a hclf vegan diet. If raw vegan diet can cure cancer, is it possible that it can cure bad eyesight and prevent the exfoliation if eye retina even if it happened once before?

  3. How do these findings fit into the EPIC Oxford Study, comparing vegetarian vs healthy meat eaters, from Dr Gregers last video that cited a higher incidence of colon cancer in vegetarians over meat eaters?

  4. maybe it's nature's regulation, a meat eater is usually a predator and predators don't live that long compared to herbivores. Their main purpose is to keep the population growth of herbivores in check.

  5. I like how you still push the fiber = colon health nonsense.  Its painfully obvious that its the types of fiber that matters.  Moreover there are disorders caused from excess fiber and dysbiosis which health professional tend to ignore (more fiber more fiber go go go).

  6. I'm unsure which side of the argument is right. I have tried going vegan and I was always hungry. And so I am taking the middle of the road as I eat meat (chicken) five days a week. I figure that is the safest route as it is still inconcise as to which diet is best.

  7. Dr. Greger I would love for you to go watch the latest podcast from joe rogan talking to a guy named chris kresser about how vegan diets lead to all these deficiencies. It will make you want to headbutt a wall repeatedly! It is just insane to listen to. originally I wouldn't have even watched it but I was curious to what they would say and none of it made any logical sense.

  8. I have IBS. I have noticed for a long time that I do better with cold foods, allowed to sit in the fridge until the next day. Even if I reheat them in the microwave the next day they are still easier on me than if I eat hot food, just having been cooked. I wonder if this has to do with resistant starch formation? I think it might.

  9. Not all carbs are created equal. Resistant starches are carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion (like soluble fiber). Healthy Carbs For Weight Loss.

    Resistant starch (the healthy carb) have a number of health benefits. They can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and help feed the good (friendly) bacteria in your stomach.

  10. So does having this stuff in the stool mean it has negative affects in the body, or is something working positively to excrete it out of us as a protective factor?

  11. One of the most important benefits of eating resistant starches is it feeds the good bacteria in your colon and is responsible for the production of butyrate (Butyrate is a type of fatty acid that helps your gut work right.). Butyrate is like the superfood of the colon. Increasing butyrate levels has many health benefits. It promotes cell health in the colon, reduces inflammation, and decreases your risk for colon cancer. Having good gut flora (gut bacteria) is so important for your health.

  12. Wait, you said that their stool pH was lower – that means more acidic, which contradicts what you said about wanting stools to be less acidic!

  13. Of course the resistant starch didn't reduce N‐nitroso compounds… it never said it would! It's entirely separate matter as the main source of nitrite entering the stomach is SWALLOWED SALIVA! And that is accelerated by Nitrates which is found in even vegan foods. Yes you can contrive a low-nitrate vegan meal, but the meals that vegans need to eat to remain healthy will inevitably contain significant amounts of nitrates. This isn't a vegan vs carnivore debate.

    Let's follow this through, if you eat pretty much ANYTHING (even vegans, nitrates are in everything) then nitrites will enter your stomach over a long period of time from your saliva where they won't be diluted much the stomach acid will turn the nitrites into nitrosating species such as N2O3, NO+. Those are bad because they react with amines/amides and make carcinogens. But if you have enough ascorbic acid (vitamin c) in your diet then the ascorbic acid (which is actively secreted in gastric juices) it competes with the amines/amides to react with the nitrosating species to make nitric oxide.

    The IN VITRO (not in-vivo) tests found that the nitric acid produced by ascorbic acid could concentrate in lipid droplets (because nitric oxide dissolves in lipids better than water) to accelerate reaction with oxygen to form the nitrosating species N2O3 again. Importantly they rigged it to have as small amount of fat as possible, this is key, it's not that fat is bad and more fat is worse, the small AMOUNT of fat is what makes it so bad as the nitric oxide dissolves in the lipid the smaller the amount of lipid then the higher the concentration of nitric oxide so a higher rate of nitric oxide reacting with itself and oxygen to make N2O3.


    Remember, most of this is when you are not eating, nitrites from saliva going into the stomach. The empty stomach. There's not going to be a convenient small lipid droplet sitting in the middle like a petri-dish for the nitric oxide to concentrate in.

    This is the problem with an in vitro test, it makes what seems from a superficial glance to be an accurate representation of the human gastric system, but in reality it has impossible contrivances. And even that leaves the wrong impression that the problem is any fat at all when in fact it's the small amount of fat that accelerated the process.

    Remember, for Nitric oxide to become N2O3 it must react WITH ITSELF yet Nitric oxide is itself very reactive and reacts with other vitamins we eat which protect from nitrating species, so it MUST be in VERY high concentrations very quickly to form N2O3. But that's not happening in the stomach unless you eat low fat foods every few hours. That's the problem here, timing. Constant snacking on low fat foods. If you ate a very large amount of fat, like a huge serving of cream, then that wouldn't be a problem as the small amount of nitric oxide produced would be far too dilute in a large amount of fat.

  14. Umm.. Last time I checked we don't really even know what exactly causes and prevents cancer, and someone claims a new thing about causes and perversion every day… Would be nice if we could just all live like my gran grandfather, who lived to 103 in good health, no antibiotics, no mri, no garbage in our foods, no radio waves everywhere, no constant blood tests, no quack doctors on public tax dollar.. Just daily movement, clean environment, natural fish, meat, milk, veggies, fruit and greens. Well, maybe antibiotics, for the worst cases, but think that a lot of our problems are caused due to us using a lot of what we don't understand at all, and living unnaturally. Physically and psychologically. (no millions of different people met throughout our lives too)

  15. there are only epidemiologic studies that link meat to cancer. and those are definitely not reliable, so why do you keep touting this as fact when you have no conclusive studies to back this? what we do know is that veganism is extremely damaging to health long term, and that you promote this.

  16. Glucose is what causes cancer, it's what feeds cancer cells Stop eating carbs and you can't get cancer. Carbs are a non essential nutrient, unlike protein and fat.

  17. Dr Greger, I respect all your dietary non-biased science based research, however, I find the vegan diet difficult. Have you ever done a complete video on successful dietary food pairing for a grass fed / no hormones meat eater? Like my great grandfather who lived to 100 used to say "everything in moderation" I know the only processed food in his diet was Kellogg's Corn Flakes.

  18. Awesome. About to embark on the potato hack diet for 3-5 days. Cooking various types of potatoes and cooling them so I can reheat when I’m ready to eat them. Best of both worlds.

  19. Resistant starch…what a load of crap. Cook two potatoes, eat one and check blood sugar 1/2 hour after, then 1 hour and 2 hours. Keep track of blood sugar numbers. Put other potato in the fridge for 24 hours. Eat the 24 hour cooled potatoe cold, test blood sugars every 1/2 hour, 1 hour and 2 hours. TAADAA!!! Just as high as the hot, fresh starch.

  20. Nonsense. Healthy organic meat is healthy and people like the eskimos lived on mostly animal products and didn't know what cancer was.

  21. So if I cook my oatmeal at night, let cool and in the morning warm up again would that work or does it have to be cooled?

  22. An excuse to eat convenient leftover porridge? Cook once, and eat eat eat. But without butter or lard it is unacceptable. Corn solidifies into tasteless rubber. Only fried bacon and lard full of carcinogens makes it edible. But even wheat, barley and oats need animal products or sugar. And we know sugar is bad.

    One authority says eat plant, another says eat animals. :'v

  23. The famous Seventh-day Adventist doctor Dr John Harvey Kellogg (the first of cornflakes fame etc..), highlighted this very point of not over cooking oats, for example when making porridge, so that some of that starch can reach the colon and feed the colon flora in order to benefit and protect the gut. That was in 1918 in his book entitled 'Autointoxication or Intestinal Toxemia'.
    Readily available today… Fascinating read…
    Modern research is backing up old traditional ways of eating and preparing foods… We overcook, blitz and zap too much…. 😂

  24. It seems that the good doctor likes to make up examples of "trials or studies such as this three meat group" , acting as though its fact. He has done this in other videos as well. But when you look in the notes to see where he got his "facts", the link is not available, how convenient!

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