Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale?

Sembra che ci siano solo due tipi di persone al mondo: quelle che hanno principalmente batteri di tipo Bacteroides nell'intestino e quelle i cui due punti sono invece prevalentemente la casa delle specie Prevotella.

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Se qualunque sia l'enterotipo della nostra flora intestinale potrebbe svolgere un ruolo importante nel rischio di sviluppare malattie croniche associate alla dieta, la prossima domanda è possiamo alterare il nostro microbioma intestinale alterando la nostra dieta? E la risposta è — la dieta può alterare in modo rapido e riproducibile i batteri nel nostro intestino, argomento del mio prossimo video, How to Change Your Enterotype ( http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/come per-cambiare-il-tuo-enterotipo).<br/>
Questi fanno parte di una nuova serie ampliata sul microbioma che Mi spiegherò nei prossimi mesi. Assicurati di catturare i primi quattro di questa serie:
• Come ridurre la produzione di acido biliare cancerogeno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ come-ridurre-la-produzione-di-acidi-biliari-cancerogeno/)
• Proteine ​​putrefatte ed enzimi “tossificanti” (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/putrefying-protein-and-toxifying-enzymes/)
• Microbioma: The Inside Story (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/microbiome-the-inside-story)
• Prebiotici: prendersi cura del nostro giardino interno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden)

Chi abbiamo nel nostro intestino può anche svolgere un ruolo nelle malattie autoimmuni. Vedi Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-do-plant-based-diets-help-rhumatoid-arthritis)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-your-gut-microbiome-enterotype e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: geralt via Pixabay.

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51 Risposte a “Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale?”

  1. Are there any further studies about other health problems or benefits of having one type or the other? I would be interested to see a video on that also. Keep up the good work Doc!

  2. This is more complicated than the above suggests, as " native" Africans are also meat eaters ( goat, beef chicken), but the meat is not the factory processed variety that is seen in the west, me things there are more contributing factors to be discovered.

  3. I'd like to hear him mention some of the negative effects of meatless diets, such as panic attacks, OCD, depression, etc. It's dandy to be all rah rah, but surely the downfalls of a veggie diet are worth mentioning.

  4. Chilling like Cinderella with Prevotella! (The Cinderella who has her plant based Prince, that is). Thank you for all that you and your team do Dr. Greger!!! Just bought your book "How Not To Die" in Barnes & Nobles and I love it!!!!! I am recommending it to everyone!!!!

  5. My gut feeling is that over the next twenty years, the health of the gut flora will be deemed to be one of the most, if not the most important determinant of total health. Research and discoveries over the last few years are movng in that direction

  6. This video is amazeballs on fire! My co-worker who has GERD) who is also a M.D eats those nasty "frozen Banquet dinners" for lunch-so I said "why don't you eat some real food" plants-cooking meals=lol perhaps you would not have GUT issues…..lol . He said no wayI enjoy eating.

  7. I don't understand how we can eat anti microbial ingredients and not kill off our gut bacteria. Things like salt, alcohol, strong acids, preservatives, etc. How do these things effect us?

  8. that's why i stopped eating the S.A.D and back to my nigerian food, we eat mostly greens, and more of a plant based diet and i been feeling better since then but since meat is a big part of african food too, i'm trying to make vegan versions of it or leave out the meat, the food is still good 🙂

  9. Getting seriously pissed by Dr. Greger's ongoing biased (and seriously wrong) reporting. Prevotella aren't generally thought to be healthy or good for us (despite speculation of the authors of one of the papers cited in this video). That said, prevotella are actually classified as members of the Bacteroidetes phylum! Other Bacteroides species are associated with a lean body and generally good health. The other major type of bacteria (which he totally ignores in this video) are not Ruminococcus, but the Firmicutes phylum (which Ruminococcus is in fact a member of.) Firmicutes are highly associated with excessive carb consumption and bad health. Follow the money. Dr. Greger is paid by vegans to badmouth non-vegan diets.

  10. Thank you very much for the information! I was confronted about this informations from other non vegans, but could not give a specific answer. Thank you very much for your education.

  11. sooo probiotics are bad too because they have bifidobactrium as well .. well in some … i need answers please!???

  12. Questions for @NutritionFacts.org – so if someone was previously a Bacteroides enterotype on a meat heavy omnivorous diet, but switches to a plant based diet, can the human gut microbiome transform into a Prevotella enterotype? And if so, how long does that process take? What ramifications do OTC probiotics have on this? Are there certain types plant based Prevotella people should or shouldn't take? Thank you for all your great research and videos!

  13. Still having difficulty with vegan meal planning. I never have cooked before so it's not like I'm used to food preparation. But, I'm getting there…just refuse to eat anything but plants!

  14. 3:47 Bifidobacterium were associated with colon cancer? Doesnt that strain of probiotic protects against colon cancer. Its a commonly used probiotic in supplements. Plenty of research states it helps

  15. The wikipedia previtella page says that Bacteriodetes is a phylum, and prevotella is a genus, a genus that is a part of the said phylum. The opposite of bacteriodetes is supposed to be firmicutes. It makes no sense to compare a diverse group, and a smaller, less diverse subset of that group as dietary opposites.

  16. Eating a plant based diet makes a lot of sense as far as gut health. On the most basic level there are hemolytic bacteria and nonhemolytic types. If you are consuming the dead flesh of animals the type of organisms that are going to break that down in your gut are also going to be able to opportunistically attack your own cells which share a semblance with the animal cells. Conversely, if you predominantly eat plants the plant eating bacteria is less likely to be the kind to attack your tissues.

  17. Keep in mind, Native Africans don't live as long as people of African descent in the Americas. For instance, skin cancer is very rare in Africa as well. But in the Congo (just as an example) average life expectancy is 50ish. Big difference.

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