Amla contro diabete

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DESCRIZIONE: Per un dollaro al mese, la polvere di uva spina indiana (amla) può funzionare così come un farmaco per il diabete leader senza effetti collaterali. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherò di rispondere esso! Non esitare a pubblicare qualsiasi domanda di tipo chieda al dottore qui nella sezione commenti e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. Assicurati di controllare gli altri video su amla ( e non perdere tutti i video sul diabete ( E ci sono 1,449 soggetti (http://nutritionfacts .org/topics/) trattato nel resto dei miei video: sentiti libero di esplorarli!

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48 Risposte a “Amla contro diabete”

  1. Great and informative video on this great and amazing fruit that conventional doctors and pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about. Keep up the great work!

  2. Triphala; Amla, Behada, Harada, at SwansonVitamins is being researched as a cancer fighting supplement.

  3. OK, amla lowers blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, boosted good cholesterol, but triglycerides and is cheap …. but, do you have anything natural for Blood Pressure?  😉

  4. Well, I just ordered a pound of it from Amazon to put in my Hibiscus tea when the 5 pounds of those petals get here and the alma cost $16 including shipping.  So, we'll see.


  5. but the powder herbs could be contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens. Once some cook told me not to eat raw curry or turmeric powder. 

  6. Hi, I've heard about the benefits of Amla (indian gooseberry) since some time back, but am unable to get them in Malaysia.  Anybody know where I can get some Amla powder from India in Malaysia?  Been to some indian grocery shops, but no luck!  Thank you.

  7. lol, I called around to my local Indian stores and they were like, what???  They had never heard of it and the few that did, did not sell any!

  8. My mom's pre-diabetic, so what I got out of the video was eat amla. But my mom's Indian, so we have tons of that stuff around the house. I prefer the LIGHTLY sweetened ones, though. Stay away from the powdered stuff, you have no idea what's in it, get the slices. 

    I'd love for a video on pomegranates, not the arils, but the yellow stuff between the seeds. Apparently that's supposed to help with diabetes also, but EWWWWW,

  9. I want to give you a big THANK YOU!  Several years ago I read a study about diabetes getting better when becoming a vegetarian and this research finally brought me to you.  Thank you for putting things in an easy to understand way.  I am still working on reversing my diabetes but I am so close now.  I do go thru short periods of eating meat.  The AMLA has been the most help thing. My blood tests are almost completely normal and I no longer have to take my metformin.

  10. I soak three tablespoon of amla powder at night in a jar of water, drink the water several times on the next day. It has helped tremendously with my sleep.

  11. Important : Amla is not a gooseberry !! Amla grows on a tree that belongs to the family Phyllanthaceae. Gooseberries grow on a bush of the Ribes family. Amla is called a gooseberry because it looks like one, but it is not. This said, gooseberries are probably also very healthy, but not like amla.

  12. If Amla is so popular in India, why is Diabetes so prevalent in India? Why is India considered the diabetes capital of the world? (2018) and (2016). Sounds like the doc is a snake oil salesman on this one, which brings up the question, can other things he discusses by inaccurate too?

  13. I was laughing so hard about his unexpected find of the huge variety of gooseberry products, because I happen to have also an Indian Food Store in my close neighborhood, where I shop for many years, and was surprised about the choice they provide in a fairly small store. Amla powder, fresh turmeric, ginger, and all the wonderful spices, and more. So also BULK BARN. Nutritional yeast, 100% Vital Whole Wheat Gluten (for Seitan), blanched ground almonds, buckwheat, all kinds of whole wheat flour (making bread), etc. etc. I LOVE grocery shopping in my favorite stores

  14. My dad ships Amla powder to me from India and now I’m addicted to it.I dissolve 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of warm water and that’s my go to energy drink.My blood sugar and pressure levels would challenge the best of drugs 🙂 And the price I pay for it
    is $7 per kg !

  15. Been using the powdered form of Amla for 8 months 1 tsp daily while eating clean and exercising and my blood sugar is not improving. I'm using a high quality brand as well so I wouldn't put too much trust in these claims.

  16. I add Amla along with about 9 other aryuvedic and South American herbs and berries to my coffee in the morning. I sweeten it with Stevia or Monk fruit and add almond milk as a creamer

  17. I’m making a morning tonic with 1liter fizzy water, 1 tsp of amla, 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, and 1/2 tsp of matcha, Tastes 3/10 and healthy. I’ve lost 10 kg, labs are normal again and feel peppy.

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