Amla vs. Crescita delle cellule cancerose

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DESCRIZIONE: L'uva spina indiana (amla), pianta importante nella medicina ayurvedica, può avere proprietà antitumorali, oltre a tosse, febbre -, effetti di soppressione del dolore, dello stress e della diarrea. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e io' cercherò di rispondere! Non esitare a pubblicare qualsiasi domanda di tipo chieda al dottore qui nella sezione commenti e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. Assicurati di controllare gli altri video su amla ( e non non perdere tutti i video sul cancro ( E ci sono 1,449 soggetti (http://nutritionfacts .org/topics/) trattato nel resto dei miei video: sentiti libero di esplorarli!

Inoltre, controlla il mio post sul blog associato spina-contro-cancro-diabete-e-colesterolo/

Credito immagine: Luc Viatour/ tramite Wikimedia Commons, Alexandre Rucker e FloraRS, Sam Renkema, Rolando Pérez, Sorin Vaimiti e David Tng.
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• Acquista : 2012

55 Risposte a “Amla vs. Crescita delle cellule cancerose”

  1. @nesterhaus 20 times the vitamin C content of an orange and they have been curing cancer with C and real nutrition for year-thanks for sharing.

  2. It'd be wonderful if you could post it to this specific video on nutritionfacts. org. This way more people benefit from the response, and I can actually provide you with links (which I can't do on Youtube). Thanks!

  3. You can buy fresh Indian gooseberries (ask for Amla) and dried powder in Indian stores all over US. Best is to get a pound of fresh fruit, cut it and remove the seed and crush the fruit in a grinder or stone mortar. Add little salt (good preservative), little musturd sauce (for taste), and olive oil to the juicy mix and cure it for a couple of days (u can also add red chilli powder). U can use it as a bread spread everyday for a few weeks. Use it everyday for best results. Store in refrgrtr.

  4. Wow! I didn't have any clue that Indian gooseberries are that medicinal.I was born and raised in Sri Lanka and I have had these berries when I was a little kid.Didn't know it's called Indian gooseberries until now :(.Thanks so much Dr.Greger ! Your videos are always BRILLIANT ! :).

  5. I hope Richard Dawkins sees this…he has on record mentioned that Ayurveda is a lunacy and anyone taking Ayurvedic medicines is a fool…Various studies have been done on several Ayurvedic medicinal herbs like Amlaki or Amla , Aloe Vera, Gotu Kola etc that prove beyond a doubt that the ancient sages of India knew what they were talking aboutbut still people like Mr.Dawkins refuse to accept it..People can prevent disease through nutrition alone which some experts cannot tolerate.

  6. perhaps one should speak to the many people that these simple fruits have saved instead of someone being paid big bucks by the pharm companies that cant make a dime off a gooseberry. Bet Richard will be the first to try Amla if he or a loved one gets cancer 🙂

  7. Would you recommend it for daily consumption, say a teaspoon a day, like you've mentioned in the "A better breakfast" video? Thanks

  8. while most ppl only know very few popular herbs here for ex: marijuana to smoking, actually, in the world, we are a real big garden that God giving us for free, and a lot wonderful herbs and flowering waiting us to be discovered and they also can making us very happy…naturally…:) most Asian traditional drs never want use chemicals at all so did most ppl know this for over thousands of yrs, but when they migrated to other places, they may forgot where they came from and all herbs their forefathers love to use ….it is regret…we should try our best to come back to happiness and peace, in mood and body, and spiritual too, and are aware how much great things giving to us for totally free from God and we also should not charge others by helping them to know before they died…by know nothing…of these great knowledge that our ancestors giving to me all free too….

  9. omg Ive been trying to figure out what I ate before that came in a little leafy package, it was the orange gooseberries you showed, I had them a long time ago but I havent seen them in the grocery store for a long time and couldnt remember what it was called, lol

  10. good day, I belong to Zrii whose company is dedicated to Ayurvedic medicine and we have the backing of Dr. Deepak Chopra, if you want to know more about how to purchase products with Amalaki not hesitate to contact me

  11. Good information. In fact, Ayurveda is filled with such miracle fruits and herbs. And this is a 5000 year old ancient Indian wisdom which has survived millenia and is still being practiced today. Unfortunately, the treatments and medicines need the approval of Western Medical Community with a fancy paper full of jargon published in a journal and a Youtube video by a commendable MD to convince people to try something. It's sad. Western scientists and medical community should stop acting like American Idol judges. Your research is respected but you're 5000 years late. More often than not, western research is inconsistent and sometimes contradicts what has been published 2 to 3 decades ago (eggs, butter, cholesterol and countless other examples). In ancient science like Ayurveda, the facts are considered divine revelations and have remained bulletproof time immemorial. Stop judging and teaching the Sun as to how it should radiate heat and propagate light.

  12. Important : Amla is not a gooseberry !! Amla grows on a tree that belongs to the family Phyllanthaceae. Gooseberries grow on a bush of the Ribes family. Amla is called a gooseberry because it looks like one, but it is not. This said, gooseberries are probably also very healthy, but not like amla.

  13. It very bitter if you bite a chunk of it , recommended bite a little bit and it almost not as bitter or with salt.
    best use for people who hate it taste is to remove the seed and sun dried.
    or just put in your mouth like a candy and chew a tiny bit be careful you may accident swollen.

  14. Hello, I have a question: would there be any interactions when taking amla powder with antibiotics, immunesurpressing or bloodpressure lowering drugs?
    Help is very appreciated.

  15. Guy's guy's guy's… Hi I'm Yash from pune…. We have production unit …we produce Awala products like Awala candy, juice, powder, supari, syrup, pickle and many more…. We have organic process.. Like we directly take Awala from local farmers and produce the products… Best part is that it is totally natural… Not even 0.01% of chemicals… You can contact me at …. Trust our products, you will not regret

  16. I grate one whole Amla on my salad. Tastes just like lime. Here in India it's extremely cheap too. I have atleast 5 Almas in a week. I try to have one everyday though.

  17. In my childhood I use to enjoy this madly.
    Now I totally understand why I was never ill.
    Though I still love it but I don't eat it like before. But yes everyday.

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