100 Risposte a “Aprire una lattina con un pennarello!”

  1. What's with the cutoff halfway through the sentence at the end?

    EDIT: Forgot this was a short, and I'm using a plugin that opens shorts as regular videos. I assume it loops back to the beginning?

  2. Did NOT see that coming, holy hell.

    I thought you were going to pull some shenanigans with the mechanism itself, not completely undermine it and cause a wild blowout second only to Guy Fieri's.

  3. I've been showing ppl basically the same trick for years using a butter knife placed in just the right place and lightly smacking the end of the butter knife

  4. I'm just glad you didn't slice yourself. Hopefully no one else does, either. Would hate for people to come after you because they decided to try it, knowing it was a possibility. Makes me nervous when you don't have disclaimers (even though I don't think you should NEED to, probably best to, knowing how sue happy people can be 🙄)

  5. Hmm yes let's continuously push down our fist above a spring loaded knife edge and a vat of acid…. What could possibly go wrong! I guess though the acid would immediately act as an antibiotic for the fresh wound so it might not be that bad.

  6. I've also heard there's another way to open cans in the wrong direction, where you literally just twist the tab 180° and then try to open it like normal, and it causes the can tab to violently explode sending shards of metal flying

  7. While you do so remind us of the great old Grant days, I want to take a moment to congratulate you for your style, hard work, dedication, and uniqueness. I love your style and that’s why I follow and I appreciate your work 😅

  8. 🧐 Kevlar gloves next time my guy, that was close.. (you know better lol)
    When the gears turn in us crazy scientists, we must slow down to remember Safety First.. lbvs

    Not always on the agenda but it will save you or your eyes 👀
    more than a few time in a lifetime..

  9. I keep finding cans that don't want to open and the tab breaks off, so I've learned if I'm careful about it, especially on the ones that are about to pop from being in the car too long and I bring it in to cool down first, I can just run my fingernail across the seam on the inside not the outside and I'll have a somewhat open soda can to drink from or pour into a glass.

  10. And if you look closely in the first few seconds, you can actually see the bleeding wound on his pinky where it slammed into the sharp edge.

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