Assunzione di proteine ​​e produzione di IGF-1

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DESCRIZIONE: Il consumo di proteine ​​animali innesca il rilascio dell'ormone della crescita che promuove il cancro IGF-1. Per informazioni su IGF-1, vedere IGF-1 come One-Stop Cancer Shop ( shop/) e Cancer-Proofing Mutation ( In The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle ( abbiamo stabilito che il motivo per cui il sangue di coloro che mangiano diete a base vegetale sembrava molto più efficace nel combattere la crescita delle cellule tumorali, vedere Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( http: //, è probabilmente dovuto al calo dei livelli di IGF-1, in particolare quelli che seguono diete vegane come da video del giorno di venerdì How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1 ( -to-abbassare-igf-1/). Ora sembra che sappiamo perché: evitano le proteine ​​animali. Andiamo un livello più in profondità e chiediamo perché le proteine ​​animali innescano preferenzialmente il rilascio di IGF-1. Restate sintonizzati per il video del giorno di domani Una qualità superiore può significare un rischio maggiore ( mean-higher-risk/). <br/> Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Immagine di credito: ttrentham, danmachold e Tinker*Tailor ama Lalka tramite Flickr. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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30 Risposte a “Assunzione di proteine ​​e produzione di IGF-1”

  1. -0.04 is not the level of soy protein it is the level of IGF-1 when eating soy protein and as shown in the video it went down by 0.04 when eating the soy protein compared to an increase of 0.18 IGF-1 when eating animal proteins. and i don't know what other video you're mentioning but all things in moderation is the best answer i can give to that, but also no 2 things are ever going to stack up as "just as bad as" the other, too many variables to ensure that.

  2. I've found a lot of conflicting information about IGF-1 on the web. Some studies say that animal protein raises it, however, other studies say that skim milk, but not meat, raises it. One study even showed a positive association between IGF-1 and citrus fruit. Regardless, vegans have the lowest IGF-1 of any group, so that's one more reason to stay vegan.

  3. I just read a study that said we have more IGF-1 in our own saliva than we could get in 100 quarts of milk. And that we only absorb trace amounts when consuming dairy. But people with leaky gut etc could absorb much more. I can't find good info on whether fermented dairy significantly decreases IGF-1

  4. just eat broccoli with your meat and don't fry or bbq it…enjoy…if my mouth salivates when I see a steak I know my body wants it

  5. if your mouth salivated then your body wants it? huh? people salivate over all kinds of things they should not consume. that's just ridiculous. i mean, if i salivate over donuts every day does that mean my body wants it? no. it means my mind wants it. my body desires to be nourished and treated well with nutrient dense foods, not stuff that is hard on it.

  6. That sounds like total bs. If you acknowledge IGF-1 increases cancer growth, then you should also know it just increases growth in general with cancer growth as a unintended side effect. Cancer is not a normal body function. So there is a purpose to it being in the body. A healthy person should have no fear of IGF-1 then.

  7.  “GH and IGF levels are both elevated dramatically following exercise”
    “IGF-I in children have been associated with higher IQ”
    “Its deficit can cause hearing loss. Serum level of it also underlies a correlation between short height and reduced hearing abilities particularly around 3–5 years of age, and at age 18 (late puberty).”

  8. As a Vegan bodybuilder, this is good news in deed. I don't go crazy on my protein but I do go over. Unless you are taking steroids and gaining 20+ pounds of muscle each year, extreme excess protein is just a waste. I would rather eat more fibrous carbs. It seems that when I do, I can work harder and my muscles look fuller and bigger. Especially beets.

  9. holy shit when i take plant… soy protein shakes should i space out shakes instead of having a 40gram shake in one sitting?

  10. Eating polyunsaturated fatty acids, deficit vitamins D and B complex (especially B3), causing cancer. IGF1 is just there to promote growth of those cells, not cause.
    So, if you have cancer, eat only fruits and vegetables, especially those with proteolytic enzimes, since this enzyme promote apoptosis of cancerous cells.
    Much love

  11. IGF-1 plays an important role in blood sugar control. I experimented with a supplement called Coleus Forskohlii. That supplement lowers IGF-1 and when I used it my blood sugar which is very well controlled shot way up. Had to quit taking it because of it. Then sugar went back to normal.

  12. Is this a clear reason for me as 17 year old growing athlete to come back eating, for example, dairy? Like until I hit ~19

  13. Be careful with the lie! IGF-1 is one of the many double-edged swords when it comes to our health. In the diet wars, the vegetarians and vegans tend to use IGF-1 as a reason to avoid all animal foods, while the zero carbers use insulin. In excess, both insulin and IGF-1 can potentially lead to cancer. However, in normal, or possibly slightly low amounts, both are necessary for normal health. To demonize one and blindly promote the other is more often proselytizing agendas than promoting reasonable health recommendations to the masses. While this article is a simplification of a complex subject, hopefully it provides insight to the issues that arise with IGF-1 and dietary recommendations, which often leave us scratching our heads and questioning what’s left to eat.

    Further tipping the scale towards health by engaging in plenty of activities to support the free radical defense system – regardless of dietary protein or level of IGF-1 – is a prudent anticancer strategy. In this regard, the self-prescription of a healthy mixture of spartanesque behaviors including intense exercise, resistance training, high levels of background activity, periodic ketosis, intermittent fasting, limiting protein and carbohydrate over-consumption, and eating plenty of foods that “stress” our cells is practical. In other words, a lifestyle that can promote the benefits of reducing IGF-1, while avoiding the downsides may be best…. Lol!

  14. That conflicts Mcdougall. He says Soy protein raises IGF-1 to twice the level of milk protein. And here you show Soy in negative figures. Its quite confusing. Would it not be more correct to say IGF-1 facilitates tumour growth but is not actually responsible for the mutation of cells. Thus IGF-1 is deadly in those people who have an established tumour caused by other factors. There is a good reason why the body produces IGF-1. Because we need it. Labelling its the ‘baddie’ of the moment is akin to labelling cholesterol as the cause of clogged arteries, and not the damage caused to the endothelial lining of a poor diet – after all we need and produce cholesterol naturally. Again it seems IGF-1 is given the same treatment. Increased levels of IGF-1 and tumour growth? Aha! IGF-1 must be lowered!!!!

  15. The father of three boys told me that they are growing and feeling pain. They eat a lot of animal products and I wondered if IGF-1 might be responsible for the quick growth and the ensuing pain that the boys feel.

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