I cereali antichi sono più sani?

I grani antichi come il kamut sono messi a dura prova per il controllo dell'infiammazione, della glicemia e del colesterolo.

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I cereali integrali (idealmente intatti!) – antichi e moderni allo stesso modo – sono parte integrante del mio Daily Dozen (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-gregers-daily-dozen-checklist/) checklist: la più sana delle cose salutari che incoraggio tutti a provare a adattarsi alla loro routine quotidiana.

Sono particolarmente utili per il nostro microbioma:
• Amido resistente e cancro al colon (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/resistant-starch-colon-cancer/)<br/> • Ottenere l'amido per prendere la via della maggior resistenza ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/getting-starch-to-take-the-path-of-most-resistance/)
• Microbioma intestinale: arricchiscilo con cereali integrali (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-microbiome-strike -è-ricco-di-cereali-integrali/)
• Microbioma: noi siamo quello che mangiano (

E il glutine? Vedi:
• La sensibilità al glutine è reale? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-gluten-sensitivity-real/)
• Diete senza glutine: separare il grano dalla chat (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gluten-free-diets- separare-il-grano-dalla-chiacchierata/)
• Come diagnosticare l'intolleranza al glutine (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-diagnose-gluten-intolerance/)

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100 Risposte a “I cereali antichi sono più sani?”

  1. From what I recall of the stats on the package, most ancient grains are both lower in fat and in gluten, which might help expain some of these findings.

  2. Modern wheat requires copious amounts of fossil-fuel fertilizer to make up for its shorter stature. I love the North American revival of grains from the 1800s and earlier, such as Turkey Red from the American midwest, Sonora White from the West and Northern Mexico, Red Fife from Canada. These all grow tall, crowding out weeds and supplying more nutrition to the resulting seed without needing as much artificial fertilizer. The only downside is yield per acre, which means the grains cost more.

  3. Greetings from Germany Dr Greger, First of all, I love your book and Cookbook. I always get a kick out of watching your videos. Here in Germany we eat alot of Spelt 'Dinkel'. As per medicine from the middle ages 'Hildegard von Bingen' she was an amazing woman! Please research her. Spelt is highest in protein, vitamins and has very little gluten. I have been using it for years and love it. Here we have spelt bread at every bakerie, noodles, you can eat it like rice, thicken soups, and best of all, I make cookies with it. Thank you for all your hard work, so I don't have to. 😊

  4. This is such an interesting video Dr. Gregor! There are people talking about how modern grains are changed so much that they are no longer healthy, therefore I am super happy that you did this video. Thanks for the video. Your videos always inspire me to keep posting on my channel!

  5. Wow. Ok, so Doctor — the question is, why? Could this be pesticide usage? If not a factor, I'm really curious as to what is happening at the microbiotic level to cause this…

  6. This is all well and good, but my question is is Dr. Greger wearing any trousers in these videos since he's only ever shown from the waist up? 🤔

  7. Now to find a loaf of bread with 100% kamut or einkorn that doesn't require a high income. I made a loaf successfully, but it was pricey for a small round of it at about 3 cups of flour. And it always takes time to make one's own bread, though not that difficult.

  8. This new format is nice but I've noticed that every video had really jarring cuts/edits (maybe I'm spoiled by other channels?)

    Dr. Greger probably hates doing more than one take and the editors are probably doing their best, but I never noticed this in the previous format. Just thought I'd point it out.

  9. I was expecting more info on avoiding the arsenic content of brown rice for other varieties such as chewy black rice

  10. Yep. I have bad IBS & I can't even stomach one slice of white bread. I can't eat one sandwich made from any other type of modern wheat, but I can happily eat kamut bread. That sells out quick though so sometimes I get spelt & I can eat a couple slices of that too. I don't need anything more to show me what's "better" than the pain I'm in or not in. But this was good to back up what I thought!

  11. So ancient grains are healthier at least in some respects. Good to know as I would eat these in some form as bread or pasta regularly in the past.

  12. Excellent and interesting video. I'd be very interested in a comparison of more modern and easier to find grains, like modern wheat, Rye, Rice, Oats, etc.

  13. Dr. Greger, you are missing one of the subtilties of healthy nutrition promotion by our government and "studies." More and more government is accepting their allegiance to meat & dairy lobbyists' demands are causing disease and early death. Instead of righting the ship, they are subtle and you accept their code talk. What they should be saying and what you mean is "Don't eat meat & dairy and processed carbs & bottled oils." Avoid those and you'll avoid the commercial foods killing millions. Avoid that shortlist and thousands of products no longer exist and by substitution, we all eat a whole-grain, plant-based diet. If you must, use their speak-talk to be politically correct, but add a line about what it really means – talk as equally about the "don'ts" as the "does."

  14. As the owner of a wheat ranch 40 miles from the headquarters of the Kamut organization I have been very interested in this subject for nearly 20 years. My first conversations with Dr Bob Quinn, the main force behind Kamut, were some 15 years ago and tours of his ranch some 10+ years ago. My family and I have been farming wheat since the late 1800’s and never has it been more clear that change must occur. Re-inventing the economic model has proven to be as difficult as convincing people to save their life by going plant based. Hopefully education and commerce will converge before we lose too many lives needlessly.

  15. LOVE this! I get so many questions as practitioner from those who are suffering from metabolic syndrome, T2DM, or pre-diabetes, and they almost always ask me if they should give up carbs. The answer is always the same: it's what carbs you consume, not the carbohydrates in general… I'm so happy someone like Dr. Greger is out there dispelling that myth everyday.

  16. Ok but did the people in these studies know which kind of wheat they were eating? You didn't say they were blind tests. If they weren't, it could be placebo effect since a lot of people believe ancient grains are better.

  17. It works! Dr. Greger! I went from a cholesterol of 216 to 183, to now 166 today! LDL was 120 then 102, now 75 today after going fully vegan. I had been eating pretty healthy in the past and the 216 was even a bit of a falsehood as my high HDL of 83 bumped it up, but, first I went plant based but still eating chicken and salmon (and some sardines) to just the last month or so fully plants only and BAM, I am overjoyed. I also eat oatmeal with fruit mixed in every morning. I feel terrific as well and lost my stomach bulge and 4 inches on the waist line. NOW, I just have to keep the meals interesting as I tend to just rinse and repeat. Thank you!

  18. We need to bring back ancient grains AND sour dough. This quick rising commercial yeast may be quick and easy, but it's not as healthy as true fermented sour dough. It's been shown in studies that even people with gluten sensitivity and celiacs can eat true sour dough bread because the bacteria hybrolyzes the wheat protein (gluten).

  19. thank you very much for your work. I have only one question for you: how do you feel about the anti-vaccination movement and the vaccine in General?

  20. I like to make bread out of a mixture of rye, spelt, oat and whatever else I can find (it is coronavirus time!). I can't say I have noticed a difference in my health, but it does taste better

  21. For those wondering why – it's because hybridization increases lectin content. So while it makes them easier to grow and yield more product, it's because they have more poisons that damage the gut and sometimes other vital organs too.

  22. Good. It would be good to know the names of these grains: the colourful graph seemed to have just the first two letters of the names. I know of kamut and spelt, then perhaps eikhorn or some such similar name. I wish the full names had been given. Coupd any viewer give me the names? Thanks.

  23. Grains are survival food….when meats are not available! Lol! Grains kill people's health! If you absolutely have to eat them, use ancient grains and sourdough!

  24. Eat less starchy vegetables? you mean potatoes which my ancestors ate and were super strong and healthy? wheat industry lining your pocket buddy?

  25. I have to ask are you comparing whole modern wheat to whole ancient wheat? The studies on irritable bowl syndrome would certainly be helped by the increase found in modern whole wheat.

  26. I recently started baking bread with Kamut flour. I have been suffering from Non-Celiac digestive issues (pain, bloat, GERD so bad I had pre-cancerous lesions on my esophagus). No problems anymore! No GERD! No bloat! No Pain! The bread tastes like…well…BREAD! For those eating gluten-free bread, you know what I'm talking about.

  27. Someone should tell Dr Berg about Ancient Grains, They definitely solved my Digestive and blood sugar problems. Particularly the Kamut !

  28. Well what i noticed wholegrain spelt,rye etc are much easier on stomach…i have decided to have my own spelt,you dont need to use any chemicals and its preatty strong…the only thing is you need to have machine to remove outer thick shell with machine but oh well if you want to eat natual and have your own foods its a big job…but i dont care i love it and im gratefull to God to be able to….Anyways we forget its not just what we eat,its how much,when,and if we are active to use that energy from foods…what we eat on the plate what combination of foods..etc.so yeah i think there are many elements here…but i would always pick old grains ower any "newer"we eat too much and dont spend that energy…i think we should eat less on days we are less active and more when we are busy..big thing is also fasting…i find it best 16:8…cheers

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