Aumentare il legame dell'ormone sessuale

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DESCRIZIONE: I benefici di una dieta a base vegetale per la prevenzione del diabete sembrano estendersi oltre la perdita di peso. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su e ci proverò per rispondere! E dai un'occhiata agli altri video sugli ormoni ( Inoltre, ci sono 1,380 altri soggetti ( /argomenti/) trattati nel resto dei miei video–sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!
Credito immagine: Jessica Merz tramite Flickr.
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7 Risposte a “Aumentare il legame dell'ormone sessuale”

  1. Wouldnt increasing SHBG that lowers hormones make you catabolic loosing muscle mass. This loss of muscle mass decrease BMR causing you to gain weight if more calories were to be consumed at another meal. Also your body is not picky. If you loose muscle because the body needed amino acids it probably will also burn off organ tissue. Not mention all vegetarian are defficient in B12 which over time leads to stroke alzheimers and dementia. Someone clarify?

  2. +Steve Spencer 
    No.  Studies show that increasing SHBG by the amounts discussed in this study also increases testosterone proportionally.  

  3. people claim that vegans tend to have higher testosterone. But this seems to suggest otherwise since SHBG binds to testosterone nullifying it in a sense. so then wouldn't vegans have lower testosterone since they have higher SHBG? interesting

  4. Sex hormone binding globulin (SGHB) binds total testosterone to reduce free testosterone, which is what is available to cause bodily reactions (sex for one). If not eating meat raises SHBG, it follows that eating meat lowers SGHB which would increase free testosterone. So it's true–eating meat and eggs is good for raising testosterone, which is what I always believed. I follow Dr. Greger's advice on most things but I do eat small portions of meat and eggs.

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