Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D?

L'apparente aumento del rischio di ictus nei vegetariani potrebbe essere causalità inversa? Che dire dei vegetariani contro i vegani, e la carenza di vitamina D ha un ruolo?

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Finora in questa serie abbiamo visto cosa mangiare (http: // e non mangiare (http:// per la prevenzione dell'ictus e se i vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus più elevato ( <br/>
Può valere la pena ribadire che i vegetariani non hanno un rischio maggiore di morire per un ictus, ma sembrano essere a più alto rischio di avere un ictus. Come è possibile? La carne è un fattore di rischio per l'ictus, quindi come potrebbe tagliare la carne portare a più ictus? Deve esserci qualcosa nel mangiare a base vegetale che aumenta così tanto il rischio di ictus da controbilanciare il beneficio senza carne. Sarà perché non mangiamo pesce? Passiamo poi agli omega 3:
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus—Omega 3? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: cibo spazzatura vegano? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: proteine ​​animali? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus—Vitamina B12 e omocisteina? (

Se vuoi solo arrivare alla conclusione, questi video sono tutti disponibili in download digitale all'indirizzo

Ci certamente sono benefici per la vitamina D, però. Ecco un campione di video in cui esploro le prove:
• Vivrai più a lungo se prendi integratori di vitamina D? (ù-lungo-se-prenderai-vitamina-D-integratori )
• Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con il diabete, la perdita di peso e la pressione sanguigna (
• Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (
• La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata su livelli naturali (
• Il Il modo migliore per ottenere la vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? ( -integratori-o-saloni)
• I rischi e i benefici dell'esposizione solare sensibile (
• Gli integratori di vitamina D dovrebbero essere assunti per prevenire le cadute negli anziani? ( -prevent-falls/)

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100 Risposte a “Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D?”

  1. Did I miss something? I thought at the end of the last Vit D video he ended with the question about how much to take and said he'd answer that in the next one. So the answer is don't bother?

  2. Let the vegan person Expose his skin to sub more than 10hrs per day
    If he lack of Good Cholesterol he won't have the conversion of the Hermon to produce Vitamin D3…why because he is Vegan …
    Liver needs the right fat and the right vegetable to produce bile …. and kidney
    Need to Eliminate property
    So at the end of the day you need clean animal products to get your vitamin D3 ready already for you concerted from Grass fed butter organic
    I known so many people in Dirty Keto
    And very dirty junky vegan diet or vegatrain
    I am Not against any of all the diet
    I believe you should be in very clean diet
    No matter what kind of diet you follow
    The Most important thing is the source of your food
    Not everyone in the world have the excess to all high quality vegetable and fruits all year round
    And Not everyone in the world have the highest and finest quality of animal products or have the access to it all year round
    I always said in the future ☺️ if I do not have the access to high quality animal products like pasture eggs grass fed meat or ghee I will follow vegatrain diet dose not mean I won't eat meat I will fish and quality dairy and eggs
    For the sake of Fat soluble vitamins that need your body Hermon to operate in optimal way …
    No matter what this Dr. He is pulling research and studies… anything to support veganism
    Who know who to funded these studies 😉😂😂😂this is the big issue
    Human being came to this Earth with eating plants + Animal products
    Read about Dr. Joe Walsh
    He will explain..when our society started shifting the diet because the environment is ruined….when they stop using the coal…….

  3. The answer is: broken heart 💔
    Being hopeless romantic and having empathy in general is the cause.
    Meat eaters don't "suffer" from those.

  4. It would be interesting if being less likely to die of heart disease means that vegans are likely to live longer (other things being equal) than non-vegans, and living longer means being more likely to have a stroke at a later age. In other words, maybe non-vegans don't have strokes because they already died of heart disease, whereas vegans live longer and therefore live long enough to eventually have a stroke…

  5. iI'll bet t's k2 – MK-7, found in organ meat, grass pastured dairy, and natto or chinese fermented salted black beans, douchi

  6. So, in conclusion………
    In my general opinion, and I’m not a doctor, but I’m thinking because vegetarians still eat EGGS which are one of the highest Foods in cholesterol. Some Vegetarians also eat fish and cheese.Well, despite still have cholesterol that is adding to the arteries. And sometimes the damage is already been done to our arteries. So even when switching to a vegetarian and vegan diet it’s a good day but, if you have significant damage already done here, diaries, that’s a serious matter. Medication probably help. But I’ll Wait for the next cliffhanger, LOL

  7. So many factors that the diet won’t make up for. I love your channel but it’s a little sad to see how you’re desperate to wiggle out of this one… not everyone has access to plants. Eat what grows around your area. For example. It’s mad to be having a papaya smoothie in a Canadian winter. Papaya is a fruit to cool your body down as are all tropical fruits. Eating tropical fruits in Scandinavian winters will wreck your body.

  8. Can whoever is editing these videos, do something about the green screen in his glasses, it is seriously distracting and easy to fix!

  9. Spoiler: it's B12 and omega-3 to omega-6 ratio unless there is more science out in the last few years.
    Edit: clarified omega-3

  10. These cliffhangers remind me of the old news teasers "There's something in your kitchen that could kill you! More on the 10pm News!"

  11. After doing alot of health research myself including longevity research. Reading alot about the blue zones lately. I came to the conclusion the pescatarian diet is best for me. Just need to be careful with the heavy metals. But sardines are pretty safe and straight up cheap superfood. I also like pickled and RAW(Dutch) herrings and ofcourse quality salmon. Dont fool yourself saying a b12 pill is the same thing.

  12. I was thinking about low Taurin Level. I saw that it is associated with stroke risk. Still for me, would prefere to take a taurin supplement then eating meat, and risking a heart attack. Would be interesting to test that.

  13. Vegans are NOT the same as whole food plant based eaters! Though they both avoid animal product… soda, oreos, fries, and all the highly processed "specialty" junk foods are vegan… but not health promoting, so to me "vegan" studies are meaningless when it comes to health outcomes.

  14. The artery clogging is from the tears caused by the excessive pumping pressure and the hardening of the arteries in and around the heart. The arteries in other parts of the body do not have this problem. This is the result of a low mineral diet, excessive carbs, stressful lifestyles, and lack of sun exposure (UVA and NO deficiency). Meat is not the problem.

  15. Guys if you don't like the cliffhangers, did you know that you can all wait a few weeks and then watch the whole series at once? Yes that's an option.

  16. I went plant based five years ago because both my parents had a stroke and yet I have not changed my chances of getting a stroke? you know I am really beginning to think I mislead myself with this diet change, I just wanted to believe it. I didn't want to go out the way they did, it was horrible. Funny how I never saw that chart showing vegans have the same stroke risk as meat eaters. In my case that is a lot of books that left that out.

  17. Studies – yes studies – show vegetarians have higher stroke risk! "That's outrageous. Surely stroke is NOT heart disease? Yes, that's it. Let's fudge the numbers so the blame is laid elsewhere, let's see how inventive we can get to fudge the numbers so we, as vegetarians, can sleep better at night, because we know (ha ha) that vegetarians are healthier than those awful meat eaters". It's insane how the health (what a joke) industry can't have a definitive answer to some basic questions. If this was the engineering industry, imagine engineers squabbling over what may or may not cause a bridge to fail under stress.

  18. I thought we all agreed the good Dr. doesn't need to be featured in the video, and just graphs and charts are more effective for the audience to take in the info.

  19. did u know vegans also live only as long as meat eaters.. 65 approx is vegans life span same as meat eaters. but they dont bring that up very often do they.

  20. On an anecdotal level (my personal experience) I feel like I increased my salt intake when I switched to 95% vegan diet. It wasn't by design, but more of my recipes require more salt now. I am concerned about the increased salt intake, but I've always taken the attitude that overall salt is not as bad as meat AND overtime I might be able to decrease the salt intake as my tastes changed. Its been about 5 years and I still eat a significantly higher than recommended amount of salt.

  21. It's the vegetable oils combined with high carb, my dear vegans.

    Do yourself a favor and quit the vegetable oils. Use better plant oils that weren't chemically extracted from seeds, then bleached and then deodorized to make them edible.

  22. May check this study

    We observed a significant association between lower LDL-C and higher risk of ICH (intracerebral hemorrhage) when LDL-C was <70 mg/dL, and the association became nonsignificant when LDL-C ≥70 mg/dL. Only small dense Ldl is bad dont avoid plant based saturated fats it is nonsense. Still i would not choose palm oil because it is proven to be artery clogging, only if its heated multiple times which it most of the time is.

    Go for Cacao (at least 70% better higher) and Coconut 🙂

    Also just found this,reduced%20the%20risk%20of%20stroke.&text=A%20recent%20meta%2Danalysis%20of,of%20stroke%20and%20intracerebral%20hemorrhage.
    Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated that higher protein intake reduced the risk of stroke.5–8 A recent meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies has also shown significant negative associations between protein intake and risks of stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage.
    So basically check your protein and saturated fat intake on a vegan/vegetarian Diet ! 🙂

  23. It's oxalate toxicity, oxalates are especially toxic to the endothelial cells of the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis.

  24. This is oxalates to blame, not only from the vegan food such as spinach, almonds, beets, but fructose (from fruits) and too much vit C are causing formation of endogenous oxalates, those in turn waste calcium causing some coagulopathy predisposing to increased bleeding.
    Vitamin D is another factor affecting calcium metabolism, it says – people who had strokes during the follow-up years were more likely to have a severe vitamin D deficiency.

  25. Funny how he does 5 videos on this and still can’t explain any verified or legit reasons.
    Still spewing his anti meat agenda trying to move people to a VERY UNHEALTHY vegan diet.

  26. I think…..Vegans/Vegetarians tend to eat saltier foods believe it or not… this lends them to having same stroke risk as Omnivores……since, Omnivores love their salt as well….

  27. Why would you presume that someone diagnosed with heart disease would become vegetarian and continue eating the dairy and eggs that helped cause it? Dr. Greger seems recently to be very confused about things that he himself has provided clarity on. These recent videos seem only to serve those wishing to confuse. Suspicious.

  28. Dr. Greger this new style of video is very bad. You are repeatedly not making a clear distinction between a vegetarian and vegan diet. You seem to be acting confused about vegetarians being unhealthy. Stop.

  29. Is this guy's speech pattern an affectation? Serious question. He speaks very strangely. Is that how he really talks or is he trying to be interesting/different/entertaining? I wonder if when he's home he says things like, "Honeydidyou ……taaaaaake…..THE DOG OUT???"

  30. Added salt is the problem, it's too high in health food products. And if a sick person becomes vegetarian after they're sick with something, moving or changing to vegan or vegetarian foods, the health food companies have high added salt food like the other companies this doesn't help them improve. Making all their own food without added salt will help more if they switch.

  31. Dear Dr. Greger. Do you have any data / feedback on Vit D lamps instead of supplements? There seems to be only one company providing such a lamp approved by the FDA. Your opinion is highly appreciated.

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