Avvelenamento da ciguatera e sindrome da stanchezza cronica

Gli effetti delle neurotossine che possono contaminare pesci come dentici e cernie possono durare per decenni.

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Molti altri vengono uccisi da insetti di intossicazione alimentare più convenzionali (Chicken Salmonella Thanks to Meat Industry Lawsuit http://nutritionfacts.org/video/chicken-salmonella-thanks-to-meat-industry-lawsuit/), ma non è una follia? Mi ricorda il mio video Amnesic Seafood Poisoning (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/amnesic-seafood-poisoning/).

Altri video sulle neurotossine includono Preventing Parkinson's Disease With Diet ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing- parkinsons-disease-with-diet/) e Essential Tremor and Diet (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/essential -tremor-and-dieta).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ciguatera-poisoning-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: NEON ja e Richard Bartz tramite Wikimedia Commons.

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30 Risposte a “Avvelenamento da ciguatera e sindrome da stanchezza cronica”

  1. I normally look to your videos as a source of honest, scaremongering-free information. However, the title of this video is misleading. I do not doubt that the poisoning you discuss can cause CFS-like symptoms but I feel it is important to point out that it is not a cause of true Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. CFS is a result of amygdala hypersensitivity, something that Ashok Gupta has clearly demonstrated and his findings are becoming increasingly recognised by those researching this condition.

  2. You are supposed to feed it to cats and/or ants if the animal don't touch the food , is contaminated. I'm from a tropical island in the Caribbean, barracuda is the main culprit, saw people die of Ciguatera poisoning, scary stuff

  3. We already took our cat off seafood flavored cat food, let alone actual fish.  Our feline friend almost died from bladder stones.  He did not urinate for 24 hours and was minutes from death when his life was saved.  The vet told us seafood of any kind must be avoided.  Seafood is marketed to our cats and it causes life threatening conditions. Our pets are fellow victims of this poison food industry as much as we are.

  4. As much as I like Dr. Greger, I have to call him on this one. If an estimated measly 16,000 Americans come dome with this poisoning, that's .0054% of the population. Who cares?! Just about everything else in life has a far higher risk then this stupid bug including E.coli on your favorite organic produce. A rather pathetic anecdote to simply further promote 'don't eat meat.' Of coarse there are all those other good reasons. Come on Doc, get out of the office and get some fresh air.

  5. My friend who lived in Indonesia for several years succumbed to ciguatera poisoning.  What complicated things was that she'd also just come back from Australia having had her breast and lymph nodes removed for cancer.  The ciguatera poisoning settled in her arm wound and she spent 6 weeks in hospital, part of it in an induced coma, trying not to lose her life nor her arm.  Thankfully she pulled through this horrible encounter (…sadly 10 years later she is about to lose her life to cancer after all, and no, it did not stop her from eating seafood or meat).

  6. ? Okinawan's eat seaweed and kelp and live long lives so maybe the ciguatera dies when the seaweed is dried – guess I will eat it after thinking about it more – yes I know half their diet is sweet potatoes

  7. Hi, I got Ciguatera less than 2 months ago in Cuba my home. I feel much better now but still not perfect. Particulary today I been feeling bad that is why I looked for information here in youtube. I wonder if cafeine is bad to take having Ciguatera? can someone help me because I dont see it the answer any where. Thanks so much

  8. I used to be a sailer and caught a barracuda in the Bahamas on the ship.. I am from Jamaica and I know to eat the smaller ones and cut a piece of the fish and test it by putting in an ants nest see it they eat it or so they say.. best way is to offer a piece of the fish to someone but tell them it's a barracuda.. so they knowing what it is wait until the next day after they eat it and call them.. u will know for sure..anyway I gave the cook on the ship he said he would eat it first. Next day he looked fine. It was Sunday so we cut it into stakes and grilled it. That night lucky we were in miami I went to sleep then I remembered the captain waking me up and coming asking me how I feel because the paramedics were here because the rest of the crew looked like they were dying. I felt the worst deiarrea ever… then any muscle I used felt like the bone was broken.. water felt like electricity on my tongue.. i was really weak this lasted for around 3weeks.. one of top ten worst things happen to me.

  9. I now have this. The last 24 hours have been the worst of my life. My joints are still killing me, and I am still lightheaded. Luckily my stomach is back to normal.

  10. This video contains no new information beyond what you can find on open source websites. The narration is painfully labored, almost comically read. Skip this video.

  11. I contracted ciguatera while living and working on Grand Bahama Island 40 years ago, and eating freshly caught red snapper. I was very sick indeed vomiting, excruciating muscle cramps, hot/ cold dysfunction. Mannitol treatment was not yet an option. I know most people recover completely after a few months, but I still suffer from intermittent cramping in my toes. My toes literally cross- over and bunch up- usually at night. The pain is excruciating. I suppose I had some peripheral nerve damage which never healed. My doctor prescribes 1mg of Lorazepam taken before bed which allows me to sleep through the night without cramps. I truly believe that ciguatera can have long-term consequences which must be dealt with to restore quality of life.

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