Back in Circulation: Sciatica and Cholesterol

Atherosclerotic plaque clogging the arteries feeding our spine may lead to low back pain, disc degeneration, and sciatic nerve irritation.

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There’s a condensed version of this in my live disability presentation From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food ( I’m glad I’m finally able to lay out the entire thing.
I noted how it was like impotence as a predictor of an early demise—here’s the video: Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction and Death (<br />
The beginnings of heart disease by age 10? Sad but true: Heart Disease Starts in Childhood (

Thankfully, the clogs in our arteries can be reversed! See, for example:
• One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic (
• Fully Consensual Heart Disease Treatment (
• Evidence-Based Medicine or Evidence-Biased? (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: The Wedding Traveler and Andreanna Moya Photography via Flickr.
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43 Risposte a “Back in Circulation: Sciatica and Cholesterol”

  1. No doubt that my back pain got better after became low fat vegan. Thanks for another informative video Doc

  2. Dr. Greger, thank you so much for this…I had no idea! I have been in the health movement for a long time..never ever heard this! I have back pain, it is getting better…it is A LOT better when I use MSM, actually basically disappears! Can you do a video on this? You are an angel, thank you for all that you do, peace and God Bless.

  3. Dr. Greger, you are a genius! Yes, I suffered from extreme lower back pains when I was eating the standard american diet. I was working as a Security Guard in an environment where I HAD to stand up for hours without sitting down, and the pain got so bad that I had to quit my job. There were days I came home and dropped on the floor. Mind-you, I was only 23 years young!
    After discovering a plant-based vegan lifestyle, I can proudly say I no longer suffer those pains anymore 🙂 

  4. Besides diet…providing blood flow to the area is a must since the discs rely on heavy blood flow for adequate nutrition. The quickest way I have found to heal the low back is through riding a road bike.

  5. Thank you, Dr. Greger! Many are taking years off their lives by following the Standard American Diet (SAD). This video provides documentation about how degenerative disk disease (DDD) and erectile dysfunction (ED) are caused by cholesterol. "You are what you eat," is true after all!

  6. Will you please do a video on B17? Apricot kernals, apples seed… it has been bugging me to know if it is in fact quackery.
    To me it makes sense, but is just too good to be true. Thanks doctor 😉

  7. I suffered from back pain that was getting worse. Started going to kiros and others the in my late thirtys but it never solved the problem long term. After treatment my back felt better for a while but the problems always came back. Since going vegan my back slowly gets better all the time. Haven't had a back treatment for over a year now.

  8. I've had sciatica on and off since my sophomore year in high school. I find that I get it if I work one side of my body more than my other side. I've definitely had less since switching to a low fat vegan diet, but it still hasn't gone away.

  9. Thank you Dr Gregor for this input I have circulated it among many friends that have that issue. Hopefully they'll respond to you and go to your YouTube site .Again Thanks:-)

  10. I love your videos. I suffer from sciatica pain and always wondered by when I went vegan it sooo greatly reduced. But I have not made a permanent go of vegan though I prefer vegan food and just really don't care for dairy or meat. I haven't do so out of connivence because it would take a little extra work on my part when going out.  However I had resolved to go back to vegan on 12/26 but really I can't see any reason to wait. I don't care if my milkshake is bananas, cocoa powder, and almond milk vs the dairy counterpart. I love rice and veggies. I love chili and love it with multiple beans and corn. I like homemade bread and it just has 4 ingredients (no oil). I just don't see why I should wait and so thank you for your videos.

  11. i have this bad. steroids did not help and ive been stretching kida helps but nut long term … my posture has been improving but wake up every day hurting . pain killers dont help . never been in a accident . i also keep my oils down low

  12. A few months ago, I talked to a lady who had back pain. I asked her if she led a sedentary life but she told me that she didn't. I couldn't figure out why she could possibly have back pain. I also know a man who couldn't feel his legs and doctors found out that his spine openings were clogged up. He had a surgery and is fine now. He also had a heart surgery in the past so it is clearly a matter of cholesterol.

  13. I can certainly vouch for the back pain during adolescence. I had back pain at the age of 15, but that all changed when I went on a whole foods vegan diet.

  14. Thanks to Dr. Gregor's videos, I switched over to a whole foods, plant-based diet to lower my high cholesterol. Low and behold, several months after doing so I noticed that my sciatica and general leg pain had disappeared as well!! My migraines are a thing of the past as well.

  15. This blows my mind! I had the feeling for a long time that Scoliosis is also caused by diet. The clients that have scoliosis have the worst diets compared my other clients.

  16. Poor collagen can lead to back pain and glyphosate consumption in our foods can lead to poor collagen. Eat organic to avoid glyphosate.

  17. I've been disabled because of a prolapsed disk and bad sciatica for the past 7 months and I'm only 24. I've been unable to work for 7 months and by this point i think this entire year is going to be a wright off, I'm not getting better, i'm getting stronger but the pain isn't going away. I've been vegan these 7 months too since i had to stop working because i was in so much pain at work i was literally crying while working. The last month i worked i took a lot of codeine to force myself to work through the pain to save money to take time off. I was taking the the max daily 6 pills within an 8 hour work day and by the time i got home and the drugs wore off i was screaming in agony rolling around on the ground every day. I worked as a stonemason which kept me strong and kept my core somewhat stable to hold the bad disk but the moment i stopped moving and got bed rest my muscles went into atrophy within days and i was bed ridden for 2 months, as a soon as my muscles seized from no longer moving my whole muscle system died and I could no longer stand up, Standing for a few minutes was excruciating, what ever my core muscles were doing for my back were no longer doing it.

    I've done some fucked up shit to my body like falling off a 2 story building onto a railing then rolling down 20 stairs, been gang bashed and put in hospital needing surgery, broken both arms twice, broken ribs, cracked skull 3 times, broken the same ankle twice and some other shit, but sciatica is the most unbearable, excruciating pain I've ever been through and it doesn't quit, it's 24/7.

    I've just had my second nerve root block injection 2 days ago because the first one didn't work and if this one doesn't work I'm probably going to need surgery, but i really don't want someone cutting up my spine.

  18. I feel completely failed by my caregivers in the UK. I had crippling lower back pain in my teens, eventually got an MRI, and nobody said anything about blood flow or blocked arteries. How disgusting. I'm so glad I found the truth for myself. I feel terrible for every person suffering as a result of their caregivers' ignorance and uncaring.

  19. In addition to diet, check out the work of the late Dr. John Sarno. He has several books on the subject. In many cases it is as much mental as physical. Don't be defensive! Hear him out. He points to factors such as suppressed rage in many of his patients. Change your life, change your health.

  20. Are you nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips? If yes then maybe silently you are seeking for its solution. In my opinion, there is a perfect solution for you. Which gives your relief from pain in your legs, lower back or hips.

  21. This is thee most scary video I’ve seen by Dr. Greger! I had sciatic pain a few years ago, temporarily. Bad though, where I couldn’t bend! A lady proposed I take trace minerals. Voila! Never had it again.

  22. When it flares up it’s a lot milder than it used to be when I wasn’t vegan, to the point where I’m not even taking the low dose Naproxen I used to take. I know it’s flaring up because the top of my foot gets warm, so I know there’s a nerve trapped, but I don’t get inflammation like I used to, which is what causes the pain. Im not even a low fat vegan, about 35% of my calories are fat, although my saturated fat intake is low. I just hope that I can continue clearing up my blood vessels, since I’ve only been vegan for 15 months.

  23. Had lower back pain for years , thing of the past now tho as I’m 7 years plant based, age 53 & feel blessed to discover this lifestyle ,slim & perfect health ,best health ever for sure 🙏

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