Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria

Qual è la dose ottimale di mirtilli selvatici da mangiare a pasto?

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Questo è il primo di una serie estesa di video che sto andando sull'ultima ricerca sui frutti di bosco. Aspetta un secondo, ha un buon sapore e puoi vivere più a lungo? Ecco cos'è l'alimentazione a base vegetale!

Cos'altro possono fare i mirtilli? Scopri:
• Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali ( -killer-cell-activity/)<br/> • Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (https ://
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche (

Ma aspetta quanta frutta è troppa? ( Guarda il video!

E tutto il fruttosio nella frutta? Ho anche un video su questo: Se il fruttosio è cattivo, che dire della frutta? (

E le opzioni più elaborate come le bacche di acai? Vedi i vantaggi di Acai vs. mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria ( -for-Artery-Function) e The Antioxidant Effects of Acai vs. Apples (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/The-Antioxidant-Effects-of-Acai-vs-Apples).

E gli effetti di altri alimenti sulla funzione delle arterie? Scopri:
• Diete a basso contenuto di carboidrati e flusso sanguigno coronarico ( -diete-carboidrate-e-flusso-coronarico/)
• Arterie dei vegani vs. corridori (
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (
• Noci e funzione delle arterie ( /funzione-noci-e-arteria/)
• Cioccolato fondente e funzione arteria (
• Caffè e Funzione dell'arteria (
• I pasti grassi possono compromettere la funzione delle arterie (https:/ /
• Funzione olio d'oliva e arteria (https: //
• Diete vegetali e funzione arteriosa (
• Funzione aceto e arteria (https://

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100 Risposte a “Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria”

  1. Does anyone else want to see Dr. Gregor’s thoughts on intermittent fasting on a plant-based diet? I can’t tell if IF is good for those eating a SAD or if it’s just good in general.

  2. FYI 1 serving of Blueberries is about 75 grams, not the 300 grams which participants consumed in this study. I often struggle determining what constitutes a single serving for a particular vegetable. Has anyone had as similar experience and found a solution? For example how many GRAMS of kale equal 1 serving?

  3. Here in Ontario, one serving of blueberries has been known to cause mass reduction in savings accounts and even 2nd mortgages on homes… because they're so damned expensive!!! 🙁 I love blueberries, but dang they're not cheap!

  4. Thanks Dr. Greger. How effective are other berries, such as chokeberries, cranberries, strawberries, bilberries and cowberries? Best wishes, John in the Peak District.

  5. What kind of study is this … smoke a cigarette and then eat blueberries. This is not science, it is voodoo science. What about apples, what about orange juice, what about a martini? This does not give any insight into how the body works or why, this is just a random effect. I am mostly vegan myself, but I find gaping scientific holes in most of these videos and I don't think it helps the cause a bit.

  6. Amazing!!

    Dr Greger changing paradigms with the compilation of such powerful and time needed information
    The ones who are thriving, for they follow the heart and accept the humble call, are those who change themselves and therefore, change the World, one by one

    Thank you Dr Greger I appreciate the effort and work that you do and share

    Much Love ❤️

  7. Loved this video because I eat blueberries most days. I eat a bowl of frozen blueberries and top them with nuts. Loved this video 👍

  8. I wish he had mentioned red/purple cabbage. He's mentioned before that it is the cheapest source of antioxidant, whereas blueberries are expensive. I'm having trouble finding the ratio of anthocyanin in purple cabbage vs blueberries. How much purple cabbage would be required for similar benefit?

  9. I've been researching a lot since discovering the sci-hub, and would love to so see some tips on how to determine how valid or invalid a study may or may not be.

    Personally try to be cognisent of figuring how the study was funded of course, but can be difficult to nail how qualified a study may be. I also try to think in terms of "in comparison to x", so if one study says x is good, but now lets see how x is compared to y to see if it really is all that good via other studies.

    Any tips anyone may have would be greatly appreciated!

  10. It is annoying that the most nutritious foods are also not very environmentally friendly.

    I'm hesitant about having too many blueberries, since they're always wrapped in plastic and probably shipped from the other side of the globe…

  11. I have eaten blueberries~ fresh and frozen, both~ pretty much daily since I first did my own grocery shopping (fruit is my fave food group, my mum thought fruit was too expensive so there was never anywhere near enough for me, I used to do my siblings chores, so they'd give me their fruit, cause I'd eaten my own lol) do this is great yet not surprising~ news!

  12. I appreciate your videos immensely. There are far too many people out there touting every food as the next super food. Thank you for presenting studies and facts.

  13. I need a cheap home grown low maintenance farm. Its just too damned expensive to eat these things all the time. Oh well, I guess premature death is a blessing for the poor.

  14. my 2 favorite foods to eat are blueberries and raspberries….I can eat them all day long every single day for months without getting bored ever…

  15. I have a blueberry and spinach smoothie with coconut water for breakfast quite often. Way better than coffee.

  16. it would be nice to test Blueberry powder against Black Raspberry powder since many consider black raspberries to be more potent then blueberries.

  17. Because of these videos, and because of my fasting, I've made it a point to binge on blueberries if I first binge on crappy unhealthy food. Its crazy but before the day is over I just eat several cups of blueberries but I feel like I can actually feel the health benefit from it, especially compared to the previous food. Blueberries are awesome

  18. Please give us more info on optimal doses, I mean servings. Also, I am 5'2". So telling a human being to eat say two cups of blueberries is the same for me as a 6'3" man? That doesn't seem fair. It is not chocolate cake. I get sick of eating blueberries. I hate beets. And I get sick of salads. What is the least I could eat? I need this information!!!!!!!!!

  19. Wild blueberries are not organic. You'd have to make sure they come from the tippiest tip of Maine. So please address that Dr. MacGregor. (My pet name for him. Mr. MacGregor's garden. Get it?)

  20. I have been eating blueberrie smoothies for breakfast everyday for two weeks now… I feel soooo good and healthy rn, my anxiety is at the lowest point that I've been in a year… And I lost weight too… Damn, I swear they work like magic

  21. It’s all great 411 but what is the best serving size to achieve homeostasis? Less than a cup, 1 cup, 2 cups etc….This part was not clearly assigned as promised in vlog title!

  22. So,what's recomended quantity? 1,5 cups? How big are these cups? How many grams,cups are volume not weight. Most of his videos are confusing,without clear ,easy to understand recomendation.

  23. Y'gotta' love Dr Greger's schtick. We've all fallen into his cadence like a military drill and we know when to say, "put it to the test." If I were marching, I sing, "I don't know about the rest – gonna' put it to the test. 1-2, 3-4, bring it on down, 1-2-3-4, 1-2,

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