Le dimensioni del colesterolo contano?

In che modo le argomentazioni dell'American Egg Board resistono al controllo scientifico, come il concetto che il colesterolo LDL grande e soffice è protettivo rispetto a quello piccolo e denso LDL.

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Ecco alcuni altri video in cui metto a confronto la scienza disponibile con ciò che afferma l'industria delle uova:
• Punto cieco dell'industria delle uova (
• Uova e colesterolo: affermazioni palesemente false e fuorvianti ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/ )
• Uova contro sigarette nell'aterosclerosi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /uova-vs-sigarette-in-aterosclerosi/)
• Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-says-eggs-arent-healthy-or-safe/)
• Sfatare i miti dell'industria delle uova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/debunking-egg-industry-myths/)
• Uova e funzione arteriosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video /uova-e-funzione-arteriosa/)
• Come l'Egg Board progetta studi fuorvianti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-egg-board-designs-misleading-studies)

Solo l'industria della carne può essere così audace:
BOLD Effettivamente: la carne bovina abbassa il colesterolo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bold-indeed-beef-lowers-cholesterol/)

Per ulteriori informazioni sul ruolo del colesterolo, vedere:
• Trattamento completamente consensuale delle malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fully-consensual-heart-disease-treatment)
• Barriere alla prevenzione delle malattie cardiache (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/barriers-to-heart-disease-prevention)
• Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/trans-fat-saturo-fat-and-cholesterol-tolerable-upper-intake-of-zero/)
• Le malattie cardiache iniziano nell'infanzia (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heart-disease-starts -in-infanzia/)
• Quando basso rischio significa alto rischio (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-low-risk-means-high-risk)

Fai una domanda zione per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-cholesterol-size-matter/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Nikol Lohr via Flickr.

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76 Risposte a “Le dimensioni del colesterolo contano?”

  1. good and bad cholesterol is BS to begin with, first of all because hdl and ldl are not cholesterol but transport-molecules for it and secondly cholesterol serves important functions in the body. f.e. for maintaining structures and the stress-hormonesystem(energy-management). Cholesterol is manufactured >>by the body itself<< and cholesterol taken in by food can only influence cholesterol level by around 5% so dont get to nervous about it. More over that the artery-covering just consists to 1% of cholesterol so you got the wrong adjuster bolt to play with. Your indoctrinated doctors are mainly preachers for big pharma. The masses can be programmed and guess it: it is actually done.  We are tought how to be good patients in the disease management system.

  2. Why do people talk like this?  Common sense will tell anyone, that eating 2 eggs per day is the most anyone should have.  Is the egg industry really hurting?

  3. If you eat a plant based diet but want to lift weights are eggs not testosterone building, and one source of cholesterol in this context that might not be of harm, in a healthy low inflammatory lifestyle?

  4. "We've known since the 80's that dietary cholesterol has a minimal, if at all, impact on blood cholesterol. Linking to some doctor dipshits Youtube video is not required, regardless of your 'reasoning'. Hell, it's been in every one of MY books since the 80's and is on my main site."

    – Lyle McDonald


  5. Great video Dr. Gregor!  I really look forward to the day when we can put this subject to bed.  Unfortunately so many people are being fooled by the industry bought and paid for
    propaganda.  Thank you for making them look like such idiots! 

  6. Eggs are clearly nutritional. They have been eaten by mankind for 1000s of years. Eat whatever you like in moderation. And remember, the makers of these videos are "selling" their ideas. By searching the internet you can find "info" to support whatever you want to believe. Just use common sense. Don't over eat and be physically active…it's that simple (useless you have a medical genetic disorder that needs special care).

  7. this doctor is wrong …run run ..cholesterol is involved in so many processes and cellular makeup …remember this doctor whines, and has no muscle and probably has test levels of a lil baby …EAT CHOLESTEROL !!!

  8. Wish I never ate eggs, they sometimes made me feel ill in my stomach just thinking about eating them. Now that I know about all the cruelty involved producing the eggs and the health detriments I am glad I no longer eat them. Paul McCartney first made me aware of the cruelty in the industry.

  9. we need vit b12.. b12 is only found in animal foods. all animal foods contain cholesterol….. so, there is nothing wrong with eating small amounts of cholesterol. it is  something we were meant to eat. 

  10. Cholesterol is essential for testosterone production! In turn testosterone helps HDL to remove excess cholesterol from the arterial wall and transport it to the liver for disposal.

  11. I love most of your information, especially the way you pick out and summarised the info, which is easy to understand. However, when doing research we all know just looking at information from one source, is like putting all the eggs in one basket, if that basket fail all the eggs go down with it.  

    Till now cholesterol is identified as a substance with high correlation of whatever health risk or diseases it were measured against. Is it really the caused of those disease or health risk? Have anyone asked what if there is zero cholesterol in our body, will we survive? What caused ED? Just stress, gene or whatever that was found correlated? Well I never stop eating eggs, I have a history of high cholesterol since young because my mother with no education only know we need eggs for our healthy growth. Am I still healthy? Yes of course, I stop checking cholesterol level because just like HIV test are all smoke number that those in white coat, who are paid by huge pharm, used to put us on medication the huge pharm produced. No thanks! Btw I listen to my body. This is the real chemical lab that only tells me what is good or bad for me. Is my life, so I use my own common sense. Btw I go back on a high saturated fat diet, after knowing sugar & high carb are the REAL culprit and CAUSE of failing health in most people. My brain thanks to the eggs, which contain both saturated fat and high cholesterol, is actually functioning extremely well in the area of common sense. However we cannot measure common sense.  

    But whatever you are doing is still commendable and I appreciate very much your afford and time. I know you are doing it for a good cause.   

  12. it must be a slow day for dr g… does he really need to waste his time pulling apart the egg industry's double-think bs? next thing we know he'll be going after big tobacco's bs science. i can see it now, the vid will be titled "does lung tumor size matter?"

  13. Eggs for me were the easiest to leave behind. I keep hearing from friends and co workers how eggs are so healthy with good cholesterol and vitamins and yet when i show them the evidence they just rattle off by saying "My doctor said cholesterol level is normal" when the person saying it was underweight and didn't eat eggs every day. With those factors its no wonder if your cholesterol is low, but in Estonia health is increasingly considered a problem these days and people start rattling off the paleo diet which i call BS for the most part.

  14. It pisses me off that I have always heard this crap claiming the health benefits of eggs outweigh the adverse health effects, so glad I've finally found these pieces of evidence that debunk the BS information out there!!

  15. Is low HDL something anyone should really worry about? I'm a vegan and my LDL is quite low/healthy (55.6), but my HDL is only 25 (aim is above 40). Should I just eat more days?

  16. Guys. cures your diabetes safely does not need to be hard (I used to think it did). I'm going to give you some advice right now. Look for a popular hypertension home remedy called Hybetez Remedy (just google search it). Thanks to it I have eliminated my diabetes problem for good with healthy ways. I should not even be talking about it cause I do not really want lots of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I'm just in a excellent mood right now and so I'll share the wealth lol.

  17. Yeah typical, there are no conflicts of interest because Fernandez was paid off hardcore haha. Trying to refute meta-analysis of many studies including long-standing 17 year old ones is like the egg board bashing their head into a brick wall and screaming that they made a dent. Elusive wording and cunning hoodwink science will not save their precious enterprise. The ides of march are upon the egg industry

  18. you see the study was conducted in israel. they keep all the good stufd back there and as always, used the American puppets, in every way to make money.

  19. My mind is messed up! Here in Brazil lot of nutritionists say that eggs have nothing related with cardiovascular diseases. I think the cherry picking studies related with eggs are reaching a large mass.

  20. Funny, I have 2-3 eggs daily for years and yet my latest Lipid panel showed Total Cholesterol-194; HDL-92; Triglycerides-49 and LDL-92. Based on my TG/HDL ratio being .53 which being below 2.0 means most all of my LDL Cholesterol is large particle, my doctor said I should, on paper, outlive anyone my current age of 56. Reducing sugars seems to be the key to wellness.

  21. Yes, eggs intake increases cholesterol but increased risk of heart diseases from Cholesterol (LDL-C)is debunked anyway. It's the particle number(LDL-P) which causes the problem. and LDL-P count has nothing to do with egg consumption.

  22. Could you explain to me why cholesterol is a main factor in CAD? Vegans still die form heart attacks and some Keto and Paleo live of cholesterol and don't die left and right. I mean, how come vegans bring the cholesterol factor all the time into their videos.
    If vegans still die from CAD then SOMETHING else is the main factor, isn't that right? From what I understand cholesterol is A factor but not the MAIN factor.
    If your liver produces 70% of your total cholesterol and then if you have some inflammation it doesn't matter if your cholesterol is low or high.
    Am I the only one to question that? All I can see is a bunch of people wanting their diet to succeed over the other. That is so sad, honestly.
    People say vegans are annoying but so are Keto people too.

  23. Even in another video you mentioned some other factors like Homocysteine, Lipoprotein A and Omega3/6 ratios. If vegans have low cholesterol levels and they still die, it's not because they need to lower even more their cholesterol, it's because cholesterol IS NOT THE MAIN FACTOR in CAD.

  24. Haha, I see through your bullshit Greger, thanks to Dr. Peter Attia’s blog. He explains that CVD risk is associated with particle number (LDL-P), not total cholesterol (LDL-C). Larger particles, equally dangerous as they may be, means there are fewer particles, and fewer particles means less risk for heart disease.

  25. Video was made 4-years ago, still very relevant today in 2018! LDL particle size is used to rationalize high-fat and saturated fat. Very fascinating research Dr. Greger and just amazing. Wouldn't b e surprised if you were chosen for a Nobel prize in this field.

  26. Great informative, well researched video! I wonder what Ms. Fernandez would say about eggs if she received $500,000 from the 'Spinach Board' . . .

  27. Getting more and more confused on the whole LDL issue. Have heard that LDL is what the body uses to transport cholesterol which every cell in the body needs. Once it drops off the cholesterol is becomes smaller and denser and if a protein or sugar molecule doesn't get attached – which can cause a problem – it gets recycled to the liver. The LDL transport mechanism is also used to bring cholesterol to damaged arteries for repair. And then there is this…Although high levels of small, dense LDL can increase your risk of heart disease, its ability to cause heart disease independently of other factors (such as diabetes and high trans fat intake) has not been fully established. Because of these factors, routine testing is not currently being recommended. So what is really going on?

  28. If eggs are so bad, then > 90% of desserts, which contain eggs in one form or another, must also be unhealthy – right?

  29. Serious Question, does the HDL count matter much if I have low LDL?
    Everytime I get a blood test my total cholesterol is < 100. My HDL is low at 36 last time. But I have a good ratio. Is raising my HDL important in this case? Why? I thought its primary function is to combat LDL, which I keep extremely low due to my diet. I eat mostly healthy fats and exercise a moderate amount, so not even sure how to raise my HDL.

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