Gli integratori di melatonina sono sicuri?

Gli integratori di melatonina (“ormone anti-gonade”) tendono a non contenere ciò che dicono di fare e i contaminanti potrebbero essere pericoloso.

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di 3 video su jet lag e melatonina. Se ti sei perso il primo, dai un'occhiata a Come trattare il jet lag con la luce ( light), e restate sintonizzati per Come trattare il jet lag con cibi ricchi di melatonina ( How-to-Treat-Jet-Lag-with-Melatonin-Rich-Food).<br/>
Altri video su come criminalmente l'industria degli integratori è sotto-regolamentata includono:
• Metalli pesanti negli integratori proteici in polvere ( integratori-metalli-in-proteine-in-polvere/)
• Alcuni integratori alimentari possono essere più di uno spreco di denaro (
• Integratori di lampone nero messi alla prova ( -the-test)
• Pericoli della deregolamentazione degli integratori alimentari (h ttps://
• Gli integratori di vitamina C prevengono il raffreddore ma causano calcoli renali? (
• Piombo negli integratori di calcio ( Lead-in-Calcium-Supplements)

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100 Risposte a “Gli integratori di melatonina sono sicuri?”

  1. What if one is working the late shift and needs to get day or morning sleep every day that one is working, five days a week? What if a person doesn't or can't sleep eight hours but only four or five hours at a time, and needs to get back to sleep in a couple of hours to meet a time schedule? Why is it that when melatonin is ever mentioned its always about jet lag?

  2. The minute anything is regulated by the FDA, it then requires a $200 visit and hope that a "doctor" will prescribe it, and then requires follow up visits at out of pocket expense, now that Obummercare is unaffordable, to get refills in most states. Its all a scam to turn people into those who will and won't survive this kind of tyranny. Expect the suicide rate to continue an upward trend with this kind of OTC regulation. Why not just make it regulated without a "doctor" in the middle to get it?

  3. Dr. Gregor! you're killing me 🙁 I take a generic 3mg dose of melatonin nightly to help counter act the cortisol in my body post exercise. Without a sleeping agent I will stay awake all night. I have been taking it for 2-3 weeks now without issue. I actually noted how mild it is compared to benedryl and other tranquilizers. Melatonin allows me to wake up feeling refreshed and not drugged. I think i'll keep taking it for now and ween myself off as time goes on.

  4. Thanks Dr. Sure don't use melation for jet lag. But please review also sleeping bills side effects and prescription drugs deaths statistics so one can decide the less of two evils to go a head with in case of non jet lag issues.

  5. this is bullshit. Supplement manufacturers adhere to stringent codes and regulations for food safety standards and have to be GMP and NSF certified. FDA often sends officials to check and inspect the quality of the facilities. 3rd party laboratory testing of safety of supplements is not hard nor expensive to come by these days.

  6. Thank you, Dr. Gregor. Just recently began started taking melatonin again, so as soon as I saw that you had posted a video on it, I knew I had to watch it. It's safe to say I won't be taking melatonin anymore. Thank you for always providing reliable information regarding the things we put in our bodies, you're saving people from harms they don't even know are harms.

  7. I’ve heard it’s bad to give to children because they will eventually stop producing it on their own with continued use? Any truth to this?
    Not that I want to try but this has always stopped me from using it even for myself.

  8. Those two molecules weren't even remotely similar Mr Gregor and you know it. They both have two benzene rings and that was about it. All the branches were different.


  9. I am a fan of Dr. Grager but I don´t think he has the ultimate truth , he is just a very well informed doctor and many times he is wrong. Melatonin is by far one of the greatest antioxidants you can take, I mean waaaay powerful. I Will continue to use it as it Works very nicely for me. I respect all other views, but this is my personal experience with it and definitly I have researched the issue very well and I think that melatonin is beneficial for many.

  10. I got night terrors once from a bottle of melatonin. Would wake up sweating and with the sensation that I had been deprived of oxygen. Also when falling asleep it was more a sense of blacking out into death than sleep, because my consciousness would be quite aware but I felt like I was slipping down through the pillow into darkness. Threw out that bottle, and stopped taking melatonin. Years later, I bought another bottle of same brand and it's working fine this time. Though some times, one pill from the same bottle would make me much more sleepy than another pill from the same bottle taken a few days ago. Yeah, it's not very well done this quality control.

  11. Just taken melatonin then. I suffer from DSPD and daytime sleepiness (for 4 years) and melatonin plus a light-therapy box is actually helping me for the first time (in the past 2 months). I purchased mine online — unsure whether that makes a difference.

    Unfortunately, I can't see any other way to overcome this circadian dysfunction. It's ruining my life, and this is the only thing that may allow me to overcome it forever.

  12. Dr. Greger, I have a very important question. I found a study online, I think year 1989 that said that black pepper causes microbleeding in the intestinal wall, or intestines. The reason I bring this up is because I am using fresh tumeric root with ginger and I was adding black pepper to help with absorption. So, I am very concerned. Can you substitute quercetin containing food like onion and I think garlic to help with absorption instead of black pepper . I think I read a study that said that and also resveratrol could help. Is the black pepper for the inhibition of the p-glycoprotein? I don't want microbleeding. Thank you.

  13. Interesting facts about melatonin: it's a hormone produced mainly by pituitary gland and to a less extent almost by all cells in the body, Tryptophan and serotonin are its precursors, even though it is a hormone it does not suppress body's indigenous production and thus it is not addictive, it is anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant that can pass the blood-brain barrier, it is neurprotective and is used in doses up to 100 mg to treat some illnesses like sepsis even in infants and have a very safe profile, it is used for treating autism, anxiety, Parkinson's, Alzheimer and multiple other neurological disorders, it has anti-cortisol properties. Its production (serotonin also) is decreased by both enzymes TDO (tryptophan dioxygenase – liver mainly) and IDO (brain and other organs) via controlling tryptophan pathways (serotonin-melatonin branch or kynurenine metabolits of which some are neurotoxic and neuroprotective ), TDO is induced by glucocorticoids likes cortisol (stress) and by tryptophan! and is inhibited by glucose, melatonin, "chronic" nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) by a feedback mechanism, IDO is induced by immune activation (interferon gamma) and inhibited by COX2 inhibitors, Rosemarinic acid. Melatonin production is reduced with age. It is regulated (a medicine) in Europe and a lot of other countries.

  14. The reason why I never took melatonin is that I don't want to mess with my hormones but I take a shitload of other supplements. Maybe I should be more careful about it but the problem is, that I just have to take a supplement when I see some study showing that it is beneficial for something. That may be naive but thats the way it is..

  15. I remember the trophen supplement scare, as I was taking it back in 80s after a change in work shifts. I also took Vioxx around 2001/02. Sometimes, I forgot how lucky I was.

  16. I occasionally use melatonin to get much needed sleep during the daytime, as I work during the night time. Otherwise, I wake after three hours. Once or twice a week, on the weekends. Nothing else seems to work, and I thought it was safe, as melatonin is a substance our bodies produce

  17. Funny, every doctor I saw, said that was the only thing I could take to fall asleep. I woke up so sick and threw up often. Took 3 weeks to get out of my system. It never worked for me at least.

  18. This is ludacris! I've got melatonin here in the house right in the kitchen drawer next to the B12, the Calcium and the Benadryl! My whole family takes Melatonin when we can't sleep! Thanks for the heads up here, I wouldn't have thought twice about it before.

  19. I've experienced some odd things with melatonin. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's uses. Here are some of the odd effects.

    1: Short term = better sleep. I slept for shorter periods of time. I'd sleep 6 hours and feel like I had slept 8 hours. Long term = interferes with sleep.

    2: Freaky dreams.

    3: Hyper-emotional while awake. One dose wouldn't do this, but if I used it nightly, after a few nights I'd start turning hyper emotional. I'd be more angry, more sad, more depressed, but also oddly enough more affectionate. The angry part caused some problems when I told some people off. This is the big one that can potentially mess you up big time if it happens to you.

    4: Opens your 3rd eye. Lets you see into higher dimensions. Spontaneous astral projection can occur. Okay, I made this last section up. Hope you were entertained. Examples 1 to 3 were legit though.

    If you use it, I'd use it only as needed once in a while, not as a regular sleep aid.

  20. I take melatonin once in a while. I don't fear it because personally, I don't use it much. A very good book is "Melatonin: Natures Sleeping Pill (1995)" by Ray Sahelian. Obviously, it's pretty dated, but although the doctor is a proponent of melatonin, he's also not shy about pointing out the negatives.

  21. I used it almost daily to get to sleep off night shifts. I'm also close to 60 so my body doesn't make it as much anymore. Seems to help me.

  22. Plz do a video on ecdysteroids , they are extracted from plants (vegan) and they do seem rather healthy but cant find enough info on their performance encancing properties and health bennefits (lowering blood sugar)

  23. I have some questions.
    I am a nurse and I am currently working with neurologists and psychiatrists. My boss often offer us seminars, so we can stay up to date.

    I have just finished a 2 days seminar about multiplesclerosis. We nurses are educated in accompanying patients with multiple sclerosis.

    My questions would be, can multiple sclerosis be cured with a plant based lifestyle? If so, why is nutrition not a topic in those special seminars about ms?

    The seminar where I went , they were more promoting certain medicine like Aubagio, rather than really inform people about it.

    They praised the product, the medicine Aubagio, told how safe and amazing it is, how sure it is and it’s the most safest and best drug on the market.

    They told that people with ms can not be healthy without the drugs. They never once mentioned nutrition, but what they did was to say that it’s ok for the patients to drink rather water or MILK with their medicine 😳 which surprised me a little bit🤔

  24. Dr Greger what information is available on pasta made from beans? ie Banza brand chic pea pasta, Tolerant brand Simply Legumes red lentil pasta. Are they as good as eating the beans alone?

  25. "Consumer Reports said melatonin supplements helped users fall asleep “only 7 minutes faster and sleep 8 minutes longer on average,” according to a 2013 analysis. And the same report notes that “about 20 percent of users in our survey reported next-day grogginess,” and recommended that users exercise caution before driving the next day."

  26. These are from the Huffington Post. "According to a 2005 meta-analysis of melatonin studies from MIT, also led by Wurtman, researchers found that the widely available high doses of melatonin are ineffective. “After a few days, it stops working,” wrote Wurtman, in a press release accompanying the study. When the brain’s melatonin receptors are exposed to too much of the hormone, they become unresponsive, he said."

  27. To respond to Justin Morgan, here is a link with the 2017 Melatonin still "varying wildly" in content. 71% tested in 2017 didn't meet the label within 10% and 1/4 of the supplements had other substances.

    "Melatonin content was found to range from -83% to +478% of the labelled content.

    Additionally, lot-to-lot variable within a particular product varied by as much as 465%. This variability did not appear to be correlated with manufacturer or product type.

    Furthermore, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), a related indoleamine and controlled substance used in the treatment of several neurological disorders, was identified in eight of the supplements at levels of 1 to 75 μg. Melatonin content did not meet label within a 10% margin of the label claim in more than 71% of supplements and an additional 26% were found to contain serotonin."

  28. Also from the Huffington Post "But, ironically, with prolonged use, it can actually amplify insomnia. Having too much melatonin in the system, the theory goes, overwhelms the receptors, changing how a patient reacts to the hormone — whether it’s endogenous or exogenous.

    According to Dr. Wurtman, melatonin supplements may work at first, but soon “you’ll stop responding because you desensitize the brain. And as a consequence, not only won’t you respond to the stuff you take…you won’t respond to the stuff you make, so it can actually promote insomnia after a period of time.”

  29. Also from the Huffington Post "More importantly, melatonin is a hormone. With children, according to Grander, it can affect puberty, disrupt menstrual cycles and impede normal hormonal development.

    Excess melatonin can also induce hypothermia, as body temperatures reduce during melatonin release, and stimulate overproduction of the hormone prolactin, which can cause hormonal problems and even kidney and liver issues in men."

  30. SEPTEMBER 2ND, 2018 AT 11:55 PM
    John Hopkins says: Do not use melatonin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have an autoimmune disorder, a seizure disorder or depression… Melatonin supplements may also raise blood-sugar levels and increase blood pressure levels…

  31. PubMed: “Some of potential harmful effects of exogenous melatonin therapy include immunomodulatory effects which confers the risk of worsening certain rheumatologic condition such as rheumatoid arthritis [30]. It might also result in amenorrhea when used in large doses, which is likely due to suppression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)”

  32. [14]. Melatonin may also be unsafe in people with orthostatic hypotension, bleeding disorders, diabetes, depression, autoimmune diseases, seizure disorders, and transplant recipients [15]. In elderly patients with dementia, melatonin treatment has been shown to worsen caregiver ratings of patient mood [16]. It may also interfere with the action of other drugs.

  33. This is not a good snapshot of anything more than basic (and old) research and basically says what can be applied generically to any supplement. Yes, purity and quality are issues. No surprise. What it most noticeably fails to mention is that there is no known risk for even stupidly massive doses of melatonin. There have been case studies of young children and elderly women taking hundreds of milligrams (usually due to some accident or ignorance), only for the worse side effects being some bizarre dreams and a very good rest.

    Beyond the purity issues (which are indeed very important), melatonin consumption does not have any clear downside. There is of course a bunch of usual cautioning and scientific hedging from medical sources about the "unknown health effects" of long-term consumption, especially since it seems melatonin regimens tend have diminishing returns after a few months to half a year, but I frankly see no theoretic concern about doing so (much less any evidentiary one!). Case studies and anecdotes likewise exist of people who have taken melatonin for years for health, recreation (i.e., dream enhancement), and as one of the safest ways to treat sleep problems, all to no discernible downside.

    Unless and until any such evidence (or even plausible theory) arises, I see no reason to worry about melatonin "supplementation". There's no addiction, no physiologic or hormonal damage, and no negative side effects beyond occasional nightmares, all while being a potent antioxidant and sleep enhancer. Yes, better regulation and higher quality ought to always be a issue to address, but that's nothing new. If that really is the biggest red flag here, then it seems to me to be a ringing endorsement of melatonin as one of the safest pharmacologic agents one can acquire.

  34. Dr. Michael Breus, “The Sleep Doctor,” believes melatonin is a bad answer to insomnia.
    He was on Dr Oz and said:

    This is the really important thing you should understand about melatonin: Melatonin is a sleep and body clock regulator – NOT a sleep initiator. Melatonin works with your biological clock by telling your brain when it is time to sleep. Melatonin does not increase your sleep drive or need for sleep.

  35. My doctor said it was great and promotes brain health. I take 5 mg for sleep and it works wonders. Anybody can draw those graphs and type those articles that you were going from. For all I know you made those graphs. I am 50 years old and I had memory problems now I am starting to get back my short term memory. Trust your doctor not somebody that has a blog or YouTube channel.Everybody believes what they read on the Internet without doing the research.

  36. This seems like a pretty vague and unbalanced argument. "Anti-gonad" hormone for whom? Because there is a LOT of promising evidence in the last 20 years that melatonin can be hugely beneficial for infertility and the female reproductive system, even reversing menopause and perimenopause with 6 months of supplementation.

  37. I love NutritionFacts but this one smacks of fear-mongering without adequate evidence. I'll need to see more studies before I consider not taking Melatonin pills twice a week to help me sleep.

  38. I once got a terrorizing itch in my feet for 3 days straight from melatonin. It would force me to scratch me feet until it bled and blistered.

    This stuff is dangerous and doesn't help with sleep, you're better off using a half glass of milk.

  39. Melatonin raises the pressure in my head for some reason, I have Intracranial hypertension. I took melatonin for years with no troubles, now I stay away from it. FYI, there's a website that tests some supplements quality, it's called LabDoor 🙂

  40. I'm troubled by the fact that the time I first remember having minor erectile dysfunction and symptoms of low testosterone, was the same age that I was taking Melatonin.

    I was on a repeat prescription for a few years since the age of 17 until my new doctor noticed and said it should only have been used for something like 6 weeks (can't remember exactly).

  41. Eat a handful of pistachios, tart cherries or feverfew tea, all the melatonin you need. Also wear blue-blocker glasses at sundown. Studies show 300ug(Micrograms) per night is optimal.

  42. I am age 67. I sleep well with or without melatonin. However, I have noticed that I have better overnight recovery from exercise when I take melatonin at bedtime. Maybe I get more deep (non-REM) sleep time using melatonin?

  43. hey you theorists and realists….
    you keep freaking out over "1.5mg" … etc. xxx times over "noromal" (lol who IS NOROMAL???)

    how about 60mg of melotonin 2 years straight!! What now?
    where is your theories now?

  44. I'm 62 been taking 3 – 5mg melatonin for years although not every night but when I want to sleep in. No side effects this guy mentions. Not sure of his motives

  45. I've been taking melatonin for about 27 years, i stated taking it for sleep.. Which helps very much. I also smoke cannabis, if i don't… I don't sleep good at all, wake up many times a night.
    I became interested in the pineal gland after learning how dangerous fluoride is (it's a chemical used to kill mice & rats an industrial byproduct, waste product.. Does not help your teeth) & it calcifies the pineal gland, which is very bad for your spiritual connection to your source energy, higher self.. I stopped using fluoride tooth pastes about 10 years ago. I've read that melatonin decalcifies the pineal gland too, among other things.. Like Chaga mushroom tea.
    I have never noticed any side effects from taking melatonin.. So, i can't really relate to this video. I also look & feel half my age & I'm 60 yrs old. 😁

  46. Easy solution. Buy a supplement in pill form from a company with reputable quality control certifications and take the minimum effective dose.

    I’ve been taking it for about a year and I’m getting the best sleep of my life with no side effects. I honestly wish I’d discovered it 20 years ago when I was in college. I used to have to just get out of bed in the middle of the night because I couldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep. No more. Jet lag is no longer an issue either.

    Sleep is important for your health my fellow plat eaters and not everyone can get what they need just from good sleep hygiene.

  47. I started taking magnesium instead of melatonin for sleeping. Your body makes melatonin, but it cannot be effective without magnesium. As you age your body does not manufacture magnesium as well. This worked for me, I’m sleeping great every evening. Before taking magnesium I was already eating Whole plant Foods only, exercising, and taking D3 and B12, but magnesium seemed to be the missing element. Though, I will say that exercise is a big factor in sleeping.

    Edit: I also take a multivitamin. I use the brand Pure for the multi and the magnesium supplements (I’m not sponsored by Pure). Magnesium is also needed for a multitude of bodily requirements, so it’s not just for sleeping.

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