Benefici dei semi di lino per l'infiammazione

Livelli elevati di ossilipine pro-infiammatorie e associate all'invecchiamento possono essere normalizzati mangiando semi di lino macinati.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco il video che ho fatto sui semi di lino per l'ipertensione (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/Flax-Seeds-for-Hypertension).

E il lino e il cancro? Vedi:
• Semi di lino e sopravvivenza al cancro al seno: prove cliniche ( prove cliniche/)
• I semi di lino possono aiutare a prevenire il cancro al seno? (<br/> • Semi di lino contro cancro alla prostata (
• Semi di lino e prevenzione del cancro al seno ( prevenzione del cancro)

Ne ho uno anche sul diabete: semi di lino vs. diabete (

E perdita di peso: benefici del pasto ai semi di lino per la perdita di peso ( dimagrimento)

Ma che dire del contenuto di cianuro del lino? Ho risposto in
Quanto bene cucinare distrugge il cianuro nei semi di lino? ( e dovremmo preoccuparci del cianuro dei semi di lino? (

Cos'altro può aiutare a combattere l'infiammazione? Check out:
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche ( aggregazione-piastrinica-con-frutti-di-bosco)

• Curcuma Curcumina e Osteoartrite (
• Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide (
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (
• Trattamento dietetico per periodi mestruali dolorosi ( video/trattamento-dietetico-per-periodi-mestruali-dolori)
• Benefici della curcumina curcuma per lo pseudotumore orbitale infiammatorio (
• Gli effetti degli avocado e del vino rosso sull'infiammazione indotta dai pasti (

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100 Risposte a “Benefici dei semi di lino per l'infiammazione”

  1. Microwave Flax Muffins: 1/4 ground flaxseed; 1/2 ts baking powder; 1/2 ts cinnamon; 1 egg = mix in cup and microwave for 1 minute. Delicious. are flaxseed more helpful than the egg is harmful??

  2. what would be the daily requirement then ? im taking loosely 1 to 2 table spoon of ground flax seed in the morning in my smoothie. should it be more ?

  3. I l love this new college course "Nutrition Facts 101" in which I learn everything I need to know about nutrition for free sitting in my own home.

  4. I'm not saying flaxseed is good or bad, but how can you ignore who funded the study (The Flax Council of Canada, Agri-food Research and Development Initiative, Western Grains Research Foundation and Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission)? It's like believing smoking isn't harmful because a study paid for by the tobacco industry proved it.
    We gratefully acknowledge the continued encouragement of Kelley
    Fitzpatrick and the Flax Council of Canada. We thank Canada Bread,
    the Canadian International Grain Institute (Winnipeg, Canada), and the
    Food Development Centre (Portage La Prairie, Canada) in preparing
    the foods for this trial. The flaxseed or wheat was provided by Glanbia
    Nutritionals Inc. We also thank J. Alejandro Austria for distributing
    food to patients during this trial, and the Office for Clinical Research at
    St Boniface Hospital for their help in the conduct of this trial.

    Sources of Funding
    The work was supported through grants from Flax2015, the Canola
    Council of Canada, the Agri-food Research and Development
    Initiative, and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Indirect
    research support was obtained from St Boniface Hospital Foundation."

  5. Recently taken to making a pot of oat bran porridge and adding a bunch of ground flax to that, with frozen blueberries and any other spare fruits, nuts and seeds lying around. Easy way to prep a whole weeks worth of instant breakfast or lunch meals that I can grab whenever and pop in microwave to heat up.

  6. Not a fan of having u physically in the videos…distracting and unnecessary. Love the vids always. So grateful for ur work!

  7. I've been making spelt/flax/cinnamon/oatmilk pancakes and I can't stop!

    Ps: top it with some pure peanut butter and banana, finish this treat up with a little agave syrup. Bon appetit

  8. Are there any side effects to flax though? I stopped eating them because I felt like they were causing cognitive impairment. My memory just wasn't as sharp.

  9. Do flax seeds cause an increase in prolactin levels? My doctor thought I had a tumor that was causing elevated prolactin levels. I noticed there were lots of mom bloggers claiming that flax, especially flax and oatmeal together, increase prolactin levels. I stopped eating flax but continued eating oatmeal for a couple of weeks and then my prolactin levels went down to normal.

  10. Imagine if those muffins were grain-free, how much inflammation would go away if the flaxseed didn't have inflammatory grains to work against. A good test of flaxseed would have been to make ground flaxseed flatbread. It is literally ground flaxseed, salt, water mixed to an elastic dough, rolled out thin, and cooked in a frying pan with a little coconut oil or other non-inflammatory oil.

  11. Anyone on zoladex and also taking flax?? Just want to hear more, we are trying to avoid zoladex for my father, he is taking flax chia and barley grass, scheduled for bone scan soon for mets, told him to up the flax chia and barley grass, thinking it might fight whatever mets if any

  12. This man is the man who put me onto FlaxSeeds.
    I now consume them on a regular basis,. i am 32 years old – will be 33 this year (August 29th 2021); I have no known health-issues or conditions, but i take my health very seriously and i try and get in several healthy foods on a daily basis.
    One thing i began implementing about a year or two ago was FlaxSeed, i buy the whole seed in bulk (2-3lbs at a time), and i grind about 28g-35g at a time in ym blender then mix those into my smoothies.

    I will say this much, there is one particular food that i have not gone a single day without for years now – that is seaweed – yes, Sea Vegetables.
    Irish Sea Moss, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Sea Lettuce, etc.

    These are absolutely amazing and have worked wonders for my body, overall i just feel stronger, better, and have amazing energy.

    Highly highly recommend flax seeds and sea-vegetables.

    TRy it!

  13. I love you Dr. Greger! I purchased your how not to die book, you are awesome, intelligent and funny! Great amazing book! Your Grandma would be very proud of you❤️ I would love for you to sign a book for me, I will buy a different book and if you could sign it would be wonderful! I learned so much from your book. The information is invaluable for anyone who is trying to get healthy. Lots of love to you💪💪💪

  14. I love flaxseeds, had no idea they would be so powerful. I wonder if hemp seeds are hiding a secret as well? I love your channel Dr Greger… always so relaxing and you always have a positive mindset with data driven content

  15. Doc, quick question. My mum suffers from hypertension, she is on medications and all. Should I suggest her to have a tablespoon of flaxseeds/day, on top of her usual drugs?

  16. Instead of treating the symptoms it would be better to prevent the cause of hypertension. Stop eating poisonous addictive processed vegan foods like doughnuts, biscuits, cakes, breakfast cereals, deserts etc. Eat whole nutritious delicious foods like butter, lard, eggs, steak, liver, salmon, bacon, sardines, plenty of salt… Combine this with fasting and exercise. I'm 50, run 8 miles a day, I am slim, fit with no pain and skin like a babies.

  17. Flaxseed has a lot of benefits but it also has a lot of side effects good and bad. For men the side effects can unfortunately affect men and their sex life. If you are taking flaxseed daily your sex drive greatly dimishes and so does erectile health. Your testosterone starts dropping too. You have to use it cautiously so you don't let's say get too feminized. Working in the supplement business I have seen and heard these side effects so often being felt by customers. I too have experienced the same effects. Don't get me wrong it is still a great food for its lignans fiber etc but as with many things moderate or excess use can have ill effects. Women on the other hand well I will leave that well alone.

  18. We have incorporated flax seeds in our diet daily, without any extra effort. We eat a bread that is made with whole cooked grains (quinoa, barley, farro, sorghum, millet, amaranth, etc.) and also flax seed meal. It also contains oatmeal, whole wheat flour, soy milk and honey. We eat this bread daily. People rave about the texture and taste, many not having any grains or flax seed meal in their diet at all. It’s easy and it goes in a bread maker.

    Someone from took my original recipe off the website, after a request for the recipe by a subscriber, because it was bread. A purist…This recipe contains only a small amount of flour, but that was not the reason provided for removal…it was bread. This does people a disservice. People will eat the right foods if they are in a likable form…bread is something everyone eats, and it is a great way to incorporate grains into the diet. Realistically, people will not carry little bags of flax seed meal around to sprinkle on their salads…the flax seed needs to be incorporated into a recipe and eaten over time to realize any health benefits.

  19. After discovering Dr Greger I started adding a spoonful of flaxseed meal to my oatmeal everyday. About six months in I started experiencing some tenderness in my right testicle. It felt hard and seemed to be higher than normal. Then, one day, I randomly watched the video he did about the effects of cyanide in flaxseed on rat testicles and decided to quit adding it to my breakfast and voilà! My symptoms subsided over next month. Cause and effect? Who knows.

  20. Does the research suggest an optimal dose? One tablespoon is often quoted but I also see "one to two" tablespoons suggested just as often.

  21. I was a vegan before I watch Dr Greger's videos, but I had my cheat days with yogurt, eggs etc. After watching his videos I realised that I wasn't objective enough about the seriousness of the damage that animal products cause to humans, and hence I am now a complete vegan for 2 years without a single day of cheat. However please allow me to tell you that flaxseeds are poisonous, as they contain cyanide. I just don't get how some people are fine with them, do they chose a specific safe variety or do they boil them, as roasting them is certainly not enough to destroy the poison.

  22. Flaxseeds are also detailed in the “Yoga of Herbs”. A great alternative to adding potassium by way of black pepper or potassium chloride salt as an antidote to high sodium intake and high blood pressure.

  23. what's the best way to prepare flaxseeds for maximum absorption of its minerals, vitamins, omega3 and without losing them while preparing

  24. I grind flaxseeds in my coffee bean grinder then mix them into my morning oatmeal – love it! Glad to hear all this great info about flaxseeds!

  25. Hi Dr. Greger,

    Love your work and your contributions to the world of nutrition are priceless!

    I was hoping you could make a video exploring the relationship between flaxseed and testosterone levels? Seems like there is a negative effect but it would help to hear your professional opinion.


  26. I so wanted to hear this information but the presentation is ridiculous to the point of distraction from the information. No doubt it is meant as a joke, but please do not waste people's time with this silly style.

  27. Dr. Greger thank you for the insightful knowledge on flaxseed. By the way are you u related to Jeff Goldbum by any chance?

  28. Flax seeds reduce inflammation by increasing the levels of cortisol in the body.
    They also decrease testosterone so much that they are used in hirsutism and prostate cancer sufferers.
    The good doctor knows this but doesn't mention it. Criminally negligent.

  29. Flax has been genetically modified. Do you warn people to avoid the genetically modified flax in this video, if not, you are not doing your duty and thus I cannot subscribe to your channel. How aware are you of what is really going on in the assault of our immune system’s by the government and the corporations that are all ran by secret society members?

  30. Does toasting flax seeds decrease health benefits. I mean like at low temperature 200°f – 250°F….

  31. The nervous head waving and shaking of that fella makes the Video unpleasant to watch. Does he have emotional issues?

  32. I have always thought flax seeds and chia seeds to be a healthy way to cut down on inflammation and to increase fiber intake. HOWEVER, I'm a 73 year old woman with what is probably diverticulosis. When I eat fibrous foods, especially flax seeds and chia seeds, I have pains in my lower left side. I have not been diagnosed with diverticulitis but want to lessen the possibility of getting that. So, I eat avocadoes, oats, lots of raw veggies and other "fibrous" foods, but not flax and chia. What else can I eat to increase my fiber intake without "poking the sleeping diverticulosis beast" in my gut??

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