Benefici dell'uva per la salute del cervello

Succo d'uva e uva intera vengono messi alla prova per la funzione cerebrale, compreso il declino cognitivo nell'Alzheimer precoce.

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Quando gli enti commerciali finanziano gli studi è più per scopi di marketing che di scienza. Ciò non significa necessariamente che i risultati non siano validi, ma devi prestare particolare attenzione a cose come l'inquadratura della domanda di ricerca, i metodi sperimentali, l'analisi statistica e l'interpretazione distorta dei risultati (spin).

Il video dei mirtilli che ho citato è Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello ( -per-cervello). Ci sono anche i vantaggi dei mirtilli per l'umore e la mobilità (<br/>
Cos'altro potrebbe aiutare a proteggere la funzione cerebrale?
• Teoria dietetica dell'Alzheimer
( -alzheimers/)
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni
• Benefici del rosmarino per la funzione cerebrale
( Funzione)
• La migliore erba aromatica per l'Alzheimer
• Come prevenire l'Alzheimer con la dieta
• I migliori cibi per il cervello: bacche e noci messe alla prova
• Alimenti sani per il cervello per combattere l'invecchiamento
• Gli integratori di luteina aiutano con la funzione cerebrale?
( -supplements-help-with-brain-function)

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74 Risposte a “Benefici dell'uva per la salute del cervello”

  1. Welch grapes have magical properties . A farm where there grown has gnomes living on it and gave the owners their blessing to grow there. Look it up 🙂

  2. My policy is to enjoy whole,fresh grapes for a number of other health benefits – helping my brain work better is just a possible awesome bonus 🙂

  3. I rarely buy real grapes and I've never seen powdered grapes either, but I consume a tonne of raisons, they're cheap and easy to come by and store. I do hope they have similar benefits.

  4. Cheers for this info, Doc! Love grapes…I just need to make sure to enjoy them with fibre-rich food & around the time I'll be more active. Keep that insulin spike to a minimum. 😍👍

  5. i like that this channel, in addition to learning evidence-based nutrition, is also a research methods and statistics class! Thank you for describing the statistics behind it too

  6. Better to eat the grapes as they are, rather than drinking the juice – what’s in a jar of store bought juice is already “dead” and oxidized – you need the fiber from the whole food to stabilize blood sugar – juicing makes it a processed food as your just getting the concentrated sugar – whole food is better as nature intended

  7. Ditch the EGO! Stop putting yourself in the videos! It is too distracting having you flailing your hands about when we're trying to focus on all the moving stats and studies!

  8. Are dried grapes "actual grapes"? Buying them dried in the winter months would make shopping more sustainable as fresh grapes have to be imported from far away during winter

  9. this study was very complex but I liked how Dr Greger tried to stick to the point without wandering off the essential lesson of it all.

  10. Could you redo your audiobook for How Not to Die? The way you talk is like being a passenger with someone who doesn't know how to drive stick.

  11. Really liking the videos, but could you please lower the volume of the intro ? it's much louder than the actual sound of Dr. Greger…

  12. Can you speak without soooo many variations of tone and vowel dragging?
    You are a professional why not have a better pronunciation?
    Your channel is amazing!
    Thank you.

  13. Hi, Will you get the same benefits, and is it really safe to eat non-organic grapes? I've heard that they're one of the fruits that get sprayed highly with chemicals.

  14. I don't eat grapes but drink it in wine form. I do it for the benefits and not the hangover, I dread hangovers but do it for the grape love juice!

  15. VIDEO SUGGESTION: is it correct that you never made a video about lecithin(s)? as I understand it's benefitial for lipid metabolism, e.g. VLDL level and prevention of fatty liver disease and plays a role for any cell membran formation and function, including e.g. neurons, but also is relevant for mitochondrial biogenesis. What's your view on this? By the way, the reason I stumbled upon this topic is that I was just wondering how I can emulsify flax seed oil to sneak some more into certain meals, which is why I thought about using soy lecithin.

  16. Grapes are one of the worst foods there are for your hormonal health. They are full of sugar and spike your insulin like mad. They also flood the liver with fructose. This Doctor is wrong, grapes should be consumed in moderation

  17. The two brains in the comparison at the end look exactly the same except for the red dots. Isn’t it supposed to be a comparison of two individuals?

  18. Very interesting… although raises an ethical question for me. They had the placebo group eat no potentially beneficial grapes allowing their Alzheimer's to worsen? Pretty tough on the placebo group.

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  20. Excellent Video! Excuse me for chiming in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you ever tried – Yeyandon Hardgaining Transformer (search on google)? It is a good one off product for learning how to go from skinny to packing on muscle minus the headache. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my work buddy after many years got excellent success with it.

  21. What’s this guys deal against anything that isn’t a whole food?
    Jesus Christ, not everything you eat needs to be a whole food.
    A couple of cups of pure grape juice is good for you.

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