Migliorare l'umore attraverso la dieta

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DESCRIZIONE: Il presunto ruolo svolto dall'acido arachidonico nell'infiammazione cerebrale potrebbe spiegare perché l'eliminazione di pollo, pesce e uova può migliorare i sintomi di disturbi dell'umore, depressione , ansia e stress entro due settimane. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/improving-mood-through-diet/ e ci proverò per rispondere! Non esitare a pubblicare qualsiasi domanda di tipo chieda al dottore qui nella sezione commenti e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. Per informazioni sul ruolo che le diete a base vegetale possono svolgere nel miglioramento dell'umore, guarda il mio altro video Dieta e umore a base vegetale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ umore-dieta-vegetale/). Inoltre, ci sono 1,380 soggetti (http://nutritionfacts.org/ argomenti/) trattati negli altri miei video–non esitare a esplorarli!

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21 Risposte a “Migliorare l'umore attraverso la dieta”

  1. Dr.Greger, I saw your health recommendations article (including about B12, vit D etc) posted on your website (or somewhere) ..I can't remember exactly where, hence I'm frustratingly struggling to find it again. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?

  2. I just discovered your videos today and have been binge watching them. I'm an ex vegan that is looking to get back to plant based. I've been nervous about the nutrition because of the way I felt last time and all these videos are making me feel much more confident in my choice

  3. I'm not sure this guy understands statistics….. being 'statistically significant' is not the same as having a significant effect (as used colloquially), but he often uses these phrases interchangeably in his videos.

  4. How do you feel about the claim that meat eating significantly contributed too human evolution? And if you think the previous statement is true, why would humans only flourish on a plant based diet?

  5. On my almost brand new WFPB lifestyle I was feeling great. Then well, not so much. I became very anxious my blood pressure went very high. I spent three separate trips to the ER with high blood pressure, several more with my own PCP. As far as I'm concerned the hospital was committing Medicare Fraud. They did nothing in the ER. ER doctor never talked to me, except for some student MD's. Stayed one day in the telemetry unit. Then my own doctor who pumped me up with a BP med, and finally, at my request, some anti-anxiety med. In my readings I found that I was taking way too high a dose of Vitamin D3 (7000IU) The nurses said they had seen this high of a dose before especially in the winter time. Then I searched for "side effects of too much Vitamin D3". The search revealed depression and anxiety as two of the psychological side effects. After 3 months of seeing doctor after doctor and staying in the ER and telemetry area of the hospital, I took myself off Vitamin D3 and the symptoms disappeared. I figured the Federal Government got screwed out of over $30K. I'm off both the additional BP med and the anti-anxiety med both. On my own, no doctor permission.
    BP is wonderful. This morning 107/74. Allopathic medicine, a totally bogus endeavor. I can hardly wait until the WFPB doctors wipe them off the map.Thank you Drs. Greger, McDougall, T. Colin Campbell, Essylstyn, and many more I'm sure I'm omitting.

  6. My background is in experimental psychology and my first thought is , are people who are already depressed , not caring about what they eat and all those already healthy and happy , adding to their health by pursuing a vegetarian diet ? All one could take that being a dairy eating vegetarian gives you the best of everything . Surely it would be easy to do double-blind studies for the particular compound said to cause depression . So you could monitor their happiness before and after the experiment oh . Do you see, this is not very illuminating science

  7. gregor is a fool: Arachidonic acid is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain, and is present in similar quantities to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The two account for about 20% of its fatty-acid content.[22] Like DHA, neurological health is reliant upon sufficient levels of arachidonic acid. Among other things, arachidonic acid helps to maintain hippocampal cell membrane fluidity.[23] It also helps protect the brain from oxidative stress by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.[24] ARA also activates syntaxin-3 (STX-3), a protein involved in the growth and repair of neurons.[25]

    Arachidonic acid is also involved in early neurological development. In one study, infants (18 months) given supplemental arachidonic acid for 17 weeks demonstrated significant improvements in intelligence, as measured by the Mental Development Index.[26] This effect is further enhanced by the simultaneous supplementation of ARA with DHA.

    In adults, the disturbed metabolism of ARA may contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and bipolar disorder.[27] There is evidence of significant alterations in the conversion of arachidonic acid to other bioactive molecules (overexpression or disturbances in the ARA enzyme cascade) in these conditions.

  8. Some vegetarians have cracked it but many haven't. That's why they get back issues and when they started drinking goats milk then they get better. I tried mainly vegetarian and it was only when I started eating meat again that I started to get better. It wasn't just the meat that helped, it was the other nutrients that I included too.

  9. I wish I found this 5 years ago when I was 19, great information though. I know I'm right to feel less stress with the less meat I eat and that the more meat = more stress.

  10. Veganism is a starvation diet.
    I don't believe any data essentially promoting veganism, or citing its beneficial features.
    There is an agenda to push the starvation diet on the whole west

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