Come sviluppare un ecosistema sano dell'intestino

Ciò che mangiamo determina il tipo di batteri di cui promuoviamo la crescita nel nostro intestino, che può aumentare o diminuire il nostro rischio di alcuni dei nostri principali malattie killer.

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Se questa è stata la risposta dell'industria degli integratori, come ha reagito l'industria delle uova? Guarda il mio video Egg Industry Response to Choline and TMAO (

Per ulteriori informazioni su TMAO, vedere Carnitine, Choline, Cancer, and Cholesterol: The TMAO Connection (http: //<br/>
La nostra flora intestinale è ciò che mangiamo! Scopri:
• Microbiome: The Inside Story (
• Prebiotici: curare il nostro giardino interno ( -Tending-Our-inner-garden)
• Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (
• Come modificare il tuo enterotipo (
• Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate ( /video/paleopoo-what-we-can-learn-from-fossilized-feces/)
• Disbiosi intestinale – Affamare il nostro sé microbico (
• L'obesità è infettiva? (

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100 Risposte a “Come sviluppare un ecosistema sano dell'intestino”

  1. I went Vegan for 1.5 years. Never felt worse in my life. Constant head aches and low energy. I made sure to eat tons of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, healthy wheat breads, ect. Everything organic and whole. Recently, I started eating meat again. Feel SO MUCH BETTER. Still, I eat TONS of fruits and veggies daily, but now also eat good, high quality, organic meats, and I feel really good. Not too sure if there was something I was missing, or all bodies are different and some do better with meat and some do better without.

  2. Thank you so much, Dr. Greger. Your voice is one of the most consistently unbiased and science-driven ones out there. My father has stage IV lung cancer. I convinced both my mom and dad to ditch the animal products in their home and try the Gerson Therapy. His first lab results following the diet switch shocked the technician and he has since cancelled the second round of chemo (which even his doctor said "will not cure the cancer"). He also no longer needs his blood pressure medication. I've sent them and several friends and coworkers links to your podcast. I'll be picking up a copy of How Not to Die soon! I'm so grateful people like you exist!

  3. There are companies emerging now that claim to test our microbiome and make specific dietary and supplemental recommendations based on these findings (e.g., Viome, ThryveInside). Not pressuring you to endorse anyone, but I'm just wondering whether you think there's any merit to these tests? I have IBS, lymphocytic colitis and a hiatal hernia/GERD. I went vegan approx 8 months ago but still struggle with episodes of GI problems. Wondering if a test like this would help me figure out what, within a plant-based diet, will help me stay on track.

  4. Some plants also have choline, but there is something to them that inhibits the conversion of TMA into TMAO. Conclusion? If you eat eggs, have them with a bunch of broccoli.

  5. I used the think eggs were like a super food, tons of benefits and no side effects. I can't believe I used to believe that.

  6. I am a fan of yours Dr Greger but it does seem like there bias. You clearly don't approve of any supplements other than vit D and B12. And granted there are many awful supplements… but I believe in educating people on what vitamers and chelated minerals are the good guys because it could be the difference between them needing pharmaceuticals or avoiding them. I think the last bit about L-carnitine, they were trying to say that there beneficial functions of this amino acid (building block of protein) like the transportation of fat into mitochondria to boost energy production and reduce fat mass. And instead of highlighting it's benefit and use you labelled it purely as a health risk. I'm a little disappointed in this. Also the video is not about the title "how to develop a healthy gut". Dr Greger I love you but please educate, don't just give one side of the story. Much love. From, a fellow nutritionist who you have inspired at times 💙🌱

  7. I know pharmaceutical antibiotics harm our microbiome. Would something like fire cider, which incorporates foods with antibiotic properties such as garlic, honey, and ACV also damage our microbiome?

  8. Some people advocate the use of HCL and digestive enzymes in older folks and claim that as you age, your body produces less and less stomach acid and enzymes and therefore supplementation is necessary…do you agree?

  9. If strictly plant based diets are best for optimal health, why aren’t there any traditional cultures that survive on vegetarian diets that have high life expectancy and numbers of centennials?

  10. PLANT POWAH all the way! =P

    Whole food vegan diet is the best. There should be so many more doctors like Dr Greger promoting plant based nutrition. Makes you wonder doesn't it, what the hell is the point of that hippocratic oath when most doctors promote harm.

  11. The authors wisely caution against extrapolation of their findings with egg ingestion and TMAO production to changes in policy for the minimum choline intake recommendations for individuals. Neither the present studies nor the recent prior investigations into the TMAO meta-organismal pathway examined the issue of minimum daily choline requirements.

  12. Eggs seems to be 100% fine – further study and results.

    "A study in 2016 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at more than 1,000 middle-aged Finnish men and found that neither eggintake (one a day, on average) nor cholesterol intake was associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. This was true even among those who had a particular genetic factor that affects cholesterol metabolism and therefore put them at higher risk. There was also no significant impact on the thickening of the carotid artery (the main artery going to the brain), which is an indicator of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

    Similarly, an analysis of eight observational studies, published in 2013 in BMJ, found no relationship between eggs (up to one a day, on average) and heart disease or stroke in half a million people who were followed for 8 to 22 years.

    More recently, an analysis of seven studies, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2016, found that people who had a high egg intake (generally considered seven a week) had a 12 percent reduced risk of stroke compared with those who had a low egg intake (less than two eggs a week), after the researchers accounted for such variables as smoking, age, sex, and exercise in most of the studies"

  13. Its OK to eat eggs again – no association with CV events.
    In conclusion, in the present study we examined the association between egg and cholesterol intakes and the risk of CAD and carotid IMT in a population with an exceptionally high prevalence of the ApoE ɛ4 allele. We did not find any indications of the relation of moderate egg consumption (up to 1 egg/d) or moderate-to-high dietary cholesterol intake with increased CVD risk, even in these highly susceptible individuals. Hence, although our results are based on a rather small population, the findings suggest that removal of the recommendation to limit dietary cholesterol intake (including egg consumption) does not involve a marked risk for population health.

  14. The car analogy didn't make sense to me. Comparing things like heart disease and cancer to an accident just doesn't fit. While putting the wrong fuel in your car won't cause an accident it can damage the engine, which is much like putting the wrong fuel in your body and damaging your heart.


    I like Dr.Greger, but he's very biast toward veganism, and veganism is not a diet but a moral position.
    Vodka, french fries and hi-fructose corn syrup are vegan, right?

    If you want to improve your vegan lifestyle implementing healthy diet look into this info about food processing:
    Veganism can be very healthy, but as minimally processed whole foods, not hormone disrupting muffins.

  16. I've been vegan for 5 years and there's no way I'll go back to eating animal products so that's not my issue. Obesity and IBS/gastrointestinal issues seem to run in my family and I am definitely a sufferer. Admittedly, my eating habits and activity levels, lately, are terrible due to long term depression. I have been on diet and exercise regimes in the past that I thought would help me lose weight and improve my gut function. The reason I don't keep going with these healthy habits is that after months of doing them, I see no weight loss results, no change in my gut disregulation and still end up feeling tired and miserable, dreading each round of exercise and looking forward to nothing. I feel addicted..both to salty/oily junk food and to inactivity. I'm desperate to feel better and look better but have so little motivation as to feel crippled by it. I need help but I don't know where to look.

  17. I love this Dr. with my whole heart because he just blew us away with knowledge then made a slam pun outta nowhere. 🤣

  18. With Due Respect What you have to say to this :-
    "L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring substance required in mammalian energy metabolism that functions by facilitating long-chain fatty acid entry into cellular mitochondria, thereby delivering substrate for oxidation and subsequent energy production"
    Why L carnitine is Culprit here ??? Your Video is Corelating Carnitine to TAMO but Carnitine is Natuallry OCuuring in Body Anyways and hence TAMO aswell if that your point who so ever eats BEANS they are high in Carnitine . SO IF YOU TELL us to AVOID then Clearly People will Rupture there CELL Mitchochondia Function resulting in FATIGUE and LOW energy .. WHAT ARE YOU UPTO ??

  19. Are there probiotics that contribute to increased TMAO levels? For example I use the PB8 probiotic supplement which has a combination of good bacteria for both vegetable and meat consumption since my family do occasionally eat meat.

    Are there probiotic strains that increase TMAO?

  20. In a study involving 271 participants, consumption of meat, egg, or fish was not associated with TMAO, choline, or betaine concentrations. I thought it was maybe like a bad study, after watching this I'm wondering if the individuals were just vegans prior to study, so their gut biomes didn't have the TMAO producing bacteria available at time of study. Wondering, has anybody else read about that particular study? and has there been other studies to suggest the opposite to be true? thank you in advance.

  21. Dr Greger and team can you do a video on low stomach acid and no longer wanting to eat meat or eggs? I've always gone meatless a few days per week but lately i find i don't want meat, Thanksgiving turkey was a tough one for me, first time ever. I think i have low stomach acid. I don't have heartburn but something is off. Thanks

  22. Meat tastes great to me. If you don't think so then don't eat it. Is it bad for me? Apparently. Don't care. I eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and legumes as well. I also eat small amounts of dairy as well. I still want to enjoy my life. Besides I could die in a car wreck tomorrow.

  23. It’s not a question of eating meat. It’s a question of eating adequate vegetables. Meat is a condiment not a staple. The problem with Vegan/Vegetarian diets is people consume too many carbohydrates which leads to metabolic syndrome. India is case in point. How about India for sample vegetarian population – huge. China on the other hand is meat eating yet hardly has any metabolic syndrome. In the US most vegans & vegetarians are overweight cuz our society has yet fully develop vegetarian protein sources. This needs lot more attention & subsidisation veggie proteins like meat to mitigate chronic diseases. Plan based diet is a catchy phrase but there is no such thing. Plants are part of well balanced diet. Lots of plant foods are horrible. Not withstanding these facts this video presumes TMAO is the only source of heart disease, there are many others

  24. I've been a long time vegan of 13 years and my blood and urine analysis showed very low l-carnitine levels, so my doctor has me supplementing. I wasn't aware this was a supplement I would need to be concerned about going vegan. Unfortunately the information here isn't clear if l-carnitine supplements will contribute to this tmao concern in a case like mine. A functional medicine doctor prescribed me them, and as someone who studies the human microbiome, I can't begin to understand why he'd possibly risk more damage to my gut…

  25. What can I say again and again…thank you Dr. Greger..since I see the video…I am not trus the most Doctors….it is not easy to find a plantbased Dr. in Germany…
    Thank for the translater without hIm would be not possible to understand and I learn more english!!! Thanks Alexander Stagun

  26. So they ate 60% fat diet… Not keto first of all..

    What about the 40%? Coca-Cola drink? 'Whole wheat' cereals??

    (Btw, Idk about you, I prefer to live only to 70 with my brain functioning on ketones.. instead to 90 but no keto)

    They didn't even tell what fats they ate🤣🤣🤣 clueless ppl, was the fats from Canola oil? Soy??

    Same for eggs and meat.. didn't say anything about what the diet was- grain fad vs grass fad pasture raised…

    Is like I will say to you (vegetables and fruits Dieters) 'we did research, and found out that high carb (60%) diet is bad for the liver and kidney' but I will not explain that "high carb diet" was simply processed sugar and sugar drinks…
    And not even bothered to tell you the other 40% was Canola oil and soy oil…

  27. Is a study what you what it to be?
    From the study… the high correlation between urine and plasma levels of TMAO argues for effective urinary clearance of TMAO.” In other words, even if eating food does increase total TMAO levels, most people are able to quickly and efficiently clear that TMAO from their blood by excreting it in the urine. And also of interest….Previous work by Dr. Hazen’s group has shown that people with higher levels of Prevotella bacteria in their gut produce higher levels of TMAO. (Interestingly enough, other research has shown that consumption of whole grains—not animal products—is associated with higher levels of Prevotella bacteria.) So make of it what you will.

  28. Your voice is so untrustworthy to me.
    I’ve held it back for a while, because I am vegan and your channel provides excellent guidelines to my diet and backs it up with relevant literature. But your tone triggers my liar alert, somehow. I hope it is not equally off-putting to vegetarians/omnivores.

  29. This is false.. Vegan diets don't fight Cancer. Cancer feeds on Sugar and Glutamic Acid. Eating shit tons of Starchy Carbs will feed and lead to cancer. I agree to not eat commercially raised. and or processed meats, but wild game such as deer and or grass fed pasture raised meat is occasionally ok. An all vegan diet will lead to severe tooth decay and possible autoimmune issues due to over eating of lectins and the minerals being stolen from your teeth from the body. Lectins are the chemicals plants produce to inhibit their consumption from animals. These lectins inflame our guts and sets the stage for Leaky Gut Syndrome. Shortly after that comes the Eczema along with other skin issues and autoimmune issues. The answer is some where in the middle. Avoid all the GMO Wheat, Dairy, Soy, Corn, and Vegetable Oils for a good start. Eat humanely raised meat occasionally. Eat Veggies that grew ABOVE ground that are organic. Avoid starchy below ground veggies (Night Shades) Eat probiotics and prebiotics as often as possible and try to only eat once or twice a day withing a 4-6 hour window. Give your gut a chance to heal and relax the other 18-20 hours. That's just my two cents take it or leave it. Just trying to help anyone who needs it. If you think I'm crazy or stupid.. I understand. I'm not telling anyone to do anything. I'm only giving my personal perspective.

  30. eat garlic , cooked or raw, when consuming animal products to cut your production of TMAO ! [per Dr Greger ,though I can't recall the name of his video]

  31. It is apparent that those who are making money off of products that make our health decline, don't really care About the ill effects their products have on people. They only care about profit. It is up to us, the consumer, to beware.

  32. But choline is necessary for brain health, so what if I take supplements for it , would I still have TMAO production ?

  33. 3 years ago my health was permanently destroyed by an antibiotic, a Fluoroquionolone (do some research for your own good). Anyway, even if my body was destroyed in so many aspects, my guts were still completely fine. But a year ago I made the mistake to take a "probiotic" containing S. Boulardii. It gave terrible constipation and IBS symptoms. The symptoms persist to these days. I find particularly difficult to digest plants and legumes. I've never been a vegan, always wanted to try it, but now, how am I supposed to do? I still eat eggs and fish. I've tried so many probiotics, but things never changed. Any ideas?

  34. When you mentioned multi level marketing company I automatically thought okay here's the smoke and mirrors bullshit response. MLM is an acronym for snake oil.

  35. 1:06m paused. Just your header & first comments got me thinking why there aren't more efficient systematic periodized nutrient timed methods of gut restorative supplementation procedures? I do believe people should set up such platforms with food, but why not have a meal 123 set up with pills too? Prebiotics at such time, probiotics, yeasts nutritional or brewers, fibers, kefir, spices & oils to ensure a cultivated success.? But all rotating around a simple macro meal plan? I bet we could set that up on a healthy cost effective budget so not to let people physically suffer &or financially either. One being from without remedy, the other in effortful search of remedy.
    I hope I'm clear? Need some caffeine I think.?

  36. Elevated levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) — a compound linked with the consumption of fish, seafood and a primarily vegetarian diet — may reduce hypertension-related heart disease symptoms. New research in rats finds that low-dose treatment with TMAO reduced heart thickening (cardiac fibrosis) and markers of heart failure in an animal model of hypertension.

  37. Did those who participated in the study eat just eggs and meat? Are they eating sugars, chips and other junk foods? Do the vegans eat just vegetables, fruit nuts and beans. Not enough info …
    The real elephant in the room is fast food, convenience foods, sugar and sodas. Studies proving that even moderate amounts cause inflammation never see the light of day.

    I’m interested in more transparent studies. Then I would gladly give up all animal products.

    I did enjoy this video 😋

  38. TMAO is another Fear panic, anything to get the gullible off meat. Let's see a biotic gut study and health on people and cure on some Treating Meds causing stomach attacks and body illness.

  39. Philosopher here, just a smidge concerned with the author of this quote's logic (with my additions):

    "Is [me being robbed blind] due to the [theif's action] or, alternatively, is [that theft] due to the unique combination of the [theif's upbringing, destructive social, economic, and structural systems] and the circumstances behind their mutual activity? Yes, you could greatly limit the incidence of [me being robbed blind] if you restricted [the thief by calling the police], but is that realistic and central to the problem? "

    So: I guess the take-home is not to try to stop the thief from robbing that author blind if that thief is in the process of stealing from the author. Perhaps you could have stopped the thief in adolescence indirectly through better rearing, and changing destructive structural, social, and economic systems. But, once thieves start stealing, stopping them in the act is not realistic – meaning: it's not going to stop every other would-be thief, or at least not very many of them. Nor is it central to the problem: Many factors are at work leading to a thief becoming a thief besides the simple fact that the thief is currently stealing.

  40. Thanks for this! This topic is so important. A survey from 2018 of 71,000 Americans found that 61% had at least 1 bothersome gut issue!  The most common gut symptom was acid reflux or GERD, then abdominal pain, then bloating!

  41. Lol… 95% of the plants on earth are poisonous or toxic. 5% of meat is toxic. Maybe less. We are omnivores for a reason. Limiting your diet is literally an insult to our evolution and what makes us the planets alpha.

    It’s amazing what smart people who eat veggies will come up with just to promote their way of living.

    FACT: the 3 oldest people who ever lived, ate eggs every day.

    Stop spreading false information just to support your own opinion.

  42. Certain cruciferous vegies like cauliflower broccoli and Brussel sprouts contain choline…on that basis do they play a role in prompting formation of TMAO in the circulation…Dr. Greger, kindly reply to this query.

  43. are the bacteria already in your body from birth or do they come from food outside and are really small that we can't see them …. eg. that means if we're eating vegetables they also have bacteria on them ?

  44. This makes my outlook on veganism backed up by science. I feel you should eat vegan in your everyday life and when you go out with friends or holidays know your microbiome (not produce as much or any TMAO) has you covered so you don't have to feel as bad about eat meat and dairy for special occasions 🙂

  45. Huh?? First of all, this video is mistitled. You didn't tell us how to develop a healthy gut. Second, you say "the choline in foods like eggs CAN be turned by gut bacteria into TMAO…". Huh?? Why isn't that sentence "The choline in foods like eggs IS turned by gut bacteria into TMAO…"? We don't need another charlatan in the health industry. If you're going to present this info as having the weight of science behind it, then do it. You haven't done it in this vid.

  46. My understanding is that the science on tmao has changed and even plant-based doctors aren't making the claims in this video. How about an updated video addressing this concern instead of recycling something that's 5 years old.

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