Bloccare l'enzima metastasi del cancro MMP-9 con fagioli e ceci

Arresto naturale delle metastasi. Quali legumi sono i migliori nell'inibire gli enzimi metalloproteinasi della matrice che consentono al cancro di diventare invasivo?

Il video che ho citato è Fighting the Ten Hallmarks of Cancer with Diet (

Altri video sulle metastasi del cancro includono:
• Quali sono le cause della metastasi del cancro? (
• Come aiutare a controllare le metastasi del cancro con la dieta (<br/> • Il cibo che può sottoregolare un gene del cancro metastatico ( the-food-that-can-downregulate-a-metastatic-cancer-gene)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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71 Risposte a “Bloccare l'enzima metastasi del cancro MMP-9 con fagioli e ceci”

  1. This is great to hear but not surprising. I just wish people would want to live enough to give up their bad dietary habits. I know how hard it is but it’s not impossible. What is impossible is watching your loved ones due of cancer. My mother died of cancer from smoking , my sister is riddled with cancer in every part of her body and a friend in Italy is dying of cancer. My sister’s husband died of cancer, my sister-in-law’s husband died of cancer and my husband had esophageal cancer 27 years ago and has leukemia but is in remission thanks to a $120,000 drug. Which now he’s in Medicare , they won’t pay for it. He refuses to stop eating dairy and eggs and fish. I went vegan because I want to live. Thank you Dr. Greger from the bottom of my heart. My husband was also put on kidney transplant list until he did stop eating meat. They have since taken him off cuz his numbers are good.

  2. It is SO SAD that the dangers of orthodox cancer treatment isn't common household knowledge by now. I knew this back in the 1990s. People should take EVERYTHING their medical doctor tells them with a GIANT grain of salt and do their own research before undergoing any invasive treatments or taking any harsh drugs.

  3. Do Soy products like tempeh, tofu, miso and soy sauce also have cancer fighting properties, or does it only apply to whole soybeans? And the same question for chickpea flour (gram or besan )

  4. Unfortunately my stomach literally can't handle beans, chickpeas or lentils. My stomach bloats up and I fart every 10 seconds for hours. It's VERY bad and hurts my stomach, maybe I'm allergic?

  5. More conclusive evidence to show plant based diets blocks cancer metastasis. Have a salad of kale ,carrots ,garlic ,onions with organic chickpeas and sprinkle some ground flax+chia seeds with balsamic. More powerful than any overpriced prescribed drugs and works wonders. Remember… most soy is GMO .

  6. I love these vids, but I do think a caveat is needed here which is just because you are vegan does NOT make you immune to being stricken with cancer…..and perhaps that is self evident, but sometimes these vids give a false sense of indestructibility. The reason I make mention of this every time a cancer vid is posted here is because I have a strict vegan for over 25 years sister-in-law who got diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer at 52……and she is a medical doctor, but she failed to get her regular screenings due to being over confident that her vegan diet would protect her completely……..she is well now after having gone through mostly traditional treatment, but nevertheless, please always get yourself screened…..and yes, a vegan diet is the healthiest, but it by no means makes you invincible……God Bless…

  7. Both Middle Eastern Hummus and Indian-style Chana Masala are essentials, the latter of which also combines superfoods like turmeric, garlic, ginger, onion, etc.

  8. When I was a child, we used to roast on bonefire, freshly harvested, chickpeas branches, then picked them one by one and ate it as a snack with our neighbours, very delicious!

  9. I would expect nothing less from Dr. Lima. 😂 TFS. God bless you for the work you do. All of the free resources and charity. You're the best Dr. McGregor!

  10. I had colon cancer- when I was operated on, the pathology report said I had a softball size tumor- it went nowhere- it did not metastasize- I had been eating soybeans and lentils on a daily basis. This was unknown to me until now.

  11. Great video, I was listening to the medical medium and he really was saying that we should just avoid caffeine except for ceremonial purposes. I would love to hear more in the future on very deep dives. When I say this I'm talking about green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong, pu'er, etc…. just tea and water as well as dark chocolate. Forget the coffee and whatever else people drink out there with caffeine. I only ever get caffeine because I have tea.

  12. Allopathic medicine is a money scam. If you are sick in any manner water fast for a few days, switch to raw fruits and veggies for a month, do cold therapy, do aromatherapy, stimulate the lymph system, do breath work, meditate, exercise, get sunshine. Throw your pills in the garbage right now.

  13. This is a rather misleading video to be honest.
    As Dr Greger mentions at the end, all these proteins are destroyed by digestion, so what happens if you expose cells on a Petri dish to protein extracts has little to no connection with dietary patterns.

  14. always love tuning in to your videos and learning something new. You compact a lot of information into such a short time frame. I'd love to see longer videos in the near future.

  15. If wHOle PlanT-bASed FOods are that great for cancer, wonder why vegans still get cancer. Yeah, I know, in a cult, we don't care about logic, we just have to believe.

  16. Well this is more good news, one of the easiest ways I find to get chickpeas into a diet is either in a buddha bowl, in a curry or as hummus. So delicious and very healthy 😋 👍

  17. I was reading an article about certain beans raising your estrogen levels and that estrogen produces all kinds of cancer particularly breast cancer ,fo you have any knowledge of this?

  18. I want to say a big thanks to God for giving me a second chance in life through Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube who cured me from Herpes with his herbal remedies, he has really proven to be a real doc. Contact him today and be cured too….

  19. Thanks…..from Brasil! I already have my HOW NOT TO DIE…..Love you! 2years and 4 months strict veg…No way back…..Looking for HOW NOT TO DIET🌱

  20. Weren't the other beans checked as well or only the soybeans were still active after being cooked? I enjoy soybeans from the pod. They are like a snack for me. I do not even need salt.

  21. In Japan they have a ritual that every year of your birth, you eat the equal amount of beans (a bean counting as one or beans in a pod counting as one I am not sure) to the number of years you are. Might be why they live so long. They were considered #1 in the world until rather recently. Fast food like McDonalds and also the Fukushima disaster may be lowering their life spans now.

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