Broccoli: germogli vs integratori

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DESCRIZIONE: I germogli di broccoli sono paragonati agli integratori “Broccomax”.

Ecco il link ai video che ho citato:
• Broccoli contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno (
• Il più grande successo nutrizionale per il tuo dollaro (<br/> • Antiossidanti che germogliano (

Cosa c'è di così bello nei germogli di broccoli? Vedi:
• La migliore disintossicazione (
• Sulfurofane: dai broccoli al seno ( sulforaphane-from-broccoli-to-breast/)

Possono essere esagerati, però. Vedi: quanti broccoli sono troppi? (

Maggiori informazioni su crocifere e cancro qui:
• Metastasi da cancro ai polmoni e broccoli (
• Sopravvivenza ai broccoli crudi e al cancro alla vescica (
• Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno ( /video/breast-cancer-survival-vegetable/)
• Il recettore dei broccoli: la nostra prima linea di difesa (
Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: David Carillet e Anton Starikov via 123RF.
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36 Risposte a “Broccoli: germogli vs integratori”

  1. I eat a crown of raw broccoli every day. In order to make it more palatable (kinda dry), I like to eat it with fruit such as, grapes, blueberries, strawberries etc. Thanks for all of your videos Dr. Gregor!

  2. The difference between the effectiveness of sprouts and supplements is not even mildly surprising if you've read the wonderful book, "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell!  Thanks for this info, Dr. G. 🙂

  3. Well, sprouts it is. All you need is a windowsill or counter space.Stuff the sprouts into sandwiches and top salads with it and sneak some into smoothies!

  4. Now Dr. Gregor, it's time to talk about broccoli….AND TURMERIC! and turmeric and onions… and garlic and turmeric…. COMBINATION FOOD THERAPIES!

  5. When you say we should eat the sprouts after just 2 days (for maximum sulforaphane content), does that include the overnight soaking of the seeds? This is important because if we wrongly exclude (or include) the soaking time, then we might very well miss the "time window" where the peak is. I also wonder because very little happens to the seeds in just 2 days (especially without pre-soaking), so I feel like the seeds would still be almost rock-hard at that time..

  6. Don't underestimate the synergistic effect of REAL WHOLE food- you just can't improve on how nature intended it.

  7. I would like to interject an observation about the Chart.
    Broccoli Sprouts Grow at an accelerated speed beginning Day 2 and so the Sulphoraphine that has been developed does not dissipate or disappear it's simply dispensed into a larger vessel.

  8. Yes, The Broccoli sprouts have such a strong "Radish-y Flavor ." I would really like to be able to Dehydrate them,So I could put in pills, (Because I can swallow the pills) …They are hard for me to consume Raw ,on a regular basis.{I don't know if the Sulphoraphine will be destroyed if dehydrated}

  9. Broccoli Seed with Activated Myrosinase,produces large amounts of Sulforaphane,Broccomax that was tested contained no active Myrosinase,depended on intestinal flora for Myrosinase.I have the documentation on Sulforaphane production from a patented supplement.

  10. Interesting. I never knew Saint Mary Thistle (Milk Thistle) could be sprouted or that it was such a nutritional powerhouse.

  11. What about the seeds themselves? Do they contain sulphoraphane? Because if they do, it's much work to eat ground seeds than having dozens jars in the kitchen for sprouting!

  12. 0:50 when you say that the nutrients peak at day 5 and day two. do you mean two days starting from the point when you start watering the seeds or from the point when they start to actually sprout?

  13. If I'm understanding correctly. The peak in the graph at 1:05 is actually measuring sulforaphane density (mg/g). So, if the mass of day-5-sprouts is at least 3x the mass of day-2-sprouts then total sulforaphane might be comparable.

  14. This guy makes me want to be a doctor (it has been on my mind for a few years now, but I kept putting it off because I kept thinking it’s “too late”). Dr. Greger is only one year older than I am. I recently sent in my application for a BSc/BKin Exercise & Health Physiology major at my local university. If I don’t get accepted, I can take credit courses towards the degree in their open studies program, and if I do well I’ll get in. I already have a BA, but back in my teens and 20s I valued partying over studying.

    I’m not worried about my age. With research, human lifespans are getting longer. Some scientists are looking for a cure for aging as I type this. So screw it. I could live to be 110. That’s potentially another 65 years. I’m going for it.

  15. It’s 2018 and this video was published 4 years ago. Avmacol and Prostafane (available in France) are now available and have been tested and used in controlled trials, shown to have predicable effective doses of Sulforophane. Refer to publications from Dr Rhonda Patrick and John Hopkin’s for more info. With regard to many of the other broccoli based supplements on the market, it is not unusual for unregulated supplements failing to contain what they claim, have questionable formulas with poor bioavailability, and/or contain active compounds not identified on labels Finding reputable products can make all the difference.

  16. Now try comparing a better supplement, like the one John Hopkins University did on sulforaphane, called Amvacol, which tested out to be beneficial, better than BroccoMax.

  17. Can you swallow freshly sprouted seeds whole without chewing? I can't stand the taste when chewing them. My question is whether they would still be digested or pass through the intestines intact like corn kernels.

  18. 🤮 horrible stuff ! Raw Onions and cruciferous things. Two things that make me shudder. Perhaps FREEZE DRIED I could encapsulate them myself?

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