Il latte fa bene alle ossa?

Il galattosio nel latte può spiegare perché il consumo di latte è associato a un rischio significativamente più elevato di fratture dell'anca, cancro e morte prematura.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Cosa possiamo fare per le nostre ossa, allora? Esercizi di carico come saltare, sollevare pesi e camminare con un giubbotto zavorrato o uno zaino possono aiutare, oltre ad assumere abbastanza calcio (Diete alcaline, proteine ​​animali e perdita di calcio http :// e vitamina D (Risoluzione della vitamina D-Bate Mangiare fagioli (Phytates for the Prevention of Osteoporosi ed evitando gli additivi fosfatici (Phosphate Additives in Meat Purge and Cola -e-cola/) può anche aiutare.<br/>
Forse l'angolo del galattosio può aiutare a spiegare i risultati sul cancro alla prostata (Prostata Cancro e latte biologico vs. latte di mandorla e morbo di Parkinson (Preventing Parkinson's Disease With Diet -con-dieta/).

Il galattosio è uno zucchero del latte. C'è anche preoccupazione per le proteine ​​del latte (vedi la mia serie casomorphin ) e grassi (The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public -up-the-public/ e Trans Fat in Meat and Dairy /video/trans-grasso-in-carne-e-latticini/) così come gli ormoni (Dairy Estrogen and Male Fertility, Estrogeni in carne, latticini e uova e perché Le donne vegane hanno 5 volte meno gemelli?

65 Risposte a “Il latte fa bene alle ossa?”

  1. The real problem is trying to get aging parents to quit drinking the poison.  I can expose them to this information, but they just tune it out and keep reaching for that white death.

  2. My mom will not listen no matter how many times i tell her.. She forces me to drink milk every morning.. Now I am 20 and I still drink it every morning. When I tell her about the risks she says its all lies.

  3. I am such a fan of yours. My family follows a very plant strong diet. I have been hearing lots lately about raw milk and its benefits. The raw milk "movement" suggest the problems with milk has to do with pasturization of milk. The heat denatures the proteins, etc. Are there any studies looking at this? Just wondering. Anyway, I am addicted to your videos. Thank you so much for reading all of these research articles so we don't have to! 🙂

  4. Common sense. What animal in the animal kingdom drinks the milk of another animal after infancy? We were not built to drink milk. We are emotional creatures however and we are easily fooled my marketing ploys. Got milk?

  5. Milk has no taste. Cheese taste like earwax. Yogurt taste like my sperm. Ice cream…that's okay but still dairy so fuck ice cream.

    But ye fuck dairy. I've been having it recently despite knowing this mostly just milk. Only for the calories. As an anorexic it's extremely difficult for me to find something i can keep down. Especially having braces it's hard.
    Prob gonna try soy milk again

  6. The video leaves on a cliffhanger! Where are the galactose studies on milk versus fermented products like dairy!!!???? He refers to that at the end of the video….

    Like this comment!!

  7. Also, vitamin D levels in nordic regions are lower are they not? Due to sunshine levels. Yes. The populations studied are probably controlled since they all live in the same place and therefore, presumably, can get a subpopulation that receives similar light levels.

    I say this cause other viewers have asked this and state the studies are biased because they don't account for the vitamin D/sunshine levels in nordic countries. And that could explain the higher death and osteoporosis correlations. I don't entirely agree with this statement but don't exactly know how to counter the logic. I would say they are all in the nordic countries on average receiving the same amount of light. The studies in the ideo are correlating death with milk consumption, which in itself could be a false correlation perhaps.

    I would be quick to add that You are what you Eat Eats. Therefore the pesticides in GMO corn consumed by sick, antibiotic, hormone filled cows do logically pose potential stressors on gut flora and other body systems of consumers.

  8. I've got steel bones m8 10 glasses a day since i was 6 and now im 13 and i see nothing bad happening to me sooooooo idk why its such a big problem

  9. PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION….When I google "calcium,dairy" a study from comes up. A cohort study from Calcified Tissue International 2016;98:1-17 It states that dairy is safe and necessary for calcium. Please respond.

  10. Would love to hear what you think about raw milk. I don't drink milk but I have friends who think it's actually good for them.

  11. Yeah…this awakens the sceptic in me. The conclusion of this video was that we don't understand the correlation between milk and heightened fractures or deaths found in the few studies you mentioned. Plus there was no consideration of the other side, reasons why milk is supposed to be good for you. The only way to provide a good controversial video is to explain BOTH sides, not just the one you believe in.

  12. I've drunk cows milk for years and never broken a bone and have perfect teeth, but I prefer science to my own experience so have gone completely WFPB, and feel better and stronger for it. WFPB is for the win!

  13. 30 years later researchers will discover that milk is good for you again. I hate researchers cuz they are so confident in there research and then years later they are completely proved wrong

  14. I don't think we should be drinking milk (for ethical reasons) but all the studies sited were from the bmj which doesn't peer review and has results with low repeatability. Please be careful with this shit

  15. Dr Greger or anyone here that may know or able to answer me! I had a heated argument with a friend over the dangers of dairy. I told him most studies that show the benefits of dairy are usually sponsored by the dairy industry. He responded with, "There are peer reviewed studies that show the benefits of dairy." Does anyone know if there have been any such studies? And if so, were they controversial for having been sponsored by the dairy industry?

    Many thanks!

  16. So it sounds like if someone is going to consume dairy products that it's better to consume a fermented form of it. I don't think I'll ever go full vegan but I have taken some steps to reduce Animal product intake and increase whole plant food intake. I'm quite Physically Active and try to exercise at least 6 days a week if time and energy permits. I used to use milk as a liquid base for a protein drink but I switched over to almond milk. I still have a good bit of whey protein left but once that's up I'm going to look into pea protein and other vegetable-based protein supplements. I've been having one egg a day as part of my typical diet but once my current carton of eggs is out, I won't be buying eggs anymore. I do still have about a cup of fat-free Greek yogurt everyday, though, and that's one of the things I will probably be holding on to.

  17. Thanks for the video! Maybe you should update you website to this topic since the answer there from 2012 seems to contradict this.
    Also, has there been an update to the studies yet? 3 years probably isnt long, but I sure am curious ^^

  18. Associated,… 🤔

    You know what's also associated with higher risk of hip fracture?….. Being taller and having a lower BMI and being older.

    Average height in the north of europe went up significantly more, overweight rates are smaller, life expectancy got much higher.

    It's interesting that those places with taller people, lower average BMI (both signs of better nutrition), drink more milk and have higher life expectancy.

    And yeah, the hip fracture rates there are a bit higher…. But then again,… Do you prefer being shorter, fatter and live less long?

  19. It depends on the milk people use for strong bones like babys drink their mommy’s milk to get big ya know?

    Not all are poisonous and there is only one or more buisness company that may BE doing the wrong situation

    Am i just a kid not understanding it? becausei grew up with it

  20. i only use milk for tea coffee curd and sweets.. basically in India life without milk cant be imagined. So fuck this proganda bullshit. Cows give enough milk to feed the calf and then humans

  21. People should really do their research u_u Milk isn't really that bad for bones. America's bone epidemic is the result of many contributing factors. For example, Americans typically consume high salt, caffeine, protein, phosphorus, and iron diets. They also lack proper exercise which contributes to the deterioration of bone & matrix fibers. The fortification of milk has been shown to help many people, especially older adults. Salt & Caffeine is known to leak calcium into our urine. Protein metabolizes into sulfate which significantly reduces the bodies ability to absorb calcium. Phosphorus is meant to be at a 1:1 ratio, but most Americans are running at 2:1 which inhibits the bodies ability to absorb calcium. The imbalance also causes calcification in muscle and soft tissue fibers. Iron is found in many of our foods & shares the same absorption receptors with calcium. I could go on, and on, because our bones require 20 key nutrients/minerals/vitamins to function properly. And lifestyle is just as important. Milk may have it's down sides, but increasing bone fractures isn't one of them.

  22. Oh cmon, where are they getting these percentages and rates? I can see this being a very sloppy put together ratio of numbers, maybe the study can explain that milk, naturally being baby mammal's food would have enriching and healthy minerals to have strong growth in the body and bones more than likely, seems very suitable for the babies and humans.

  23. You shud first shutdown these fat burger n pizza then comment on milk…..Id been drinking milk since childhood I'm so strong my bones are like steel

  24. Drinking excessive amounts of milk is believed to acidify the body’s natural blood pH, which in turn triggers a biological correction in order to protect the kidneys. As calcium is an alkaline mineral it is thought that the body sacrifices calcium from the bones to neutralise the rise in blood acidity. Calcium from the bones is then excreted in the urine and not recycled leaving a net calcium deficiency

  25. Cow's milk is for baby cows! Not for human consumption. No wonder it's associated with all these health problems later on down the road.

  26. Was the cow's milk from quality 100% grass fed cows, or was it the "conventional" milk? I'm guessing these "studies" used the cheap, "conventional" milk.

  27. what if a naturopath has prescribed minerals such as potassium and magnesium phosphate and it says on the label jar 'contains lactose'. Is it possible these minerals could be harmful?'

  28. what about the theory which says plant based calcium is less absorbable and you cannot achieve the daily intake with plant based calcium ? plus you need calcium to get red of oxalates otherwise you will suffer kidney stones

  29. The fact that many doctors discourage veganism due the fact that one may not get adequate calcium. Vegan diets do have calcium, you just have to eat properly!

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