Calcoli renali e spinaci, bietole e verdi di barbabietola: non mangiare troppo

Dato il loro contenuto di ossalati, quanto sono troppi spinaci, bietole, bietole, funghi chaga in polvere, mandorle, anacardi, carambola, e tè istantaneo?

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Se te lo sei perso, assicurati di guardare il video precedente: Oxalates in Spinach and Kidney Stones: Dovremmo essere preoccupati? (

Per essere chiari, incoraggio tutti a mangiare ogni giorno enormi quantità di foglie verde scuro, il cibo più sano del pianeta, ma se segui questo consiglio (e dovresti!) Quindi scegli uno degli altri meravigliosi green. Se mangi quantità noiose regolari di verdure (come una porzione al giorno), non importa quale scegli. Continuo a mangiare sempre spinaci, bietole e bietole. È solo che puoi esagerare con quei tre, quindi quando sto cercando di raggiungere la mia quota di foglie verdi di una sterlina al giorno, personalmente prendo principalmente cavoli, cavoli e rucola, che hanno anche il vantaggio aggiuntivo di essere crocifero!<br/>
Perché i verdi ci fanno così bene? Come non lo sono?!
• Mangiare verde per prevenire il cancro ( prevenire-cancro/)
• Il recettore dei broccoli: la nostra prima linea di difesa (https:/ /
• Verdi contro glaucoma (
• Prevenire il morbo di Alzheimer con le piante (
• Rallentare il nostro metabolismo con verdure ricche di nitrati ( verdure-ricche di nitrati/)
• I benefici di cavoli e cavoli per il colesterolo (
• Cervello sano Alimenti per combattere l'invecchiamento (http://nutritionfac
• Gli integratori di luteina aiutano con la funzione cerebrale? (

Alcuni suggerimenti su come prepararli per ottenere il massimo beneficio:
• Come cucinare le verdure (
• Seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli ( )
• Il dottor Greger in cucina: la mia nuova bevanda preferita (

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100 Risposte a “Calcoli renali e spinaci, bietole e verdi di barbabietola: non mangiare troppo”

  1. To be clear, I encourage everyone to eat huge amounts of dark green leafies every day, the healthiest food on the planet, but if you follow this advice (and you should!) then just choose any of the other wonderful greens. If you eat regular boring amounts of greens (like a serving a day) then it doesn't matter which you choose. Some tips on how you might prep them for max benefit: How to Cook Greens ( and Second Strategy to Cooking Broccoli (

  2. This is what i don't like about nutritionfacts videos are short and confusing. After seeing this my conclusion is stay away from tea and spinach. He talks about negative facts about spinach pretty much all video,even at low quantities, then he ends telling spinach is super healthy "really".

  3. Yeah, I don't even eat spinach anymore. I stick with lower oxalate greens like turnip greens and mustard greens and steam them. I might eat one piece of high vitamin C fruit (like an orange) with my greens to help with iron absorption (or sprinkle the juice of a lemon or lime on them), but that's it. My diet is getting really dialed in based on years of nutritional research from folks like Dr. Greger, Dr. McDougall, and Dr. Klaper not to mention the data on the Okinawans and Tarahumara, both who have anti-obesogenic and anti-atherogenic diets.

  4. Half the greens are high in oxalates and the other half (cruciferous) have too many goitrogens . . . Is there a middle ground?

  5. the 20 thumbs down so far 2 this jenuineli truthful video
    must have an emotional attachment to their POPEYE the die young sailorman….
    or something….

  6. That information is very important for people who are > prone < to that illness…NOT everyone is. Know your body…I do 10-16 ounces often to daily in a green smoothie and have had no issues in almost 4 years. > Check out, Dr.Brooke Goldner. < Prayers and blessings to those who do have issues.

  7. I ate spinach chicken and tuna almost everyday for an entire month when I was doing a keto challenge at work. I also drank a lot of instant tea lol. I guess my body is good at eliminating oxalate. I will keep these things in mind and diversify, though a handful of spinach is probably going to be a staple for me.

  8. Cooked spinach has 2 times less oxalate… But when you cook spinaches, they are so much "reduced" that you eat 10 times more of them, than if left uncooked :p

  9. Great Info as always, Yeah I think I'm going to stick wit Arugula and Watercress which taste better than Spinach anyway

  10. I guess anything, even good for us, in huge quantity of single food can have side effects, variety of foods instead of single mega dose of one is key.

  11. Sorry , but this Greek girl practically grew up on spinach via daily spanikopita in which pounds of spinach were baked raw into a crust. My grandparents and great grandparents ate at least as much. No kidney issues, but I have really string bones. Anecdotal? Yes. But I'm notunusual, stop scaring people.

  12. Oh my god, why I don't know this. I cooking much spinat and tomatos and kidneybeans together with kurkuma and pepper amd I eating a lot from these. Thank your for this…

  13. My partner has ' a stone in every organ that can have a stone in it.' Before I met him and helped him transfer over to a more plant based diet he was getting kidney stones every couple months. He still gets them about once a year. I don't know what to do to help him.

  14. I was about to reck my fricking kidneys. For the past 3 days Ive had 3 cups of spinach and 3 cups of beet greens plus about 1/4 of almonds.

  15. I finally find a green vegetable thats healthy that I like and now I can't eat it because it will give me kidney stones . 😒 Just can't win anything.

  16. That's where Liam Hemsworth failed as he had a spinach/almond smoothie each morning and now blamed it on the whole plant-based diet – I'd wish he would get in touch with Dr. Greger

  17. I knew about the oxalate problem before and therefore limit my consumption. I just whished I would like kale better. Sigh…

  18. Every time I had a kidney stone I ate low carb high fat while I was extremely dehydrated and I had only a cup of cofee in the morning. Once I ate nothing but two avocados. The other time I ate pistachios and raw broccoli. The pain would come in waves with every fatty meal after 15 minutes.

    Eating fruit stopped the pain. Oddly enough I stopped a kidney stone with starfruit on two occasions..

    Now I stay hydrated and avoid keto meals.

    The first time I went to the hospital the Dr's told me not to eat meat and cheese. I told them I was plant based. The internet told me not to eat the top 30 healthiest fruits and vegetables. The water cure told me to prevent supersaturated urine by drinking enough water. I believe that is the answer.

  19. Wow, I have been blending two cups (85g) of baby spinach or baby spinach/Kale for a long time now with no issues. I will stop that immediately and just eat salads instead. Maybe the other things in that smoothie saved me from having problems. Maybe I did have some issues but thought it was something else. Crazy

  20. Íve had kidney stones since I was 8yrs old. They suck and yes tea and spinach make my kidneys ache sometimes when I have too much. I’d heed the Dr’. Advice if I were… anyone. Kidney stones are sooooo not fun to say the least. As well if you do have issues with kidney stones the one of the best advice I ever received is to more than focusing on what you eat, focus on your water intake. Drink drink drink lots of water so that the oxalates get flushed through and don’t get a chance to crystallize. This simple change has made the biggest difference in reducing reoccurring stones for me.

  21. But what about turmeric? It is very tempting to have both spinach and turmeric on the same day, and I'm often wondering if a teaspoon limit of turmeric is still valid. And to be perfectly honest calling something that can easily give you kidney stones at such minimal dosage "healthiest food on planet" is somewhat… "hypish". Anyways, oxalates = spinach + turmeric. Please indicate safe combined intake. Also perhaps spreaded distribution of consumption of these throughout the day may matter too? PS: doesn't cinnamon deserve to be mentioned among oxalate superfoods? So for many people it is greens AND spices total for proper daily intake… Also how much oxalate from turmeric (powdered) goes into body isn't quite clear, it might be less available than in spinach, right?

  22. I eat more than a cup of greens everyday, no problems so far. I get my vitamins this way, I prepare my boiled greens for the week and ready to go. No pain when going to the restroom so far. Feel great.

  23. I'm confuse, Dr Walter heald many people with his juice and often he recommended daily spinach juices, he said that only cooked oxalate are an issus never raw?

  24. I gave myself kidney stones doing spinach smoothies for a couple weeks. Blood in urine and everything. The doctor was confused because after I passed then I didn't have any more stones that would show up with the ultrasound. It was just a week or pain, a lot of blood in my urine and it was over and done with. Never again. 😂😂

  25. Dr Brooke Goldner healed her lupus with 70% kale and spinach and 30% fruit. The question is what the people who got sick ate with their spinach?

  26. Interesting that you try and eat healthy but still can have develop health problems. You have to be careful with everything that you do.

  27. Great! I always used spinach in my smoothies… Like ALOT, kale would be a better choice? I normally thought it was healthy and cheap to add almost as a filler. Hmmmm.

  28. EXCELLENT I DO NOT KNOW WHY THIS INFO IS NOT GIVEN OUT BY UROLOGISTs MY HUSBAND HAS SEEN 3 DIFFERENT UROLOGISTs. The 1st DR. around 201 in Scottsdale – -warned him against tums and the like and taking vitamins as he had written his own pamphlet on the use of minerals and Vit C attributing towards kidney stones. So then my husband read the pamphlet and stopped taking tums and vitamins/minerals. I don't think NOT taking vitamins/minerals is a good thing for someone on the SAD diet. Now aprx 20 yrs later, after gradually feeling lousy year after year,,,,I was able to get him to start taking vit/minerals again * I buy as high a quality as I can afford * I would like to see a video on the quality of vitamin companies. Which Vitamin companies have the best ratios on their mix and which ones are most complete, which company produces the highest quality. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO DR. GREGER *PEACE

  29. This is a much better video from Dr. Greger, but I wish he had mentioned almonds, which is a common ingredient in a lot of vegan food in the title, as well as oxalates. Again, he fails to mention that oxalate overload can lead to cancer

  30. I don't get it..If the calcium in spinach, chard, and beet greens binds to the oxalates preventing their absorption, then what's the problem?

  31. Anyone know about commercially made cashew milk and oxalate content? It's my favorite plant milk- I have about a cup a day in smoothies and oatmeal. There is very little info online.

  32. Consult your doctor who doesn't even know about healthy foods. He will give u pharmaceutical drug to prevent kidney stones. Ohh wow.. If u want to be always their customers then follow their advice as simple as that

  33. There's a reason that starch is at the heart of the WFPB, not green leafys, or masses of nuts. These are ok for a few servings, but you mix it up alternating broccoli, cauliflower, kale and a little of nuts, not masses, unless you're an athlete perhaps. Water is our natural drink too people.

  34. I don't know who would think drinking a gallon of tea a day would be healthy lol

    I guess there are actually many plants we could eat too much of and not have these negative effects, so it's understandable I guess

  35. How much matcha tea is considered "overdoing it?" For example, I'm 5'7", I use about 2 teaspoons of good quality matcha powder per day. Too much oxalate or likely okay?

  36. Not giving up on my spinach. Never had any problems, raw in smoothies (200/300 gram) or cooked for years. When you drink enough water ( clear pee all the time) there won't be any trouble, for a healthy person. spinach gives you that raw rosy glow.

  37. I got a small kidney stone within a week of eating a few beetroots per day (1-3 large, cooked). I'm 32 and otherwise very healthy with no history of stones. Vegan over 5 years. This was my second time ever taking medication of any kind.

  38. My grandparents ate collard greens, corn bread and butter milk for lunch and dinner just about everyday. They lived to be in their late 90’s. I guess some people are more prone to stones then others.

  39. I've been eating spinach and drinking green smoothies made with a mix of spinach, collard greens, and a few other dark greens which slip my mind for years not knowing about the calcium oxalates causing stones. I'm known to get stones. I was in the Emergency room twice in 6 months. Endes up with a catheter because the stone got lodged in my prostate or bladder. I pissed out a 6mm stone after the catheter was removed. Never again will I drink greens smoothies made from spinach. I really need to drink them because they lower my blood sugar and blood pressure. Sometimes you just can't win.

  40. I drink 23ozs of lemon water on an empty stomach 1st thing in AM and 2 more a day, daily for yrs. I’m convinced that even with high oxalate foods eaten regularly, enough water intake can negate the damaging affects and help prevent kidney stones. I don’t drink ANY soda and haven’t for decades. IMO If more people substituted soda and tea with lemon water, kidney stones would not be a concern.

  41. Great video. I used to eat lots of spinach. Never had stones I'm still young 38 now but my urine was very dark on spinach. I spinach in salad. I was eating nothing but salads my urine was dark. Does this apply also to super green powders? Some super green powders contain beetroot in the red one's and spinach in the green one's.

  42. I have macular degeneration and spinach is exceptionally good against that disease. So I wonder how much spinach I can eat without causing kidney problems. When Dr. Greger talks about "cups a day", does he mean cups of raw spinach or cups of cooked spinach? 1 cup of cooked spinach is about 5 cups of raw spinach !

  43. Even the cocoa contain oxalates (and this is the only food that I consume). Dark chocolate contains oxalates. But spinach contains 4x more. 100g of spinach contains approximately more than 1000mg of oxalates. Which means that is scorchingly high in oxalates. Second thing – it tastes offensive and ugly. Spinach tastes like a 🔧. This is something that I hate and spinach leaves that taste in your mouth that don't go away. Because of this, I hate spinach. I can't stand spinach. Also, Swiss Chard, rhubarb and beetroot all look unappealing to me. That plants look repulsive to me, and beetroot is basically tasteless (it tastes like nothing). But the only food that I eat, and that is very (but not astonishingly) high in oxalates is cocoa and dark chocolate. I enjoy in this bittersweet food periodically and at times, while avoiding other high oxalate foods (including dreaded spinach). I eat dark chocolate in moderation, but avoid spinach (and Swiss Chard, beets, rhubarb and other plants). I'm a healthy person (without any predisposition for kidney stones), yet I avoid foods that I mentioned (except for dark chocolate that I love). So, I will run away from spinach. End of the story.

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