Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia?

Come possono i cibi a base di soia avere entrambe le cose, effetti pro-estrogenici in alcuni organi (protezione delle ossa e riduzione dei sintomi delle vampate di calore) ma anti- effetti estrogenici negli altri (protezione contro il cancro al seno e all'endometrio)?

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E la soia geneticamente modificata? Vedi Soia OGM e cancro al seno ( .

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100 Risposte a “Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia?”

  1. What about soy for kids (ages 2+)? Is there any truth to phytoestrogens in soy being bad for sexual development? Thank you so much for all the information. This is such an amazing resource!

  2. aushwitz diet made greger the walking dead the he is. don't follow his bs unless u wanna loose all ur hair, have the muscle density of a 12 year old and Bernie Madoff as ur friend

  3. Fibroids affect 1/5 women and is the leading cause of hysterectomies in women which can have significant long term health impacts.  Any research on affects of soy and other dietary patterns on fibroids?

  4. Ever since I've increased my soy intake I've been getting acne and what seems to be hormonal imbalance.. Is it connected? I'm trying to limit my soy intake to find out!

  5. So what is a reasonable amount? Im eating 200grams of soy spaghetti with 1 vegan burger right now, I used one spoon of soy in my smoothie earlier. Am I overdoing it?

  6. Why isn't this information more well known by doctors? I have a friend who's breast cancer is in remission but was told by her doctor to completely avoid soy. This and many other personal experiences of total incompetence and carelessness with other people's lives is why I don't trust the majority of doctors for a single second🖕🏻

  7. Soy is a rich source of omega 6. Not a good idea as our diets provide way too much omega 6 as it is. This lower omega 3 profile is a real problem to our health and drives many inflammatory conditions. Soy is a poor food choice. Not talked about on here. Think it's time to go elsewhere to get info.

  8. I think I have soy allergy…. ;( but I can eat tempeh with no problems. You should make a video about processed soy products and the dangers behind. I still find it hard though to understand that soy milk is okay to consume. It is also processed.

  9. Thank you Mike. I have been researching soy milk side effects recently and I am coming across a bunch of scary stuff including the blogs by Dr. Mercola telling us that soy contains aluminum particles, toxins and growth stunting chemicals. Haha. Now you are saying that soy is beneficial for us even soy milk. Thank you for this video that saves me from having to return 10 cartons of soy milk to the Dollar Tree store. I'm only drinking one carton of soy milk a day blended with fruit in blender and it tastes so great and creamy. I think that one carton a day can't prevent cell division right? Why is Dr. Mercola alarming people about soy? I am very confused. Is he paid by the meat industry? Ha.

  10. I am 54, vegan, and thank God I don't suffer from menopause simptoms at all I would say. I do skateboarding, and my bones resist pretty well the falls.

  11. For years I have been consuming whole milk , now after being more inform and educated I'll start consuming more almond and soy milk .

  12. This is good to know since I have a genetic illness called hypermobility syndrome EDS and at the age of 26, my bone mass is already low and doctors said I’m gonna get worse and there is nothing I can do to stop it but I refuse to believe it. Yes, there is no cure for me but I believe that a healthy diet along with my strength training workouts, can help manage my health in the long run.

  13. You should have been a voice over actor. You have a cool and persuasive voice. If they ever do an animated version of the X Files, you would be perfect for Mulder.

  14. Excellent review! I eat anywhere between 250 to 500 mg of soy phytoestrogens per day, and even my multivitamin pills contain 40 mg of soy phytoestrogens. I also take probiotic pills containing the proper bacteria strains that convert daidzein into (S)-Equol (which is a metabolite of daidzein with the highest "estrogenicity" of all phytoestrogens. Indeed, I've been trying to explain this topic to mainstream anti-intellectuals and iGnorant iDiots for years now, that soy phytoestrogens are good for both men and women alike, because they're SERMs-like molecules, not actual estrogens. Mainstream thinkers however, don't understand what the hell a SERM is, so there's always that cognitive dissonance. Anyway keep up the good work.

  15. I was just wondering does the High Levels of Magnesium contribute to the Higher Bone Densities in those who consume Soy Products? Isn't there a correlations to those who eat Mag-Rich foods?

  16. I supposedly had a soy allergy when I was tested as a kid… but I ate soy products anyway (it's in so many things) and over time I lost faith in the accuracy of the allergy test since I've never had a reaction.

  17. Dr. McDougal has a vid out that says that 40 grams of soy protein/day
    increases Insulin Life Growth factor 70%. Does Dr. Greger address this?

  18. Isn't the estrogenic effects of soy supposed to be not so good for males as it can fuck with their estrogen/testosterone balance?

  19. Thank you for that fine information. I was hoping you would address the effects of soy and breast cancer. I have read a couple of studies that said soy is an estrogen mimicker and may set women up for increased risk for breast breast cancer. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks you.

  20. Soy is not health, it is only health when fermented and organic, but it still blocks many nutrients from entering our bodies. It needs to be fermented in order to stop this from happening.
    The soy nowadays is gm based soy. It has been formulated to stop the soy plant from dying when sprayed with weed killers. If the plant is safe, then these chemicals with do the damage.

  21. can anyone explain why dr. mcdougall is against soy products saying, "Why you might not want to consume isolated soy products! In this audio excerpt Dr John McDougall explains the connection between these soy products and increasing IGF-1 levels. When you raise your IGF-1 levels you greatly increase your risk of cancer.

  22. I watched this video to see if it was good to take protein powder no gmo daily 30 grams in my breakfast, until the end of the video disappointed me.

  23. Thumbs down for click bait title. You didn't answer the question. Merely touched on it as an afterthought. You mentioned those with allergies, but not any other conditions, like hypo- or hyper- thyroid. I've "heard" those with thyroid issues should avoid soy, but it was not from people with medical or scientific backgrounds. And no doctor has addressed this question fully. Merely glossed over it. Leaving me highly dissatisfied.

  24. I want to say something about the whole "soy boy" myth:

    Are you worried about "phytoestrogens?" Okay… scientists are at work on that. They'll get back to us when they have an answer. There is some evidence that too much soy can mess with your thyroid. But making you less of a man (smaller penis, mantits, etc.). Probably not.

    Even if so, many of these same people who push this "soy boy" crap seem to worry little about the REAL ESTROGEN in beef. Big Ag pumps what is essentially birth control (female hormones, estrogen) into beef and you consume it every time you eat beef, cheese, or drink milk. Real estrogen does the very thing "soy boy" pushers worry about.

    As far as we can tell, soy boys can actually have more testosterone. This may be because the beef-eaters have more estrogen in their systems than soy boys, which has an effect of cutting down testosterone. But "phytoestrogens" don't appear to have this effect. How ironic.

    For evidence, look at the study "Hormones and diet: low insulin-like growth factor-I but

    normal bioavailable androgens in vegan men," by "NE Allen, PN Appleby, GK Davey, and TJ Key," which is available on the website of the NIH.

  25. Ok. But can soy cause early puberty in girls?
    I keep hearing this rumor. I’d like to know the truth. Do you have a video about this issue?
    Thank you 😊

  26. I am eating vegan but had a reaction to soy milk , so had to switch to almond milk. I started getting an eczema condition that was getting worse and worse till I cut out soy milk. I wasn’t very happy about that since soy is a good source of protein. I wonder if I could get away with soy products and it’s only soy milk (no sugar added) I need to avoid 🤔

  27. I have osteoporosis on my spine. Would a 250g serving of organic soy yoghurt improve this? The brand Sojade is an organic soy brand without any additives or added sugars, so I'm tempted to try there milk and yoghurts. Is 250g a day a safe amount?

  28. Hi Dr. Greger can we define or put some parameters on what "normal" soy consumption might look like versus over consumption?
    I am asking because I drink about 20 oz of soy milk daily. 7days a week.
    Plus about a total of 500g of tofu weekly and my aunt who is a nutritionist is very worried that I'm consuming too much soy.
    And I love soy milk , tofu, tempeh, soy curls. Now she's messing with my mojo because I'm starting to worry that I'm eating too much soy.
    Hence my request.

  29. What about soy infant formula? My granddaughter’s doctor did not like it because we put her on soy. The doctor convinced my daughter the soy milk would be too much estrogen in her little body. I do not agree. Would babies receive the same effects? Or would the infant formula be like taken a soy supplement?

  30. I drank Soy milk while going through menopause, intuitively mind you, because back then I didn't know of how it could help with menopause symptoms. I think I had 2 hot flashes at the time. One was because I had combined peanut butter and wine in a meal. The other was less intense and that was it. I slept well, didn't really have any other symptoms at all. I actually feel good when I eat soy products, organic of course and sprouted when possible! Thank you for sharing!

  31. I watched this video so busy people like you don't have to. The answer is people who are allergic to soy, which is one in two-thousand.

  32. Ironic hearing you say soy protects from ovarian cancer considering my diet was extemely high in soy right before I got ovarian cancer.

  33. Can people with an under active thyroid on Thyroxine consume soy? I have been using soy milk over the last week and trying to find out (research wise) whether it’s okay to consume it? I can’t seem to find any research results to definitely say, not to consume.

  34. Thank you for the work that you put into this! I wonder how soy consumption can help with a family history of osteoporosis and the history of women in my family getting a hump in the back of their neck/back in their 30s. It is more than just posture and exercise. Love the research! Thank you!

  35. This only covers some studies around peri- & post- menopausal women. It doesn’t talk about kids, women of reproductive age, pregnancy, men, people with PCOS, obesity or other conditions. It doesn’t really answer the question. More it just says soy consumption can be used as an alternative to HRT with fewer risks.

  36. What about Hashimoto sufferers who are on medication – if I eat sot 12 hours apart from the medication can I avoid the absorption interference I am told soy has?

  37. People around the world: we need strong bones. Better start drink cow milk.
    Soybeans: I'll be here when you finally get some sense.

  38. Is there any way we can do an updated video on this topic but specifically in men and soys effects on testosterone?

    I know it's niech but it's a concern for many

  39. I’ve been told for years to avoid soy because of Hashimoto’s disease. I haven’t stopped eating edamame – I love it. But I also haven’t been able to lower my thyroid attacking antibodies since being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Where does the advice to avoid soy come from for those with thyroid disease?

  40. I have long felt that soy interfered with levothyroxine treatment of my hypothyroidism. After eating soy containing foods, I feel the same as I would if i had missed taking the levothyroxine for several days. Any basis for this?

  41. Thank you very much for this very important video, Dr. Greger, can you please comment on the oestrogen dependant disease endometriosis? Is soy safe or even beneficial for the same reasons?

  42. Thank you for simplifying this for people who are not from the medical fraternity. Though Veganism is not a diet, the work of plant based doctors greatly help the cause. Thank you Dr. Greger

  43. people who are allergic to soy shouldn't eat soy. I personally get super ill from soy, so I don't eat it – I believe it's the genistein that makes me really ill!

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