Trattare l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta

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DESCRIZIONE: Le diete a base vegetale non solo sembrano prevenire il declino della funzione renale, ma possono anche essere utilizzate per curare l'insufficienza renale. Anche a parità di carico proteico, l'organismo è in grado di gestire meglio l'escrezione di fosforo dalle diete a base vegetale, riducendo il rischio di calcificazione metastatica.
Questo è il secondo video di una serie in due parti sulle ultime scoperte sulla funzionalità renale e sul cibo. Vedi anche Prevenire l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta ( Questo è un altro motivo per cui le proteine ​​vegetali sono preferibili ( e il cibo è, dopo tutto, un pacchetto. Inoltre, le diete a base vegetale possono aiutare a prevenire ( e trattare ( diabete, prevenire ( and Treat ( BPCO, Prevenire ( and Treat ( artrite, Prevenire ( and Treat ( cancro, Prevenire ( e Trattare ('è-una-cura/) malattie cardiache e obesità ( Perché più fornitori nella comunità medica non abbracciano le diete a base vegetale? Guarda il mio video, The Tomato Effect ( e le centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti su http://<br/>
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Credito immagine: Royonx tramite Wikimedia Commons, Euthman tramite Flickr e Cihangir Tetik, MD.
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33 Risposte a “Trattare l'insufficienza renale attraverso la dieta”

  1. Or it could be the fact that a lot of the phosphorus in vegetables is in phytate, which isn't absorbed. People wanting to put a positive spin on vegetarian/vegan diets always say "you can get your iron/calcium/whatever from vegetables!"… Except that you don't absorb nearly as much. Like I have said before, your videos often present a floor that has been swept with Occam's broom.

  2. My Cat new this a while back. Dec 22 2013 my female kitty had kidney failure so bad the vet said she would not make it . Her urea and phoshor counts where not-measurable by the instruments, literally of the charts. He brought in his blood technician, I guess they gave her partial blood transfusions over three days. She recovered thankfully. The vets called her the miracle kitty.
    Soon after this nightmare turned miracle,for what ever reason one day I decided to give her a bean,oh yeah because she was up on the counter like a bad kitty eating the bean. She now wants fresh green beans everyday.Sometimes as many as 10 beans a day.  Now she eats more beans than hard food,and She has stopped vomiting, and her urine clumps in the box are bigger than before she started her green diet.I assume because she is not vomiting so anymore, she is retaining more fluids, which in turn help her kidney function. Maybe her hairballs started the whole thing. Now she eats beans, she has less hair obstruction,which means no vomiting, which mean more water .Beans have saved my kitty girl, now momma's life .She use to vomit up hairballs sometimes twice daily. I haven't witnessed one episode of hairball retching since her new diet. Damn she almost says bean, bean , She also eats broccoli flowers, brussel sprouts ,she tried kale once.
    Her vet said beans wont hurt her but the protein is bad with kidney issues.

    Now that I hear this good news from the study, I think maybe this is why her health has improved. Good news a around I'd say

  3. Red bell peppers are low in potassium and high in flavor, but that’s not the only reason they’re perfect for the kidney diet. These tasty vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. Red bell peppers are good for you because they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain cancers.

  4. My mom is gonna go through dialysis she almost died the first time …I might have to donate one of my kidneys someone help me please

  5. I suffered for 2 months with my first attack on 9/23/15. I Went to E.R. twice with no cure. On 11/16/15 two days before I was to visit a kidney specialist I tried your cure. At first I thought it wasn't going to work as I got a bad case of diarrhea. The next day at work I could tell something was going on and by the time I got home and went to the bathroom I passed a stone twice the size of a B.B. Instantly I finally felt relief. I was able to give the stone to the specialist to have analyzed and am now waiting to hear the results. I passed the 2 month old stone within 24 hours. Thank you, Joe for making a believer of me and getting rid of the horrible pain.

  6. I totally agree with everything Joe Barton says in his book.>> . Our American diet is terrible. I've been attempting to change my family's diet for a long time and although I haven't gone completely raw, I certainly include many more raw foods in our shopping list and diet. It's hard to change when other members of your family are a little less willing to take the plunge. We all have to eat, and the grocery funds only go so far. That said, I am totally convinced and working toward the goal of a healthy diet.

  7. Is kidney disease progressive until transplant or can diet reverse it? The reason I ask is that a close friend has low kidney function and he's looking down the barrel of a shotgun so to speak.

  8. This is very interesting to me. I am doing an internship at a dialysis center and they tend to shy away from recommending a lot of fruits and vegetables due to the fluid content. Instead they recommend lean animal meat protein. You have a wide open audience there Dr. Greger!

  9. There are many factors in remedies for kidney disease. One place I discovered that succeeds in merging these is the Jaylands Kidney Kit (google it if you're interested) definately the most incredible guide i've heard of. look at the extraordinary info .

  10. This is just the basic foundation of healing CKD to lower the acidity in our body and that means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables high in alkaline to have a balance ph level (80% alkaline food to 20% non-alkaline food). You have to do this for about 4 – 12 months. I know it's not easy and it takes a lot of discipline but I guarantee you, you'll see a lot of improvement in your health. This is also complimented by taking some specific vitamins and herbs. I can share the link if you want to find out more. Just like some of you, I am also a CKD sufferer and I'm looking for an answer and so far this protocol is working for me.

  11. Kudos for the Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you considered – Trentvorty Perfection Kidney Theorem (should be on google have a look)? It is a good one of a kind product for improving kidney function without the normal expense. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my buddy after many years got astronomical success with it.

  12. interesting points ,if anyone else wants to discover
    treatments for chronic kidney disease
    try Franaar Healthy Kidney Formula (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.

  13. I had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for 7 years. My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD,i never thought i could get rid of this lung disease not until I found their supplement are 100% guaranteed.

  14. Yes! I learned this a while ago! And we all know that ANIMAL FLESH/ PROTEINS are HARDER to digest! Our BODIES ARE DESIGNED TO BE VEGETARIANS anyway( compare our teeth to carnivore's! We only have a couple of large teeth to grind meats! Our colons are designed to be vegans,or vegetarians as well! They keep foods longer in than carnivores ,ours are more complex & the longer we hold,the more they rot in,so not safe for us to eat meat,carnivores's colons are designed to hold foods/ flesh for shorter times to prevent that .Theirs are made simple.So, vegans & vegetarian diets are definitely kidney friendly diets!( as OUR BODIES ABSORB PHOSPHORUS MUCH LESS FROM PLANTS/ VEGGIES than from meats!).THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO,VERY NEEDED!

  15. PUBLIC NOTICES: Genuine k1dney donors are needed urgently we will offer you amount of 8crore payment procedure 50% advance 4crore before surgery and balance 50% after surgery 4crore. male or female donor''s above the age 18 and younger than 60 of age in goood health condition for more info
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  17. the metabolic syndrome is causing ckd so a diet that builds more insulin is the way to go :)))) pathetic … are you a doctor even? i hope you have ckd along with this advice

  18. This is just the basic foundation of healing CKD to lower the acidity in our body and that means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables high in alkaline to have a balance ph level (80% alkaline food to 20% non-alkaline food). You have to do this for about 4 – 12 months. I know it's not easy and it takes a lot of discipline but I guarantee you, you'll see a lot of improvement in your health. This is also complimented by taking some specific vitamins and herbs.
    I truly recommend that you watch this video (How To Lower Creatinine Levels, Improve Kidney Function, and Safeguard Your Kidneys) , click here:

    Esta es solo la base básica de la curación de la ERC para reducir la acidez en nuestro cuerpo y eso significa comer muchas frutas y verduras con alto contenido alcalino para tener un nivel de ph equilibrado (80% de alimentos alcalinos y 20% de alimentos no alcalinos). Tiene que hacer esto durante aproximadamente 4 a 12 meses. Sé que no es fácil y se necesita mucha disciplina, pero te garantizo que verás una gran mejora en tu salud. Esto también se complementa tomando algunas vitaminas y hierbas específicas.

  19. Big thanks to Dr emuakhe on YouTube for his herbal supplements for the total elimination of my kidney deases.may you live forever..

  20. We all need to share Dr Emuakhe on YouTube to everyone who also need some herbs to cure Kidney Disease, Dr Emuakhe is the best thanks so much for also helping me out..

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